# Week 1

Oh, Agile project management on the fly we had to do today was build the roof because there are no tables and no chairs. And so that will be it. Other than that, all good and guests. My name is tasting. I teach lots of versions of project management. So Karen was there. She she was with me last year teaching civil 703 is now called engine 740 than any of you guys doing engine seven for two this semester. Oh, come, come on. And seven four. So 742 goes before this course normally. So you'll see me referring to it. So seven for two is how to do standard project management, as we call it. So it's conventional or waterfall. And this is agile which is generally becoming more and more normal now. And it's the way generally it kind of agile got its name from I.T. World. They actually comes out of manufacturing about what was going on four 100 years ago. Now the shoe control cycles were going go more into this, but fundamentally agile project management is people centric and waterfall is plan centric. So in in Agile, we keep changing the plan. Come on in when we see fit to try and deliver the maximum value. That's the key key thing if you get nothing else from this lecture other than that Agile is all about maximising value. Therefore we need to change the plan frequently. Conventional project management or waterfall is all about maximising efficiency, maximising the use of resources. So therefore what we try and do is to build the most efficient plan and stick to it. That's the whole idea. So that's the essential difference. It's focusing on the plan and to the extent your plan is really good. Yeah. Okay. So if the world's not changing and you came up with the perfect plan, waterfall is the best way of doing it. If you're in more of a changing environment like the floods in Auckland, then not so good, right? You need to have a bit more of an adaptable plan. So this is where we get into the agile way of working. So sorry. It's right. Going to broken again? I'm hoping not. Can we not hide that it's. But something just seems to be buffering. But I think they. Okay. That's what I was saying. Okay. Yeah, I'm just trying to get back to my slides. So. So, uh, by the end of the course, hopefully everyone's found canvas by now. So everything that you see here today, more or less is on canvas. If it's not the actual content to canvas, all of the slides are right at the end of the module. So you can look at the slides at the end of the module if you need to. I think basically we have these five outcomes. So with Agile we're always full focussed on what the end result is, what the value is. Nothing else matters. If you had a plan that's interesting, what you're focussed on is always the outcome. So what I want you guys to be able to do, because this is what you signed up for, you should be able to explain the origins and fundamental principles of Agile, right? That's the outcome I want you guys to achieve by the end of 12 weeks. I want you to be able to apply the fundamental principles so you're going to run a project and be involved in the project as a key bit of it. You're going to be able to critically evaluate the fundamental principles. So that means when you're running the project, you're going to change what you do because you're going to say, This principle isn't working in this circumstance. We need to change and use a different principle. There are four fundamental principles in Agile. We'll go into those in a second. Right. So you're thinking about this all the time, is what I'm doing delivering the most value. Then we get into the more personal stuff, and this is really how we've redesigned the course a little bit this year. Critically evaluate your own contribution. So am I doing a good job? Am I helping my team? Am I helping you learn? If I'm not helping you, then I'll [INAUDIBLE] off and let the kids do it. Because he did the course three years ago now. Three years ago? Yeah. It's a living proof that people can survive the course. And just for Karen, on the on, the kids can still hunger. I'll just ask the key this, unprompted. Did we have cake in the last session? Because I don't know if you heard that Karen, who just confirmed that we did. Yeah, we do have cake in the lot. So assuming there's no coded, so we're not allowed to come to university and we do have cake in the last session that we've already mentioned, the project is a key bit of this. So in the last three weeks, you guys will come up with your own project and you will iterate it over the last three weeks. So you will demonstrate your progress in weeks, ten, 11 and 12. It's fundamental. You can start any time you like, but you're going to demonstrate it to me in ten, 11 and 12. What demonstrate means is not to do a classic glossy PowerPoint of what your plan is, not to do a glossy PowerPoint of. These are the things we tried to do. A demonstration is this is what we have done so far. And you can see it so that we can give feedback to it. Right? This is the fundamental difference of agile with waterfall. We have a plan and we do lots of stuff and right at the end of the project we demonstrate it and hope for the best. And if we built the bridge in the right place over the right river and we've got the roads lining up with it, it all works. If we didn't, it doesn't matter. With Waterfall, we have this real risk moment right at the end of the project where we just hope everything works. Because that's the first time we tested in Agile. No, we test all the way through. Yeah. So we're always trying to deliver stuff, which means Agile is less efficient. Less efficient because we haven't optimised our resources, we haven't optimised our plan. What we've done is minimise the risk of failing to deliver value. So these are, these are the key concepts and we'll come back to these several times during these lectures. I don't expect you to get all of this right now, but just in your brain somewhere. Value is the important thing. The only way I can guarantee value is to test. Therefore, in an agile project, we're always testing. We're always questioning Is our plan the best in waterfall? We don't do that waterfall. We do it right at the start. We come up with our best plan. We work out the best possible sequence, the best use of resources, minimise everything and we try to deliver the most efficient plan possible and we hope for the best right at the end. Okay, so last one. Apply tools and techniques to communicate. So that's what you're going to do over those three sessions. Right at the end you're going to demonstrate to us, so this is why everybody gets involved. You can't hide behind someone if there are ten people. In your group will expect ten people to be part of the demonstrations in the last three weeks. Okay. And you can take it in turns over the three weeks that everybody doesn't have to do everything in all three because it might be too long. But over those three weeks, expect everybody to have partaken. And typically, we try to get all of the teams to be present, particularly for the last one, but ideally for all of the last three, even those on even those on Zoom. Say, if you can't be here in person, you got to be here on Zoom. So hopefully, I think most people have found room. How long we got? About half people in the room today. If you need me, you can contact me there. Hopefully you can. I think several of you have contacted me already. Hopefully you're on teams and canvas and email. I see people like to have their own WhatsApp group and all this kind of stuff. And really the focus for today is for you guys to start to meet each other, because in the first assignment, we've rewritten the first assignment, if you like, so that you need to get to know your group. What we've had before from students is saying, Oh yeah, Steve was on our group and we didn't really meet Steve until week nine. And it was a bit too late then because we were demonstrating week in week 11, week ten, week 11. So what we need to do is to get all of you guys to meet each other. Agile is all about changing the way you think. And this is probably pretty unusual for students because you you've we've been taught this before. You can't change the way you think by thinking about your thinking doesn't work. Very famous people, Alcoholics Anonymous, they've tried this and said, can you stop drinking by forcing yourself not to drink? Can you think yourself to not drink? And I said, No, you can't. You can't change it by thinking it back to thinking what? To alcohol in Alcoholics Anonymous. To anybody know this now when I ask questions. If you get the right answer, you get a chocolate. You're testament to this. Did you ever get chocolate often. Couple of chocolates after chocolates? Yeah. Does anybody know what the slogan for Alcoholics Anonymous is? Not saying anybody here would know that because they think that. I mean, that is to today. I don't want to drink, but I'm my writing. That's good enough. Yeah, every day. And it's time. Yeah. One day at a time. And what I have to do is to change the way I act. So today I am not going to drink, but it's really hard to think about not doing something. If I told all of you guys in the room now, don't think about a pink elephant. What is the first thing you think about a pink elephant? Right. So what you have to do is you have to think about something else. So for alcoholics, I thought, Oh, no. Think about when I exercise. Think about going on holiday. Think about something else. So when it comes to Agile, the thing you have to think about is value. Yeah, think value. All right. How am I going to know if I'm delivering value? And what do you know? How do you know if you're delivering value? I've already told you once if you meet the logistics. Kind of whose objective depends on your experience for your project. Take me to your API. I am satisfied that you have fought for Agile. It's always the customer, not the client. It's the customer. So I'll give you a chocolate because you you get choices. So because you're the customer, I don't employee's choice on you. You get to choose. So agile all about the customer. So we have to ask the customer on a regular basis. These are called iterations, so we always have to ask. So if you need to ask me anything that we're lectures between nine and nine and typically this lecture will only go to 11. So you need to talk to me before we talk to me afterwards if you want to. Or we can always schedule a zoom. So I'll be in the university today. Typically, I'm actually doing real stuff the other days of the week. So doing this agile delivery stuff. So this is a little bit about me. So as you might have guessed, I'm from the UK chartered engineer still prior to that 40 years in industries can a little bit more than that actually getting quite old now and screening consent prints to practitioner for what it's worth. Works in a few places. Just you probably know this one as the COVID line. So I was doing a lot of agile management in the COVID line. So if any of you had to ring up and say, I've got a cough, what should I do? It was me you were talking to, kind of, Oh, right. Now this is your opportunity. You can ask me any question you like. So if you could monitor the in the chat, there's anything on the chat. Anybody can ask me any question they like. Or is that the right answer if it's personal about anything else? This is your chance. And if you'd like to know what's the answer to the question? Was that the question was what would you ask if it wasn't 42? Yeah. Meaning of life. It's 42. I see you've got some black construction contractors as well. Yeah. Did you have a job in construction? Uh, people do. Yeah. There's a thing called Last Planet. So some of my colleagues did. So. Amanda Warren. Tim Warren. Constructing excellence. They use the last plant, which is pretty, pretty ripe everywhere, certainly used all over very, very big projects. Fletchers used it a lot. To answer your question, yes. So I used to lead a company called Contract. Now their consulting division, which is now called Aurecon. If you're into construction over here, some more in the civil engineering side rather than straight construction, what we did there was introduced the concept of iterating design. So what they used to do because they were all civil engineers and obviously civil engineers are very intelligent people because you have civil engineers in the room never make mistakes. Right. So they would always have the brief from the client and then come up with the final design and then go into construction. And then all the contractors would come and say, Oh, why on earth did you do this? Why have we got water going uphill? Actual real quick. Yeah. So the contractors used to find out all the mistakes that the civil engineers make. So I said, Why do you do this? Can we not iterate? So what we did was we started to iterate the designs so we'd have a check in after, say, four weeks of doing the design. And we check with everybody, we check back with the customer. It's like, this is what we've done so far. Is it any good? And this was civil engineers really tough because, oh, well, we're not going to get criticised only because they're going to say no. If someone comes to you and says, is this any good? What's the natural reaction? We It's okay, this could be better. Civil engineers don't typically like I'm an engineer. I don't like it. So you have to change. But this is a change in what you do, you see. So it's hard. Any change? Oh, I don't need to do it. And if you go through the change management cycle, same as the grief cycle, don't need to do it. I'm perfect already. Yeah. Then they get really angry about it. Then eventually the chicken is. Oh, actually it was really valuable because the client mentioned something they'd forgotten to tell us the and had been some other earthworks there since we've done our survey and actually the topography has changed and if you do what you going to do the water is going to be going uphill. Now, it wasn't on the original survey, but now it would be right. So you need to redo the summit. Oh, brilliant. That's great news. Thanks. Cause something has changed, so. Yeah, so I. So I helped get them guys through that whole process that was quite, quite usable. Obviously big curve over here in New Zealand to go from lowest cost conforming and contractors just do stuff that you tell them to do to contractors mean we started doing early early contractor involvement year and true to that just actual rather than the contractors criticise the design once we've given it to them, they've already tendered on it and then they're going to charge us for any variations. We'll bring them in right at the start and we'll pay them on a consulting contract to do that. And down in Queenstown were pouring maybe too much detail for you guys, but down in Queenstown Lakes we help them introduce a new engineering contract and have you guys have come across the new engineering contract. It's a partnership based. I was talking to Acacia about this just the other day so Queenstown Lakes had a problem said said we can't let contracts fast enough, can't get all the works done. Queenstown is building this fast in terms of growth of people and the construction is going at this pace and you just can't keep up. How do we get more contracts? We said, stop letting contracts. I said, Well, we have to let contracts because the New Zealand law says you have to said, no, it doesn't. New Zealand law says you have to guarantee value. Value in letting contracts are two different things. What you need to do therefore is give out the work in a way that guarantees value. What's valuable to you as a council? Oh, we got to do it on time to the standard required. Yeah. And at the cost. Well okay. Well if the, if the contractors do that on their previous contract, can you just give them the next one. Oh yeah. If they're going to meet our target price. Brilliant, go for it. So what we need to do now is establish a target price for all of our contracts and then carry on giving the work so they won't have to go through a competitive bidding process. Anybody know how much that competitive bidding process costs contractors all the time? How much do they build it because of it? As for a chocolate, you could guess. So every time they lose on the next contract that they win, they put on 5%. So what were all the contractors able to do? Take 5% off my go. Wow. Do you know what that's going to mean? I'm going to hit the target contract. Target price. Brilliant. So that means I just keep getting work. Well, yeah. Provided you deliver on time to the quality and to the cost. So if suddenly now I'm not going to hit the budget, it's in my interest as a contractor to find a way of achieving it. Yeah, it's very different. So it's a cultural change. So it's focusing on the output, the value, rather than the input. Okay. Next question. And what kind of cake at the end of the course normally is a choice of three cakes. Usually I have you have to have chocolate cake and I my favourite. Just in case anybody's anybody's interested. Carrot cake. So if anybody wants to really impress me, I carrot cake. And my daughter is gluten free, dairy free. So we also always have a gluten free dairy free cake. So I could answer three choices at least could be more so which some that when people are asking patients in the class I have to repeat. Oh [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah. So the question was, have I ever introduced Agile to civil engineers? And you heard the reply. Yeah. Did you have a question? No. You were just impressive. My choice. Yeah. Carrot cake is. It's what I said to Karen, who's a student from. She's one of the mandatory food groups. Can't go a whole week without having a cake. And we use AI for maintenance process or maintenance for you. For maintenance, it's it's harder. But what you what you typically do is you if you focus on value, you build the maintenance. And so I, I, I worked in maintenance for in the UK we have a ministry of defence and this is a thing that keeps all of this stuff flying or sailing or fighting. It's called the Defence Logistics Organisation. And what we did there. So what happens is so I was working in an area called Harrier, Harrier, a jets, you know, fighting machines. They were quite good in the Falklands and they destroyed all the MCs because they could stop in mid-air. They're flying on. Stop, go up, come back down, shoot the MiG. Brilliant. And the Air Force like doing that, they like shooting people down. So it was really good. The only problem they had was they had a maintenance contract and he said every time it's broken, we'll give you the widget and you fix it. So that's really good, right? What does that make the suppliers do? They like to have lots of widgets that break and they like to charge a lot of money to fix it. Right? Cause that's what you're asking them to do. So they sell you the next knock down price. Then every time you ask for a repair, you charge a lot of money. So we come into the maintenance area and say, Well, this is a really bad idea. Tell you what. We're not going to pay for any repairs anymore. We are only going to pay you if we're flying our jet and we've got to be able to kill people while they're flying it. So that's called mission capable. So, so long as the machine guns can work and the bombs can be fitted and we can drop them and we can fly wherever we want to fly, we're going to pay you. So we're going to pay on the basis that we can fly so we can change the whole contract to be flying hours, not based on how many widgets you repair per day. We don't care if you can give us 50 aircraft that are flying all the time, knocking the [INAUDIBLE] out of everybody around the planet. That's good. That's what success looks like. So if you imagine all the companies like I work with a company called Smith and they go, Oh, wow, this is really different. So you're going to pay us now if you can just fly the aircraft. Yeah, if we can just fly it. But if it's on the deck, can't fly. No. So you can imagine what that did to maintenance. Suddenly they go, right, we're going to need to have three spare aircraft, because whenever you aircraft lands and it's been shot down or whatever, you can't fly anymore. So we need to give you a spare. So we are not going to take the spares off the aircraft and send them away to some guy in a dark hole somewhere and get him to fix it and then send it back. We're going to have that guy sitting on the runway and wait for plane lands. He's going to have what we call a frame, a factory, replaceable unit. And they are going to just swap it out so that you can get back in the plane and fly again, because then we get paid and then we'll take that for you and we'll take it back to third line or full fund, as we call it, and they can repair it whenever they feel like. But they've always got these units sitting there, but a bit like Christchurch would be like having the baby just sitting there. When I used to, part of my life was I worked at Rotary and actually in the islands I get lots of cyclones and things like that. So what do they do? They have all these boxes full of stuff for when the cyclone hits. So when the cyclone hits you, obviously you just head stamp as soon as it comes out. But you open this box and it's got food and clothes and matches and stuff, all the stuff you need to be able to eat for a day or three and you prepare those in advance. So this is the whole agile mindset, right? You're thinking about value. So say, Oh, no, not how do I speed up the efficiency of the supply line? How can I pre supply? How can I get stuff there first? Okay, so that's maintenance. Any other questions? Obviously tidying. More costly. When you have an agile system, it doesn't appear to work. So the question was, do we find agile more costly? The answer is it depends. If if nothing changes from when you started to when you deliver. Agile is more expensive. If anything changes from when you start to when you finish, then agile is probably cheaper. And what Agile will do is if you had a really bad idea right at the start, Agile will stop you doing it really quickly so you won't go all the way through the project plan to find out that you fail right at the end. You agile, you tend to find out pretty quickly. So actually it can save you an awful lot of money, but really it comes down to that. We'll look at it in the slide in a sec. It becomes if if the environment is complicated or complex and chaotic these days, most environments are getting pretty complex because, you know, you see the state of climate change. Tell me an industry which is stable at the moment where you know what you're going to be doing next week. Like even in this, I mean, the university has been closed twice already and this is the first day of semester. It's already been closed twice. Right? So one of our courses that we ran during the summer was had to be done virtually because they closed the university and you fit the universe. It's a pretty stable environment and you say, well, I'm going to run a course, it's going to be 12 weeks. I know what I'm going to be doing every single week. I've got a pretty standard plan. I must be highly efficient doing that right now. So I just think about this. So the world is getting more and more complex. That's why Agile is getting more and more to be Dirigo. Any other questions? Okay. Feel free to ask me any questions. Any time. Right. So the next thing is as much of me talking what I'd like you to do now and again, I think. I think it died. It's just just going to have a I'd like to know if you can get into your groups. So if we have a group one, here is group two. Group three at the back. Group four, group five. And get into your groups and meet each other because now you've met me and meet each other. So you you're in control. Okay. So everything has a purpose. Of course, that's difficult doing with 40 people. What did you learn and when you started trying to do it faster? What happened? I came across lots of problems in you. Yeah. Why was that? What? What did you typically do when you said you're trying to do it as fast as possible? What did you what did you actually do, drop the ball before you dropped the ball? So that's a correct answer. So you're trying to do it faster and all you did was end up dropping the ball. Why did you drop the ball? We have time pressure. So, yeah, it's time pressure. So what did you do? You were throwing the ball harder, I'm guessing. Yeah. Why did you throw the ball harder? We thought. Yeah. So was that faster for the team or was it faster for you as an individual? So what were you. What were you thinking? Like individuals? Yeah. So typically this is what happens with teams. Even though you think you're all really clever when we ask, give you a challenge as a team. You don't think like a team. You think like a group. The way the groups think is, I don't want to be responsible for failure. That's it. I don't care about success. I don't want to be responsible for failure. What does failure look like? Failure looks like throwing the ball slowly. So what I will do is throw the ball as quickly as possible. And what does that make for the receiver? It makes it harder to catch. So you drop the ball. So what we're actually trying to do is to go quicker. But what you actually do is go slower. And this is typically what happens in project teams. Everybody just wants to do their bit and they want to do it as quickly as possible. And we see this even on this course, we have people who go all the way through night. They start to complain to me, say, Steve, can you sort out my team? They keep disagreeing with me and they won't do what I want. I go, good for them. Good for them. Yeah. What leads to success is diversity and collaboration. So when I when I said to you, there was a group, a group from Saudi University that did this in one second. Why did you believe me? You had all proven that it wasn't possible, right? So there's, what, 40 or so of you outside, in theory. And you've all proven that it's not possible. Why did you believe me when I said Saudi University did it in one second? Why did you believe you just proven you're clever people, right? You've all got undergraduate degrees. So you're all pretty clever and you've all proven that it's not possible within one second. So why did you believe me? Because I'm the lecturer. So, five letter word. What's the word? Belief. Trust. Trust for chocolate. Or was that something that you can trust? If you trust people, you will believe it's possible. When Apple came up with the translucent windows that went over the top of each other. The reason they did that was because the thing the coders thought they had seen it at Xerox. And if you read the Steve Jobs autobiography, he said they didn't see it, but they believed they had seen it because they believed they had seen it. They were able to code it because they believed it was possible. So what happens is, when I say so, university did this, all of you suddenly say it must be possible. If it's possible, what's the trick? We just have to find it out. Now, when we go to normal people, if I said, Oh, you could do this degree in two days ago, how's that possible? Is what would you have to do to make it possible? Now you're thinking in an agile way, but because you've forgotten the plan and now you're thinking about value, how could I deliver this value in a couple of days? Well, in that case, you kind of close there. The normal way that most people do it is you all get in a circle in the right sequence and the person, one person stands in the middle and just goes like that. And that's how you do it in one settlement. Yeah. Cos I never said you had to let go of the balls, had to go through everybody's hands in sequence. Yeah. So that's, that's the key to that game. But the reason we do it on this course is because it's the best way I can show you that it's changing your thinking. That is the issue. Right. It's not that you're not intelligent. It's that you've been taught to follow a plan. And you the plan is don't fail. I chose the exact opposite. Agile is fail fast. Learn from your failure and change it so you succeed next time. So in Agile we are actually trying to fail. If you think of it that way, trying to do things in a way and I don't care if it fails, it's just I don't want to fail the same way over and over again. So I'll do it. And if it doesn't work, I can change it because actually that's quicker. So a lot of you out there go, we're trying to think of the best way of doing this and you can't think of it because you're rooted in your original plan. To forget the original plan. If I was trying to do this in one second, what would one second look like? Well, it's like that. Yeah. I can't keep my fingers like it's like that. So if I was going to do well, that's crazy. Like I was saying to some of the groups, well, what's the problem? Well, the problem is, when we let go, we can't catch them again. So why let go? So this is what you try and do for, right? And so you're looking at what is the problem? How do we fix that problem to give you the value? So that's what it's all about, right? Back to the slideshow. Remember the truck? Yep. So this is part of hope is everybody got lung cancer. So typically we teach this as part of engineering project management, but generally that's all for life. You can use this with your kids at home. I brought my family up using this. They are very doing okay. One of them's over in Madrid at the moment. The other one's in Exeter. Let me as fast as I possibly could, got away doing their own thing. Literally, this is a blueprint for success. It's my my anti-establishment thing because university teaches you to think in a particular way. And Agile says, don't, just don't. There is no right answer. There's always a better answer. You have to come up with it. So we have weekly. We have the weekly workshops. So what we're trying to do with these lectures, it's kind of normally a two hour lecture, but we have we tried to have some fun during it. It's my belief is you only learn when you're having fun. If you're asleep, I don't think you're learning. So it's not a good thing. And obviously some people will try and watch it. Fast forward on the web. It's all the materials already there. So you can just look through the materials whenever you like. The only way you're going to learn is by asking questions. The only way you ask questions is you have to listen and understand and then ask the question. But then I can give you an answer. Yeah. So that's what it is. So obviously we have canvas. There's lots of additional readings. That's All for Dummies. It's a really, really good book. And the other thing is you should take advantage because I think for some of you you're not doing other project management courses. So do joined up with the PMI. This whole program is now PMI accredited. So is Qantas's continuing professional development. So you get the points for it. So if you do want to become a professional project manager, PM Pinnacle Project Management professional and you can sign up for the PMI here at the Uni and go to their events as well. It gives you an opportunity to meet potential employers and things like that. So it's always good for those of you, not Kiwis. Everything in New Zealand works by connection, doesn't really work by applying. You've got to know people. So the more you can do to build your networks and get to know your team really well and get to know anybody else as well as you can because that's how you'll get your jobs and things like that at the end of the course. So we just need to move it. So we're going to the next bit. So the assessment, I think this is what everyone was really interested in. So the first assignment, there's a bit of a bit of research around what this lecture and the next lecture. And the other bit I think and then 5% is for meeting your team and working out what the strengths and weaknesses of your team are. So the reason for this is purely you need to get to know your team and it's a key life skill to get to know people. Collaboration is key, right? The only way you're going to pass the second assignment worth 25%, this is where you're going to be. Pretend to be something in Agile that we call the product owner. So you have to think think of a product that you can invent, create life in with it, say, within five weeks. So for people like Karen, who I know reasonably well, because she was and of course, I said she's a baker. So one group of students, three years, three years, three years ago could have been earlier bite some cakes. Yeah. So that's what they did. They iterated a cake recipe to make it perfect for students so the product can be anything you can do. Other years we've had on crush helmets for for bicycles we've had what we use is the PowerPoint thing. Wasn't it the kind of in PowerPoint feedback people do websites literally. Yeah. Pregnancy yeah we had a was a hook up session for dog owners so they could if you had a talk, you could mix up with some other dog owner to to get online and go to post, gather or whatever you name it. Whatever you weirdos can think of, you can do it. Got to be within the five weeks if you come up with some, oh yeah, we're going to cure COVID. Well, yeah, that is a product that you could maybe come out with. But I'm thinking five weeks might be a bit of a stretch. So we'll say, try and think of something practical that will go through this in more detail nearer to the time. But the key thing is to think like a product owner. You can start doing this now. What problems do you experience in your life at the moment? This is what a product owner does. They just see a problem and think, Oh, we could solve that by doing this. Yeah, so look for problems in your universe. So like you have these guys last time they had dogs got fed up with going for walks by themselves. Yeah. Can we have a dog and a dating agency type type app. Oh, so they came up with it. So what problems? Literally, what problems do you have? I can't think of the perfect cake. It's one lady came from Brazil and she had a like a recipe. She said, Oh, this is our starting recipe. I just want to be able to sell this. And she developed into a really good product by the end of end of the course, we all got to eat it. Another guy did yoghurt. They wanted dairy free yoghurt in the first ever session we did. So I wanted dairy free yoghurt because he said dairy free yoghurt sucks in New Zealand is quote unquote something. So he invented dairy free yoghurt because you can do it right. So literally any product you like, if you want to be quite boring, you can do the video like we do want something to eat so you can think of a video and make a make a video. Crucial thing is you're going to iterate it multiple times, so you're going to present it, going to get feedback, and then you're going to change it and present it again. Then going to get some feedback and you're going to present it again. So that's how it works. So but in this, in this assignment, all you're doing, the first assignment is individually, you're acting as the product owner and you're going to specify what the problem is and how you think it could be fixed inside five weeks. So think of a small problem, not one piece and go it. Then what you do in assignment three is you just start with the one with the action plan. You want us to come up with like a simplistic overview or something, detailed prescriptions, smart, specific, measurable, actionable, realistic time value. So it can be read, it's only 10%, so it's quite short, it's only a thousand words or whatever. So it's very short. But you just Oh yeah. So I am going to have coffee with every member of my group by the end of week two. That's the plan, right. Yeah. So I will then allow that coffee, I will find out where they come from, which university, what degree they set, what like things they like to do, what their profession is. You know, you could have a list of five. Pretty simple. Yeah, just something simple. So that when you then get to the end of this. Oh yeah. So I know all these things about all these people and that will help us when we go to put together the team. Now, if you've been on seven for two or 703, you might know a bit about things like Belbin. You might have heard of things like this and stuff like this, and you might say, Oh, actually, I could maybe try and assess their personality profile so you could get really. Mr. with it's completely up to you. I'd go for simple is good but this is the whole idea is this is what I do when I'm forming teams I meet the people that are you with that kind of person. That's good. I hate you. You're probably really good for my team because I need people who I hate because they're the complete opposite to me. If I have people that I like on my teams, it's really nice. But we're not going to do anything right because everyone's going to agree with me because we all like each other. So you need to have diversity in your team. This is a key thing. So maybe I need to have people from different cultures, different genders. This is what I want, different age groups. Now, I think we go from 2022 here to you. I'm nearly 1659 and so we've got quite, quite a range of ages here. So this is what sort of thing you're looking for. What does diversity really mean? Okay, good answer. Group three. Sorry. Assignment three is way now in your teams. If you want to, you can choose one of the products that you defined in group two from all the individuals. That's what a lot of teams do is they'll say, Well, we came up with and I say, There's ten in your group. That's the biggest group we came up with ten ideas. Which of those ten ideas should we develop for assignment three? You don't have to. But that's what most groups do. Or you could try and put some of them together. Sometimes they complement each other and they say, Well, we're going to do that. And then all you do is you work on that for up to five weeks, and you're going to produce to start with what we call a charter, which we'll talk about a little bit of time. And you're going to produce an iteration zero plan. So that's our first plan. What are we going to do for that first week? And overall, what's the what's the vision of success? What's the value look like? We'll