# Learning Strategy
# November to February Goal
Time | Activity | Observation |
6:30-8:00 | Gym + French | |
8:00-8:45 | Competitive Programming | CSES Problem Set or Leetcode |
9:00-10:00 | Finish C++ / Python courses | 1:15 each with 15min for review and 15 min for relax
For C++ STD and STL and gRPC For Python STD and STL and gRPC |
10:00-11:00 | ||
11:00-12:00 | ||
2 hours in the afternoon | FrontEnd | Typescript and Vue |
# Prioritization
“MoSCoW” is an acronym for must-have, should-have, could-have, and won't-have, each denoting a category of prioritization.
# C++
# Must-have:
- { text: '15% - C++ Standard Library Features', link: '/Pages/C++/Standard_Library_Features.html' },
- { text: '0% - Start new Course - C++ Templates and the STL', link: '/Pages/C++/CppSTL.html' },
- { text: '20% - Finish the 1 hour youtube video - Cmake', link: '/Pages/C++/Cmake.html' },
- { text: '2% - Competitive Programming', link: '/Pages/C++/CompetitiveProgramming.html' },
# C++ Quick Wins:
- { text: '50% - Finish 24 min video - C++ Linear Algebra', link: '/Pages/C++/Eigen_Matrix.html' },
- { text: '20% - 50 min course - C++ Best Practices', link: '/Pages/C++/CppBestPractices.html' },
# C++ Tasks:
- { text: '0% - Find the course - OpenCV with C++', link: '/Pages/C++/OpenCV-C++.html' },
- { text: '10% - Find a boost course and revise Frazer course - Boost libraries', link: '/Pages/C++/Boost.html' },
# Should-have:
(OpenCV with QT)[https://www.packtpub.com/product/cross-platform-application-development-with-opencv-4-and-qt-5-video/9781788479080]
{ text: '30% - C++ OpenGL', link: '/Pages/C++/OpenGL.html' },
- { text: '10% - QT', link: '/Pages/C++/QT.html' },
# Could-have:
- { text: '100% - Look for youtube video to add things - Putty - Serial interceptor', link: '/Pages/C++/Putty.html' },
# Python
# Must-have:
C++ Quick Wins:
C++ Tasks:
# Should-have:
# Could-have:
# Javascript
# Must-have
Docker - easy
# Learning Path
Build VuePress Manual.
Deploy to Github Pages
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Right Report and submit until 24/05/2020.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Build VuePress Manual.
Or Build an application to use the Rest API.
in One Month
Application Still to be decided and ideally to be an Skinny Robot application - Real Application.
# Data Science:
Data Science with Python:
Applied Data Science with Python Specialization
MIT - MicroMasters® Program in Statistics and Data Science
Big data Analytics using Spark
UCSan Diego - MicroMasters Program in Data Science
Python TDD:
Nick Radcliffe TDDA with Python
Testing with Pytest for Data Science
Python for finance and Data analytics - Course on my HD
PyCharm Tips and Tricks for Django
Apache Spark
Apache Spark Essential Training with Ben Sullins
SQL for Statistics Essential Training
Advanced SQL for Query Tuning and Performance Optimization
# Future advancements
GitHub Actions:
Actions, second choice - Ray Villalobos
Vue 3.0
Vue 3.0, Composition API, Vue Unit Testing Vuex, Vue Router course
InversifyJS, inversion of control
Integration Travis CI + Django/Docker Project
Won't have:
# C++
Web Servers and APIs using C++
[C++ Unreal Engine 25gb]([FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Unreal Engine C++ Developer Learn C++ and Make Video Games)
Embedded Systems:
Embedded Systems Programming on ARM Cortex-M3M4 Processor - Downloaded Course
Effective Programming in C and C++
# OpenCV
# Courses:
C++ Essential Training
OpenCV 4 Building with CMake & Visual Studio 2017 Setup
YOLO v3 - Robust Deep Learning Object Detection in 1 Hour
citing Yolo on the paper
@article{yolov3, title={YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement}, author={Redmon, Joseph and Farhadi, Ali}, journal = {arXiv}, year={2018} }
OpenCV 4 Building with CMake & Visual Studio 2017 Setup
Advanced Web Development with Django - Lynda - Jeremy Spencer
Fundamentals of Statistics and Visualization in Python - Karen Yang
Time Series Analysis with Python 3.x - Karen Yang