talk about all these things later on. But basically you produce two documents, then you have a go at doing it and you can iterate. And then right at the end you produce a one pager that says, this is how well it went, just like I did that. What did you learn that kind of escapade for your group project? What do we learn by doing this project? Just remember, our objective was those five things at the start. This is what you're going to be able to do. You're going to stand the principle which you can be able to evaluate the principles. Did that work for us? You're going to be able to communicate, right? So all those kind of principles, that's what you're coming back to. That's what the whole idea of that group three, the group assignment three group task is then assignment for now. This is big change for this year, so we used to have lots more documentation on assignment. Three of the students last time said, Oh, we get fed up with doing documentation and one of the Agile principles documentation should come second. Right. People should come first and the customer should come first and plans and documentation should come later. So, okay, very cool. We'll see what we can do because this is still a university. We still need to find something to assess. So what we do now is we've got a 35% summative learning journal. So this is what I have learned over this whole course. Me personally not. What was the course about? What have I learnt? What? How do I think now compared to how I thought at the start? So to help you do this, rather than just having one big assignment right at the end, I would suggest you did this every week. But you can write a learning journal every week. There's no points for it, but write a learning journal every week and you'll see the total in structure in there. So this was the problem. So you could talk about that exercise we just did. This was the problem. How did you fix it? What other problems do you have in your life like that? Would that solution apply to those problems? And if it does, what would you do then next time you get a problem like that? So next time someone, some strange person comes in and says, throw three balls in sequence through everybody's hands, what would you do first? Different to what you just did. Yeah. So it's that kind of thing. So that's just so much to learn if you just click the next slide. So basically so what we have is you have to do three learning journals. That's something you could do more if you wanted to. No problem. So you could do it every week and just submit it on week three if you want to. It's completely up to you. That might be easier, and that generally aligns with the other the other submissions. So it's generally almost like, well, when I was doing this first assignment, what did I learn? And then I can write down a learning journal type of idea. Now this is the tricky bit. Agile is all about communication, diversity and feedback. Okay. So what you are going to do now in the case you can have a really breezy time here because we're not going to market your learning journals. You are going to mark two of your colleagues learning journals for them. You are going to give feedback on them. So you're going to submit your own learning journal on a Friday, and then you have a week, the following Monday, to do feedback on two of your colleagues journals. So don't write anything in your journal that says, I hate Steve. He is an ass because somebody somebody in your group cubicle, Steve is going to read that and feedback on it, say, Oh, I agree with the sentiment, but you could have been a bit clearer in your on your English or something like it's a very PC answer, so just be careful what you write. But two of your colleagues are going to feedback on their whole point for this is feedback is a key thing. Remember I said, don't be afraid of failure because this is agile. Agile is all about learning from failure because we don't know what the right answer is. So the idea is you write your learning journal and then you have you've got like a three line evaluation. So it's not really complicated. So you just go in, you will read what Steve said and you go, Oh yeah, I think Steve was Steve is really cool. Wouldn't get any marks. Steve expressed this really well and his reference to Belvin was really good, and I think that's a really good technique for evaluating teams that would get points. Yeah, not for this because they're all zero. Yeah. But you would get points from your peers who are feeding back to you because they know what you should be doing. Then once you've got these three and here, while you're doing the last bit, the last three weeks, this is when you're doing your project. So you've also got. What did I learn from my project? And then I'm going to write that into a summative learning journal which gets you 35% with again, trying to give you as long as we can. So it goes to the Tuesday now. So the sixth is the Queen's birthday, so you got to Tuesday at 9 a.m. So that's how it works. So then all students are going to say all if is 0%, I'm not going to put any effort into it because it's not worth anything. If you don't submit, then we will start to do top marks from this week. So I think this can't really be bothered. I'm just going to say, yeah, I was here, I didn't do anything. That's my learning journal. It's not going to get lots of marks here, so we'll do it up marks from here. So you need to play the game. But if you look online, I won't go through here. All of the stuff's online. You can ask me questions about it next week or via Zoom. If you if you want to believe my shoes, the next slide and the course schedule was a bit too small for you to read. But basically we're always in this room. What we'll do every week is will be a short lecture and we'll do some games during the whole lecture. I call them workshop for a year. And just you get to ask me as many questions as you like. If you think this is all really rubbish, Steve would rather do this instead, that's fine by me. We'll just change the whole thing around and you can just ask me questions for the whole time because all the materials online, so you can decide. We've all read the material, we'll just ask you questions. Or actually we don't need to do any of that because we've read it all online. We just kind of back off. Great. I can stay in bed. Whatever you want to do. You the message I want you to get is you are in charge of your learning, not me. I'm a resource for you to use as much as you want. I guess. I just want to say you have the peer feedback due on the Monday before we start here and what we will try and do. So location is going to be marking your assignments and I, I moderate them. So we try and get those back to you as soon as we can so that when you're doing the next assignment that goes in and what I will do is when you do your learning journals and you get the peer feedback, I will also just look at some at random and I will just give general comments to people. Someone said this, this was a really good thing to say. Someone said this, this is a really bad thing. You should have said this instead. Yeah. So what then? I'll try and do that in these lectures. Where would you even do this in the afternoon? Can be a bit of a challenge to do it before you even find your own peer feedback. But we'll see. See how that goes might be the following week. But basically I will look at all of the stuff that's being written and I will give you some general feedback that seems that works about the best. So you say you got the project demos in weeks ten, 11, 12 and the final lecture by C. We have no lecture. It's all over to you guys. You guys will be coming to the front demonstrating your final product. That's it. So assignment. The third assignment, there's only really the charter, which is something up to three pages. And the iteration, zero five pages and a two page lessons learned journal. So hardly anything at all, really. But there's a very significant mark. So the significant mark is for you actually coming here on a monday morning and demonstrating your products. Okay. Textbooks, that's what I mentioned earlier on Project Management for Dummies. It's available online. PM I was there for reference. I wouldn't get excited about those. Some of those other books when you're writing your assignments can be good. When you're doing your first assignment, ask for a literature review. Literature review means you should look at at least ten sources. That's ten sources. So if you quote less than ten sources, you're not going to get a very good mark. And we say this to all students, but some students tell you, I never said that. So it's always try and get it on film so I can review it. So if anybody wants to have a review before they submit, just send it to me and I will review it only once and I won't do it like 2 minutes before the deadline. So you have to give me a little bit of time to give it review. But I will read through your assignment and I will say, this is good. This is bad. This is where you can get more mocks. Right place to everybody. Only once for every assignment. You can't send it to me this often. Improve this. Can you read it again? No. Okay. There are 48 of you in theory. I'll spend all of my time mocking. But Agile is all about iteration, right? So you will get better. So the obviously you can submit it to other people too. They can't. We can't collaborate on the production of it. But you can get feedback. Just maybe that there might be questions on sort of like, have you all right. That's the thing on the chat room. It doesn't. Thank you. Right. Various things. So you see all of these online. So Project PM is the key one. It's an American organisation. Reasonably stressed the PM isa the whole MF pm is accredited to PMI because PMI is. Someone said can I get a project management qualification? PMI is generally it goes around the world. Most people would recognise the PMI qualifications. Scrum is the main version of Agile that is used. Probably 60% of people start off with Scrum. It's just a process to follow within Agile. So you've got Agile and Scrum is one of the methodologies, although it prints two is the product based approach to project management, which is really where Agile comes from. Print stands for project in control environments. So if you're in it world product based and then they said I still a very documentation heavy as do agile instead. So project my favourite four letter word risk. You saw this when you were doing the ball threat because you have to throw the ball. The project attracts risk. The solution to the problem, therefore, is to reduce the risk. How do you reduce the risk? Don't let go of the balls. Drop them vertically. Keep it simple. Keep it as simple as possible. Yeah. Occam's razor, simple as possible is often, often the best. The reason for that projects are all unique. No one's done them before, so there's no right answer. Most people doing projects think they know the right answer because project managers are optimistic, bunch, myself included. And we tend to think we know the right answer. You don't? I don't think I've ever done any project where what we knew at the start and what we knew at the end of the site, you find out so much while you're executing the project and things change so much that the result you get at the end is so different you couldn't possibly have thought of the right answer right at the start. This is a really, really simple project, so it's all about risk management and agile, as I've already said. What we the way we try to manage it in Agile is we have time boxes and we do things for short periods of time and then we test. So we think, Oh, we've got this great idea, and rather than do it the most efficient way, we're just going to do these simple things, single mock ups. So like we're doing a video, we'll do a storyboard and will demonstrate the storyboard rather than produce the finished video. And then we'll get feedback from everyone says it's really rubbish. Alright. It's really good to get that remember storyboard mode and rather when we have a finished video because I haven't spent ten weeks producing the video really good together early on, that diminishes the risk. So we actually it's these iterations that take out the risk, whereas in Waterfall what we have is a risk register and we think about how we can possibly monitor it and we just monitor over the life of the project. Agile is really about active risk management. Next. So application of knowledge, skills, hopefully you've got these already if any of you've done 73, 7040. So this is what project management is all about. Next level, this is what you're going to do. This is the waterfall way of doing it. So you see with waterfall, just for those of you who haven't done 703 740 there's a whole course on this. So this is waterfall in a minute as opposed to 12 weeks. But basically what we have, we start from an idea like we're saying, and we end up with a charter. So this is the same for Agile. So we go through this concept phase, we'll talk about more this more next week. So you have to produce one of these for assignment two after project sorry for assignment three, you have to produce a charter for assignment three. And typically then what happens in waterfall is we go through charter, we do lots more detailed planning to end up with this doorstop. That is a plan and agile. We don't do that, but the whole idea of waterfall is at the end of the charter, we get it signed off by somebody so then we can go on to the next phase. We can't do the next phases until this has been signed up in Waterfall. We get the plan signed off, then we can go into execution. And what we're doing is we take both of these out or we combine these two. So we're continually planning and executing. So some people who don't know very much say there's no planning in Agile. This just shows how little they know. There is more planning in Agile than there is in Waterfall Way. So that's why the answer to the question, no, you're wrong. If you're doing the same project, it's much more expensive to do it in Agile if it's exactly the same, because you do that much more planning, because you keep planning every couple of weeks and replanning and replanning actually on a daily basis you'll replanning. Whereas in waterfall no, you do it once right at the start. Come up with the perfect operation sequence, then you stick to it. So we, we just do we just what we do in our job as we merge these two. But in waterfall we've got this plan and once you got the plan approved, then we just execute the violence, produce the deliverable, and then we get to the closing. So in Agile, the, the concept phase, the charter and the closeout phase of the same, just this model that changes. So people that don't need to slide anymore because everyone just tells me it's true. But we say, Oh, is there any evidence that Agile actually works? Yes, there is. So this is the thing called the Chaos Report produced by Standish, and it measures the quality, the philosophy of producing the project and then whether it was successful or whether it failed. Now you can see the ratio here is about 4 to 1. So generally Agile is not perfect, but it's four times more likely to succeed than waterfall. Why is that? Well, because we generally have more diverse teams as opposed to groups of resources. And because they test, test, test, test, test to reduce the risk every every iteration, they're testing, reducing the risk. So therefore, it's much more likely to succeed. You're still going to have some really bad ideas that don't work. Cause that's the nature of things. One can have a project, and it was just never going to work. You know, you could have been trying to do a creative building during COVID and Covi came along some condo and something could just change it. I bet there was a farmer when you were just about to harvest all their apples. That was their project for the year. And then suddenly Gabrielle came in and took away all of the harvest. So stuff happens, right? You can't guarantee that projects are going to fail. None of these numbers are ever going to be 100%. But I mean, you can say 4 to 1 ratio. That's why people are interested in Agile. Obviously New Zealand percentage of projects consistently delivering on their benefits, 20%, maybe. Just think about that. So if you had a working week that would say four days every week, you don't need to do anything because it's a waste of time. It's only one day of the week, much in your course. How could we improve 731 or we get rid of nine of the lectures and don't even yeah, it's that kind of thing. So you see this big money victory when they've studied this in places like the states, billions and billions of dollars goes into failed projects. So that's why there's so much interest in Agile. This is a thing I referred to earlier on. This is called the Q model from Snowden. And so basically, if you're doing waterfall, it's good in the orange areas. It's a nice, simple project, like getting to a lecture. That's okay, because it's unlikely the lecture room will have been blown up or it's been in on a flood or something like that. Generally, it's quite nice and simple. So if I allow a little bit of time to get here, I'll be okay. Now, if I have to do this for all of my time, I mean, lots of different lectures might be good to go. Like a day earlier on. It's complicated, but I can still work it out. But now, say right now I'm going to do one out in the bay. Right. I've got to work out. Could I actually or any of the universities open in the bay or are they all waterlogged? Can the students actually get to me? Do I need to do it via Zoom? So here I've got to start doing some probing to work out what might work like we have today, trying to use Zoom. And it failed. But luckily NICKISCH agreed to come in from instead of working for Samsung. He said he'd come in today to back me up just in case it all blew up. And it did, right. So yeah, so we have to just test some of these things. So we probe sense what works and then we can respond to it. So at the moment we have like he's doing the, doing the overheads. Well then the fourth area is the chaotic area and this is where you just have no idea what is going to work. So at the moment, if I'm out in recovery mode, either in Turkey or in the base, just we just need to do stuff. Let's just go dig up some sludge and clear some space cause we've just got to do something, and then we'll see if it works. Yeah, because if it works, we can carry on doing it and respond and we can make that our plan. So this is where we get the student army and things like that going out there just to help. We're just going to do some stuff. Yeah. And see if it works. So it's this chaotic environment and this is where why we need the feedback, the blue area. We just need to try some stuff. Either we can do a little test and find out or we're just going to do it bigger risk and see if it works at this chaotic and complex type environment. So agile. Small teams. What small? Typically less than ten. Less than ten. So that's why you're in groups of less than ten. And you have to work collectively and collaboratively. Okay. For a chocolate, this must be the last chocolate thing. Can anyone give me a good definition of collaborative? What does collaborative mean? Everyone has a say, an idea or. Yeah. How how is that different to cooperation? That's what you say. What you say is true. But how how would that how would you distinguish it from cooperation or compromise when we said that you might have someone you take in your group, but that's the point. It's good to have someone like that. Absolutely. So what's collaboration if you're going to because you're going to look at your groups and say, one of the key questions is, did we collaborate? What did we just cooperate or be working together to achieve a specific. Yeah. I think I'll give you that. It's a shared vision of success, so everybody works towards the same vision of success. So with yours, it could be all. We could just carry on and do whatever I'm doing. And we have a compromise because everybody's working together, but they not necessarily. They just all come along. I don't have to get up before 9:00 in the morning. Fun or a shared vision? Oh, no. Actually, I might need to get up at 830 to be there, so I'll actually diminish or increase my suffering, if you like, for the team because of what I need to get is success of the team. That's my focus. Can we all achieve the results of collaboration to see where we're going? So I've got the shared vision of success. And you can always tell us with the team. And again, for my sense, I used to work for KPMG, so we'd go out to industry and it's like, Can you tell us if this project is likely to succeed, succeed? Steve And these are some pretty scary stuff. And the way you could tell you go to the team members and say just segregation in the police force, segregate them and say, Right, what is this project about? And person I would tell you and your person too. And sometimes they come up that say what it was, but they use different words. You'll probably get a fail because the third person, they come up with different words again. And it's they they haven't got a shared vision of success because a shared vision of success, they will use the same words about the vision exactly the same words about the vision. They might say, Oh yeah, I'm doing this. I'm going to talk about what they're doing. But now when they start talking about success, they'll say that we are doing this and it will be the same. That's how you tell, right? So it's really that focus on the vision of success because that's value, that's what they want and that's how you know it's going to work. So this is typically what we get. This is the cooperation type type arena where you've got a very complicated team doing lots of clever things and everyone's got specific, highly specialised roles. So American football just can't work it out. And we have a plan and everyone follows the plan and the quarterback calls out the shots. That's the project manager calling out the numbers and everyone does what they're supposed to do. And as long as everyone does what they're supposed to do, it works. And the other team are trying to do the best they can to defeat all of that. An Agile. Agile is more like soccer where, you know, now I've got 11 people out on the pitch. They can do whatever they like, a shared vision of success. We want to win. Do whatever it takes. Yeah, that's it. So it's just so similar games. Yeah. So it's looking at improving the final product here from a quarterback, huh? Well, I have to take the ball. I have to go back and I'm going to throw over there 50 minutes and that's the play. I've just got to do that very really well because that's the play. Whereas got think rush defence. Oh, we're not going to do that. I just go through the book to like they smashed me so I got to think on my feet and that's where you'll see. Lots of the teams are really good quarterbacks. They can think on their feet and adjust rather than be like chess players looking at the results next week. So I think I mentioned this early on. You can read this. What do we have here? A record so Agile is based on the shoe hart control cycle, which is plan do, check, act. Okay. And he was adopted by this guy, Deming, who was a bit of a superstar. So what was the guy in the back room working out how you should do things? And Deming was the superstar that everybody loved in America and he publicised it. So you've probably all heard of plan do check out the whole of Agile is based on it come up with a plan execute it for a bit, check if it's working and if it is, carry on. If it isn't, change it. Then create a new plan for the next bit and that's it. And when Schwartz I think it was Deming went to Toyota just after the war. Toyota were a sewing machine making company, and Deming went to work with them and they became the Toyota we know now. Yeah. And they wiped the floor with American industry to the state where the American public was standing on the top of Japanese cars, smashing them with sledgehammers, saying, don't buy these, they're rubbish. And the American public was going, but they worked there reliable. They're cheap, they're good. They last forever. Why wouldn't I buy them? Well, you should buy this American one that breaks down, that guzzles car gas, and it's got it cost twice as much. At the time, Toyota were producing twice as many new models in half the time. So their productivity was four times that of General Motors and they couldn't work out why to treat a simple basis. But they were taught by an American, Deming's American. They were taught PDK by an American. And the Japanese are just really good at doing them, as are Samsung and the Koreans. So. So this is where we get involved. Jeff Southerland coined the phrase agile with his consortium. This is where it is, where the name kind of comes from around the 1990s. But the philosophy, if you like, is age. It also comes from manufacturing. One. So where does it come from? Well, actually comes from the the root philosophy, which is respect for people. This course is called lean and agile. Agile is the lean philosophy applied to project management. That's it. What's Lean all about were lean says you should respect people's ideas. So that means you need diverse teams coming up with different ideas and you collaborate to produce stuff. Yeah. And then what you do is you then use PDK so you come up with a plan. May not be perfect, but you do it and then you improve it. That's it. Real simple. So you take these these lean pillars, if you like, of the Toyota way and apply it to the agile environment. So it's real simple. Real simple. But this is why when when groups like can you just sort Steve out because he doesn't agree with me. You got you didn't get this. You really didn't get this. So I respect me. It's okay. It's okay to respect people you like. How do you respect people you don't like? That's the challenge, right? That's why it's. This is all about changing the way you think. So agile typically is this way. So what we do is say we've got a group of ten people and a certain amount of time and we're going to produce some features. Whereas what we do in waterfall is we say this is what we want to produce, and then we try to estimate. So we come up with a plan. So the resources and the time is the plan. So it's the opposite, opposite way around. So Agile is we're going to vary the scope. That's the key, got the same vision of success. So I need to achieve the result. But what I'm actually going to do to achieve that is going to change. As anybody know what YouTube was when it first came out, you will use I'm guessing all of you use YouTube. Do you know what YouTube was when it first came out? It's first the first iteration of YouTube. Now dating app, part of the dating app. You could upload your own video to show who you were and it didn't really catch on as a dating app. But the video upload, it was brilliant. So they iterated and it became the YouTube that, you know, now that we had so successful but not straight away. And so these are the four principles that I was talking about. So documentation now we want working software. So all of these four are what you produce if you follow conventional waterfall project management and they are essential. If you can't run a normal project, don't try to run an agile one because it would just get chaotic. You need to have these disciplines if you like. You need to have some processes and tools because you're going to need to have meetings and you're going to need to write them up and stuff like that. You need to document stuff, you need to have some documentation, you need to produce a chart and everyone needs to know what you're going to be doing. Sometimes you need to have contracts, even if there are only heads of agreement and you need to have a plan in Agile. So already said we have more plans than we do a waterfall. More plans. But what we found, this is very easy that Jeff Sutherland, that guy you mentioned before, he was one of these group that met up to try and define what was agile. He said, Oh, you know, following a plan is good, but responding to change is more important. Yeah, having a contract is good, but collaboration is better, remember? And it's customer, not client customer who is going to use the product that we're producing. Documentation is good, but it's better to have something that works and it's good to have processes and tools. But individuals are better than processes because if your process isn't working, who's going to change it? The people are going to change it. You've got to identify processes that fail and change them. So just when you were doing the ball, throw it. They have my process. It's not working well. Who's going to change it? Where's the hand of God that's going to come down and tell me what the new idea is? It's the people. So I need to have the people and the diverse ideas to change it. So this is the key that we have. So time boxing loops. So typically what we do in Agile so well if if we keep changing everything, I mean, doesn't that lead to chaos? Yes. So if you were doing something, so say you start off do your assignments and then I suddenly say, oh, you know what I come up with four different assignment began last not not fair when you work on those and you know what change the assignment said. Yeah this isn't really fair you keep changing these times. I'm not going to do anything. So you can't do that in Agile. Do you want to tell us? You can. Rubbish. What we do in Agile we say no, no, we're going to have a time box. So what we're going to do is we're going to change as much as we like and I'm never going to form a plan. That plan is good for the time box now the time, but can be whatever you like. Typically it's two weeks, typically can be a month, can be three months. You wouldn't go in more than three months. So depending on the kind of industry you're in, it could be a day, it could be a couple of hours. Some when I was working in coverage was 4 hours. We had planned for the next 4 hours we're going to get together before we're going to change plan if there's a better plan to be had. Right, because it was moving that quick. So there's no no right answer for this is but you say now we are not going to work on this for this time. And when we get to the end, we're going to test it and see if it's working. Yeah. And then what we'll do when we get to that time box will then think about everything else that's been changing as much as it could be. But it's outside our team. It's changing, changing, changing. And now we're going to look at it again and see if we need to change our plan. So the team are beavering away and say, Oh yeah, we have a plan and we do it for a fixed period of time. And then we do another bit of planning and we do that for a fixed period time. Now, if anything changes in the interim, we're not going to. To it because we have this nice, tranquil peace, if you like. Chaos, tranquillity, chaos, tranquillity. That's how agile works. So we fixed the scope, but only for a short period of time. Then we can change it completely and we can throw away what we've just done, do something completely different. And that's one. So the team starts to get some efficiency in the way they work, and we get better and better at doing the planning. So that's how it works. So we have these integration points and we just basically accepting that the scope is going to vary because we're doing this, whether it was a complex or a chaotic environment, just I actually it might be writing a bit more. Something might have happened outside the organisation to change what's going to work. So that's what we need to do. Okay. So this is how it looks. So I put in a few few names. So basically we have project phases and these are the iterations and you zoom up on that one. So it's just for what we have within these is we have what we call sprints. So the fixed time cycle in scrum are called sprints and the idea is so I have a project phase and I break it down to remember I was talking about Oracle earlier on, if you can remember that you've been asleep since then. So talk about Oracle and this is what I did for Oracle. So we had construction type environments. So doing all of these and they would typically say, No, no, we plan and then we just do. I said, No, no, you need to do this. You need to break it up so that you can change the plan multiple times. Isn't that less efficient? Yeah. Maybe if you were perfect at the start. Yes, it's less efficient. If you made any mistakes at the start, this is more effective. It's going to give you more value. Customers loved it. I think the key she was telling me about, he's just been doing some concept type work with clients. He you say they worked really well when you have these sprints where you checking in with them each time and getting them to ask questions about what he was doing and giving them feedback and changing what they were doing. People like this because they feel the involvement, it kind of drags the customer in because you get the feedback from the customer. So the customer feels involved all the way through. So you see you got various kind of areas and they'll have phases and we'll talk about these next week. So they're just ways of doing this. But it's, I think this incident. Yep. That's it for this week. So next week will go into the comms phase in more detail. So hopefully just about on time. Hope you didn't find it too boring. And I haven't seen anyone policy yet, but. So obviously we'll do these. So every. Every Monday. So. But feel free. You can come along with questions. You can ask me questions later on. I'm much more interested in answering your questions than just telling you the stuff, cause you can just read all this stuff online. So. So. Just that. So. Anybody got any closing questions? If there's anything online or from anyone? Yeah. We're trying to always keep this to 2 hours. What do you think has been. I think that's how we always try and keep these to 2 hours. Sometimes we have a break in the middle, but never have more than 2 hours of lecture. The last, yeah, the last, the last three weeks because we have the demos. So it's question of how slick you guys are doing your demos. Yeah. You. SAT on the dinner table as well. So if anybody's got any individual questions, feel free to stay behind. Otherwise, you know, they say to do it. I mean, I guess that's supposed to be out to be happening in the springtime by way of life is not something, you know. Yeah, but you know, I mean, I made a failures of planning on the failures of that. I was. Yeah. What you. What you normally do is because you're collaborating, what you typically do is at the start of the, the start of the sprint, you agree a plan. And what the plan will be is what the we call them stories. What are all the things you need to do but you don't allocate them to people say, so this is everything we need to do where they agree we're going to do all of this in this period of time. That's it. And then what we do is we then have a daily meeting where people were then looking at it and they will vary what they do. So that's all I was going to do that. But I'll do this first, then I'll change what I do. But I'll only ever choose one story per person at any time. So nothing's allocated. So what happens on a on a daily basis, you're doing stuff and talking to each other. So you have the sequence of what you do can change, but you don't change the overall plan of what you're going to do. So if your plan is failing, you would wait till the end of the cycle and then you say, right now we need to come up with our plan B. Yeah. So that's it for you, because otherwise if you could change it within the cycle, it would be too chaotic and you wouldn't be like you. Obviously you can shorten the cycle. Like I said, you can make it 4 hours just only and it's 4 hours. What are you going to do? That's all. I'm going to do this, this and this. Good. Go for it. And that's it. And in 4 hours time, come back and tell us what you've done, and then we'll look at what we're going to do for the next 4 hours. And that's probably what they're doing down in the bays at the moment, just having a probably at least on a daily basis, probably a half day basis. So what's the most important thing to do? And everybody agrees what they're going to go and do and then they go and do. You don't have like a plan B to cut in half an hour is fine until the end of the cycle. So we'll be able to afford the initial stages and things like it's kind of that time I'm where I can you can add to the scope, but you can't give it to a team to do it. So what happens is the product owner will think about all of the scope and you put it into a list. She calls what she calls the backlog. So the backlog is just all the things we haven't done yet. So what they'll do is they'll write scope in such a way as it's future focusing. So they'll say, as this kind of person is typically the customer, I need this feature so that I can do this, this thing. So that's how they're structured. I mean, we put that into what we call the backlog and then with the product owner, we put them into a cycle and the product and I can add to that at any time. So that's variable changes can go upside down, whatever you like. But what happens is when when we're actually going to do something like the library, what comes out of the backlog for them to do so that becomes print backlog and that's fixed. So now so that the products only can change the overall scope, but you can't change the sprint backlog. So the team are working on the sprint and then the product on and can go and change the scope as much as he or she likes. But they won't even look at it until the end of the cycle. It's not the end of the cycle like, okay, what if you got the snake? Yeah. So that's how it works. So you've got these guys working in this nice, steady, controlled way and the prototyping going, Oh yeah, I need to put these things in. But he can't tell the team about it because all the things that they have. Yeah yeah. And it doesn't matter how you can made you that the team decide what's what they're going to work on for the product TONER recommends.

# Week 2

Good morning, everybody. How are we all? Bright eyed, bushy tailed, loving on a monday morning. Fist bump. Anybody got anything to do? Anything exciting over the weekend? So you've been doing your journals? Yes. Right on site. Doing my journals thing? Yeah. Thinking about assignment one. Getting photographs of everybody. Yeah. Right. Answer. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back. Done a really good job. It's Monday morning. How you still alive? Sun is shining. It's not raining. There's no floods. It's got to be good. Right? Hi, Darlene. Project Management Week two. So we finish off the waterfall over here today and then we'll start to talk about Agile. I you can remember that from last week this topic was about Agile. So that's the this is just so I can keep an idea on what the people on Zoom can see. So that's what Zoom can see and this is what you can see. So I'm just trying a different technique going forward on getting a better microphone, but other than that, hopefully people can hear it. So what we're going to do now is look at the classical view of projects, which is waterfall bit about PMBOK just because this course is accredited to PMO. So you need to know about from Bach, it's much more relevant. Come on in. It's much more relevant to the waterfall course, which is seven Fortuna. So we just do a tiny little bit. The whole course is about Waterfall Project Lifecycle, which we touched on last week. Then we'll start to get in some terminology, then we just start to look at why Agile is different. Okay, so what it's all about, what it's all about. So remember we talked about this last week, so, so was a very confusing slide for people who are new to the, new to the topic. And often they think, oh, what this is saying is we can ignore processes and tools and we need to focus on individuals and interactions. This is not true. This is not true. Agile is not about not having any processes and tools. It's not about not having comprehensive documentation. It's not about not having contract negotiation just a little bit worried. You haven't got anybody else on the Zoom call. One of you guys just joined on this Zoom call. Just it's quite possible that no one's joining on Zoom, but you could just do it on the Zoom call just to make sure I got the right thing COVID gets right. I joined it twice, but. Anybody can just join on Zoom. You got a million people screaming at me saying there, no Zoom. Call that. Are you busy? Well, my team over 67, 47 points. Okay. So if anybody could just joins in, then I'll just see. I thought by now someone would. I was able to join it. So should I come to from a different angle? Anyway. Come on, you. Should be the same link as last week. I haven't changed it. Just be embarrassing if they're all waiting around trying to get anybody else together. No matter how you look. Yes this updates to. I not one person. Simon. Oh, you've got to log in with your university looking at the asset. You put your university log in. You just tax them so they can choose. They open university looking. Oh, okay. I'll just send the message out to the easiest way of doing it. I do see a lot of people. He's just trying to. He said he had to go to the waiting room. She was trying of the soldiers. I. It is. And anybody managed to join us on this point. I think it's all. It wasn't the announcements, but I think it's in detail because while you can afford to just quickly turn to this thing this. Yes. That's why I'm just there mentioned not knowing where that. It's a sign interview you have to sign and just you. So whatever you. You know, like he's checked out. He wasn't. Uh. What if I should go? No, you should just not. It should be there or continue looking for. Yeah. I mean, so. Thanks very much. Right. Definitely working. So you can log you, though. He can stay there. Thought I should give you a chocolate and no alcohol. Thank you. Superstar for game system. Right. So where were we? Yeah, the basically, all four of these are important. Okay? They're all important. We must do all of these. But what we're saying is to get to Agile, we need to do these as well. And these are more important. These are more important. So we need to follow a plan, but we need to respond to change. So therefore, we need to adapt the plan. We need to do contract negotiation. But the idea is we should collaborate with our customer when we're doing that customer contracting, we need to have documentation, but it's more important to make sure the software works before we document it. Yeah, it's important to have processes and tools, but we need to check they're working. And how do we check for? We use the individuals and the interactions to check. They're working, so we're pretty clear. So this is important. This is more important, not this is unimportant and just do this. If you just do this, you will have chaos and you will fail. Okay, so you say we don't need any process, totally documentation. We just need to able to get together and have a chat. You'll fail, but hopefully that's clear. That's what these guys were trying to say. But it gets misrepresented in the press. Oops. She said that she wants to do it before the rescue. Yeah. They've got to use they've got to look on with their big time because zoom is different intelligence and Lockheed has that Google account doesn't have to be any important to any Google account to be they would be lucky if they type in that you see me it's what's when you when you when you log in you had to put in your university. So it comes up and it says, watch your logging. That's what you need to put in the Google body because they may not move just in the zoom. Zoom is a not so we're not we just have Lincoln things. Yeah you may have even get access to the same zoom that this didn't. If your latest news is a sporting event, you know. Yeah. Anyway, we'll have to sort it out later on. But it definitely works. We definitely try to. So Waterfall Project management, we have the four full stages. If you remember, we start with the idea we end up with the charter phase is called the concept. I'm going to look at that later on today then and you need to produce a charter for your assignment through. We go from the charter through the plan and we've produced a detailed document called the Plan. So it's a planning phase to produce the plan. Then we go from plan to deliverable. We need to go through execution and the last phase deliverable to the report through close and for each one until we get this signed off, we can't get to the next phase from this. We can't get to it. So that's why it's called waterfall. You can't go past the phase until you got to the next one. So this is a guy called Jim Young, who I used to used to work with, and he's got a very good book, which you guys have got access to. So the framework for successful project management. And in it, he said, these are what I think is 23. If you count them up 23 steps that you need to go to. So this is process and we talked before. Processes are important, but individuals are more important. So this is what they're saying for waterfall. This is the process we go through. Okay. Now, in essence, we actually go through this in Agile, too, but we just go through it much quicker. We'll talk about that as you get more more involved in what's going on. But basically, we go through this process for waterfall and in this fit here, we just cycle through this very, very quickly. In Agile, we don't just do one cycle, which is what we do and wonderful do lots and lots and lots of cycles on this bit. So this bit just go round and round around this bit. We do what we do once, but this bit we change it and we do it lots of times of waterfall. And you'll see we have various documents. So we have a proposal, business case proposal. We have a charter produced here and here we have a thing called a work breakdown structure and a program schedule, a risk management plan and a project plan. So remember in Agile, the plan is important, but it's more important to respond to change. So we don't put a tremendous amount of effort into producing this in waterfall. We do. You put lots of effort into this. This is about 15% of the total project effort put into producing one plan, but the concept phase is 5%. Okay. Someone's. Hello. Well done. Thank you. Welcome aboard. She will get there in the end. Yeah. So. So we put 50% of the effort into producing. The whole of the charter is 5% of 5% of the total budget. So this takes three times more effort in waterfall. So what we do in Agile is that we're going to spend at least 15% in Agile doing planning, but we're not going to do it in one lump. And but we do more planning in Agile than we do in waterfall. And then this is about 65% of the effort for waterfall. So if we add those two together, we've got 80% of the effort. So this is 80% of the work. So 5% here. The crucial thing about the concept is what we're doing is we can remember going from that idea to a charter. So what we would do, someone's got something in their head about what their project might be like. You're going to have for your assignment too. I have this vague idea of what I might do, and I need to write that down because I need to get people to agree to it, because the sponsor needs to give me some money to go do it and the customer needs to agree to it. Well, they just told me and I said, Well, this is what I understood. You told me. Is that right? And often when we write it down, they go, No, that's not why I said, okay. What did you say then? Can we just write it down and let's agree? So it's a bit of an iterative process to get to this document called the Charter, whereby everybody agrees that. That's right. Yeah, that is right. It's not very detailed, but it's right. Okay. So are we going to come to a731 lecture or are we going to go to seven for two because they're both project management? So on the customer said, I'm going to go and do some project management. Great. Which lecture are you going to go then? Either two? Yeah, there's actually about 22 lectures you could go to on project manager. Oh, all right. Well, what are the options? But oh, yeah, I want to go to 731. Brilliant. Good choice. Yeah. So it's that kind of process. That's what we're doing with the charter. So the charter typically includes this thing, the vision then. But this is what we talked about last week for Agile, the most critical thing, where am I trying to get to? The path that I'm going to go along might change, but the place I want to get to doesn't change that vision of success. What does success look like? What do I need to achieve? That's the result I'm going to aim for. Yeah, that's it. Path me might change. So why am I doing it? Remember, the smart goal was you need to do this. An assignment, one. Smart, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic. Time bound. Yeah. Scope. What is. What am I going to do and what am I not going to do? These high level requirements? Typically, I want to know if I'm going to go to a lecture, how much is it going to cost? I'm sure, for everybody in the room that was. Well, first of all, I'd like to go to university to study project management. Next question. How much is it going to cost? Yeah, when is it? Yeah, because how can I possibly agree to do that if I've got to spend money and I don't know how much it is? Yeah. So that's the first thing we're going to find out. Then the assumption is the assumption is, is it going to be on Zoom? Is it going to be face to face? Is it going to be a hybrid? What is it? What are my assumptions? Then what could go wrong? Oh, Zoom might not work. Yeah, the room might be flooded. I might not be able to get here. Yeah, all these things, all these are risks, and then I have deliverables. So what are the things I'm going to get out of this? So for this course, we have four assignments, so we have four deliverables. Yeah, at least you could argue I've got another three because I got to do three learning journals. So you could argue I've got to do seven deliverables for this course. So this is what we'd nail out. I think the when you go onto Zoom and you see all the stuff, that's what we try to do there. So basically we're laying out the charts for you. This is the overview of the course. This is what you need to do and then any interdependencies. So that would be things like all you need to have done this course before you can do this. So say we said you can't do 731 until you've done 740. That would be an interdependency. So you can't start this until you've done that. And we have it sometimes the other way at university we say, Well, you can't do this course if you've done that because they've got the same content. So these kinds of things, there are interdependencies. What I said down here is there are many, many, everyone who says, Oh, can you give me a template? Look on the internet you will find at least a million. Yeah, that everywhere, hundreds and hundreds of them. And all we can say is, well, actually, if you cover this stuff, you've probably got 99%. I do project management as a job. So I go to companies and I always say, Can you give me your template, please? Because I need to fill in your template. And sometimes it's one page, sometimes it's 100 pages, sometimes it's in between, sometimes it's in green, sometimes it's in red, sometimes it's blue, you name it. Every kind of variety of templates. Typically they're quite small. Yeah. So a good charter is one or two pages. That's what we're looking for, because the whole idea of a charter is you want to be able to read it and understand it, and if it's ten pages, no one's going to read it. You might think ten pages. That's really chicken feed everyone to read that, not one page. My career. One page. If you can't write it in one page, no one's going to read it because that forces you to think what's really important. Because it's really easy to write lots and lots of stuff. Think Winston Churchill, if you know who he is, he's getting really old that some people don't know who said. You want me to talk for an hour? Give me 5 minutes. But if you want me only to talk for 5 minutes, you must give me an hour to prepare. Yeah. So it's that way round. To make it short is hard. To make it long is really easy. Sure, you can go and say, talk to me about chances. Now you go and you've got war and peace. No one's going to read it. No one is going to read it. So crucial thing is often it's the opening sentence, even in the opening sentences and good poems are tough. Yeah. Sorry, I can't afford to read it. This is scary. People like Auckland Council. Yeah. They say they put this in print. It must too, when they're doing briefing notes for the councillors. So that's the people who run Auckland. So it has to be two pages, two pages and has to have a reading age of eight to full the councillors. Yeah. So these people who are, you know, they they they can get up, they can dress themselves, they can get to work, they can run Auckland. Yeah. Reading age of eight to make sure they will read it. Because what they have found is if it's three pages or four pages, no one. I read the first bit and that was it. So let's say so with a charter member 5%. The crucial thing is I need to have the really important bits. Don't worry so much about the data. I need to have the really important things that people are not going to agree to. So here is the attempt. You can see this much earlier. This is when we used for counties, Manukau DHB, which is a hospital here in Auckland, and this was their two page template. So you see your various boxes and you can go through and put in all of the stuff and we did this electronically, so you can see this online. It's a bit rubbish here online, but you get the general idea. A form is often a much better way of doing it. People can just go through and they can read the bits that they want to want to know. This is what we used to use at Fonterra. So Fonterra is one of the biggest companies in New Zealand and we call it an A3, call it an A3 because it goes on an A3 piece of paper like the one I have. Yeah. So you write it on a note. If it doesn't fit on a piece of paper, you can't put it in one site. And this is for multi-billion dollar projects. So it's a much more important project I need lots of. Yeah, but we need to summarise it on one page. Can we have lots of detail to back it up. But one page and the crucial bit here is we have why do we need to improve? What where are we now? What's the current state? This is the vision. Where do we need to get to? Is it really clear what we need to? And then how are we going to get there? What's the what's that for? What's the plan? How much is it going to cost? Yeah. What are the steps that we need to go through? And then what we have here is anything that we need to fix. What could go wrong, what do we need to fix to be able to make that so nice and simple? This is in a book you can read from John Shook all about the A3 process. This is how he said you should do it. So why you talking about this? Why is it a problem? Why is it a problem and why is that a problem now? Why are you talking about it next week? Why didn't you talk about it three years ago? Why now? Why are you here? Yeah. So where do things stand today? What is the problem? What do I need to achieve? Remember my smart thing again here? And what is the root cause? What do I need to fix? So why isn't Xoom working today? Or because students aren't logging on with their work? And I'd be okay. So then what's my proposed countermeasure? Where do I need to do to get to the future state? So I want to have everybody logging in. This is my plan. I'm going to do all these various things to make it happen, and then what do I need to do to follow it up? So I get this, this process and I can overlay that with my idea that I showed you before. So I get a nice and simple document. So that's essentially what we did with the the counties Manukau as well. And they just said, oh, we'd like to be arranged like this. Okay, we're not precious about full maximum, but documentation is not important. It's the interaction that's the important thing. We don't say, Oh, now you must have this fixed format document. You can have it however you like. So this is a real example. So this was the health and safety strategy for five years for Fonterra all on a plane. So they had some of their data about how many people were dying at Fonterra, so they just had two people die. When we did this in Fonterra in accidents we got are unacceptable. How are we going to fix it? So they said these are all the things we're going to do. See if you had the right thing, you could read it. And this is what they said. Is this their future states? We want to be doing all these things. We want to have zero fatalities. We want to be recognised as a really good place for doing health and safety. We want people to be go home safe, everyday, all that kind of stuff. And so then they had a plan, this is what going through for four, four years or so. So just an outline plan so that the people at the top of the company could say yes. That was it, so long as they could say yes. So you got this one page document. Oh, lots of stuff in here. You can have lots of discussion around it, but basically it's one piece of paper. And on the back we just said, Oh, just sign. Sign it. Then it's good. And we're locked in for five years. So in your teens, what I would like you to do is choose a subject, any one of these four subjects. So you've got your dream holiday, your dream home, improving how your team works. If you want to do something vaguely related to the university or improving the student on boarding experience, figuring you'll all have recent experience of that. So you might think of a way you can do that. So we'd like to do it in your team. So I've got some A3 paper. Here's a few fruit. Come to the front, get a piece of A3 paper as a team. What I would like you to do is in your teams to work that. Now we've got Alvaro on the on the call. So whichever team he's in. So which group of you. Right. So I'll put him into group five so he can join you on the call as well. Okay, people, your time is up. So we need 2 minutes on what each of your proposals are. So you start here. Team five. What is your proposal to change your team to Florida, who is 18? Okay, so what's your proposal? Your dream holiday. Listening, guys. So just give me the headlines so much. You know, I'm a busy executive. You need to get some money for this. Oh, so under. We've got a vision to start off. Okay. And vision television pipe dream holiday is relaxation and. And knowledge. Okay. Okay. Moving on to the background, we've got you know, we've been studying Harden for a week, so, you know, we've got exhaustion right now the daily routine and know family and then moving on the scope that we need we need a lockdown, no money in the skies, just one person to at a time. In terms of scope, we sort of put your money in costly to accumulate as much money as possible. It's part of the trip. Yep. Annual leave time quality reading in lockdown. He wanted a job. We needed turnaround time for the. And the goals and objectives, the rejuvenation sort of, you know, by the end of the term, we want to be feel rejuvenated, same the same sort of that. We also want to be more happy and have a sort of a wider experience by the end of the track, measured by our feelings in terms of cost, the cost of life, the travel, the accommodation, the food and the like. So how much you think is going to cost? How many zeros? I've got a few. Probably 50. 50 grand. Okay. Yeah. Well done. Okay, you guys, what was your proposal for? So I. People going to be from far away because of it. What was your what was your proposal? It was not with us. Tony comes to the front. Maybe if you if you stand, you come to the front, then they should be able to hear you on the microphone if they're on the. All right. So we're group four and and what we looked at was improving how our team works. And the vision that we got was to achieve that is being able to effectively collaborate consistently throughout the semester and ultimately achieve and deliver a good outcome for our group assignments. So vision of Howard stage is, you know, step one is getting to know each other and who we are, what our strengths and weaknesses are before we can actually look at improving how it works over the next once go. So we just put an optimal delivery on delivering that. That group assignment success like eye contact with a product that we can use to get feedback to everyone else and then how we continuously improve on our cooperation. So it's mainly just focussed on collaboration of how we can improve our team works. Goals and objectives were obviously. Well, I guess the goal is, again, to deliver on our desire to that goal needs to be smart, so be specific. So this would be things like, oh, like everybody can tell me everybody else's name within three days. But so that's a specific goal because then I can test that because the goal has to be testable. Yeah. So I could then go to any member of the group and say, Can you tell me all the other people in your group with that referencing any piece of paper? So that's a goal, right? But otherwise not. Oh yeah, we all get to know each other at all. So yeah, it's kind of like I think I could pick him out of a Line-Up. Is that knowing him? No. Okay. Yeah. So that when you do goals. So this is for your assignments yet goals specific, measurable at time bound. So I need to know everybody's names, be able to recite them in front of everybody else within three days. Oh, wow. Okay, that's feels a bit more real, right? Let's go with that, because that's literally just all time, really. So like with or not, we can actually improve as a team depends on everyone's commitments and in order to be able to do that, it depends on our time to actually put in the time truly convenient to this. Yeah, full assumption. Assumption is basically commitment. So there is an expectation that like all of us that are doing this course will actually put in 100% of our effort to actually do well in the course and do well to support each other within our groups and collaborate for groups. I can't read this handwriting. I'll get back to that for deliverables. Successful completion of our group assignment. That is going to be a reflection of how we think we did well as a team. And then and the dependencies is basically that again, like all of us needs to be available and communicating with each other effectively throughout because if one person isn't around, then how can we improve our team? Okay, very good. Thank you. Yeah, we'll just have. We have one more group, so we're going to for you guys tell me what yours is about. So I just I think at this point because it was written and so it was quite interesting because you could apply that kind of so incorrect evaluation of outcomes as a team. Sometimes you give that to a sole responsible for some of the specific tasks that make sense. What are your thoughts on the collaborative being evaluated for an individual evaluation of size? So the question just for everybody on online is who should decide whether an output is achieved or not? If you've got collaborative teams working, so if if it was in conventional project management, it would be the project manager for an agile project. What we do is for every output, we define a thing called the definition of done. So for everything we say, if this is done, what does that mean? Yeah. So if it was a team collaborating site, like we just said, oh, everybody could repeat everybody else's name. Yeah, everybody would know where everybody else was born. Everybody else would know what everybody else was doing. We would be meeting every day. So that would be the definition of done. Yeah. So when then someone says, Oh, I've done this, you flick it over and you are. So you've done all of these things. So how did you test? Does everybody know everybody else's name? When did you test that? Show me the test certificates. Yeah, we did that three weeks ago, last Wednesday. Here's the video. This is everybody reciting everybody's name. So that's how you do it. Right. So you agree as a team what the tests are. Then whoever does the task, they have to go by the definition of done. All right. So when I sign up to do this, to volunteer, to do it on behalf of the team or the team decide to do it together, they say, Oh, we can only say it's done when we can tick off all of these criteria. So that's how it works, right? Okay. What did you guys do? All this stuff. Exciting activities. Our concern is that we have known for a long time and we have. And we already have a vision and a stamp of this. This move is. Are slogans to stay on the. Virgin. I have a. That is really. But of course, this wasn't the 100,000. Wow. Great Britain holidays. Yeah. Yes. It's my kind of holiday. Yeah. Where do I sign? Yeah. Yeah. And so that's why we have so the so the memories and and the bad weather and the fact that maybe I be comfortable with it. We to the clothes or some because of the both of us had to go through a phone call which is outgoing. So. And we want to take a helicopter in Tampa. That's very good. Where to? You're just going to go? You're going to do it just around on the phone, kind of corporate from home and. Oh, I see. Right. Just to get there, right? Yeah. That's my kind of commute. Yeah. Okay, very good. You. Do you live on Waikiki, by any chance? I know there's a guy over there has a helicopter who likes to fly around everywhere. He's quite rich. Not very good. Okay. No, thank you. So, you see, even you had 15 minutes, and it's quite hard to produce one piece of paper in 15 minutes here because it would be very easy to write everything down just to talk about it. You could see just when you started to talk, you could talk for a long time about your holiday. But to actually summarise it into bullet points on a piece of paper is quite hard. So that's what we do. So that's why I try and give you a practice of doing that, because we have the lecture and everyone goes, Oh yeah, that's really easy. So that's why I get you to try it, cos it's not really easy. Takes a long time to produce a charter, which is a small thing. So think about this for your assignment you got. Okay, well, we have to produce a group assignment. So the charts always only two sides. Be really quick. No, actually, it takes a long time to do it. Yeah, to do it well, anyway. And you want to get a good mark, right? Well, let's see. We have some people on the phone soon. Hello. Hopefully everyone can hear me. A thumbs up, if you can hear me. Hi, Karen. How is Ireland? Yep. Yeah, we have technology, so it is possible you pass the test of getting online with Auckland. So well done. Thank you. Right. For you to. Just click on here. I think you should be able to. Yeah. So for PMBOK, we said there's a big, strong element of the PMI Project Management Institute, and this course is accredited to that. So what they do is they look at projects. Sorry. Oh, you know, it's okay. We haven't got time to do everything. So you can even have your time next. Next time. Next time. Yeah, I'm just looking at the times. It's 10:00 already. We want to be finished by 11. I'm a project manager, so you have three. So we'll choose you guys next time, right? So the ten PMBOK knowledge areas. So what this is saying is as a project team, these are the areas that we need to think about. So we need to think about communications, procurement, risk, h.r. Stakeholders, the schedule, quality, cost, scope and finally integration which is putting everything together so bringing it all together. So that's what the project manager does. So if we were thinking about PMBOK, this is how they break it down. So, so we can have a process for each of those things. So how are we going to communicate? Well, we need a communication plan. Having got a communication plan, then we need to execute it and we need to test that. It's working to do procurement. I need to plan what I'm going to go procure, then I need to procure it so I could have individual people in charge of each of those things. So sometimes for those of you who've been on very big projects, often you'll have one person who's in charge of your schedule, sometimes called the program or the scheduler. And that's all they do all day long, is they adjust the schedule to make sure it's currently correct. So in very big projects you get these very specialist roles coming out in projects, and that's why the tempo carries a sign off. You cover all of these ten things, then you will have a good project. Then what we have across that and this is the most complicated bit. So I just mention this because you're going to come across this and it can be very confusing. So what PMBOK talks about and it tries to be remember we talked last week about shoehorn control cycles. You what control cycle was p d c a plan. Do check that PMBOK tries to do a similar thing by instead of four. It has five. So it says our cycle is initiation plan, execute, control it, close it and then go around again. So if you can imagine that as a circle, so they have process groups and they say, oh, so we have this cycle inside projects which instead of PDC because that would be easy, we can't use that copyright. We're going to have initiated, plan, execute, monitor and close. Now what students do now is get really confused because they say, oh, they're very similar to the project phases. Yeah, very similar to the project phases of concept plan, execution close. So my brain goes click. They're the same thing. They're not. They just have similar words. Okay. So Compaq has process groups, so it has this process iteration like PDC, but not called PDC. So and then I can apply it to any phase. I can call the phase of a project, whatever I like. So therefore in the concept phase, yeah, I am going to have initiation processes, planning processes, execution processes, monitoring and controlling processes and closing processes in that first phase. So if you think of it like that for each phase and I can have as many phases as I like, I've called them this for the moment, but often projects might have lots and lots of phases can have two phases for each of those I can have those individual processes. Yeah. So this is, this is where it starts to go. Oh, okay. So I've got like a matrix now. I've got my whichever way I've got PMBOK areas of knowledge going across. Yeah. And I've got phases coming down and then within the phases I've got these iteration process groups going along. So it gets very, very complicated, right? Very, very complicated. So if we will want to see feature picture is, oh, I've got this PDC process going on inside the concept phase. So I start a concept, yeah, I'm going to do my plan, I'm going to do my concept. I'm going to check. I've got the right answer. How do I check it? Well, I'm going to show it to the stakeholders and get their feedback and make sure they sign. And if they don't sign, I have to change it and I'm going to change the plan, do some more doing that. I'm going to check again with the stakeholders and they can assign it or not. Then I'm going to change it and I keep going around and around and around until they finally agrees. Yeah. So within each of these phases, I get this. Yeah. And the trouble is the words are very similar. So a lot of students will say our process groups and project phases of the same thing. So therefore I have a project phase of monitoring, controlling. I don't there's no such thing. So when you try and explain it in your essay and you say, Yeah, I have a project phase of monitoring, controlling, it's not true. I have a process group of monitoring and controlling processes within a phase of the concept. So my concept phase, I'm going to do initiation of planning, execute, monitor and control it and close it. When I close the concept phase, I can go into the planning phase. Then I'm going to do the same thing all over again. So this is why individual phases can be done by completely different people. Okay, this is the most complicated thing about waterfall does your head in? Because I know you're not just sensible because someone says, can you can you produce the chart for me? So like we say in the summit, can you produce a charge? Oh, yeah. How long is it going to take? It's going to take us a week. Okay. He's going to be involved. Yeah, we're going to do it. The producer is any good now? It's not. We'll change it again. So you just do that naturally. But when you start to try and draw it, people get confused and they start saying things that are a bit a bit silly. So this is what I was trying to describe earlier on. So I have my project phase and then I have my cycle. So I imagine this is Pdci, but this is the PMI version of it. Going around him in the face comes to an end. So I go on to the next one. So this is a these are all process groups. Yeah. So all these are processes. This is a process group. And so if you put it all together, you get this slide, which again, is on the on the network, on the canvas site. So here is what I was trying to describe. I don't sit here in my humble areas of knowledge. Yeah. Here are my process groups across the top. So I can put a process in each of these so I can have initiating the scope for a concept. So that would be Oh, okay. So I'm going to have a meeting where I'm going to talk to the stakeholders about what should be in scope from my dream holiday. So what's in scope for my dream holiday? Eight Are the flights in scope? Are the hotels in scope? Are the activities at night in scope? What's in scope for me and you said it was going to be 100,000. What does that include? So you said, what's the helicopter flight? We've got that bit, this helicopter flight to Tampa and I presume it included the hotel, but did it include all the visits from Tampa? Was that just to get that? Was that just 100,000 to stay in the room for a day or a week? Yeah. So this is where we are. So that's what I need to flesh it out. So I've got my initial scope, I've got my initiating thing, but then I need to go talk to some people. So this is where I talk to the stakeholders. So that's the execution bit of the concept phase. Yeah. So I'm going round and around trying to agree. So this is one I found a lunch, kind of drools it up. So I get this podcast going all across the project. These, this is the project groups here. I've got all these areas and I can put in theory a process into each of those. And this is why Waterfall kind of loses its way, because it's easy to kind of know that. It's not that easy to explain, it's quite easy to draw. But if you're actually doing a project and you try to set this and so on, I'm talking to a stakeholder of the moment, where am I on that you go, does it matter? Do I care? But if I'm trying to become a project management professional, I'd have to say on it, I'm in the stakeholder management phase. I'm initiating contact with stakeholders cause I own that process. Your point from the back was who owns that? Who's in charge of stakeholder management? Because in a in a waterfall project, it's important who's in charge of managing the stakeholders because it's someone's job. It's not everybody in waterfall. It's not it's somebody's job. So who's in charge of change management? Stakeholder management. Who is it? This is where you see people having to resign and stuff. Yeah, someone should be the project manager, so it could. It could be. It depends on the size of the project. So if it was a very big project, it would be someone special. So often we'd have a in that case, it would probably be a change manager would be in charge of it. If it's a very small project, then the project manager would be in charge of everything. So it sounds you scale up so much and you were doing an international project in various countries. You probably have a change manager for each country who is in charge of, you know, talking to the stakeholders in each country and then coming back together to try and decide it. Such good question. So very complicated. So this is where it kind of loses its way. Remember, we showed you the slides last week saying how how much of a problem it can be for success in a waterfall project and won't remember what the success factor is for a waterfall project. What percentage of projects fail? 60%, 44%. So you have to change which way around you're going. So how many projects succeed being positive? Yeah. And agile projects are four times more successful. More successful because you get the chocolate, right? So project projects are generally very risky things. And because we start doing all this stuff and we said, Oh, everyone has their swim line and everyone has their process, and we decided who's in charge of everything? And we've made it really efficient. It's a great thing. The trouble is, if the plan is wrong, we've made a mistake or something changes, but it all blows apart. And this is particularly where it came from really when they were looking at software projects. They said, Oh, well, when you're doing software hates change. You're like, We've still got this thing on Zoom. Some people can use it. Some people can't. What's wrong? So just a bit of software it works for. Everybody wants to stay secure and doesn't work for other people who are struggling to get what's going on. So we need to redesign the interface. We need to change it. So it's these kind of things. So we've got this complex, chaotic environment. We don't know what environments all the various students are on. There's obviously a problem somewhere. We just need to find it out. And this is what they they came up with say, Oh, actually, this process just doesn't work. It's too slow trying to work out who's in charge of everything from one central person working, or that just becomes too hard. But so this is the standard set of stuff. So if you carry on with that and you do a conventional waterfall project, this is the list of stuff that you come up with amazingly. So if you're PMP certified, you would know what all of those things are. Yeah. So I've just highlighted in red some of the most important ones. So we've got the deliverables, the charter and the plan, right? You can't not have those things. You need to decide what it is you're going to deliver. You have to come up with a document for people to sign up to say, Yes, that's what I want, and you have to have a plan to decide what to do. But you can have all those other things. So we've already talked about the project vision, so I need to have that. So someone. So what is the vision? Auckland University has a vision and you'll find it written down. People like Google have a vision. Yeah. So you can. You can find them all online. Then the catalogue of requirements often I used to be when I started as a consultant, that was the first thing I ever had to go and do. Go talk to everybody who cares about this project, all the stakeholders, and find out what they want. Make a list and then we'll decide if it's. They must have it. They should have it or they could have it. Yep. And we'll go all the way through that because once we've got that catalogue of requirements, that's the start of the scope. So we can work out how much it's going to cost to be on this and that. Yeah. So that's in the business case, I can start to prepare the business case. So we see we have lots and lots of documents, although not all that long for Waterfall project management. So anybody got any questions about. So bear in mind seven for two. We do this for 12 weeks. You've got this idea of waterfall project management, got these very structured lots of documents. You step down approach and I'm going to go concept plan execute finish and I've got my PDC was in the in the thing and I've got all these ten knowledge areas going down the plane so I can make it very, very complicated lots of process and so that's what I want you to take away from. Waterfall got this flowing process. Areas of knowledge, project phases. That's how it works. Lots of documentation. Anybody got any questions and just care as much? Because now we'll start to do our job. So it says, yeah. Yeah. So the question was, what's an interdependency? So an assumption is a convenient guess if you like. So if I if I'm coming to do a lecture here, I will guess that the room is set up the way it was before. And that's an assumption that if I had an interdependency, I'd say no. I have asked the quiche to come along on Sunday and set the room up. That's now an interdependency. So as long as the quiche comes and sets up the room, I'm okay. So I haven't assumed he's going to have it set up. I've actually made it. So I'm now saying, oh, for my project of delivering this lecture, there's an interdependency that the quiche will come in on Sunday and set up the room for me. Yeah. So interdependency is another thing that's going on that you're relying on to be in place for you to do it. So whereas an assumption is just a guess. Yeah, may or may not be true. And it's a risk therefore, because if it's not set up well, what do I do? Well, I haven't got anybody who's going to come and do it. Yeah. So that's the difference. Interdependencies, other things that are happening. So if you had enough say, go away from the universe to say you're in a light world. I was doing a roll out of software for a Fletchers, who's a big, big construction company here, and somebody else was doing the upgrade to the desktops to bring them all up to, you know, Windows ten, I think it was at that stage. So say also my bit of software only works on Windows ten. So there's an interdependency that this project will have delivered Windows ten desktops to everybody so that when I come along to install my software, I don't have to. So therefore I don't have that in my budget. They have it in their budget. So that's an interdependence. Good question. Anything else? Well, first, I was just going to say when you have those systems in place for you. So again, it comes with the team collaboration. And you said that you test whether or. What are the set ups that you have? Unfortunately don't meet the expectations, but how do you then again review your process? Specific project. Yes. So just for the people and answer the question was if I if I just correct me if I'm wrong. So we five designed to test and actually we fail the test. What do we do about it? So this is called a risk. So when we're doing a setup of the project, we would say, what is the potential for failing? So say we're looking at waterfall and we just saw a rainfall looking at rainfall and we say, well, how high should we build our building on stilts? And so typically what we do there is. So while it might fail, right? So we could build it at the ground level and it might fail straight away. So what we then do is we put in a risk level and typically you'll hear them talking about it. And I think think about it is one in 100 years. So they say what we'll do is we'll set the risk level at one in 100. So 1%, 1% chance of failure. Whereas other companies say like an Internet provider, they'll say, Whoa, that's way too bad. We couldn't fail three days a year. That would be terrible to fail our Internet three days a year. We'd lose all of us, all of our people. We've got to have 99.9999%. We have four nines after that, after the dot percentage availability of service. So therefore, we've got to have, you know, active. If the power fails, we've got to have a just active switchover. Yeah. So we've got all of our generators ready to go. We might even have dual service in different places around the world. So this, which are matching Microsoft, said, Oh, all of our servers are down for even one day. You imagine that around the planet that happened in 2019, Microsoft went offline for a day and it was the end of the world, literally the end of world. We were coming to work and got, oh, teams doesn't work but some teams work. Oh, I can't get an email. This is great. I'm going to go home because Microsoft just stopped working for a day because they whatever, whatever it was, the risk level. So this is what we do. So we set we set our tests, we say we want to achieve this level and therefore, if it fails that level, it's one and we'll say that's acceptable risk. So worker validation was supposed. The percentage of this type of project is what in simplest and simple way they pointing to Central Project. Now you assess the drought conditions which were unforeseen. You had a foundation designed for those. That's. Right now, you're 40% from what you initially evaluated. We definitely need to strengthen it, but you can more cost facilitate that. But how is it that that process that you collaborated to achieve that the preliminary design has now shifted towards that? Yeah. So the question for the people online is so I'm I'm partway through a project and we find out something. One of our assumptions proved to be untrue or one of our design criteria was wrong. We made a mistake, whatever. So we get to a point. So this is where remember we said, you know, 70% of projects fail. So that could it could just be a fail. So what typically would do not in that scenario, we do a thing called value engineering, value analysis. We get everyone together and say, can we recover this time? We discount the project and still deliver the main bit of the project within the budget. And if the answer is yes, great, we'll do scope it because we will agree with the customer will discuss it and we'll beef up the the flood protection or whatever to overcome it. But if we say no, we got all right, so this is now a project failure. So now go back to the sponsors. I can we have some more money? The sponsor was the government. The government would say yes. He gave you some more money. He got wrong. I will now re baseline the project with more money and so that. Oh, it's just a failure. Yeah. And it's that kind of say we're going through that process. So that's change control. So you got to process you got value engineering that you can go through to kind of re redo your thoughts about what you were going to do or you guys would change control. And we either knew they're going to fail the project completely or you're going to agree to some more money or change your scope or whatever. That's the process. Okay. You had a question. Oh, there are so many different projects on different scales. So if there is a sweet spot to apply the waterfall. Uh, the question was, is that based on the cost of a project? Is there a sweet spot for Agile? So I would say it's not related to cost. So Agile is value for money in common. Remember the thing we did last week? The connecting framework from Snowden in complex and chaotic. So it's the environment rather than the cost. So for complicated projects which are in nice, stable environments, waterfall is generally the best because it's the cheapest. You don't need agile thinking for it, and waterfall will deliver at the lowest possible cost. So if cost is your focus and the environment is simple or complicated as per Snowden, so it's not changing. That's where you would use waterfall. So that's good. But it's not costs related to such because cost, it could be a really cheap project, but it could be a highly complex, chaotic, changing environment and just go, I've got to use Agile. I wouldn't dream of using waterfall in a like a client facing type of range. So if I could say I was designing a website, no way would I use anything other than Agile. I wouldn't say I'm going to go away and I'm going to conceive of this brilliant website and I'm going to design it for three months and then launch it untested and hope for the best. That would be madness. High risk in no more terms from that high risk strategy. So is the environment complex chaotic for waterfall? Simple or complicated for so fragile, simple or complicated for waterfall? And the more straightforward the environment and the shorter the project, the more that waterfall would be suitable. And the reason it's suitable is means lower cost, less planning. You get more chance to do a highly efficient project so will be lower cost adapt to any of the questions so the. But. Yep. It was like an engineer doing the design. They like they said, sure, it's going to work this way. There's a. So. So the question is, how do you assess the risk? So nothing in life is certain. So, you know, you assert that engineers know what they're doing, but they don't. Engineers design two standards, and the standards are normally based on empirical study. So if I build a bridge this big and this, it will it will work. But when you test it, like, well, hang on, if I put an elephant on top of it when I break 920 elephants on top would live. Right? Hmm. Okay. If I put 100 elephants on it, yes, it will. All right. So it does fail at some point. What's the chance there of winning 100 elephants over my bridge at the same time? Very, very low. It's not impossible. So what we do is we think called Monte Carlo analysis. And what we do is we look at all the possible risks and all the likelihoods of them happen, even if it's like 0.001%. What's the chance of a satellite landing on me right here, right now? It's not zero because there are satellites up there. The only way it would be zero if there were no satellites or I had a protective forcefield over this room that zapped satellites. That's the only way it would be zero. And I had to guarantee power supply to stop my force for five. Right. That's. That's it. That's the only way it would be zero or. I wasn't here at all. I was somewhere over there. It can't be a to estimate, but this is it. So it's never zero. And that's the problem. So this is with all these floods at the moment, they're saying the cyclone said there were one in 100 year events. Trouble is, we've had three this week. So we got oh, so it was one in 100 years when we were designing it. But now it's one in a 30% chance per day, you know? Oh, my God. Yeah. So the world is change. So this is the thing with climate change. The risks are changing. So it's still it's like now they were saying last week on the news in New Zealand, we've had the wettest summer ever. Yeah, but in the South Island it's been the third driest and we're separated by what, 500 kilometres or what I think is mad. So if I'm an engineer and I was designing for Auckland and designing for Christchurch at the same time, the same building, because I'm putting the same building in two different places on the same kind of geological structure. It's crazy, right? So now one's got to be ten metres higher than the other, cause it's more likely to have rain. So this is it. So it's never. It's a great world that human beings think this we're in control now. It's like when they say we've got to protect the earth, as only you want to go. No, no, no, no. We're not protecting the Earth. We're protecting the human race. The Earth is going to be fine. The Earth is going to be here in a million years. Not so sure about the human race. Human rights gone. That's it. Got rid of the dinosaurs. This is it. So what we're really talking about climate change. They almost need to flip it around. So, no, we're not protecting the earth. Who? Protecting the human rights. Do you care about the human rights? Anyway, enough of that stuff, right? Don't forget about dolphins. It's all about us. Oh, okay. Thank you. Yes. What was the question? What's the key? So does Waterfall have defined PMB knowledge areas as in Agile? And that's the other way round. So the defined knowledge areas are full. The waterfall process, that's how they defined it. And PMI now is latterly adopting Agile. So my point was going to be in, in Agile. What we do is we put it all together. We don't separated out. Everything comes together. So the team focus is on everything all the time. So that's the big thing. So in, in, in waterfall, we split it all out and we often we call it streamlines and everybody sticks to their swim. Right. And they only do their bit. So if I'm the change manager, that's it. If I'm the designer, that's it. If I'm the tester, that's it. When it comes to Agile, no, I'm going to be talking to the people. I'm going to be helping to do the design. I'm going to be helping to do the testing because I can volunteer for any task at any time because I'm part of the team. Yeah, that's the way it works. So we've got this highly waterfall, highly specialist who can be highly specialist if you choose it. To be an agile is almost by definition. It's always a team working on everything. So there's no individual accountability for anything in Agile, which is why a lot of managers struggle with it because it's out. If a team's responsible for everything and it goes wrong. Who do I blame? Who's the coach? Well, I have to show for coach owns all the failure. So. Yep. Steve, he was rubbish. You just continue testing. Who coached him? Well, I didn't. There you go. When it comes to rugby or football. Right, the rugby team loses. Whose fault is it? All the players. No, it's their coach. He wasn't on the park. It doesn't matter who told him what to do. Well, they are there, but they're all really good players. They're superb. He's only average. But it's the coach's fault, right? Coach didn't do the job well enough. So this is why the manager says, Oh, this is not fair. So the team own all the successes and I own all the failures? Yes. So the best you can do as a manager is not fail. Yeah. Because when the team wins, like, oh, yeah. And Steve was the coach. But the team are really good. Yeah, the team are on all the TV shows and everything else because the team won. But when they lose coach, coach and director players, all they're really good coaches but bad coaching. So that's how it works, right? So feel free to ask me any questions about the to focus but I'm going to get. So we have this cone of uncertainty and this is what Agile is really about. So the same when we first come up with our idea, we can be out by a factor of four. So you said your holiday was going to cost 100,000. It might only cost 25,000. Equally, it might cost 400,000. That's what this is telling us. Right. Based on real projects, when you're first thinking about a project before you've done anything, you are realistically likely to be out by a factor of four high or low. That's the real world. So like when you're saying, you know, engineers know everything, can they always get it right? They can be wrong by a factor of four. And that's scary. And as you go through the project lifecycle, so when you're actually about to do it, you should be getting back to very, very low variability. You should be pretty certain if you've got good processes. So this is what this is telling us and we can kind of deny this. And often senior managers say, Oh, that can't be true. You must be able to do it cheaper. And again, George Davis on and I'm an expert, my team are experts. This is what we're telling you. You might not like the answer. That's okay. You don't have to like it. But this is the answer. And it's good for you to challenge. Can we do it cheaper? No. We've tried that. We did our value engineering. No, we can't do it cheaper. Right. So we've challenged me on process. Have you done this? Don't ever challenge me on. Do you know what you're doing? Because if that's what you really think, go get someone else. But it's fun. Yeah. With. We're the expert team. You've put us in place. You're the people you chose. So what we do for Agile, which is different to Waterfall, is we start to go for this Perito principle. What we say is full of this project. What is the most valuable bit? So like for your holiday, it sounded to me like the most important bit was the helicopter, right? Yeah. So. So of the things I'm going to book on this holiday, what's the first thing I'm going to book? The helicopter ride? How can I test that? The helicopter ride is going to be really good. Well, I could get in a simulator and I could get all of my people getting a simulator, make sure we can go up and down in a simulator. And they don't get airsick because if they get airsick in the helicopter ride, remember, they said they were going to have this really exhilarating, lovely, relaxing experience. Well, if they got airsick in a helicopter, it's not going to achieve it. So it's a risk that choosing the helicopter, which sounds really sexy and exciting, might actually destroy the whole holiday. Maybe they get into a helicopter and but my wife is my wife is very susceptible to motion sickness and I fall off. She just when she gets a little bit queasy. I have never seen anyone turn green before. I took on a fairground. Right. Because I'm a boy right there. Okay. You'll be a little bit queasy now. She turned green and she threw her guts up on the tarmac as she came off the ride and we still got married. I was always about the sky, but literally green lit trigger. So I got off. Right. So it's a really important thing. It does actually affect people. Yeah. When you start taking all these things, they go, Oh, so I would need to test that. Number one, the helicopter actually would work. And number two, that my my party could actually find in a helicopter because they might not be able to. And that would be really, really important. So on my scale here, so what I've got here is value first is the features. So I'm going to identify the helicopter, what is the most important thing? So I need to test that first because I'm doing Agile now in Waterfall, I might say, Oh, you know what? We'll do that right at the end. We could do that like the day before just to test it. We can have a little test flight right at the end. I say, Yeah, but if it fails, if it's that 0.0001% chance that it's going to fail the whole whole days off. I would want to find that out at the last day, because whatever else I've done for my holiday, I've planned it all. I need to check that first. So this is where we go. Oh, execution sequence is crucial. So I'm not going to go for the most efficient sequence. I'm going to go for the highest value sequence because if I fail, I want to fail fast. So if my helicopter flight is not going to work, I want to find that out first day because then off I'm not going to go by helicopter. Where am I going to go? I'm on. I've got a typo anymore at all. I can't fly anywhere. Okay. So it's going to be a going to be a cruise instead. So there's no point looking at Tableau. I've got to go on a cruise. Yeah. Or I've got to stay in Auckland. Yeah. And I've got to have got the holiday come to me in Auckland. Yeah. Whatever. But I've, I completely change it. So this is the whole concept of Agile. We're looking for here is MVP minimum viable product or project minimum viable? What's the least I could do to sell this ANP minimum marketable product? Because that's all is typically very product focussed. It's the output. What is it? You're making the holiday in this case? So what's the least I could do to test that? So with Agile we say always thinking about testing. Get really anal about what's the test. So when you're designing your stuff, how will I know? How will I know? This holiday is really good? Oh, I'm going to do a survey at the end and I'm going to get ten out of ten for relaxing. But if I don't get ten out of ten for relaxing, it was a failure. Now, if I could say for this course, if everybody doesn't get an A-plus, it's a failure, cause that's what success looks like. So how would you guarantee that? Well, I'll just give you an A-plus. Now I can go home. That's easy. But that's it, right? So what is the standard? So this is the real questions, right? So everyone gets a plus. Minus can look a bit suspicious. Maybe 50% might make it 30%. What is it? What is what does good looks like? How do we know the teacher's any good? How do we know the students are really good? So these kind of questions that are for the real. So this is the crucial thing we that with agile we try to identify the minimum viable product. What's the least I can do to deliver the maximum value so I might not deliver everything? So remember we said last week, it's all about fixed resource, not fixed scope. So fixed scope is waterfall, agile fixed resource not deliver as much scope as I can for the money. Whereas in waterfall now I'm going to deliver this scope. That's it. I'm going to go to change control process. So this is the slide I was talking about. Yeah. So this is waterfall fixed requirements. I estimate the resources without me are and I estimate the time. Whereas where I'm coming from at John, I say no, no, I've got ten people for a week to, to book this holiday. What am I going to do. So is the helicopter going to be in there, yes or no? And I should check that out as soon as I possibly can. So the difference when it comes to waterfall is I'm doing the same things. I'm still doing scoping, I'm doing estimating how long the time is going to die. I'm still talking to the site and doing all the same stuff. What the difference is, is this thing at the top is the agile culture. So I'm doing all the same stuff. But what I'm saying is, remember those four principles I'm going to put the individuals first. It's the culture. I'm going to talk to the people. I'm not going to blindly follow the process. I'm not going to put people in pigeon holes and tell them it's their fault if it's wrong. And I'm the project manager and I go around and kick people's bums, if they don't do it wrong, I'm going to have a whole team and the team are going to talk to each other and the team are going to work out how to do this. This is the difference. Yeah. So this is where we got sociology, psychology and team dynamics coming into it. So when we were running a project under the Agile way of working, it's all about the thinking. Okay, so Agile is thinking differently. You get nothing else from this lecture. That's the crucial thing. What Agile is thinking differently? It's not working in a different way and thinking differently. So that's how I know when you're doing your projects, if you're doing them an agile way or not, not by what you do, but how you think. When I ask you a question, your response will tell me how you're thinking, because agile people say, Oh, I have to do the test first. What's the most important thing? What's the most critical feature of this list of ten things, which is the most important? They're always prioritising. And then as I write, as soon as I've got that project, how do I test it? So what's the smart criteria? I can't be agile and not think about testing. I can be one of them, say, Oh yeah, we've got to go on a really nice holiday. That's wonderful. We can't have that in Agile. No, no. It's got to achieve these things. I've got to have this definition. I've done these things. Yeah, that's how it. That's how it works. So I can still have this. Remember, I've still got the concept phase in Agile, I still got the clothes face to these to change. Say I'm not going to do this one off planning events on this and then execute it. I'm going to do this planning and executing concurrently at the same time. So this is what I was trying to describe to you earlier. So this bit from Jim's process diagram is the same, this bit from Jim's process diagram is the same, but in here we change it now. So what all I'm doing now is I create my team and instead of having a work breakdown structure, which some of you might know from 740, I'm going to call it a product backlog, but it's not fixed. It is variable. If this was a waterfall, this would be fixed. So the list of things I am going to do in waterfall is fixed. List of things I'm going to do in Agile is changeable, can change it as much as I like now and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a little bite out of this and I'm going to call it a sprint backlog, and then I'm going to release it, get feedback on it, do a retrospective on how I'm working and keep going around this. So I've got this big list of stuff. I take a little segment out of it, put it into the Sprint backlog, and then I iterate it to see if it's any good. And then I come back next week and I take another bit out of this so this can be changing. This is fixed, the sprint backlog is fixed. So my team is working on a fixed amount of scope each time they deliver it so they can do something in a productive way. And then when they come back to us. So what's the scope now? Oh, scope change. That's okay. I'm always prepared for that. I've delivered this bit now I'm going to do the next bit. That's okay. So I keep sniffing around, but it's the team here that are deciding this fit how it works. This bit is designed by a person called the product owner. If we have a project manager in Agile, they're at a higher level. If they're not involved, we don't have a project manager in this. We have a team doing this fit and we have a product owner doing this that. And the project manager might have been involved here, but all they would be doing really here is communicating externally in terms of the internal team working, no project managers that are out of work because what we have is a scrum master, if we're following the scrum talking and they become a coach. So in project management often it's you're telling people what to do, you're allocating tasks. None of that. None of that in Agile at all. It's all about the team volunteering to do tasks and they are coached by you that they call it the Agile Coach or the Scrum Master. So. So how did you choose how to do that? I don't know. I just put my hand up and it was the first thing on this phone. Is that the. Therefore, the most valuable thing you could have done? I don't know. Well, how would you assign value? I don't know. Well, who would be able to tell you what was valuable to the customer? Very good. So if you wanted to know what of all of those things was the most valuable? Who would you go? Ask the customer. Right. So what's the most valuable thing you could do right now? Go talk to the customer. Right. So don't do whatever you are about to do. Go talk to the customer. Right. So this is what a coach would do. Take you through the thinking process because you need to change the way you think. Whereas if it's a waterfall project. Oh, what have I been allocated to? It's Monday. What have I been allocated to do? Go to a731 lecture. Great. That's what I'll do to say what's the most valuable thing you could do? It's sunny outside. Go get some time. So I could watch this 731 lecture online in a week's time or years time, whatever. What's the most valuable thing I could do right here, right now? That's the difference in the way you think. So remember our long list from before that? We had lots and lots of stuff. This is a reduced list. So we some of them change now. Some of them are still in. So now we have the cataloguing requirements I spoke to you about before so that we call that no stories. The reason we call them stories is because they're written from the customer perspective. So a catalogue of requirements is like a thing. Oh yeah. You will produce a computer program. We. When we do it from the story perspective, we say as a person, so as a stop taker or something, I need a program that lists all the items in stock so that I can see if we've got them all. Yeah. So as a customer, I need something so that I can do this. And this starts to build in the concept of value. So why is something valuable? Yeah. So that's the that's the key question. So we still have the ones in, in red. You see I've started to take some of these words now work break down structure for those of you do seven for two or 73 last year, we now call that the product backlog. So this was fixed. This is variable. We used to have a thing called a network diagram. We don't use those network icons. We have a task board. We've got don't worry about all these times. We'll go through these later. So we just think so what we basically do is you go through a list of all of the standard stuff for Waterfall project management and we change the names, similar sorts of stuff, but subtly different. So notice we don't have the project plan that's gone because we do the planning on a daily basis and it would be a probably the closest thing would be to task, but this is the one that we were talking about before. At the back here in Waterfall, we have a quality plan. What are all the tests for? Everything that's replaced by the definition of done so. So we'll go through this in much more detail in later lectures. So this is just to give you an idea, so off. So what we do for from waterfall to Agile is we change the names of lots of things. Yeah, some of the crucial things are still the same, so we still need the deliverables in the charter, which is why you still had to do those. So these are the differences. You can go through this yourself in your own time, but basically to talk about them already. So scope goes from fixed to being variable. The driver in waterfall is the plan. The driver in agile is value. So customer centric customer is involved right at the start of waterfall all the way through in Agile and so on and so forth. Yeah. So the leadership style command and control in Project Waterfall we call servant leadership or coaching in Agile. So it's very different. So you're doing very similar things but in a different way, so you're changing the way you're thinking about delivery. So as an example, if you're into computer programs, Salesforce.com is one of the biggest CRM systems in the world. And so if you're into customer relationship management, that's what CRM stands for. This is Salesforce. And they said, now Scrum is a way of doing Agile. They adopted it in 2006 and they found that instead of taking a year to release the next release, they could do it in four months and they could basically double the amount of stuff that they could do. Yeah. So just crazy. So that's why that's three so three times and then doubling it. So that's a six times improvement in productivity by adopting Agile. Yeah. So lead times. So if you ask for something, they could get it to you in two thirds of the time and the customers could start to plan for things changing. So we use Salesforce as part of the COVID response. We were very impressed with the way that Salesforce would update their software to take account of things that were changing in terms of the COVID response. So this is just an example of companies. They don't they don't do Agile because it sounds sexy. They do it because it makes money, it keeps them in business. So a lot of companies now are having to do Agile because I will I want to do this nice controlled thing where the project managers in charge and they tell everybody what to do and everyone does it. And when they don't like them and they go, yeah, that's a really good but doesn't work but it doesn't work. Right. Okay, well, you can go and I'll bring in an agile coaching stack right now. Can you just work with this bunch of people? We have and we just need to do some stuff differently because we need to think different. So this is where the challenges you take your old project managers and you say you just need to start thinking differently, stop telling people what to do, start coaching them. And that's really easy to say. And if you've ever tried doing that, stop telling people what to do and start coaching them. Oh, wow, that's so hard. I'm not going to tell you what to do. What should I do here, Steve? What do you think you should do? Well, I don't know. Well, how would you find out? I don't know. Where could you go? I go to a lot of you. That's a good idea. When could you do? When you see as a coach, you just have to ask questions. It's really hard because you just look, he's the answer. Just go right. It's very tempting. Coach can't do it. Well, you've got to change the way the people think. So ultimately you're making yourself. Redundant. Right. So you can read that from Theodore Roosevelt. How to Learn Agile. You can't learn Agile from a book. Unfortunately, Agile is all about experience. You have to feel agile. This is a quote I mentioned last week, but you can't think your way into a different way of acting, but you can actually weigh into a different way of thinking. Okay. So what you have to do is to change what you do. You change what you do. You will think differently. You can't simply say, I will be a coach. What you have to do is stop telling people what to do. So every time you say, can you just get nothing? What do you think we should do next? And you have to stop yourself doing it. Yeah, that's. That's why it's really hard, because you'll just fall into that old pattern of doing it. So with that in mind, we have your last challenge where you're going to apply the agile way of thinking. So the agile way of thinking. We mentioned this, I think last week, thinking backwards. So knitting, thinking backwards, start from the end. And we talked earlier on about the vision. What's your vision of success? What is it you're trying to achieve? Focus on the customer because the customer will tell you what it is you're trying to achieve. Then you involve the whole team right at the start. Then you find out what the problems are. Then you can align the timescales to deliver the thing because you know, you know what the problems are. And then you can tell when people can volunteer what to do. Now think about a normal project. Normal project? The project manager comes in and tells everybody what they should do. That's called functional accountability. So I come in as a project manager. I've done this before. You do this, you do that. Then they'll say, Well, when you need it, when you need it by. So I'll say three weeks next Thursday. Then they'll say, Oh, do you know what? I'm on holiday from tomorrow until three weeks next Thursday, so I can't do it. So then I go, Oh, well, who else could do this? I get the whole team involved and the coach comes and says, Oh, actually I'm not doing anything for the next couple weeks. Maybe I could do it. I say, but actually I can't do it quite the way you want to. I'd have to do it working from home. So then I go on. It's up to the customer. Is it okay if Lakeith does this working from home and doesn't come to your premises today? Yeah, that's fine. I thought I just started from the customer and said we need this doing when can we do it? And they said, Oh, you can do it anywhere you like. Problem goes away. Yeah. Then I can involve the whole team who would be able to do this. The case was all I could do sense from working from home. I don't have a problem so I don't even need to get down to the problem. So this is it. And what you'll find is naturally you do this. So I'm going to set your challenge now for the last 18 minutes of this of today to see if you can do it this way round rather than this way. So you will all, I think, struggle like crazy because everybody always does. But I'll give you the maximum possible chance. What you want to try and do is to think from the top down, not the bottom up. Go to net, not think, okay, can you do knitting? So teams of four come to the front. Get yourself a marshmallow. Spaghetti and string. So let's practice here. So teams of four don't do threes and say, is it okay? Stay six feet and get into fours and get yourself a piece of tape off the wall. Please take off. Well, I can do more of it. To take your challenge is in 18 minutes to build the tallest tower that you can with a marshmallow on the top. The marshmallow must be on the top. You can't eat the marshmallow. You can't nibble bits off the marshmallow. He can't lick the marshmallow. You can't stick them to the sea. You can't cheat. Basically, you can't get the bit of string hanging down from there. You can't tie on the projector, you can't hold it. It's just got to be a self-supporting tower. The only thing you're allowed to do is to take the spaghetti to the desk where some people like to do it on the on the floor. So you get taller. The winning team of four get the chocolates. Winning team four, get 18 minutes. Everybody clear. So you can you can rip the tape. You can cut up the string. You can cut up the spaghetti. You can't cut up the marshmallow. Marshmallow must be whole and must be on the top. Everybody clear? Anybody got any questions? Suzette can take. You can take it to the floor. Yeah. You can't take it to the side of the table. So what you can do is stop the spaghetti just sliding outwards, but you can't tape it to the top and have your bit of. Dangling from the ceiling. Okay, whatever you think is reasonable, I'll come around and check it. So come to the front. I'll start the timer now. You have 18 minutes. We just didn't get the papers yet. I. So groups of groups are for. What I need to try to get groups of four. But yeah. So take any one of those and any one of those two so we can get two cats, football players. So be. So what about. What do we do with family? All right, you guys want one thing to group before you. So you just do what you want to do any more required. So if each of us. I was really nervous. I guess I was busy and got a lot. Oh, I completely forgot. How do you think it's to. He said they will be as a group and won't be an option for anyone who agrees. So I think you can keep it up. If you've got if you've got anybody online, you can get them to join your group. Oh. Oh. Oh. I thought if anybody who's in group three or Group five could open the breakout room and let the people join in and help them. So people online can see what you're doing. So we got Alvaro and Kieran who are online. So anybody who's in group three or Group five, you can get an extra team member to help you. Just join up to the Zoom session. All right. Well, how do these things happen? This is going to be. To get around. Think about. And then came. I think that we. Yeah, but I think. Okay. Happy New Year, Tanya. I don't have any more if you want to fill me. They're not allowed to do that at this point in time. So that's still. Any. So I started. I can actually we just want to just be wasn't getting a good look at the house and stuff. I don't want to. At least 25 high school high schools in five. It's not a problem that we don't realise that you've had 30% of your time, you've already taken 6 minutes, 12 minutes left to. But I think. I think all of us do to try. I think a lot of people try a little bit different. A lot of people get a whole lot of. For us, this whole family. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's good. It's a good idea. Know squares don't normally do it very well. I don't know, like you got to. I guess we're here to say it's not good. So how much do you hope we can cut? I don't have any scissors now. Tuesday. A knife or key. All right. They could have helped me think the shame. I was just kind of like. I certainly don't want to say this, but we're going to keep it that way. I hope that things are not going to have spaghetti sauce because that's what the rest of you to. What do you think? Can you've had half of your time now. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I'm thinking out of the way. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I think that's part of it. I just like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But at the same time, it's possible to sustain it throughout the whole of history. Take the foundation of the foundation. I'm more worried about the much more accomplished one, but maybe it would be more like an opportunity to try to build three. I have been reading about this topic and I was like, What if I want to go down there with 7 minutes left? Yeah, well, I was feeling confident, so. Yeah, natural match, man. I told him, what if I can see him? I know it's. Yeah. Yeah. He's still there. Just. So have you tested it yet? But you need to get the distance, which is close to that. Oh, yeah. You know, you can't hold it at the end. Run it on some of what it's putting into this aeroplane. Yeah, exactly. You guys engineers. Yes. Well, we climb to the top of the tower, slightly collapsing, so we're leaving it up to the crucifixion. And this is your train of training and support for a half hour or so. You again, you have 5 minutes left. I know. And I'm not saying for everybody in me to take the train. And it's not just that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. How are you going to tell them what this course is about? And what is it? What does success look like? Oh, I think it's just it's not all you need to build down to put the marshmallow on top of the number. We said start from the vision. So that's the marshmallow talk. What do you need to do to make it stay up? But for the moment, it's okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is what I wanted to do with my life. Well, you do have the match, but I don't know. Have you been tested in the same facility? You know, if I have 3 minutes, they know very well that I don't have 3 minutes. People. 180 seconds left. So I. Of. So you can get the strategy. But I don't think you know how you're feeling. You're feeling confident right now. It's a stable. Firm. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I think the key stabilising since. You have two and a half minutes. Structural engineer, you're going to keep like 161. I spent better than. Better than average and then put. We were just like, Hey, you know, just so I was around the world and saw them. I don't know. I think we were really like, I don't want to upset you, but you couldn't do a meta handed. But I decided to use possibly. Obviously, it's all about triangles you have to build and you can use the string to counterbalance it if it comes to that. At the same time, the resources of the time that we had, I think it was okay. Yeah. Most, most adults with up to 15 kids about when they visit because they don't understand if it was a tomb or purely thought. That's because I start with a much more over the top because you tell them. But if everybody run, I said the most fun. I was going to talk to you and you put out because I kind of mentioned it to you. If you look around here, how many people have gotten lost my laptop. It's the last thing you do because you're because you start the opposite way around. He starts now. What do you even do? I'm going to put all the bits of spaghetti together and then I'm going to cut up the string. I'm going to cut. You have already given the [INAUDIBLE] thing to the. Yeah. And then you start building and of course the problem only comes out when you put so much money on top and then you say well if you're lucky just suck. It was oh I need to, to like you need to fix that mindset, right? It's just, it's ingrained up. That's why I do this focus is that even though I've just told you about it and have 2 hours before. I can I can tell you about it, but you can't think the way to do it. You can only it's only when you experience it, you go, Oh. Yeah. It's funny because we put that much fun on top of. We realised it was too tall. We had to fix it. Just. So what? Why do we start with. Time's up. Move away from your towers, please. Let go. Let go of your tower. Let go of your tower. Let go, let go of your tower. Let go of your tower. Okay. I think I may go have your towel. Let go. Let go. 75. Oh, actually, he's still touching it, but it's not going to move at 47, 75. We've been very generous with the one in front looking at how I do it, but I never fell in love at 67, 75. Sorry about that. So we had the winners at the front just about, I think, 61, 75, which stood up for about a millisecond. So I think we'll have we'll give you some chocolates if we get the people at the back, some chocolate. I had the most stable tower helping. You had the five second tower that managed to stand up for 5 seconds. Yeah. I think that's very good about this moment, about how we're going to get in because none of the four uses uses stable. Oh yeah. That's theirs was slightly taller whole. I think they stood up for about 5 seconds. Yeah. Okay. So you want me to measure it more so. Yeah. I don't think. I don't think it's going to win. It's got it. Yeah, this was 75. This was 67. That was 61. Okay. So what did you learn? Everything is for a purpose. Just sit down for a sec and then everything is for a purpose. What did you learn? What I thought was so. So far I've been telling you now for approximately 4 hours. How many people here started by putting all the spaghetti together? How many people started from the marshmallow being on the top? How many people had to like a one inch tower to start with and build down closed? You know what? Well, I'll show you the video. What we find is adults are much worse than this because they've gone through school. School teaches you to be really bad at this game is not scary. It's not going to work. Oh, I'll tell you. It's getting upset. It's going to hit. I know. I'm not sure. Just you just do in here. Easy on here. Yes. Several years ago here at Ted, Peter Skillman introduced a design challenge called the Marshmallow Challenge, and the idea is pretty simple. Teams of four have to build the tallest freestanding structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string and a marshmallow. The marshmallow has to be on top, and though it seems really simple, it's actually pretty hard because it forces people to collaborate very quickly. And so I thought this was an interesting idea and I incorporated into a design workshop and it was a huge success. And since then, I've conducted about 70 design workshops across the world with students and designers and architects, even the CTOs of the Fortune 50. And there's something about this exercise that reveals very deep lessons about the nature of collaboration. And I'd like to share some of them with you. So normally most people begin by orienting themselves to the task. They talk about it. They figure out what it's going to look like. They jockey for power. Then they spend some time planning, organising. They sketching the layout spaghetti. They spend the majority of their time assembling the sticks into ever growing structures. And then finally, just as they're running out of time, someone takes out the marshmallow, and then they gingerly put it on top, and then they stand back and they admire their work. But what really happens most of the time is that it turns into an oh, because the weight of the marshmallow causes the entire structure to buckle and to collapse. So there are a number of people who have a lot more moments than others. And among the worst are recent graduates of business school. They lie, they cheat, they get distracted. They then they produce really lame structures. And, of course, there's teams that have a lot more to their structures. And among the best are recent graduates of kindergarten. And it's pretty amazing, as Peter tells us, not only do they produce the tallest structures, but the most interesting structures of them all. So the question you want to ask is how come? Why? What is it about them? And Peter likes to say that none of the none of the kids spend any time trying to be CEO of Spaghetti Inc. Right. They don't spend time jockeying for power. But there's another reason as well. And the reason is that business students are trained to find the single right plan. Right. And then they execute on it. And then what happens is when they put the marshmallow on top, they run out of time. And what happens? It's a crisis. Sound familiar? Right. Okay. What kindergarteners do differently is they start with the marshmallow and they build prototypes, successive prototypes, always keeping the marshmallow on top. So they have multiple times to to fix it, then build prototypes along the way. So designers recognise this type of collaboration as the essence of the iterative process. And with each version, kids get instant feedback about what works and what doesn't work. So the capacity to play and prototype is, is really essential. But let's look at how different teams perform. So the average for most people is around 20 inches business school students, about half of that lawyers. A little better, but not much better than that. Kindergarten is better than most adults. But as the very best architects and engineers, thankfully. And. 39 inches the tallest structure I've seen. And why is it? Because they understand triangles and self-reinforcing geometrical patterns are the key to building self reinforced, stable structures. So CEOs little bit better than average. But here's where it gets interesting. If you put an executive admin on the team, they get significantly better. It's credible. You know, you look around, you go, that team's going to win. You just tell beforehand. And why is that? Because they have special skills of facilitation. They manage the process. They understand the process. And any team who manages and pays a close attention to to work will significantly improve the team's performance, specialised skills and facilitation skills. The combination leads to a strong success. If you have ten teams that typically perform, you'll get maybe six or so that have standing structures. I tried something interesting. I thought, let's up the ante once. So I offered a $10,000 prize of software to the winning team. So what do you think happened to these design students? What was the result? Here's what happened. Not one team had a standing structure. Not one had a if anyone had built, say, a one inch structure, they hadn't taken home the prize. So isn't it interesting that high stakes have a strong impact? We did the exercise again with the same students. What do you think happened then? So now they understand the value of prototyping. So the same team went from being the very worst to being among the very best. They produced the tallest structures and the least amount of time. So there's deep lessons for us about the nature of incentives and success. So you might ask why would anyone actually spend time running a marshmallow challenge? And the reason is I helped create digital tools and processes to help teams build cars and video games and visual effects. And what the marshmallow challenge does is it helps them identify the hidden assumptions, because, frankly, every project has its own marshmallow, doesn't it? The challenge provides a shared experience, a common language, common stance to build the right prototype. And so this is the value of the experience of this so simple exercise. And those of you who are interested may want to go to marshmallow challenge dot com. It's a blog that you can look at how to build the marshmallows or step by step instructions on this. There are crazy examples from around the world of how people tweak and adjust the system. This is world records that are on this as well. And the fundamental lesson, I believe, is that design truly is a contact sport. It demands that we bring all of our senses to the task and that we apply the very best of our thinking, are feeling and are doing to the challenge that we have at hand. And sometimes a little prototype of this experience is all that it takes to turn us from an AU moment to a touchdown moment. And that can make a big difference. Thank you very much. Okay. So we had a few moments. A few moments, so that was good. That says just, uh, go back to that. So that's it for me for today. So now if anyone's got any questions, I had some questions for you. So are you. Are you doing new and different things? Just go from my current site. So Agile is all about practice, right? If you sit there and say, I get this, I'll be able to do it in an agile way. And you want you have to do different things. So you need to start your learning channel to say, this is what I tried. That was different. You need to talk to your new team, get used to them. So take the photos because you need to do that to get them up. But work out how your team can get closer together. So doing exercises like that and just I had the and your assignment questions I don't anyone's got any questions for that. We can talk about this next week just conscious of times, you know. So those are your questions. Let's just move that forward. So, so Agile Manifesto talks about valuing individuals interactions over processes and tools, how this links to the lean pillars of respect and continuous improvement. So you get markets that discuss the concepts of value and success. So what is value to the customer? What is value to your project team? Yeah. So the team member and the customer will be different. But what is valuable to them? Is success the same as delivering value? That's the key question to try to answer that and how it projects in an uncertain environment. So remember, uncertain is the left hand side of the Snowden can every model. So it's complex and chaotic should be best approached to maximise value to the team members, not the customer team members whilst maintaining success. And this is the bit that you should be doing right now. So with all your group members and exchange contact details, provide evidence of this via group photographs, video or series of photographs and screenshots. So hopefully you've got your marketing to back through conversation and dialogue. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team and action plan to become part of the team. So this is for yourself and for your team and you can externalise. Oh, I remember this. Action plans must be clear. Activities so specific, measurable, cheap or realistic and time bound. Not sufficient to say things like we'll meet regularly. Yeah. Anybody got any questions about those? So if you've got another week to go see this week and then the end of next week. This is done. He was pushed into. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can obviously you can meet as a group to agree what this, what this is. I think it's hard to do that. But when I, when I read all of your assignments, I'm anticipating for the for the members of the group, this would be that the same or very similar? This would be different. They should have certainly things in common. Any other questions? If not, that's it. If I've got a plastic bag here so you can bring your wonderful towels, obviously take your photo for posterity and put your I'll recycle any unused spaghetti and the plastic bags just override the veto over. My dad. Sit down. Think this is the system we've got to pay for. And then they will say, okay, I think we will get.

# Week 3

So week three individuals and interactions. So we could just go back a little bit into the history of Agile and give you some examples of where the Agile mindset is used. I keep saying this to you and hopefully at some point the penny will drop. Agile is not a process. You'll see lots of material online where people talk about the agile process. It's no such thing. There are lots of agile processes or methodologies. Agile is a mindset. Agile is the mindset of I need to deal with complexity and chaos and disorder, and the best way of doing that is trial and error, because I cannot guarantee what the response will be. In a simple environment, some of you doing 74 two, the assumption is no. It's a simple environment. And as long as we think enough about all of the complexities of it, we can come up with the perfect answer, and then we can hone their use of resources to come up with the most efficient plan. And then we just deliver it. And what we want to do is try and prevent any change because then we'll be as efficient as possible. Come on in. Agile says, no, that's not real. It is very it's very, very rare that the project at the start, I don't think I've ever done a project where the plan at the start is what we actually delivered at the end. There's always something that happens, changes, some unpredictable thing or one of the risks that actually eventuates. And you have to change. And if you as only a few of those, that's fine. You can cope with that, what we call change control. But if it's all day, every day, which is what happens in some projects like, you know, doing disaster relief and stuff like that is the only way to cope with that is to change your mindset and say, we're just going to have short term plans, we're not going to go for this efficiency, think there is no right answer. And this is quite fundamental because the time you hear about what in New Zealand, at least it's between when you're five. For those of you like me from England, it's when you're four or so up to the point that when you're What did I leave when I was 23? You are taught there is one right answer. That's it. And you have to find out what it is and you have to write it down. If you write down that right answer, you will get A-plus. That is what you were taught at school and college, right? It's not true. I see why college has to do that, because I think this is more right than that. Well, I agree with that. This is more right. But there is no right answer. So whenever you guys say to me, is this wrong? All right, I think this is how you would improve it, because it's very rare that anything you write is completely wrong. And it's very rare that anything even I write is completely right. And so it's always this shade of grey. And when you're in the real world, it's very unusual for you to work at anything by yourself. Typically, you would work as part of a team and then you go into a hospital and they said, Yes, we've got our perfect doctor and that's it. This doctor is going to fix you 24 by seven. That doctor is the one because that's just not realistic, right? You've got to have a team because this they want to go to sleep and stuff like that. That doctor, after three days is not going to sleep. He's going to be a bit dodgy. You need to have a team. So in the real world we have teams of people that do stuff and different people have different ideas. So those different ideas will come up with different solutions anyway. So remember Agile came about a long, long time ago in the 1920s or thirties, but Agile as a word didn't exist. The word agile was coined initially by some I.T. people. Now, where did they get this from? They got this from the new new product development game. That's not a typo. There are two words new in that and what they were doing in America. They were looking at the East Asia and they said, why are they so much better at producing new stuff? Why is it because the Americans are fascinated with this? And these were some guys at Harvard and they said, why are they so good? Because we're better. We're American, we must be better. Look, it's in our DNA. We are the best. Yeah, we have the World Series and we always win it because no other countries play in it, but we're the best. So they studied. So because they were at Harvard, they said, we can't just say, Oh, this is rubbish. And we'll say, This is fake news. We'll look at the information. So they studied how the Far East did it and they said they don't do this relay race thing. Instead they have this holistic or rugby approach. Now, for anybody here who's actually Kiwi, I apologise cause it's not really about a rugby approach. There is nothing that you would describe. This is like a rugby approach because this is where the word scrum comes from. So they likened the development process to rugby. So you know, and anyone who knows rugby somehow got this bunch of forwards and they go get the ball and they give it to these prima donnas called the backs. You can run really fast and they go and score tries. That's how it works. Yeah. So I just suspend that for a second. Now imagine you're American and you've never played rugby and then you see 15 people all trying to get the ball and they throw it to somebody and they keep passing it to each other because American football, what do they do? The quarterback gets the ball, looks up, picks out somebody four miles away and throws the ball to them. So a one guy throwing the ball to someone who's running really fast. So it's a lot of one person guy. They were likening this to rugby. I said, well, no, rugby's not like that. You get the ball and you have to pass it. You have to run past people and you keep going for like 20 minutes till you get to the end. It's not one pass. So this is where they were coming from. Okay, so I'm just trying to get into their psyche. So they were trying to describe this to another bunch of Americans and saying this is different. It's not like relay race where you have your quarterback who picks up the ball, looks up, looks up, and then he throws the ball to someone who's done the run and he's in the right place at the right time so they can catch it. It's not like that. You can have all the linebackers blocking people, everybody doing their own job. That's more like the waterfall approach where we have people who have roles and they just do that. What they're saying, he's nice, he's much more fluid. People do random stuff like possible to each other. He might be 100 passes before with a score that's really different and said and from their point of view, they're saying this is what we see. So where did they see it? Fuji, Xerox, Honda, NBC and Canon to think four different companies who are all better than America at developing new products. And this is why way ago you figure, wow, and why is this? And they said this is where it starts to get complicated is when we start to get near to project management. They said, well. What we do is this. Yeah, we have something because now thinking back to product development. We have someone who comes up with a design. When the design is finished, they then go to manufacturing site and manufacturing make it and then manufacturing make it. They give it to the service division. The service division goes out and gives it to the customer and then they get feedback and then maybe we do a fix it session, but then we just start selling it and that's how it works. So we've got all these individual, if you like, rolls of people and they just do this and this is that relay race that they were talking about. So one person does their bit, then they hands the baton onto the next one and they said, What we observed, these guys don't do that. They absolutely 100% do not do that. And at the time, there's lots of theories around process. And this is when I was growing up. Yeah, because I'm this old and said, Oh, what we need to do is have better processes. We need to define more rules between these between these gates or whatever. We need to have longer checklists. We need to define absolutely everything that makes a perfect design. And when you manufacturer, we need to have a list of what all the perfect manufacturing things are. And this is going that where I started off, this is going back to school and saying there's a right answer. If you have enough boxes and you tick enough of them, you are going to get a perfect result. And trouble was didn't work. This is what the Americans anybody been and the Americans in the process. Process, right. It's all about process in America. It's where where they come from. Got to have a process. Sorry, I'm English person, but you would agree it very, very process. Thinking. Yeah. It's the big thing and because and that's really good don't get me wrong process is a really good thing to do this is the fundamental of plan do check adjust plan do check out. So that's the process, right? That's the shoot control process. That's a fundamental process. So that's good. It's good to recognise the process. But if a process is taking you over here, how do you stop? You need to have some feedback to push you back this way. What's that feedback? There has to be the vision of where I'm trying to get to. So if in in this area here, if I'm doing my design, if I don't have a vision of what success looks like, if my vision of success is the perfect design, which is a checklist. How does that work? If I have a checklist that says, What's my perfect manufacturing sequence? What does that look like? What I really need is this North Star I need. What is the vision? What am I actually trying to achieve? Well, I'm trying to design something that people are going to use and they're going to pay money for. All right. So the design doesn't necessarily need to be perfect. Just needs to be good enough. All right. And also, it needs to be really quick, because if you don't hit the market right now, so you're do have a new toy, it's got to be ready for Christmas. It's no good having the perfect design that comes in February or the fall or whatever. It's got to hit the timeline. So there's this concept of, Oh, I got a hit. Good enough for the customer. What are we going to call that? Let's call that value. Yeah. So what we need to always be thinking about is what's the value? And they said, Well, this is what happens. And this one said here. And we said, Oh, we can kind of overlap it. So we can have the designers talking to manufacturing and then they then hand it over to whatever set the testing testing area, which is a little bit better, but still not perfect. But what I really want is the design doesn't finish until I'm doing production labs, so nothing's locked in. Oh, this is really scary. So this you can imagine now this is quite like heresy. Say, Oh, right. Now what they seem to do is they're still changing the design. Right at the end, they get some customer feedback and you know what? They'll change it. Wow. And then people would then say, well, doesn't that mean chaos? Because you're just changing the design all the time. But they have guidelines and best practices, so they're not changing everything all the time. Right. They're iterating. So they're starting from here and they're gradually making it better and better. What they did was they involved everybody right at the start. So they had the maximum amount of input into that original design. So they had the field staff and the customers even inputting into the design. They didn't say No. We've got these brilliant designers who are the most creative people in the world and the best engineers. They went to the best university and they're going to come up with the best design, senator. We need some diverse people to come up with the right answer. So very, very different what they looked at. So this is where Scrum appears for they had this classic phrase moving the scrum downfield. This is why I say just anybody who knows any about rugby just ignore this comment. But this is where Scrum comes from because a bunch of it people read this paper and they said, Oh great, we'll call it Scrum. So this new new development game, we can summarise it as call it Scrum because we all about being nice and simple. And what are the what are the crucial things built in instability? Why do we need built in instability? Well, if you think it's stable, people tend to think like they've always thought. Whereas if you suddenly say to people, Do you know what we're going to invent on a rocket propelled car? People go, Huh? How do you do that? Can I work it out? Needs to be in unstable. The team needs to be fundamentally unstable. They start to think differently. If you're looking at like a 5% improvement, you tend to think about incremental changes. Whereas if I suddenly said You've got to do something completely different, you start from a blank piece of paper and you start looking at different ideas, and that's what this was about. So we've got to start thinking about this completely differently. They said crucial thing is they seem to have these self-organising project teams. No one is clearly in charge. They have a coach who makes sure the team works, but that's their focus. They don't tell people what to do. The team work it out. Scary stuff. So just like a real team on a real game. In a real game. On a real field. Not like American football where they have a break every 5 minutes for a half an hour. So we work out what the plays are. You know, like when we see normal rugby, they just don't have timeouts, they just have to carry on playing. So the team have to play the game in front of them. They have to change and adapt. So that's more what it's like for real. The team are working it out. They're not going to say, Hang on, we just need to have a new session with our leader who goes away and replaces. We need to do this in a dynamic way so that we can deliver on time because that's the key. So we have these overlapping development phases and we learn from each other. So we'll learn across the way, but also we'll learn up the way. So we need all the. Seems to be talking to each other. So all this concept of we have the designers, we're going to break that, we have teams and we'll take samples. A person out of the design team will have a person that manufacturing people, that service team people and marketing will put them all together. They call a multifunction team or self-directed team. We need to have the right people with the right attitude. The right people means the right attitude. Yeah. And this is how it's going through and what the crucial bit is. We need to make sure we learn because that's the PDC. So whatever works, do more of it, whatever doesn't work, tell everybody it doesn't work. So they don't do exactly the same thing again. So this is key and what you'll see from really good organisations are truly agile. They learn however they do it by osmosis, but they learn this all year. And now that team over there, they tried that and that didn't work. So we're going to try something similar, but we're going to do it with this twist because we'll see if it works and they have this really good way of learning. So this was the kind of the key and these were the these were the stats around that time. I think I mentioned this. And one of the questions that somebody this is if you're if you're really into lean and this stuff this is a really good book to read. The Machine That Change the World All about Lean, which was again, a phrase that was coined around here in the 1990s. But this was it saying I was a new car in Japan versus America. Yeah, 2 to 1 development time, 50% quicker time for production to the first sale four times quicker. Returning to normal productivity quicker returning to normal quality, massively different, you know, ten times quicker. So just saying, it's just so much better. So this is if you go back in because we are because we are a college. You might have seen or come across this in one of your other courses approaches, value chain, a view of an organisation. Why does an organisation exist fully as all these various departments? Yeah. So have the actual logistical flow where they actually make something call add value. Then we have the value add as cost gives us that profit margin. And what they do is you just we just we take a cross-functional team. The first time I, I came across this is when I started work, people said to me, Oh, can you go in and fix this line? And I said, Well, I don't know anything about how this line works, but I do know all the people that help. So I'll get all the people that help to get together and I will facilitate it. And they'll come up with some brilliant ideas and some crappy ideas. We'll do the best we can with all the really good ideas. And what we'll do is we'll just implement them. And the people I work with some of this is this is really weird. You're not telling us what to do, Stephen said. Because I haven't got a clue. I'm straight out of college. I don't know what the right answer is. You've been working here for 30 years. I'm guessing you've got a better idea than I do. I can ask you some questions about how to do this. Like, well, what have you tried? What works really well for you? What's the biggest problem that you have? You know, other than me being in the room with you, like, if I was to leave, would that make it easier for you? Those kind of things. We say, Oh, no, we just get everybody in the room. And often people are very, very frustrated cause we know what to do. We just need to do this. Can you just do this for us? I go, Yeah, yes is the answer. I can and we can do it properly and we can just do it as a trial. What I want to do is do it as a trial just to check it works, because if we can try it and it works, then I can get the money guys to give us some money to do it properly. But if I just go to the money guys and I'm going effects to prove it works, it ain't going to happen. It's like, Yeah, okay, we'll try it so it won't be perfect. We might do it on a piece of paper. We might have to do it manually for a bit. We just got to prove it works. And I go, Okay, we don't mind now. We'll do it manually. So that's what we do. We just try things manually, go, Yeah, that works. Pamela Well, that wasn't so good. Well, what do we need to change? So we had this idea. We just, we were just going to try things short time based, see if it worked and if it worked, adopt it. That was it. And what we didn't do is change everything. We just got like, are we just going to change this thing? Because our list of things we're going to change. We're not going to change everything on day one because if we change everything, who knows what worked and what didn't work? We need to have this is what we're doing and we're just going to change this and this and let's try it for a week. Did it work? Yes, it did. What does good look like? Well, we get ten output instead of three output. Actually, we got 15. It's good. We went down to two. We had lots of problems. We need to fix the problem. So it's that kind of idea. But it's this thing. Yeah, self-managing teams. So the people were coming up with the ideas, the people were agreeing what the timelines were, the people were agreeing what the measures were. My role facilitation. That's it. I didn't need to know what the answer was. Sometimes because I've been to college, I could say if you haven't thought about this. So like some of the ideas like Kanban Control and stuff like that, guys had never heard of it. So I was just like, Oh, that's really easy. That's cool to move in system. Right? We'll call it a two bin system and that's what we'll do because they they knew the ideas because the ideas weren't original is nothing new in the sun. Any view into the Bible? Ecclesiastes There was nothing new under the sun. Everything has been invented before. All we do is bring it together, repackage it, put it out in a different way. So. That was where it came from. And everyone always says to me, Oh, but Agile is a nice thing. No. An Agile comes from Lean, which comes out of manufacturing in the 1920s and 1930s. I discovered it in the nineties and 2000s gave it a word and they said, Oh, we're going to call lean apply to projects is called Agile. Oh, okay. Good for you. Well done. You now have a hook to put all your ideas on and you can have lots of highly paid consultants who come and agile your business, whatever that means. Uh, again, because I'm from the UK in the 1980s they were getting really fed up with how bad construction was in the UK. Manufacturing had gone through a bit of a hiatus. So when I, when I came to start work, manufacturing had been really good in the sixties, got really bad in the seventies and we had loads of national strikes and things like that. And in the eighties it was starting to get better. Just coincided with me coming out of university and it was always fixing everything because I'm a genius. And I said, Why can't we do this to construction? Construction has been really bad for so long. We build things that don't work. They're always late. They're overbudget. That terrible. Why can't we do this? They've done this to manufacturing and manufacturing. And, you know, people are on strike. And if you have a look at people like Red Robbo in the UK, companies like Leyland, where they were just just didn't work because they were in strife with the management about how things should, should work. So let's try for construction. So they did some, some reports. So looking at the Latham and Egan reports, which you might have heard about if you're into construction and civil engineer, and they said, what should we do now? Look at this better integration of all stages in the construction process. What are they talked about in new, new product development, overlapping phases, better integration between the designers and the contractors? Yeah, much more consideration of end users in design and construction of buildings. What's that value? Yeah. Move away from adversarial approaches between industry and clients. So rather than contracts being the key, we need to have teams of people doing stuff and they need to talk to each other accepting the lowest price conforming. So when I came to New Zealand in 2006, this is where we were, I think possibly still are. So this was what, 40 years now, 20 years after this document, this is still the way in New Zealand. Yeah, lowest cost. Conforming bid doesn't provide value for money. It just means you get cheap stuff. Do you want cheap stuff or do you want value for money? They're two different things. The idea of having lowest cost conforming is to get value, but it doesn't actually result in value. It results in cheap stuff. So in the cost and value of building over its whole life, I went to work in the defence sector and they used to have a lot less talking about how it is. And so you got all these houses that are really brilliant, they're really cheap, but they never fly. How do we fix that? Well, you start paying from flying, huh? We can't pay for flying it. You can go to America. America has performance based or output based contracts. They've had it for years. They do it with a Navy, do what they do. Again, there's nothing new under the sun. The Americans have been doing it for a long time. Just do it. All right? Okay. Let's look at output, base cost. And so they did it for schools and things like this. Instead of looking at the bricks and mortar, let's pay for the results of the school when it comes to resurfacing roads. Let's not fix the potholes. Let's pay for having a good road that has caused me. How would you do that? Will you invest loads more money? It's coffee. So we're thinking of the long term and the value of it. So partnering longer term relationships, making sure people are safe. Yeah, learning culture. Remember we had that in the last one. Yeah. Better management of the supply. Yeah. So this is in construction, as they say. You need to go agile. You need to go lead. Yeah. General, would you like to use these ways of thinking of what you need to adopt? So that's my point for this. This lecture, how you think is the important thing. I don't have to screw down the contractors. I don't have to get the lowest possible price. If I do that, I'm going to get the least possible value. What I want is the maximum value for the lowest cost. Yeah. It's cool that Valley focus on valley all the time and then I'll be there. So. Yeah, and this again, dangerous side. So these guys got together and they said, we need to simplify this. We're going to call this thing Agile. So these guys were all leaders and you're probably right. So this guy, you should have come across so far, you should have come across this guy and you should have come across this guy in all the readings that we've done. So these guys have written all the books around Agile and they were practising it and they said, We'll try and simplify it. And I said, when it comes to it and if you use those, if you do in seven, four, two, yeah, what we talk about on seven for two is fundamental project management. We talk about all the processes that you need to use. And so remember we talked last week about we have ten, ten areas of the body of knowledge and we have the various processes member the process groups. So initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing all that stuff. Yeah. So those are all good. So this, and these are, these are good. The blue stuff is good. But if the processes are taking you in the wrong direction, what stops them? You don't have a process that says stop. The only thing that says stop is a human being and this is what they're saying with A.I. at the moment is really good. But are you going to allow A.I. to make decisions about safety? If it's making a wrong call. What? Do you rely on the computer to do it? Yeah. How good is that? So what they're saying is, therefore, you need individuals and interactions to supersede it. So it's not saying processes and tools are just not worthless. So, no, no. We need to have individuals and interactions valued above processes and tools, i.e. the people will improve the processes. So like when I was say starting at work, say, Oh, we have some processes, you guys help me improve the processes, what are we going to change? We're not going to dump them all and start again because that's crazy, stupid. What we're going to do is improve things quickly. Yeah. And the next one, they said, all right, so we talked about having comprehensive documentation. Well, that's not really so much value because if you were to read something, it's like you guys have already assignments and the data, and then you come back with questions. You go, Oh, hang on, we spend a lot of time writing all that, that. Why do you need to ask questions? Well, because you're individuals, right? You have a different paradigm to me. You had different perspectives on things. You just need to have it explained in different words. So what we're saying here is it's good to have documentation, but does that really tell you what the thing's going to look like? What's going to feel like, how heavy is how it's going to work? It's much better. And remember, this is in the table to have working software. That's how it's going to go. Similarly, contract negotiation. Now, remember, we said not so much. Lowest cost component doesn't really work, screwing the suppliers down. What we need to have is collaboration with the customer. And the last one, it's good to have a plan, but it's better to respond to change because we need to deliver value. And the plan was our best guess how to deliver value. It might not be right. It was a guess. So this is the fundamental thing to come back. All right. So when we do planning, that's really valuable. Anyone ever leaves this course and says, oh, Steve said, don't plan. I will shoot myself. Right. It's probably simple. Planning is the most important and most valuable thing you can do, right? The plan? Yeah, it's. It's a guess. But going through the process of thinking about all the things you could do, absolutely priceless. So planning crucial. Don't forget that. And go, oh, you know what? The plan is the most important thing. We must stick to the plan because that's waterfall thinking. And if the environment isn't changing and you've got it right, brilliant. Stick to the plan. How do you know the plan is delivering value? So I need a customer that's going to tell you that. How does the customer know if you're not demonstrating what you're actually doing? If you wait till the end, they're gonna go, This is rubbish. Why did you do this? Oh, because you said that's what we should do. Absolutely. But I was wrong. Yeah. Customers are known to be wrong. So anyway. So as they said it. So this is literally a manifesto. So while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. So if in your assignment one, you say processes and tools have no value, you'll get a quack. Oops, no point zero. Right. Cos it says in the for the authors this declaration may be freely copied in any form but only in entirety through this notice. You have to put the whole thing up. Right. Because they say if you just take a little bit out of it, you'll get it wrong. Yeah. So the things on the left are more important than the things on the right. Therefore, the things on the right are important. And manifestly, when you go into agile methodology, these are all about process. We'll talk about this as we go through the course. So I said, Right. If you go from those four values to the next level, what are the principles? So these are the principles. So satisfying the customer. Welcome changing requirements. So that's a big shift. Think of that as the student say, Oh yeah, the syllabus is this. You know what? We're going to change it tomorrow. You're going to learn this instead. Oh, I signed up for this. I know you're teaching us that. Oh, yeah, but this is more value. Scary, right? When you go to school, I want to know what the. How you're going to assess me right at the end. Yes. So this is very, very alien to human beings. We like to feel like we're in control. So delivering working software frequently. So this means it's not going to be perfect. Inviting criticism. So remember I said, like, three weeks ago, send me the draft of all your assignments. Just don't do it right in the last week. So far I think I have received two. So that is 4% of you because there were 50 instead of 54% of you have accepted that. That's scary. But it's a principle deliver working software frequently. So you are not you don't have the agile mindset yet. That's okay. I've only been working on you for 6 hours. This is the seventh time business people and developers must work together throughout the project. Wow. We're going to allow people to talk to customers. I think when I started work, that would just have been unreal for me as an engineer. To actually go on the shop floor was not allowed. We had to agree with the unions that we would be going on the shop floor. Yeah. Steve is going to come down on the shop floor today to look at this process. Brothers have had a meeting and we think that's okay. One guy did this and didn't ask. There was a walkout for two days, right? That's my reality. So this is back in 1987. Yeah. Just imagine that you just walked down the shop floor. Oh, it's a really interesting process. What you doing? Who are you? Work brothers. Out. Not allowed. Right. Company doesn't exist anymore. Amazing, right? Build projects around motivated individuals. So hopefully this is what you are going to be for your assignment. Three You're all going to be motivated because you get free choice of what your subject is. Right. So you've got to have somebody on your team who's motivated to deliver that thing. Who was the who's the robot guy? There's a guy who's into A.I. and robots now, not in the room. I was obviously, obviously there, too. I was skinny, skinny robot. It's difficult. Yeah. But that's a motivated individual, right? Hey, we just fine find someone like that. Then we can hover around them and we can help them to deliver it. We. What we want is motivate people who care and give them the environmental support they need and trust them to get the job done. That's it. So we're looking for people who want to do this thing so typically fragile, we're often looking for people who are a bit more experienced as well as the youth. Yeah, the youth are often very keen, but they don't know what they're doing. But they've got lots of energy and support people who can guide them. That's nearly a good, you know, normally a good mix. So talk face to face. So this is the best environment. Zoom's okay, but this is better. Working software is the primary measure of progress. This is the thing people really struggle with. And typically, on courses, we all like to do presentations. I I've taught agile to consultants. They always end up doing presentations and it was like, no, you have to demonstrate. To demonstrate, demonstrate is not present. Demonstrate is show it even if it breaks. Yeah. Does it matter if it doesn't? If it's not perfect, you're demonstrating it. You get interaction, you get you get feedback from it because you're demonstrating it. Whereas consultant I know it's got to be polished. It's got to be perfect. They've got to go, wow, that was brilliant. Another you're trying to get the the idea of the demonstration is to get feedback. Okay. Technical excellence. So often people said, oh, in Agile, you just turn out any old rubbish because you're demonstrating all the time. Not know what you have to do is be perfect all the time. So your quality level goes from here to here. And I said Already. So the planning has gone from here to here. You doing more planning in Agile and your quality level gets higher. The first thing you do in Agile is define the test to say, Oh, I'm going to do this thing, what's the test? So we do that. I've designed a couple of programmes for the university. First thing we did was the test and I'll put it up as the first slide of the first first week. What are the graduates attributes they need to have? That's the test. They need to do that because once you've got the test, then you can make sure that what your your work is doing is achieving that. Yeah. So your focus is always on quality. What's the test? How do I know it works? That's it. Right from the start. So maximising the amount of work not done. So what I'm always challenging the question I always ask every day in our job is, is this the most valuable thing I could do with my time right now? That's it. So we don't pre allocate tasks. So some of you when you're doing the project will say, Oh yeah, I've got my next five weeks planned out and these are all the jobs I'm doing. That's really good. But you're doing what? That's not at all because you can't possibly know that in five weeks time. That's the most valuable thing to do. You might be right, but you can't be because somebody else might be better at doing that. You might be better off doing something completely different. In five weeks time, you might completely changed. Everything we do might stop. How could you possibly come up with that? So we can't pre allocate tasks. Yeah. So it's always right now. So this is there for any of you guys use Excel? Anybody use the table function? Anybody use the getting external data function? Anybody use the what if scenario that 2% of Excel is used by the majority of people. So somebody went away and 98% of all the work they did on Excel is not used by most people. And that's scary. So if you're thinking about the cost of Excel to deliver versus the use of it. Yeah. Very different type picture. Regarding what you say. Yeah, that a. The process will continue. Sometimes I see how it's very well catered for. Where you have a defined variable that you need. But one thing that I struggle with to see how this can be applied in construction and can actually be if you have the right ground. Is is for seeing that answer is for seeing how certain like for example if you had adverse conditions where you started some. And it's set back the construction schedule yet how then you can better improve that. There's a need for more investigations, which obviously costs money upfront, but how you can then apply that during your execution phase where you did the best you could. Yeah, but remember that we we could do is think, oh yeah, the plan is the first plan. And in construction he mentioned this last time. Typically in construction we use last month. So this is recognising that we're actually going to change the plan even though the alignment is going to stay the same in difficult, difficult ground. So I actually I might need to adjust it on a local basis, so I'll keep the overall alignment. But actually I'm going to need to need to do that because it's going to pay for itself. So how am I going to work that out? All the design I might need to be with the guys while they're actually constructing it. And if you go to the extreme, you go, Well, what? What do we do in any big risk project? We do alliances. Well, what's an alliance, Steve? An alliance is all the companies say, here's our best people. They now work for the project. So all the companies give their people to the project and the project team for like becomes a company and everybody does know what's best for the project. So if it's best for a designer to be on the site, that's where they'll be coming out. No, we did the things like in Auckland, the bus way. We were the designers for that and used to work for Oracle. We had people there with Fletchers down here. Yeah, I see what you mean, mate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll just sketch it for you. Here, you do that. I'll go back and draw it. You carry on and do that because we've agreed it. I'll sign it with the engineers to the contract as well. I'll get it agreed by the engineer to the contract and we'll carry on. So it's that kind of thing. That's a little step. The company process, we're obviously. Absolutely that. Absolutely. Yeah. Because so you got to work within the bounds. So you have the contracts that you're working with now. So it's really hard if you were to adopt something like the any just yet she's going into the engineering detail but engineering you know, engineering content is much more of a partnership based contract. And what that says is, are two weeks before you want to do something different, you have to notify people, what 3910 says is when you find the high ground, you stop the oh, no, no, no, no. We need to be looking two weeks before to work out. The ground was going to be oh oh well that's extra that's extra cost. True. But now it gives you two weeks to prepare before you start doing something different when they finish the bus way, we still had a thousand variations on the books and so I came in looking after the bus way as the consulting practice leader. So we still got a thousand. Is a thousand variations to be a great step, but you've built it. I've seen the opening ceremony. We've cut the ribbon. It's working. The buses are going up and down the bus way. Yeah, we still haven't agreed a thousand variations. So, like, a year later on, you're still going straight. Oh, this is crazy. This is madness. We've obviously agreed to it because you've actually done it. We just got to kind of wash up afterwards. So you've got lots of processes that are crazy. This is where the individuals were struggling within the the environment. They were working really. We needed a different contract. But the question is a good one. Because of the nature of engineering, you can't change everything all the time in the construction. So you go through it has to go from here to there. I can't go over there instead. But you see what they're doing now with all the floods and things, they're starting to question that now and they're going, Well, should we do managed retreat, which is really starting to think about it. So what's the best value? Is it to rebuild this road for it to get washed out again in two years time? Or do we need to do something different? Do we need to build a tunnel? Do we need to move the whole town? So now it's fun to think about value at the lowest level or the highest. I know you think it, which is a good thing. So yeah, what should we do? But good question. We, we get to self-organising teams and this is the crucial one. So this is why on the course you have to do your journals. But. This is what this is the habit you need to get into. So my pathetic attempt to do that through the course is to get you to do a learning journal, which your fellows will assess. So there are other people in your team will assess what you think. But what we do in Agile is you always say, Well, what did we do yesterday? How can we do better tomorrow? Because I just did it and it either worked or it didn't work. What can I do tomorrow? That's better. So I get into this process of reflection. So in Agile we call it a retrospective, but we're always looking backwards. How can we? What do we do in the last two weeks? What was the plan? What do we do? What are we going to do next time? So how come? So we lock in this PDK process. So these are the agile principles when you're doing your project for Assignment three. This is what you need to demonstrate, right? This. So whenever you're doing whatever you're doing, you say, Oh, what were those principles that Steve waited on about in week three? Right. This is how we get A-plus. We need to do that. Demonstrate that. So I'll be watching you inside. Are they doing that? And when you say, Oh, yeah, we've allocated everybody's jobs for the week, I'll say, Oh, right. So you're not observing the Agile principles you're doing waterfall. That's really good. Not for this course. Now just to say Agile goes everywhere because it's a mindset. So you can look at this online. This is so the link for you is down here. But this guy, Bruce Feiler, I found this when I was doing this course originally. You can actually apply this to your family, right? So and he said, oh, how can you improve your parenting? So you need to empower your children. Yeah. Get new ideas from the kids. Yeah. If you you've got to allow failure and review performance. Yeah. Interesting kind of ideas. And we did this all over many years ago. Is that five or six years ago I said, yeah, I took this up and I tried this with my family and we I used to do this on my phone. We would have like a review every couple of weeks with the kids. How we do it, your chance to criticise the parents. Well you're very average that. What can I say. You need to give us more sweets. All right, all right. I think that's how it goes. Oh, yeah. You could maybe take me to swim a little bit early so I could meet with my friends. Yeah, and you could finish work earlier, all that kind of stuff. So you get some of these home truths when you review performance. Yeah, the crucial thing is to give them some history. So we had to start going into who the family were so they knew who their relatives were and things like this where they were. And often this is really big in New Zealand we get the kind of history of the Maori people and things like that, people relating to who they are, what their mansion is, what their river is, all this kind of stuff. And therefore they start to be so, oh, actually I'm part of something bigger, I'm part of a community, I'm part of the human race. All right. It's not just all about all about me. So what went well? What went badly? What helped me quite so this was a retrospective. So the crucial thing for me was this one, if you are still doing what you did six months ago, it's wrong. Think about that. So what I said last week for you guys, what did you do different this week to what have you done before? So what did you do? It was new and original last week. If the answer is nothing. Hmm. Quack, quack poops. Yeah. Every week. Do something different. Try doing whatever you do differently. Yeah. Do someone different. Meet somebody new who is on the bench to work on to your careers talks. Last week I think some of you were there like this idea I must go into LinkedIn and I meet two new people every week. Excellent. If you did nothing more than that, that would be good. Because then if you really didn't meet two new people every week because then you're getting two different views in your life every week. Yeah, it doesn't have to be really grandiose. You don't have to go and jump off a bridge without a parachute and all that sort of stuff. Yeah, anything that's new and original. So a crucial thing adapt all the time and the best ideas, but not yours. So this is the crucial thing about the alliance that we just spoke about. The best ideas you don't have and the right to say all my ideas, always the best way. You have to look at all the ideas and then decide what they what is the best. Yeah. And I think you have heard if anyone ever been to Nasser here, you've been to Nasser, Cape Canaveral, man. It's really good that because you get the thing about, you know, failure is not an option. And they quoted that in the film and that all comes around from the team getting together. And they said, Oh yeah, yeah, we've just had these oxygen tanks explode in the middle of space and we've got to get these guys home. Well, we don't know how. So what are the options? As I so said, oh, we listed out all of the options and failure wasn't one of them. So we then had to work out what the what was the best idea. So that's where that phrase comes from. Then a TV producer said, Oh, yeah, failure was not an option, you know? No, because what they were doing, they're looking at all the options for what to do. So whenever you do anything, when you're working with a team, you always diverge before you converge. So the first thing you do is ask for everybody's idea, no matter how stupid it is. And you write it down and then you say, Right, what do we all think about it? And the best idea is the one you try and it might not be yours and you might hate it, but that's good, right? Because that's diversity action. So some of the areas that we've applied this to, so the British Army, Sycamore, Montgomery, believed in a tidy battlefield. So we said, you have a great plan and you tidy up after yourself. Imagine that tidy battlefield sounds like an oxymoron, but it was all about having more people, more ammunitions than the other people. And what they did was they carried that on until 1992. So what's that 40, 35 years later on? And they found that the soldiers were, you know, they were much better than the Argentineans. They win win the battle. And then it stopped because they didn't know what else to do, because they'd been told to stop. So the Argentineans said they've stopped, kill them. So they did didn't find that was working very well for the British army, they said. This is crazy. We need our troops when they when they've won, whatever they were trying to win by, they didn't need to carry on and cause mayhem and chaos or do whatever they do to add value. They need to think for themselves, whereas the moment they're not there, programmed robots, they go in, they do what they're supposed to do, and then they stop. This is crazy. So I waited to be told and suffered casualties as a consequence. So what they did, they said, now we can have mission command. We're going to have intent. What we intend to do is to disrupt the army. This is what the Ukrainians are doing at the moment to the Russians. We have no communications. What are you trying to do, disrupt the Russians as much as you possibly can? That's it. Do whatever it takes. Just do it. Yeah. Russians coming in. We have this gung ho, and we're going to come in and sweep, but actually, we've got push back. So this is what you were saying. That's how we feel like we would have overt is agile didn't work. So they need tools to make rapid decisions and they have multidisciplinary teams so they start to break down. And the engineers in the fighting like this. Oh yeah, we need to build a bridge here. Okay, so that our engineers can come to the fore and do it. We don't need to wait for the engineering regiment to come up and and do it for us. Yeah. So they had this remember reports back for the North Star. So what's the reason for the intent? So this is what the generals have been saying. This is why we're trying to do what we're trying to do. And we've got human resources there. Yeah, they're human beings and not just full time equivalent. So the leaders is allowed to fail and they take away this command versus control. Yeah. So. So we don't tell people what to do. What we do is to tell them what we're trying to achieve. Yeah. What's the vision of success? That's the key. And they spent it actually spending time with the troops. I haven't seen all quiet on the Western Front, but the original version, they had all the all of the leaders, all the generals, about ten miles behind the lines in the sand. Yeah. You guys over the front, we're going to blow the whistle. And you go over the front and try and kill kill Germans or kill the English, whatever it is. And they were nicely safe way back here. So no, no, we need them to be with the troops. Understand what it's all going on. Yeah, very, very different. And then basically what the way they did this is through training. So they had to do it over very many years and change this. So actually we need soldiers to start thinking for themselves and not just squaddies who go and die for the cause. They have to start thinking to see very different. Another example, Ericsson. They started to adopt Agile and they said, Oh, we've got these departments that do whatever. Remember that? And I showed you the new, new development. We have these serial things and we have the lists in between, and that's how it works. And I said, we need to adopt this new approach. So the first thing they did was get four external coaches and they reorganise into multi-disciplinary teams are saying that's what we need to do. We can't have these silos of excellence, we need to look different. So that's what they did. Had a pilot team and they found it was really good. Ultimately, we'll do the same thing. In Week seven, they adopted a thing called large scale scrum, but they found the results were really good. So when you take away from this is that the results are good and on the canvas website you'll see the examples of the Newmarket Viaduct, which was a construction project which they had worse than hard granite. They actually started to dig the foundations for one of their pillars and they found a lava cave, which is a back this big with nothing in it. So they had a pillar on top of it and said, Oh, what do you do? Well, fill it up. Obviously we'll move the pillar, but we've already got the design and the design says the pillar needs to be here. What do you do? Watch the video. It will tell you. Right. And obviously the London Eye. London Eye, they said, oh, you've got this thin bit of land. You've got to put up the London eye and it's going to be taken down in two years. Wasn't very long. Two years. So it's it's like a temporary structure how you can do it. And we won't give you access to anything else, make it as hard as possible for you. So again, how do they do this? So all of these things have come around showing Agile in a construction type environment. So what I would like to do now is I'll open the groups in your groups, think of an industry. So obviously you from different, different industries, think of an industry and identify have the agile principles. Remember the principles that we went through in some data, how they've been applied or how they could be. So do you have any examples of that? So I've just given you three examples. Think about your industries or have you ever worked in a self-managing team? What were the key features? So going have a ten minute chat about this in your groups in a two minute presentation at the end, any questions? Chance for you to do some talking with me. Have a break and I'll open the groups 10 minutes. Okay then teams. So I think last week we didn't have group two. I think there's several groups whose it is, group two, meaning there's no way that. So you guys, it didn't go to the team over here. That didn't go last week. Did you go last week. Alright. Go, go for it then. Group three. Give me your 2 minutes for getting the gist. Just shush. Listening to the highly. Okay. Can you wait a minute? So we get the ideas here then. So we can get. So they've. Do they want an instructor? I'm hoping that they. So all of it work together. And I. But before that contract we need to apply the application before the client. So all the teams together work together. And what do you think of working for. Mm hmm. But I didn't think there's going to be an actual, like, for example, there's a medical centre. Real truth tellers. So. But the high class and full disclosure I don't want to just make an affirmative action but different things. It's a huge difference in. The population. Want to talk to people have a topic for the. Everything has been changed to the light of change. Now again, the payment direction. So all the team needs to be gathered together and the. Like. Like rugby? Yeah. Together? Mm hmm. Yeah. So that all the next year, there will be going to be, you know, very good. No, not. Thank you very much. Good. Good example there. Who else should we have serviced? Group three. So group two. I think we talked about how we got. And we talked about the things that need to to. I think even though we had six. There was a lot of thinking about how to. You have to see this together to be able to provide the. They have. And how they would be able to make sure that there was a TV show as well. So there was a lot of. For example, they would exhibit problems with the rules of the. Help your to get out of. And we just procedures. There was a lot of desire. How much space and intimate content outside just to make sure that actually you have a flow. Patients moving around and. So it was kind of like positive thinking when we would have a morning meeting with everyone who has nothing to do with you. That would. I think. Just write down it. You know, we didn't want to. That whole process was very. I'll try to get patient safety. Yeah. Mojo to. Yeah. Even though. Strategist. And I do want to make sure. And that just of for everybody. Mm hmm. Just to. No, not very good. So thank you very much. So think two very good examples. We just will leave it there for that. So some good examples. So what you have to do is learn to see these things. And if you're in charge, if you like, of conceiving of your project, you need to build these iterations sequences in right from the start. So often we do it because, like Leigh was saying, because it's a problem and we do it as a reactive thing. Whereas if you do it as a deliberate strategy all the way through, then it's much better. Yeah, you get much. You would avoid it in the first place, you know, you could have said all could we have done a 3D model for people to walk through so they could have seen where the pharmacy and the coffee shop were? Would that have been a better idea if we did done that really early on as we were doing it, and then just get the customer to actually walk through so they go, Oh, okay. And they can they can visualise it. And you see this on the TV, these things, but they do more and more of this 3D modelling that people can actually start to to see the building because they read the plan and they don't really get it until the last minute. Not very good. Thanks for interacting with that. So we have another exercise in a minute. So once you just regain control of this thing. So this lecture all about individuals. So we're going to focus on team building, communication and collaboration. So this is why you need it to be in your groups. So this is my suggestion. Now remember, assignment one just while we're doing this, think about assignment one. Assignment one is all about what is the value from a team member perspective, not from a stakeholder perspective, not from a corporate perspective, not from the CEO perspective, not from the customer perspective, not from the client perspective. From the team member. You guys are all team members, so you have the perfect viewpoint to answer the question, What do you value from being on a project? Right? So don't write the essay from last year or the year before that you found online. Don't feel anything from chapter. Think what is valuable to me. Three clues there team building, communication and collaboration. So first question. So remember, this is for a chocolate fondue. You've all got the answers only in front of you. What is a group? People, you can actually read the answers on the slides already. So Karen will be there already. She's probably screaming at me in the chair. This is the answer. I already got the slide up. So a group. He's a collection of people who coordinate so that they're trying to achieve similar things. So like Leo explained very, very well, I've got the traffic management people who are trying to manage the traffic for the development. I've got the structural engineers who are trying to do the structure engineering for the development. I've got the water engineers who are trying to provide the water for the development. They don't really care about the overall thing. They're coordinating their activities to achieve their bit of the overall. They're not actually trying to collaborate. But when he changed the process, that's what happened. Yeah. So he changed it from a group. So achieving related tasks and related objectives into a group of people who collaborate. So this is a really strong word collaborate to achieve specific results. So you're focussed on the outcome. What's the overall outcome? Yeah. And over here we want, we want the, the facility to be usable by patients. That's the key thing. So it's really good if the patients can move around within it and they don't die when they're doing it, they don't get infected from another area. So we want the outcome we want is healthy people leaving the building as quickly as possible. Got to be a result. How do we make that happen? So this is where you started. Okay, I'm thinking different. I'm not doing the perfect clean room or the perfect insulated area. I'm doing something that works. Oh, wow. Goodness me. That's different. It's going to cost more money. This might have to be redesigned. Well, yeah, because it's got to work. It's not going to be perfect for one particular aspect. So we have these common objectives. So question for you that's not on the slide. So I kind of can ask it. If you've got an eclectic, different, diverse schedule, where do you like group of people? How do you get them to come together to a common objective? Because you've got different interests. I've got a water engineer, I've got a traffic engineer, got a civil engineer, I've got a construction guy. Maybe I've got medical people. What do they have in common? Any thoughts? How do you do this for real? They want to finish the song. They want to finish the assignment. So what's. What's that? Cold War? I haven't had the word I'm looking for. It's visions closest. I've. I've got a group before I even get the vision. What does the group need to have in common? Values. It's the word common values. The only thing that you have in common are your values. So you'll see lots of corporate speak about values and lots of companies quote their values. Why do they do this? Because it's the only thing people have in common. Once you have shared values, now you can come up with a vision that you will like. But if you don't share values, forget it. If you just say, Oh, actually, I design the best clean rooms and I that's what I do. I'm the most efficient person in the universe. I design rooms. I don't want to work on your site because you're going to make it less than the best. Don't get my values to be perfect. You can't have people like that on your team. No, no. You've got to want good patient outcomes. Do you want to make people healthy? No, I don't care. I want to do nice clean rooms by and I think and this is what happens on teams when we start talking about Agile. What we need are people who share value. So often that means we take some of the best individual people and they go towards the exit because they don't have the agile mindset of looking for common values. They don't share them. If you take a really obvious example of something like a salesperson, a salesperson, often they're really driven by their bank balance. So they will sell whatever they're told to sell as much as possible. Whereas if you say No, I want to have a long term relationship with this person, but if I can't, I just want to sell as much stuff as possible. I don't care about actually is probably a bad think to have a long term relationship. I'm not going to sell as much as possible. I might actually tell them not to buy something. I did that once. I went to a client and said, You don't buy this. I mean, what? You want to buy it from these guys over here? They're much better than we are at doing this. Ever said no relationship is more important than this? If you buy this from us, you won't get a good job. You will get a good job from these guys. But when you went, ask us again, you'll come back to us because we gave you good advice. Because that's why you come to us, isn't it? Because we give you good advice. We don't always just look internally what's best for us. So this is the key. So you can think long term. So again, salespeople don't detract from salespeople. Often salespeople don't like working as part of a team. They're very focussed and they often you'll see these lots of the adverts on seeking things like this are for, you know, achievement bonuses. If you sell this amount of money, you will get an incentive you got. Actually, it's not what I want. I want my salespeople to do to develop the rest of the sales team. I want to develop long term relationships. I want to have customers. You talk to us to talk to their friends about us and how good we are if we sell them stuff. It doesn't work because it wasn't ideal, but it was on on special. What does that do to us? I So different attitudes, so values are really important. This is how teams work so often. I was just talking to someone this morning and said, Oh, I've been nominated as the leader. Yeah, so that's a working group. Yeah. Teams share leadership. Often when we nominate a leader, we go, Oh yeah. So I'll make them the leader. So now I can just kind of get away and I don't need to do all the talking and I can have a quiet life. It's called Social Loafing. It means I don't have to be in the way, whereas in a team often you will find different people will stand up to become the leader at different points because they're more expert about that particular thing at that particular time. They just really good at it. Then they can fight back because they've got no ego involved where often and leadership might politicians all about ego I want to be in George in charge of wall so what we have and this is often where when I talk to senior leaders this is where they struggle got mutual accountability. So when it's broken, whose fault is it? Everyone's. Yeah, but who did it? Everyone did. Or Steve nominate volunteered to do it. Well, yeah, but he's part of the group. We all agreed they were going to do it and we all agreed what the definition of done was. And Steve volunteered to do it on behalf of the team. We all tested it. We all checked it. So we're all responsible for it. We're accountable for it. And this is where it starts to become very powerful, because then if one of the team is off sick or something, who's going to step in? It doesn't wait for the leader to nominate someone. The team say, what's the most valuable thing I should do today? Oh, Steve. So I'll. I'll fill in from sleep. I will take it over. Yeah. The team organically moves through to do it. So I have these collective work products, so we all own it. Open ended discussions. But you see, you can read them for yourself. Yeah, very different, sir. And typically remember you say your assignment one aspiring to personal growth that expands as well as exploits each person's capabilities. Isn't that what you want? If you're working on a project team, wouldn't you want to have personal growth that uses your talents? Wouldn't that be good as opposed to what? I turned up for 8 hours, so you needed to pay me $400 or whatever. I clocked in, I clocked out. You should pay me $400. What did you do? Absolutely nothing. But I clocked in and clocked down. Yeah, very different ethos. So now when you start to look at it, so these guys, if you do have time to read these books, very, very famous in the world of teams and this is kind of. If any of you, you've worked on a high performing team, but you get a group and they can get reasonably high performing, and then you experience a high performing team and it's just so different. It's chalk and cheese where people just help you when you, when you didn't even realise you needed help. Yeah. You're not feeling so well and they can tell you're not feeling well today. How did you know. Oh well I can see you're not quite on form today. You even to be quiet. Do you need some help. Yeah. And high performing teams will compensate for each other. Yeah. Because they've got this shared ownership of the task very, very different. What we find is that the performance is just off the scale. Lots and lots of trust. So how do you collaborate so you can do it synchronously or asynchronously? We're doing it synchronously at the moment. When you watched the video tonight, you were doing it asynchronously. Yeah. So we obviously have things way like on teams where you can post things and do chats and stuff like that. I'm guessing a lot of your your work will be asynchronous, but it's always good to come together as a member. One of the principles was the best way of working is face to face. I'm a consultant in lots of organisations. We just need to bring everyone together, even if it's only for an hour. Bring everyone together. But the cost? Yes, but the performance. Just get people to meet each other. Face to face moves things fantastically across the across the dial. So just some examples there of people collaborating. So here you've got like a wiki page like canvas. Here you got a bunch of engineers. I think this was terminal five in Heathrow, all coming together to work out what they were getting. That was a nice planet shot from. Some companies do want to work with this environment and they have these meetings and call themselves, you know, it's like a side. So I think people working on trial as well for the how how they can be speed. Well, I think I would have to look at the individual situation. What they often do is if they're if they're trying to do something that's completely revolutionary. Yeah. What they need is a bunch of people who've got free freedom to do stuff that's never been done before. So you you might need a different group of people just to say your your thing is to come up with the best possible thing ever. No constraints so they can still be agile. But it's just the terms of reference, and we'll talk about it later on. It's the boundaries that are the important thing. It's where you set the boundaries so they could be agile within the boundaries that are set. If we're trying to develop something in the mainstream, you would make the boundaries very different. So that's kind of sidestepping the question. So you can be is the answer to your question. You can still have a group. So between you'd have to have at least five people in the group if they were being innovative, but within their terms of reference, they could come up with something very agile, very collaborative. What they would have to do is start to come up with the tests for it. So if you're just coming up with this kind of new framework for how things might do, we do this in policy and things like that just to go away and so on. Just need to come up with something that's very different. But where I would normally say is when they get to the end, they need to do some kind of demonstration. So we do have these kinds of things in Agile where they'll go away and they'll just do a sprint purely on working out a design or something like that, because it's so, so hard if you like. They just need to go and think for a bit. So we'll do this kind of deep dive and just go away and look at it. We'll talk about that, that kind of thing later. It's a really good question. Remember, Agile is a mindset. It's not a process. Yeah. Because of this. To my mind. Really? Yeah. North to Peru. Yeah. So. Yeah. Find that difficult? Yeah. So that they still need to come up with a blueprint or a framework or something, which they would be testing as part of the process that might not be implementing it. So that could be a separate, separate thing later. Okay. So how do teams collaborate? So this is your blueprint for how you're going to do your projects. Multi-skilled, so they can adapt to multiple roles. And I said this earlier on Offer me when we starting to roll out Agile to corporations, we put together some very experienced people just because we want them to see how it's going to work and more experienced people, they can do more things. So they're multi-skilled, so they can cover for each other. If you're very specialist, that's quite hot and you need to work on this multi-skilled thing to start with. So the team estimates the work effort, not the PPM. That's one of the key things. So the teams start to own the work. One of the worst things I've ever experienced is a project manager comes up to me, says, Oh yeah, you've got 3 hours through this stuff, but I've never even seen it before. It's going to take at least 12 hours. You've got three. I've got it on the chart. It's not true. Well, so I can't win here. I mean, they're going to do a rubbish job in 3 hours or I'm going to do a really good job in 12 hours, and you're going to tell me off kilter and four times as long as I should have done it. So just one problem. Yeah. And this is this is a point, right? So what we do in Agile is the team estimates how long things are going to do take, and therefore the team is then going to decide how much work they take on. So the team sets its capacity team decide how much work it does. So if the team don't deliver, it's the team's fault because the team decide it wasn't the project manager who said, You've got to do this amount of work and individuals decide who does what and when. On a day to day basis, team agree. What the test for completeness is. So we don't typically call this the definition of done. That's the first thing that you would do before you can take on a task. You said, Well, what does good look like? I need to know that before I can agree to do it. So team takes responsibility for delivery team meet every day to plan their work. That's typical. Yeah. Team demonstrates the product. Team members can work together if they want to or they can work individually. It's up to the team because it's a self-organising team and the crucial thing team monitors its own performance on a daily basis. Did we do what we said we were going to do and we start to hold each other to account? So again, in my assignment setting, this is where you guys are going to start giving feedback to each other because you need to practice this thing. Team members hold each other to account. It's a very difficult and not normal activity for human beings in a work environment. When we say Art, Steve's on, he's doing the wrong thing, but I'm just going to let him go because it's the boss's job to sort him out. Not anymore. In an agile environment. No, no. Steve's doing the wrong thing. I need to go and have a chat with him to see why he's doing what he's doing. And we maybe need to discuss it and maybe bring it up with the team. It's my job because I'm a member of the team, because if Steve fails, we all fail. That's the key. It's the key difference, right? So starting to take ownership. So you see how this is quite a different way of thinking from his job, boss's job to come so at the difficult people to my job to sort out the team behaviour. So this guy Patrick Lindsay only looked at teams and I said, how do you get this to happen? What is it that needs to happen to take this group to make them into a team? And he said, Well, actually, you could start from the bottom. So say, well, a group don't care about the results and they don't they don't want to be accountable for anything and they're not really committed. Remember, I'm just talking about my experience where the guy said, you've got you've got a quarter of the time, so let's go. I don't care about the result. It's not my job. You told me what to do. It's not really my thing. And where it comes down to is fear of conflict. I'm not going to stand up and shout at the boss and say, No, I need four times. It's Mac, so I'm not going to disagree with my boss. I'm just going to take an easy life and keep away from conflict. People are scared of conflict. Yeah, and that comes from an absence of trust, because I knew if I started to disagree with my boss, he would say, Door or window, you will leave. I had that conversation once with the CEO of company and he said, Steve, there are places for people like you and they're not here. Door, window, your choice. Okay, I'll be going then. Not because they say no, no, no. I call the shots. You cannot challenge me. Now, the fundamental thing about trust is you've got to be able to voice your opinion without being criticised because it's an opinion, right? You have the right to be wrong. You have the right to be wrong. So I don't think that's the right way of doing it. That's interesting why you think that's the wrong way. I think you should have been responsible. And no, I'm obviously right because I'm the CEO. He was absolutely 100% wrong and everybody knew he was, but no one else had even challenged him. I just thought, Oh, just try this. No, I won't anymore. I'll leave. So they said, So what then? He says, The first thing you need to work on as a team is trust. Okay, so the thing that you guys, whether you realise it or not, have been doing, if you've all been here for three weeks, is working on trust because trust takes a long time to develop and it takes milliseconds to lose. So it's a really hard thing. So what Lindsey only said is if you can develop trust in your team, then your team will start to challenge each other. When they do stuff because they've challenged each other, they will then be committed to the result because they start to own it. Because they own it, they'll take accountability and because they take accountability, they'll get the results. If you don't have trust, you're not going to get this. So whenever I if I used to work for KPMG, I used to evaluate companies and projects and things like that. So you just go into them just to have a do people trust each other? And it's really easy to suss that in like a millisecond you go in. These are just a group. They're people in the same room at the same time that really care about each other at all. So they're going to be a low performing group. And to the extent that they want to get on the right plan, they might achieve what they're trying to do. But there's no way if the plan is wrong that they're going to do anything decent here. Right. Talk to another group. Okay. Now, these guys are inexperienced, but they trust each other. And I can tell they are going to do a really good job and that was it. So it's really easy to assess, but hard to put it into words with a checklist. How do you measure it? Trust. So as I said, it's hard to measure. But do you trust anyone? Do you trust you, Jeff, upon? Do you trust your wife or how would you measure that? Through their actions. Through our actions. So when you have a problem, she's there for you. You don't have to ask. So that's trust, right? So you were trying to document and you'd say, well, how do I how do I test that checklist? The only is not a checklist. Right? It's an emotional thing. She's got no, they're there when I need them to be there and when I don't need them to be there, they are not there yet. So that is kind of like that. It's just that real closeness. So for me, trust is are I could shake hands and say, I'll be here at 9:00 on a monday and you'll be here at 9:00 on a monday. Yeah. So we're talking about in the next slide, this is my definition of it. So trust is credibility, reliability and intimacy and not showing self-interest. So if your wife said, I can see you really having a problem with my wife, I've got to go do my hair. So I'll be back in an hour. No, no, no trust. Right. So it's that kind of thing. Now you see this from teams that say, Oh, look, Steve's having a real problem. But you know what? I've got to do my own thing. I'm doing my summit three over here. I'm sorry. I can't help you. Do you think that's one of the reasons that has become such a popular project management approach? Is because because of its value of individuals, of interactions over processes, that it just naturally promotes team building, it deals with these problems. Yeah, I think so. The reason I think it's so popular is because there's two reasons the people who are in Agile teams say, Well, why would you ever do anything different? Because my job is now richer, because I get to talk to my mates. We agree what we're going to do and then we do it. So that's really good right now for the companies. They say, Well, we really like it because we get stuff done. So it's kind of a it's a it's a win win. But I think the reason that people like it is, like you say, because of this, because they're saying, oh, yeah, we're not forced to do things. If the process is broken, we get to change it. And in my experience, like I mentioned earlier on when I said I was first at work and so on to the process, you're not allowed to go on the shop floor because the process is you put it in writing that you want to go on the shop floor. You submit a form that goes to the union. The union say, okay, then you can go on. That's the process. Because I said, Well, that's mad. I just want to go and talk to Fred on the floor. The process is this you can't change the process and that's where people get really fed up because I'll go into this and they're all keen like me and you're 18 or whatever, keen to do stuff and you can't. So I know some some dinosaur, some. I said, this is the process. What? Can we change the process? No. Oh, but what do I do then. Well, you can. That is the door and there's the window. It's an open question. How we distinguish between. Trust and honesty and capability and making sure that he is doing the right thing and he's not doing the right thing. So this is where you experience on the team. So what you want? Ideally, having a team who is making the job. You grew up in the. The team? Yeah. So I'm going to put it down to the sound of his dick. And he's saying. He's saying, I didn't get his dignity, but I'm going to say, no, you grew up in the South. You are not Catholic or you are not. You've got you got to it's okay to make mistakes. It's not okay to hide mistakes. So a high performing team will make more mistakes than a low performing team. But what they will do is fix them, because if you're not making mistakes, you're not trying anything new. So it's almost by definition to be high performing. You've got to try stuff and it's got to not work occasionally. Yeah, because what happens low performance comes from being really safe all the time and never doing anything different. So when it comes to capability, the team will assess. So typically what you have on a high performing team is people who may not be you might have one person who's really good, but you have somebody else who's quite good at that. So they can, if you like, critique each other's work to a certain extent. So when you switch that capability. So that's how it would work. But it's it's within the team. You don't go outside to say, oh, somebody else needs to authorise that, because that's when you're going back to a waterfall, because remember, the team is accountable for the result. Oh, no, thank you. I can fix that. See high performing team. See, that's gone now away that you can. So whenever I do this chat, we talk about intimacy. People always kind of smile at this one. So this means getting to know, like I was saying, with your wife or your partner, you don't need to say it often. You just know it because you can recognise you can. You can if you like. It's that emotion, emotional intelligence. You can tell by the face what they're thinking because you know each other for so long. And what we often do with groups is we try to develop this intimacy. So obviously the easy way is you just guys, you start talking to each other. But this is something I won't go into if I don't have time do it. But you can do this kind of thing. You can look it up online. So journey lines, this was my journey line. So you just get everybody to talk about how they got to be here in this room. So often when you bring the team together first, you say, Right, everybody, why are you here in this room right now? So I say, Well, I left school in 1980, took on some project. Well, I met my wife, got married, then we went into negative equity. So my bit like it's happening now. Interest rates went up to 15%, not 5%, 15% and our house price dropped. So and we moved. So we had in a real negative spiral, we had to rent a house for six years. And then I got a new role where I was allowed to practice a job. I had a we had a miscarriage, which is pretty, pretty sad for me. And my father died. Then we had our first child, so it is only on the up. Then I went to work for KPMG that I've mentioned and then I had some significant project successes using this agile type stuff. Then I decided I have enough for the UK, so I moved to New Zealand so that was a bit bit different. So losing all my friends and family and coming to New Zealand. So then I went to work for our economy, became a partner. I'll recall them. Interesting. They made me redundant, so I was a bit of a dip down and then I went to Fonterra and I run the lean. Fonterra is the biggest company of New Zealand for those who done it and I ran their Lean program, so that was just for me. I didn't want to have it. And then I, I had my own business and then I came to work, taught in union. They pay me to waffle on on a monday morning to you guys have died and gone to heaven. I So that's why I'm in this room because they pay me to come here and waffle to you guys. So you can say just going through that, you go, Oh, that's quite interesting. Oh yeah, I'll pay. I'm from the UK as well. Oh yeah, I reckon I work at Oracle, so people will just start to pick up stuff and ask, this is more profit how much money you had over time? I know this is how wealthy I am, so I don't confuse money with wealth. You don't? The critical path. The critical path was becoming more assertive because remember, I said really early in my career just to avoid the question, Oh, you should do this now, I won't say because they'll tell me off. I remember I said I was working at a company called Boseman. I had this conversation with the CEO and I said, We just need to do lean. And he said, We don't do that. You do that. And so I left. But I was working interestingly for the COVID response, and they've been doing lots of waterfowl. And I had exactly the same thing I said, Paul, when I teach this stuff. We need to start doing Agile. I said, What's that? It's a different response. Much, much more open guy. I said, I'll show you. I won't tell you. I'll show you. Are you able for me to show you? He said, If it works, we'll do it. So he shrugged. So the COVID response came much better from that point on. But it was that kind of thing. So just being able to be a little bit more assertive. So it's okay. I could be wrong, but this is how you want to do it. Yeah. Just to go through that, which is really about those interpersonal skills. So that's the critical part for you guys. Thinking about how you're thinking and how can I improve how I think and interact with other people? A very good question. With the chocolate, you think? I think both the chocolate based question. No question about it, because a lot of it seems like, you know, a lot of kids. So my question is, why would you get an education? Absolutely. So if it's a small project, you don't. The only reason for having a PM is to coordinate multiple workstreams and maybe external stakeholders. So if it's just a small project and by small I mean like ten people can do it. But if you are doing on a like the site at the moment, you've got the disaster response to the floods. You can't have ten people doing that. So the question would then be, well, who's coordinating what the army you're doing with what the politicians are doing with the funding, you know? So who is that? So that's where the PM comes in. So I've got these multiple workstreams. So at the higher level, but individually at the lower level, no, it should be a self-organising. Typical question. Yeah. Any other questions? That's different from me. Sorry about a former product owner is different from PM. Yeah, product owner owns the product. As the name might suggest, the PM owns the product and the people. Right. So what we do is we split it in Agile, trying to keep it simple and saying, Oh yeah, now the product is decided by the product owner and that's the only thing they care about. And what we have is now an agile coach who coaches the people. So the people own what they're doing and they're coached on how to be a team by the Agile coach. And the Agile coach doesn't care about the product. I don't care about how the team are working because it's the team making the decisions about what they do. So the Agile coach can't be an expert on the product and how to do it because then they're becoming PM and they'll be telling people what to do. So that's it. Good question. So your next challenging group's team values. Remember we talked about team values. Are you going to build up trust? So hopefully everyone can read those. So in your groups for just take 5 minutes to do this, decide which values are most important to your group. Okay, let's just give into a breakout room for you. I'll just make this 5 minutes. Which of those values? Don't worry about it. You can finesse this in your own groups over time. So some companies take about a month or three months to do this. So don't don't be too hard on yourself. Yeah. So you have the concept, right? There are lots of potential values you can have. Your team need to choose some because you need to decide what's important to all of you. That's the first step in making you into a team. Yes, yes. Like we said, there's no right or wrong answer whatever your values are or your values. Okay, well, guys, on to the next thing. So you can carry on doing that whenever you like in your own time as a group because you're going to carry on forming your groups. So get rid of that off of the second screen and replace. We just have to keep. So when it comes to teams and I said about ten people, you'd see this song seven for two. But basically if you have nine people on your in your team, so some of you guys have got ten, so you get 36 relationships. That's quite hard to do. So once it gets once you if you get a team of 20 people, it's not going to happen. For those of you who are into rugby, when we have the rugby analogy, then if you know, but 15 people on a rugby team, that's why in rugby they actually have two separate teams within a team. They have the forwards in the backs, the forwards have eight forwards and seven backs. So they're separate teams. They come together, but actually they're two very separate teams purely because of this, because it's hard to have so be 15 times 14 whatever that is divided by two. So 210 divided by two so hundred and five relationships just can't do that. Going to have some friends. That's it. So remember, people can remember four things in their short term memory. So you need to record things and present them visually. This is what demonstrating is really, really good. And remember I said the other day to pages reading age below eight. It's the way to go when we when we look at it, groups of seven outperform groups of 20. You think about that. Does that really mean what he says? Five, 20 people doing something and seven people will do more? Yes, they will do more. Now, not only are they more efficient, they produce more y. In the group of 20, you have social life. We should probably already experienced it in your groups of ten. There'll be a couple of people who are really doing stuff and a couple people are just kind of they're they just kind of get taking breeze and being there because you haven't yet formed a team, you've got a group. So this is what happens. It's called social life and you can look it up. People will do nothing because they say, Oh, yes, Steve, he's doing all the talking. You can just like stare out the window. Yeah, great. And I still get all the marks. Excellent. Yeah. Another kind of Brooks Law. Yeah. Had a person to a project and it will take longer. I can vouch for this. You bring a person in often. You have a project that's very near to the end and you say, Oh, I just needed a little bit more help. And you bring someone in and everything starts going slow because all the time I start telling them how, briefing them on how to do what it is, and they start checking their work and all this kind of stuff like you do when you introduce a new person, you actually go slower overall. So you better off just say, yeah, it's just just just go for it. Don't do it. So this is a bit I was talking about, remember the the question about critical path assertive is what you need to become. So some of you will be passive. This is where I was. I am a natural introvert. Avoid expressing what you want. Yeah. Then you can kind of get passive aggressive so you don't speak very, very loudly, but you just don't do stuff and you matter. You talk under your breath, you'll be very negative. Then you get some people who are aggressive and they just shout to everybody. And if you if you got any of those in your groups, often I get complaints. So we got this person in our group who's a real hothead, just like you think just talks all the time. Yeah. Have you told them? No. Oh, that's the project leader's job. No, it's not your job. Yeah. So assertive. Clearly state your needs without degrading the needs of others. So for those of you doing 730 with Eric, you should be way ahead of us on this one. So the crucial thing is to set remember to about this earlier and set boundaries, non-negotiable, unalterable terms. So if you need something now, I can't cope when everybody shouts at the same time. So please, can we agree that are you one person can talk at a time. It's really good. So I used to use things like, you see me, I do things like this. You have to have the wand to be able to speak for in a group you have. If you don't have all of this, you can't speak and people are always trying it. We just agreed that if you're not holding it, you can't speak. Shout, shut up. Some very assertive. Could you please be quiet? Yeah. So you are responsible for the consequences of your words and actions. So you're in charge of your own behaviour? Yeah. You want the team to do well. So if you're going to start shouting at the members of your team, if you're going to be quiet and hope that they get what you want, it's not going to happen. Yeah. So you've got to be in charge of your own behaviour and you can control your reaction to what other people say. So you don't need to shout at other people. You can work together so much, he began. Yeah. How is this relevant when you're trying to do your project? This remember this slide? Okay. You must become more assertive and have the real thing for that is what are the boundaries? So what are our values? What are the boundaries? What are we allowed to do? What's not allowed to do so? We're not allowed to shout? Are we allowed to not turn up to meetings? Is that okay? Are we allowed to not to not do the jobs if we get if we volunteer to do something? Are we not allowed we are allowed to not do them. What does that look like? So now when we when we sign up to do something, we're going to do it. It's not okay to do it late. It's not okay to say, can we have a slightly longer deadline? Yeah. Yeah. These are the boundaries, right? What is your team going to do? So I'll just give you some examples. So this is one I had and I talked about them when I was doing that slide thing and it was going up and up and I was getting more and more wealthy. This is the one that we had at Fonterra, so this is a real one. So to develop our leaders capability to identify and systematically eliminate what is not working, to coach and guide these leaders and their teams to deliver the improvements they identify and deliver the business led program to plan. So we were coaches. We were not going to tell people what to do. They were going to decide what they needed to improve. We would help them to say, this is what's going to what you should do. But they were going to come up with it. So, no, this is. We will. So you're going to do this in a second to last exercise? We will. We will only go where customers pull us to work. So this was our shorthand. So we couldn't just go to any single. You're rubbish, we're going to come fix you. So no, no. Organisations within Fonterra will come to us and say, Can you come help us? Yeah. So if they didn't want us to come help them, we wouldn't. Yeah. And we always take the custom of you. Yeah. So who's the customer? What do they want? Are you. Do you even understand that we're going to coach and develop activity capability so you can read these things for yourself? So this was a real one. Then you're going to say, Oh, yeah, that's really that's good corporate. Can you do it the other way around? Yeah. This is my breaks family charter again, you can write down. So this is what I did with my kids. And they were eight and four at the time. Yeah, this is what we're going to do. This is hope that's going to get better. Yes. And this is 2009. This was older than that. She was 11 at the time. So you can do charter. So I would suggest your team might want to do a charter because the value for this is that when someone starts to share in one of your team meetings, you just go to. You signed it? Yeah. So we all signed it. But you signed it. Why did you sign it? Did you not mean it? Is your is your word of no value whatsoever. Scary stuff. So you lost your last bit. How will your group collaborate to become a team? Three We will statements so put you back into your groups. If you do not answer the question, you might write lots of stuff, but you will get zero and you say I'll write loads of stuff and I get yet. But you didn't answer the question and everything you wrote might have been correct. That's great. The question does not say write everything you know about Agile. Okay, if that was the question right. It's not. So the Agile Manifesto states that we value individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Explain how this links to the main pillars of respect and continuous improvement. Right. So we are going to have to say how do how what is respect and how does that link to individuals being more important than processes and tools? Right. That's the question you need to answer. It's no good saying processes and tools are unimportant. Individuals are much more important because that's wrong and it wouldn't get you any marks because it's not answering the question. So respect is valuing diversity, valuing everybody's opinion. Yeah. Listening more than talking. Yeah. All these things. This is respect. Right. So how would respect relate to that? Well, when someone says they don't think a process is very good, we listen to them and then we ask them what it should change table. If they have it, they know what it should change do or if they have an opinion. Or as a group we can think of a different process, but we don't say Just suck it up in the New Zealand, don't you guys? All Kiwis, the New Zealand thing is drink some concrete, toughen up. If you don't like it, toughen up. This is not good. That is the opposite of respect. Okay. So what we need to do is say, okay, what we need to do is we always need to improve. So we recognise that our processes might not be perfect. That's good. The biggest room in the world. The room for improvement. Therefore, we can improve this process. Okay. What shall we do? So what's the standard being arrived at the moment? What's our suggestion? Can we achieve that? Right. And so that's the individual. So we're using the PDK process to improve the other process. So it's that kind of thing. And obviously you do the same for continuous improvement. How do I use continuing continuous improvement while the individuals use the continuous improvement process to improve the other processes? Yeah. That kind of thing. Critically discuss the concepts of value and success from a project team members perspective. Is success the same as delivering value? So to answer that question, you've got to say What is success and what is value? So value is something about in the eye of the beholder. There is no. Oh, yeah. £1,000,000 is worth more than anything else. What's the value of a friendship? What's the value of trust? Yeah. How would you value it? Some rich people would say, Well, nobody trusts me, so therefore I have a really terrible life. Lots of lottery winners commit suicide. Yeah, it's one of the biggest, biggest groups. It's quite a scary fact that, isn't it? So they have all the money in the world, but no, but they don't trust anybody. I think everybody is just doing the reason they know them is because they're off the money. And so concepts of value and success. So you need to define those from a project team members perspective. You are project team members. It does not say, can you discuss the concepts of value and success from a stakeholder customer client project managers value. So if you say any of those things, you will get a very round number because it says Project Team Members perspective. Okay, you are a project team member. What does value and success look like for a project team member? Yeah. Is success the same as delivering value? Key question don't gloss over it. Answer the question. So success, you could say, is getting what I want. Yeah. Value is getting something that I think is of worth. Yeah. So what I want and something of worth might be the same. Might not be right. So you need to discuss that now with all of this, because it's in the bounds of a literature survey. It's good to have your opinions. Look at the literature. So you need to say, Oh, Steve said this, Fred said this. Bill said this. Jamie said this. I think they're all wrong, in my opinion. Is this. And the reason for that is because of this. So you've got to back up your opinions by looking at the research, because it's a research assignment. So therefore, what other people say is success, what the other people say is value. Yeah. What do other people say? Team members value. Yeah. So you need to quote some people. If it's all from your point of view, that's great. But it's not a literature survey. So typically we should be quoting ten sources for that. So then critically discuss how a project in an uncertain environment should best be approached to maximise value. Value to the team members whilst maintaining success. So this would be saying, okay, well if if whatever I said was valuable to team members, I've got to maximise that. So how would I do that without jeopardising value? Because you could say, well, the team members value doing absolutely nothing. So that's good. So we just have all the team members over here and they're not going to do any work for the whole length of the budget. I'm going to pay them. Great. But I've jeopardised success. The project hasn't succeeded. Now that's not such a good idea. So they've got to work in a way that's nice, but they also get success. That's the question that we're asking here. So we've obviously talked about that a lot today. Right. Hopefully most of you done this. I think you might have to update your photographs. Yeah. So I think we check James on Friday again. Hopefully the groups are fairly stable. I should only go down in people now. Does it cost you money now to change courses? So you need to have a team plan for yourself. So this is so. Oh yeah. For me to become a better team member, I should start doing this. And what's a concrete so concrete action to do that. Yeah. Remember this. So there are no words on here that are meaningless. It is insufficient to state things like we'll meet regularly in lectures. That's good. But that's not a plan. That's a vague wish or desire, right? The plan is we will meet every week at 11:00. Yeah, the agenda will be this. We will have a retrospective to see if the team meeting is working. Yeah, that's the plan. Is it okay for us to have a common action plan for the group? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Can't imagine you'd have anything different. Three. What can be so important? You mean. You mean this one? This one. Part three. So what are you saying? What's the answer? What can we do? So an uncertain environment. So remember the Snowden model. So that's the. The left unsaid. This is so chaotic or complex. So we're saying basically audit is the right hand side. So that's a waterfall side, maybe the left hand side. Is that wrong? So this is saying complex or chaotic environments. So this would be saying we what's the best way in that kind of environment to help the team members so. The thing I would value for team members that. It's based on the situation? Absolutely not. In terms of the deaths that you want us to cover, this is how situations change. Situations change. So do you want us to cover that? Across the project or situation where people get nothing value across the project lifecycle. But bear in mind that there is a word limit on this is only ten mark, so don't go into too much, too much. I think if I went to a team member and said, well, what's important to you? And say, well, I want to get home on time, I want to learn something. Yeah, I want to have fun. Right. Sounds pretty good to me. Does that go across the lifecycle? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but. But don't overthink this. Mm hmm. Remember, there's only a few months. Plenty. You're not going to say. Oh, yeah, you've got to have 100 things he doesn't say, right? The question to ask you, do you like. The short video of you meeting came just one person who wants it up on this or whatever you want to do then. I think you just put put the reference into it because we won't necessarily know which because we're looking at these individually. So if every, every team member just puts a link into their we link it to a platform. Yes, I've just put it in Google Docs and just just make sure we just put in all the resources that you need, just like a satellite video. So, I mean, it's all what we're looking for is evidence that you have actually met in some way, shape or form fashion. That's it. So other than because of what you saw? Yeah, we all met. Honest. You can't. We can just write and say we provide 1500 words and answer all the questions we don't have. The structure doesn't matter depending on like, uh. Yeah, no, I know. I just. I'd kind of follow that, but it's up to you. Up to you. The advantage of following this structure is that it's easy for us to mock if you just write stuff and we go, Oh yeah, I think that relates to that bit, and I think that we might miss something as we skimming through. So it's easy for you if you do it like this. But so I said to start with, I'm not precious on format content, so I'll be like 1500 words, like even I can read that quite quickly, so I'll be able to suss out any other questions. He was. I have to say I'm sorry. You will. You will for this bit, but not for this bit. So for yourself, you will have a different answer here. But this is could well be the same. Yep. Despite. She's agile. We break all the rules. We change processes. Individuals are more important today than it was before. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So you can use. I mean, the standard is API. So if you just use that. But I'm happy with whatever song. As it turns out it's a style recognised by the university. That's, that's fine. If you look at the videos that I've posted, there's one about literature surveys and they talk all about that and there's lots of advice online about how to do referencing and stuff. Crucial thing is whenever you make a point in the text, you need to put the reference there. It's no good saying I wrote all of this stuff and then put all of your references at the bottom. So well. Okay, well, you read these books, but how does that relate to what you said? Because this is a critical review. So you're trying to make an argument. It's not just what you think, it's what other people think. And you've taken the best of what other people think and made your own opinions. That's a critical review. Well, like a reasonable reference. I hope that you have to wait for the time that happens. Yeah. Ten. Ten is good. Yeah. So it can be articles, books, whatever. Yeah. So me, all. All of the stuff that I've ever done would be ones. Yeah. If you want to quote me. But that's it. Okay. Anything else? No. Oh, good. Same time next week. See you then. Enjoy with this post is a great Friday with three questions that I need to answer is why?

# Week 4

And again. It's all about your next assignment. Basically, we sat through everyone's assignments. They is the difference between life and death. Until now, it's been over 19 teams get together and what's best for them. Look at now is the first chemo which is different for all which is the product owner. So for. A waterfall. We don't have the product owner wrong. You just have the customer and the project manager. So for Agile, typically small projects that need a product manager that is very experienced. So what? Isn't this interesting? To. I was like to. Let's. So think one of the owner. Battle about requirements. Makes the challenge a real thing. This is what managers like. That's it. That's all I wanted. Agile and Agile focuses on multiple focuses on the plan. So typically what we would do is start off with the goals. Then create concepts that would fit into their customers. That's what waterfall thinking. Where am I trying to go to? Company 16. What am I trying to achieve? A wall of investments that we would consider you would sign. Remember this? There's students who get it wrong. What they do is a great idea. But I want action by using this approach. I want to pass my assignment. My ideas are about how you want these poor people to have customers. What? And Walter, when you write that, you will get that waterfall thinking. What we need to do is to understand the customs. So what's your customer name? What they want in this area, ideally what the customers actually want. This is the key. I need to connect with my customers to find out what they want. Then I can create some concepts around that. Then I can build on the solution. Fun starts by observing that the customer is the key difference rather than company chief make loads of money or have an idea of the products to might find the money. Then come back to the principles I went through. But this is the ones in red, the ones that are relevant. Here. So remember sufficiency. Don't try and do anything else is the key thing that customers want. I need to do that thing. Business people and developers must work together. So I'm a product owner to the customer. That's going to be the key. I need to welcome changing requirements. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up a list of things that the customer wants more than changes. I can set something. I don't have to get it right right away. It might change over time. So I'm recognising that I'm going to make this list available to everyone. What we call this product backlog. This thing. They control. They don't want to be totally stuck with the product. Now, what's going to the product, actually? Other people on the team kind of help the production of anything, which is like writing a book, but they can't submit it into the matter of listening on the back of the product owner by our client. Did you get inside their home? Almost like some people like intimate stories. I'm going to prioritise this. This is very different from your email because I know this is a whole site and everything is equally important. You've got to do it all. I'm going to show that the world is not going to be good. I was saying we're going to prioritise the strike right from day one because we have more resource. But your neuroscience, your pictures of all these things vibrates. It allows maximum time spent on the sources and maximum audience of ten people, but most often spend even three weeks with each of them in just 300 hours. But if you're right, it doesn't really matter that. Well as well as a panel in a nutshell, because, you know, this site, I'm going to even once you realise you're going to break into the house, I'm not. These kind of things we don't recognise. Just back to that. It would mean some reasonable standards, but it is broken. That's why it's a form of governance, because you prioritise. I would love to do something, but I think this amounts to being a French statement. What we need to do, all of this, this is all the detail we need to do is get it all. And the government. Someone really our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery. In this sense, the software generally sets up valuable stuff, so that's things that we can actually use interact with. So I'm always trying to produce value every week. If your order comes right away. Until then, nobody. Nobody gets any. They. I cut the ribbon. After we have seen, as you may know, people from Mexico, chiefly Vietnam and so on, it's like this is almost less efficient. It's more effective. Okay. So just talk about this combined marketing product manager and manager. So I said, everyone, we don't need necessarily the project manager role at all. It does the purpose of managing what we're going to do. We'll have not seen this on our. And then I've got an Agile coach who coaches the team. On how best to work team centric at zero. So the scrum the scrum lockstep will be agile approach to the things going on. That's not a problem. The team, the development teams work out. How are they going to converge? That's their priority and this is why they're quite responsible and accountable for it. So the product owner. Champions and customers needs assesses the most valuable product features. Making a linking to the development say they are going to spend at least an hour a week. Sorry, at least an hour a day with the women saying, no, they are going to dedicate some songs. I like to work on projects, but have you checking it because it seems every day the right time to reach out, to answer questions. From a development team. So it's much more about the relationship. This is why we say product time, because they could potentially be management team projects at the same time. Once you get past that, need to have a different structure. You can't just have one product looking after lots and lots of projects. This just won't work. This is the key bit prioritisation. Now I've had various people work with me and I'm not. And they come up with this spunk. And I said, What do you want? I said, I need to do. You've got the vice principal job. You have to decide what is the best feature. So signals like the iPhone shipped with an identical function, and you'd imagine that now pick up your mobile phone and didn't have to copy and paste function that serious but that makes the product design that apple. How much of that amount of money. So you were just go through all of this. That's more important than that. So you never have two things that are equally important. The product is really hard and clinical and. And it truly is that equally important when it comes to business, it really doesn't matter. It doesn't mean you cannot solve something. Have. But. And what will happen is this priority will change over time. Such is the different. A product that will change all your business, not only this next one down and something else. So it's a dynamic. This stuff is always changing. And so the project, you have to be insulated from this. And this is part of the answer to the first assignment that we have, and it's changing all the time. But what the team did at some point, they got a snapshot of it. I'm going to extract a bit of it and put it into my sprint cycle and now I'm going to work on this carry on. It's very exciting. So this is what the team plan because now it's all so we can then work on that. So we've got more stable work at least on what we're going to do in two weeks. We let me just do that for you. We are accountable for delivering that. Well, that's going to be a group that's not. So it's a nice, stable environment. This is crazy. So I'm not that I'm just creating my life. So I'm just take the fight and I'm going to take another line and deliberate another attack. License plate right now means I can be filing. Officials say they don't want to get a ride back or if they don't like the changes or if there's no decisiveness on that train to be able to achieve what the policy requires. So in terms of this is something that happened in concert with my group or whatever systems in place that actually I think will be more so all the way. So the question is all around as a team, get to decide on a sprint. We'll talk about this more and other that's wrong. But essentially at the time we were doing the sprint, that's when the product freezes the record for that split second and they talk to the team at reasonable highest priorities and they talk to the team. Our team don't understand that it's not it the same as an agreement from the team with the product plan. If they don't understand it, it's gone. So then I can respond to my agreement with that, agree that this is what we're going to do. It's crucial the team are going to do the work. Understand what I mean by that. Sorry for that. I don't know that we can do it. You've done it where you want. And that's why. But they are small. That's right. But I also remember moms and dads not really comfortable in the sense of their confidence in something that the government saying. So what they will do is turn out to be with the development things. They try to do something and they'll sit in a room like this with the developments because it's about time. We'll just be asking the question, are you saying this is the will of these nations? I'm just going to have to think I about it like this. So just asking that kind of interactive questions of them. And so they might spend an awful lot of that physically in the same room or they're on Zoom, actually answering questions in real time. So in that sense of range, possibly balancing. So they're not like another person you just said, oh, give me a. Then I'll come back in two. Yeah, they are going to be presence. So when they have to take a stand that some people have, that the person in the room while they're having their questions. But it's not you know, it's interesting what they're. So they've got ready access to that first in that sense, but they're not actually going to do any work. Sometimes the real code that changes a little bit, they can have a dual role. It's difficult to clean it up better if they just just specify, Well, what? Yeah. Well, that they're more of an API because that's all you can eat certificate and stuff. It's your clients document prioritising. So that's probably a lot of documents to build a team of documents and all the stuff that takes over, which is more important than the trail of the stack. So, so that's super in that sense. Most of all, some of what she haven't seen, or at least you know. Your time. And you just accepted that you wanted to spend it. But I don't think it's actually that collaborative, I think with that acknowledgement issue. What does it mean with that portable device maker in the same room and maybe back and recycle royal duties, etc., again, because there hasn't been any time. I mean, do you find that people inside these small. But that one person can do it in almost four. I'm going to play. But we have more important that we can do it. What we're doing is we're driven out of. And if I don't do this right. Actually, we are wasting time. You know what we are losing because we can't see what you are. You as a mother, you are angry with me, and that's all. The fact that we have come to a lot and I'm not sure that you didn't like that, but I wasn't the person that. So obviously, if the spending breaks, the one after that, I think that's the sense that part of the development team. Sometimes we cannot be actual customer doing this. It depends on the size of the project, so it's hard to say exactly how it all comes. It all comes down to tell me a project and I'll tell you what's going to work. Sometimes we have a steady approach to this issue, but Junior is a sex offender. I've been taking bits of the project. I'm the one person that will be coordinating all of the things coming together. Each individual, junior or senior, will take a module. It depends, and we'll talk about that much later. And then, of course, keep it simple in person. And like I say, I know quite a lot about this product. I know how it's going to work. And so, therefore, I am going to be able to tell you the priorities. Let's just see one. Get rid of that echo. In that sense. But. The crucial thing is the part China. That's what's going to happen in the war zone. That's the key. So he decides how. Steven is the product of a step slower than the natural world. Not your job to tell these guys how to do anything. Through a job hearing to advise on what needs to ask you questions. About that. So you said it needs to be great. Great, great, great, great. Can you just give me that clarity? I'll agree with you. This dodgy word, lots of connotations these days. The idea is that we're looking at this platform. Always validating it, checking it, making sure it's going to work. My 10 minutes. You call this grooming? Basically, what we're always looking for and you will do this during your project is everything at the bathroom and always adjusting and prioritises the right things. Maybe smooth things out, maybe smooth for the to being a bit more easy to do that kind of thing. Obviously they're looking at the budget because they think the massive resource. I would say this is the amount of resources, but if I say it's going to be three sprints, that's good. If it's just an extra 33% by sprints. If I need to keep on going to some numbers sprints, that time is going to be like more stuff like would be a that or it's going to cost now. So they attend the same team meetings and I and take. And this is a really critical issue that should be on the. That's why it's on the reading list. I'd recommend you have a look at that in more detail. Right. So this is where you need to start paying attention to getting ready. If you're going to do this in the second. So this is typically the format that we've used. Well, looking at the vision, remember we talked about the North Star. This is the most about where it ends up. What is the vision? So typically business statement is for whoever the target customer is. So it goes through members of the company who is going to use the product. Then what do they need? So we could save all students who need to get to lectures on time. The alarm clock is a wake up call that make sure you get on to the lectures on time. Unlike normal alarms on your own, the final product gives you an electrical shock to make sure you wake up something that's going to work. It might be wrong, but that could be your vision, because the answer is What are you going to buy this lecture? So this is it. So if you work through that, you work through the tablet. So this is from Jeffrey Moyers. Some students read this is from the same thing. We came up with it. What we need to do is to come up with a very short, succinct. Pitch, if you like. So why do we need it? Why would someone buy it? That's the crucial thing. It's obviously not a strategy. Everyone would love this and somebody else will pay for it. And students and students on this university. Why? This wasn't just set. Why not? If you've identified a really strong need, people will pay money for it. It's not so much women. It's one of the key tests, if you like. So would you actually value it if you actually find money for it? If not, maybe not. So what are the critical attributes? So if you are going to try and sell this and you have to try to set up a charity setting and you're trying to get people to like us to buy something you have to come up with pitched. You like to open the cookies? Would you like to have a touch of one of our cookies? Okay. Do you like to buy? What do you think? Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah, we. Oh, I don't know any at the bottom. I think what you want us to do. So we have to look at target price and all the rest of it. Yeah. It's a more extensive exploration side of the exercise. So we do this in droves. So using that template, we just need to remember that simply. You need to do this on your assignment. You start with this. So we have all you could come up with and also in your groups, choose a product or service type. What would you do? Just come out with a vision or a product that you're going to develop during this session. Got your only questions? 10 minutes to do this. Come up with your vision for a new product. The new group is going to be a collective product plan on the. Or just open the rooms. Only. I. If you look. It made me realise you need to be innovative. You don't want to come up with something that we already know. Well, I knew I wanted to help people. We don't even really know who these people really need. That they will have visions that are. That was supposed to be my vision. What was your vision? Although with a little bit of. There was a lot of issues around that. One of my friends at the moment, you know, this financial adviser, and I'm like, okay, well, you got a lot of is long gone through all of this and now you guys have got to hear about this. It was very exciting. One person even going to read that. We it? All right, the Russian restaurant, and we'll get a few things going on. Its customers who are passionate about different futures and trying new things and a unique cuisine. Their name is Russian Roulette. So I'm going to go to fight with my dog in the restaurant with the beaches and most of the vodka out there. The return thanks to a unique Russian food experience providing a healthy and family experience like this one. There are no Russians running the restaurant, and our product value proposition of the benefit mission is that it's going to be one experience, one short experience. It is so difficult to find anywhere else. We can have a good time after that walk. Nice meal afterwards and you can also come there after hours after a big night out happy. Have some served by Russian. No research researching people at all. Actually, we work with a Russian, but every once in a while. But they didn't know Russia and said that no one is going to have a computer lab where you can have a version of the Russian response unit. Know, maybe it's my view interpretation. Right. So the other three. Well, okay. So we got the idea of the vision. So now we talked about this earlier on. I think some of you mentioned this is some good science to remember marketable products my whole life as we add jobs we. So if my Russian work is not worth it, why wait until I've got a resource consent to apply it on the ships, etc., etc., etc.? So Jason, could I just mention a lot of. And we're on a Russian Russian menu wishing we're out. This would be the ideal brand for this intimacy that. Second fried chicken in the City Hall restaurant chain. And then then go out and, like, he just went door to door with some of these chicken recipes and just sort of think about what's the easiest possible way or the assumption that this is going to be popular. You don't have to go to the polls in any awkward circle. Not only. That's all I want you to. How are we going to test that? This works. And that's what should be there. But I would just maybe we'll just get a lot more of these tissue shops we're not in the idea of. Let's just do a take out service or whatever, just to try that, just to see kind of maybe just a survey. Randy, what can you do? See what's going to work? Okay. So. They this is the kind of idea we find to play in 2018, the sense of one of the principal things which not least echoes of the mess nobody remember last week. The question is, is this the most valuable thing I can do today? Well, so what? We're really good to go and start looking at resource consents for restaurants. But I mean, you're going to want to research the best memories. But actually it's just think of the most obvious with the Russian stuff. But yes. So I just need to come up with a we need brilliant recipe for the experts. The only way that. That's it, right? And we did it. So remember, at least it depends on which bit of research you look at least 25% maybe, but I quite like quite a bit. So I think you mentioned since you write that copy paste, I just know it just needs to get to the market. We don't need to have all of these functions, which is what we need to do. What do you need to get to market with to see if my idea is going to be what I mentioned with YouTube, just kind of submitting to upload videos. What I think is this get the rest of the things you've already got at first and then start with that appearance, which you see later on. So what we can do is some mock-ups and not think about this when you're actually doing an assignment. How can I try this? Can I do like do a paper version with a website? I can just do I can do this all the time on this. All of us can look it up. This is what it will look like. You click on this button, it will bring up the square stuff in the window. The concept looks like now I can see the pages that we're talking about. Installations do that so we can have prototypes. So in civil engineering, the 3D models are things that you can see in the interaction between all the services, all this kind of stuff. You mentioned this one last week. Sometimes we need to do a lot of research around some things. There are probably spreadsheets just on research, not even being in a job just like this and work out how this is actually going to work. This would be interesting before Russian roulette by Russia, but we have to keep trying to think next. Think about the target customers in three designers. I think you have the youngster trying to juggling multiple boyfriends and maybe a drug addict. That's kind of how it goes. I was like, Do you want to get your mind back over the months, your months? What do you want to replace him with or something as or this needs to be? It is. Me. Hoping to see more and. I think you call. Estimates suggest the number that. Well, it's not like this for a climate change point of view. It needs to be sufficiently. You're going to have to come up with you'll see as we go through today. You need to go through some stories and you need to be one of the definitions of use that you can estimate. So it's not going to use the original supervision. And will that work? Are we just going to have that? Just what I know is a lot of the time you can get that's a lot of money, but it's going to be, you know, next year. And you guys said we were going to do an expensive measurement. You're going to be less than 5 minutes. And I thought, that is amazing to be pre-delivery. So pre-delivery for $8 of things, just know. Wow. What gets my vote. I can't do that. I couldn't buy the property. So I got to do a little bit of work just to be able to get the it has to create the emotion. You've got to have a little business that is actually working and working. You get right on those terms that students with life with great memories anywhere on campus or persons working for $20 an hour. I wasn't going to go with that statement. And you're about. How does that? Good. A good way of doing it isn't much to try and predict the feedback. And I imagine you've got your product, you've got the Russian roulette match up and running and you've got the fever. What is it like? I we experienced what should be your name and what comes on the walls and the machetes? He was you. We went in there and had a lot of time and experience. Memorable experience. Only three of about 40 types, let's say. What is the feedback in the business that we need to deliver? That's what I want the feedback to look like. So it's kind of moving to something we would inspire. And we took my last time thinking back and said, forward and want to come back. So this is a good book. You want to read one around this kind of area. So the machine and you know funny things in the. And they were in in trouble, basically, and said, oh, this is what we do. And we have these stages. We come up with the idea. I guarantee you one student in Missouri will write this, that. And will come up with that plan and they will do this and we'll still be wrong. All right. So what we do first is we work out the idea, then we define a bit more, then we design it, then we develop it, then we produce it and they'll say it in their assignment or at all. I'm not saying this is working. I want to, Mr. Wolf said, was, what happens if you do this and the desire is never right and you develop and you find stuff that's wrong with the design. So you start to do this kind of process when you got ran and ran around and said. Rather than have this theoretical process, which doesn't actually work. Why wouldn't we use an agile process to develop products? So that's in the last week since this thing where all of these things end at the same time. So we have an ideation definition, design production and launch all coming together to the same event. So just comparing a lot of these things and you go through it again. And the whole thing was. So this guy, Allan Ward, we looked at Toyota, it's important they do their part to remember what happened last week to attract more sense to this. And he said, you know what? I just I do this knowledge base stuff. I work out what works. I don't have this preconceived idea. I work in a wonderful way. I think these are politically. They have this kind of compiler where they know what works. So the different elements that are known working together to see if they will work. So they're trying to reduce the risk all the time and they're always interacting with the customers and tested and built in these test. We've had this thing before. I've seen four times better. Not a little bit all times better. So our worlds approach is this much, and both sectors of the cycle are very similar to that. You say what you need to do is to look at the situations and this is what you're going to do is look at the environment situation. Ask some questions. Then we can come up with a potential solution. Talk to the customers about a potential solution. And if they say explicitly that they're not going an get around the services, this is a much better way of doing it. Then we have all year in the is I think you have a similar kind of process and the. The spreading spread to Connecticut was so different, were essentially waiting to discover what the problem is and interpret it. Come up with a possible ideation, what with some ideas and experimentally done. Go straight into development, spend design or development and then production experiments. Producing prototypes. Don't involve. But she's also a product owner. I'm building this name to my product pipeline. How am I going to test this? How am I going to fight over lost? How am I going to make use of my risk? Because I don't want to get right to the end of things like I'm going to fail. What stuff? I cannot take the risk to up. I'm going to do it. I'm going to put a company online. $8 for spaghetti buys really cheap and just see if anybody who's out to buy spaghetti bolognese. But people like nobody who's up until this point come up with an extensive menu. There's not a wonderful website. There's not many, but I can just test it. If the remarkable students spreading mail on the campus, I can test it quite easily. So. Got a test that we. We're not having that and we certainly are always going to be thinking of our customers. And it's natural that we always try to produce a solution that we like and we think is really great. What students it's an idea that's really unique to observe what customers do. You're wise because you really need to test it on somebody else. Really do like you could be you could be at one with violence. Consistent stuff from things that are at risk. The quality of resistance. But do consumers recognise problems and use them? So you say students need a low cost solution. Introducing the. I think that's not so much my yes students do that. I don't think the students know so many things. What? But she was. This is a crucial point for us. So companies like Apple will buy cases from Apple beset by findings like. Because we kind of think they're a technology, whereas other companies have gone repackage what they tried to emulate when they used to make new devices on the. Just be on home. I would invite you to have this mock image of who would think. So would I buy food? I do not like lack from a break up, so I going to have some of the stuff. So the first opportunity for Chocolate Leads, next thing which brings about my controls back then designing a block. How easy. One more customisable time. So suppose. Getting 90% to three times higher than they might concur. It's harder and harder to get everyone to please everybody all the time. Some of the people. Some of the time. So I'm just assuming that that is true. Like, there are three elements of my life that these two be dealt like. But I'm. Cybercrime focuses on the passenger environment and. That's a whole mythology. I mean, design each element with a 90% customer satisfaction. How likely is it that all the customers like all three elements. Anybody thinks that's pretty good. That's. Yeah. What's nine? Nine, nine? Not. Chocolat. 5.0 37 point. The 19 nine, which is an anti-war. At 1.108.72993172979. We had not an answer on which want to donate the chocolate to online, but just over a 70% chance of success. He's finally been. And the question. Okay. So I know I've got my pants on philosophy. How? Why that was not simply different, having multiple installations for each element. I can test solutions much more quickly. Situation it a good number. People can choose between three or four agencies. People struggle with choices. They can come up with the solution. And 80%. And so what are they? I mean, come on. Three interchangeable 70 solutions. The 90% solution takes them three times, so I can have three things around them. One thing working on the hot zone, five, possibly three teams each doing better. And then I can come up with three options. But you only need to get 80%. So how much more likely you are to have a much more complicated person? It wasn't caring who answered. I wasn't answered. Lots of success. Successes 72.9%. What do you increase it to by surprise? So. Right now they are searching to see the future. What's the probability of failure? Well, next up, got three solutions that each 80% likely to be okay. So all through the final, what I want to point to. What you do is 8.008% chance of Weaver disliking any of all of the options. So it's a 99.2% chance of like one of the three options for the next 24 to 1999. Third one from 72% to 99. Entry exit just by splitting the teams. I think you do the math at home. Incorrect. So what? I'm gonna if I can get this underlying data and it might be easier solution, but more sentences that people can choose from much more likely to get successful design companies do. I could even have alternative groups working on same solution to the same problem. So where we go from here is. I need to look at my customers and work out what they do. This is the first bit of assignment I want to do. Ethnography. So this means go to the demographics. Like Denver is a place with stock patterns. So I don't do it from here. So my idea is to have my Russian restaurant. And I'm going to have him on that when I see whatever I need to go with the product. There's no point doing a research survey here. Mr. Downer, is anybody here? My personal view? If I get 99%, no, I need to do it. Look at 99%. Yes. On that note, I think we might rush you back to paper. If I say if I say 40 miles or. We're looking on gas. So this is where we need to go. And the suggestion is to use the air. You grew out of a framework you could use if you come up with this area, this one simple. So what the activities of people doing when they experience the problem in May I'm talking about what are they doing when they experience it? They're coming out of retirement and we went to eight. That's when the experience of oh no, actually that coming specifically to it. Okay, so maybe we need a website. What's the environment like? Well, it's outside. Outside, but it's not when inside that separate is expendable or what are the interactions. So do people come out and ask, Do you know any good restaurants? Some people do do like go to the box because it seems like it looks like can you tell me the restaurants do they go up to insurance and just tell you basically just by the observation comes in. What objects do they use? So they looking at like you guys, if you Google the Russian response, so you can put it on your laptop online. Okay. So that's what I'm going to do with it. Just just on that. You want to find them talking with us about design, violence prevention. But what I can say is that we have often felt like it was a vision that we would come up with something that you could just say. So I think I'll be very worried about every mention or both sides of it. So I did a survey of people to be pretty, pretty reliable. If I did, could have my right to come out with the movie, because that's what they want me to say, is that I would like to be connected. Now, Chris Lent is trying to do that. What's my writing? He doesn't go home with me. They all say that. But the umpires game was just a lot of fun because of the fast pace, because some of the fighters bought it. This is tied in with design. That's all about a design. How would this like to have a representative sample of people answering a question like this? The questions like this is not good at that. I would spend 44 hours implementing. Okay. You have to put the. You think you're moving. You just come back by observations. You revise by 20%, 20% to the end. I want to. So you only have to do is to do on any of the nations of. Come out with your life and then the next year will be I saw it was in Denver is the place where it happens as a Japanese Japanese word comes from places. So again, is the place where it happens and where the when the thing happens. So if I if I go to the shop or if there's a phone that looks like an bridge. I don't do it from inside the University of. So at this moment, the trains are in a mess, the head on him. What's going on is if anybody was actually coming across that such an approach, it would be very unlikely. So it's like if it's an excuse to go out as a team, what happens? Well, it is actually then where they are, where they experience that kind of where the same accent, what you see. The questions and uses that people didn't want to explain about the U.S. do. I take advantage of that. Specifically. So I want to get 3 minutes for this. Created a new analysis of the situation. Years. This is kind of a thought experiment. In this environment. So come up with a number. You can go back. You can remember that. Just like I remember it. So for your vision. What kinds of uses would you have? What do you anticipate them doing? Being tracked. Using what? Know 15 minutes. Just like in the breakout rooms in. So you have 15 minutes for us. One morning, two progress. Don't. The next bit is the one that you mentioned earlier on in Agile. We try to build games and custom. The reality is we don't really do that. We talk about it on a monthly basis. In addition to that, we will expand on the meetings that we raise. So we have this kind of format. So you can say, what is that type of use? So. As a student. I want food so that food in a hurry, so that I can get to my lecture on time and not have my tummy rumbling. That would be the definition of a story. So you always got that custom built in. What we do is we build it down that way. But can we put them on plastic bags or index cards? There's lots of electronic solutions. Well, I suggest you try something like five. I'm pretty good. I mean, what I have is the idea of these conditions of satisfaction on the back of when you start building towards a definition of fun, which I think I've mentioned before. And what we're going to do ultimately estimates, the estimates. So at the moment, the point of time, we just want that inspiration and when challenged will come up with a definition of how we want our life this. And then we'll find out what the definition of is on the back burner. And I want to do that. It's like this much has. Now the crucial thing is we're looking at stories and so we want to generate stories. The best way to think about a story is one person and do a story in a sprint. That's the general rule of sprint assignments to a week and spending an hours maximum on the work. One person could give a story in 5 hours. If you think it takes longer than 5 hours, it is not a story. It is an epic. Or it could be a fiction. Or it could be a theme. It's a higher level thing. So what we need to do is decompose it so that one person can do it in five, 5 hours. And if you don't know how long it takes, you aren't going to agree to do. Because as the development team, you are saying, yes, we're going to do that here because remember, you can go to a company. You have contributed to the development in isolated two questions in the Congo? I would say that. Go back to the drawing board and decomposes. Well, sometimes when you get a story or explain something as. The development team will break down, actually the two distinct elements to that story. Someone is going to do a survey and someone else is going to carry out the survey. So it was a little bit like a of questions up and it's going to take somebody else an hour to go. That's fine. So we can have tests, the ones that work. So basically, this is the level of redundancies. So when we look at your assignments. Look at your story. Who wanted to do what you call a story inside? If not, you're listening. So you'll probably want it to be a thing to show. The time that is right now is the crucial thing is I want to know how much effort these are going to take. And then what if I had to move together about ten stories together? I can say, yes, we can actually do that. Same thing in life happens. I know what my response is. But if you think about the statement, then search and see what it means. I would say that the various things that are more with people and what in just group using construction with all the effort from doing it and creating some kind of a concept or film, you better find like why? So again, it's those of what I want you to think about within two weeks. Then I'll end up with a concept which is then intended with further research and development coming really that someone would come right back to the slide. Someone will come back to this. Yeah. This thing. Yeah. What we're going to do in the spring is to bring this idea. So we're doing. So what you have to do is find a way to come up with a concept design process that someone can come out of this long is going to do that. What could I do? I put these on a website. Get a proof of concept. I look at like a few of my previous spammers a long time. Yeah. So it's just. Now, am I going to have a working solution for the whole of New Zealand? I think this is a product concept. My vision is to come up with a proof of concept testing based on three uses, the same method that could work more expensive. But you've got to just be careful that you're not just doing this bit and saying, Oh yeah, we just came up with an idea and that was our original idea, and that's good. Question. So the crucial thing is we just want to be. Realistically so because what I find is if students do it theoretical, they don't get the benefit out of it because it's that prioritisation. How can I actually do this? Maybe solve all these on a concrete response inside a week? One person. It's not really recommended for employment so far, but we've got to do something details. So we need to clarify part of it. You have to do the analysis and you have to come up with a form of battle or a battle. You have to know and you have to do a gem of a road map. How do you see this? Over all three iterations of iteration. So you're going to have to see this or you prioritise and then you've going to say, listen, we want this to work through this. That's my guess at the word. So talk about instead of Iran's, the drug dealer, the 20 year old woman juggling multiple boyfriends. So you said you were doing the the restaurant thing or be doing this special thing over here. How would a drug dealer come to this? So he might be at the restaurant eventually they might be able to drug something that you can't because next to nothing. What would you like? As well as an interesting experience. Well. So this is quite a good thing because forcing you to think of a real person or an extreme concept, since I like the ones that I was talking about, where I've got someone on science, I imagine also if I'm a junior surveyor going out on site, how would I take this process if I'm the experience and if I'm a project manager, checking it out to see what we're doing is maybe some of the mindset of the clients is this can use this product. So it's always a good thing to just think of these extreme characters. I wanted you to think about some of this stuff. Think about things that might go wrong. This is kind of where we ended up, folks around this lecture. Three things. So remember we say we run a story on a call and what we have is a conversation between the product of that development and those same people actually doing the work to understand it. Because, like you said, it doesn't mean that this doesn't work. So there's a challenge process to all stories. In project management is very much not in the scope. I agree with the stakeholders. You have to do it. What is it? Well, what I was just reading that when it was written that there. Like I like lives. You see, it's not. Generally the stuff we discover is good. This iteration process isn't altogether possible. To clarify, it was was written that we agreed. It's written what you want. Do you want to change up to the change process that's really out there? So as it says here, so I have a comment in some way. So the point is could be an explanatory space, but if you're into it for the most significant systems program that we use, your your might change. But that's a huge system for a nice simple version of user centric and useful student where you have the conversation and then what you can get. That's really good. I understand. And this is where it seems that said, I'm not going to talk about all the rest of the stuff because this is how one would want to get rid of errors, because I want to never do that for minimising that stuff so much more than that. But I'm up to it, so just got all of the stuff we're going to do. Next time I want you to have the big view of it. Generally, I'm going to get things I'm actually going to do. Looks like it's much better colon the process. So that's what we would normally do is test. So when you're going through your product, China, and you working the exact same independence, so all the stories must stand by themselves. Others we can talk about, we can have three things going on. So you're not going to have all the things he's going to have if he wants to finish that conversation. Probably valuable to identify the customer for what they needed as a customer. I need this, whatever that might be. This has to be this is my point. Early on, this must be estimated. If it's too high for the Internet, I need to be able to go out of the apartment to do this thing. I'm not doing anything else. So in order for me to have to write sheet, so if I were to do this, was doing other stuff like a simulation effort is not doing anything else. Just doing this job. Things that I'm not doing anything. I need to do this and. Cigarettes in general shouldn't take longer than one person half a sprint time acceptance to leave. So when you come back your coming home. My projects don't break the internet and the crucial bit. How would I know what comes first? The definition of. I absolutely say that they're going to try to do much worse than that. I want to ask them, what's the definition of dumb for a minute? Does it mean I can have a stomach because I would want my definition done? And is it a printed copy? What is the point? Is it only 500? Is there need to be a multiple? What's the definition of what could be any of the above? What is the definition of that? Right. Your Top ten user stories based on invest in your groups 15 minutes. And user stories. Was. Dustin's great long. Wait. What do you think of the deal we've been getting going on? John, we want you to know that we're looking at what you need. Thank you for being here. I wish I could be inspecting the restaurant. Absolutely. Any of it? All of these things together. You come up with this kind of work on our time. That's the difficult thing. But I do want to talk to you about the chef's knowledge of the actual kitchen. It touches on that both equally. None of these as a personal chef. Yes, that's right. And what are you going questions about the use of food. That's all I find easiest to get to stage and try and produce something. Because then you you go through that and it doesn't. And then, of course, that's. So in fact, it's just that general guideline when you should wait for me to find out. Someone the. The only other kind of stories we absolutely. Phones are custom responses. We have what we call text. So what we can do is that in these stories, you might have to have a website advertises where these guys are having all these places that you guys are staying on and measure it. And what is are you having to phone? So you haven't rented any space in the power you talk to about websites that people love to read. So actually I keep my findings at a certain point, this service phone. So you didn't think it was important to do this? We need to do the security boring stuff because you're getting it. You are experts at this thing and that are across all of the organisations. So they got all this experience and this is where they come up with this stuff that we have tech stories which might so that we focussed on an internal state or a lot of the external stuff. They are from the additional ones we want to get. So prioritisation of the moment you can do this is using the container model. And again, this is all on the camera. I want to get through it. There is a detail here that is going to looking at a of. So we see a threshold attributes. The basics. Well you've got to be able to get food inside of that that you can't do. That's pretty rubbish. As a restaurant performance increases, a customer's enjoyment aren't essential. I need to have Cossacks whirling their swords as a demonstration. What? I'm eating so really cold. But it's not really essential to the service and excitement. Which is why I get to dance on the tables while we're Cossacks and learning their swords and see what's lighter. So this would be excitement. Determination. So. If we were to look at all the bodies we were find. And that's about to have all of that, all the thresholds that. Some of the old stuff and maybe the odd exciting thing is the differential said and I remember that of the mobile phone applications only and see how old is most of us business then what do you remember? What. You didn't know that. I remember that we got from Microsoft about 2007. So that's what it looks like. We do it as a nice graph. And what we're trying to say is some things are going to be important. Some things are undesirable. It's a lot for a mobile phone. If the battery was within an hour, it's not raining. So we want to have enough time to be attractive. The of the cameras who have a camera seems to be the big thing that's very attractive to. Another way of doing it is quality function reports, many engineers among them like these kinds of things. So what we do is we have a nice kind of the right track. This is what I do on there. So we have the customer needs here. So as a person, I need this. And then what we it across the top of the product features. So if we check that they're parking on the way to talking at hand. So customer needs. I need to find a parking space and it should be used. A link to Google. Google Maps. How many different colours to signify the correlation? There's quite a technical way of doing it. Engineers love this kind of thing because it gives you a number of units that then you can prioritise these features based on that. So I think they spoke about just the development of that. And you can you can look at alternative products and see where you come against these customers, identified parts that you don't see a Russian restaurant. And you put all the criteria that we used to do in response to the Jetsons. You could see where your differential area was. So do you do it electronically? This is what it looks like. Online. This was what we did. So we are trying to create a new product for content that we have created as a consultancy. This is what the or the always is. So students is how I am going to do these different so I must not shoot up. So you go through all of your best stuff that we came up with and then you just do this. These are the musts things. You should avoid class. So also, you've got to do a must do as many of the shoots as you can do in passing. Maybe nicely. Simple. And then what we do. So having decided on that, this is like this is like this is the last thing we have to do. I'm saying is I have to produce my product right now. So what I have is I'll take it all of my stories and I put them. So I got a famous saying on this website, these are menu design. Entertainments, whatever, whatever they were across the topic, and then I can just link my stories to them as a stand up. In the first iteration, I'm not doing anything on the being longer and doing a lot of being a frame frame of it on frame. And so I've got an idea of how I actually going to develop the product and what I can do across here if I know my capacity is 12 points. Some people will support. Okay, you guys, you decide what point is what is with most people it's easy thing with like an output but a point and B and it's just. Typically what we have is a nice, simple story. So I can produce a map of what happens. That's like each of the sites in our what? So how much? But what another story like can you. Only time to put it on to Google Earth. Well, I kind of think this is one point that's like once it's a referential statement since adolescence. So that's natural as well. Doesn't have to be outside. And typically when you deal with nice people like, oh, yeah, yeah, now we'll design it around this thing that we know how everything else works also. So presumably they will actually meet in 12 weeks. So therefore I've got to make sure all this let's. So that's it. So that's the bottom line is that you can do this and say, I'm pretty sure this works because one of the things on this. We can directly say that. So we're going. So the last thing you have, 5 minutes. The sidewalk is not three stories. So you just keep on telling stories. Choose the top three. We were in the early. Of all the things you could chance. She's three. This is why you get a job as a product owner now. I would like. Michele Bachmann is dropping out of the political wing. Now we're all saying we don't need that, but I should be the ones with a lot of money who will be watching funds. The president saying basically saying that's what we're going to be doing is if you can do it, then one of the things they did was. I wanted to have fun with it. I'm just going to wait. Okay. Time's up. In addition, we continue to direct advertisements and we're very positive with regard to this and we really wanted this product is something that I would like to supply the services for our clients. Several due to the fact that we thought. For Information technology. Funny you said. I didn't think so. I wouldn't normally, but I never specified how old or. There is a website. What? So I am focussed on the problem. And while there may be a sense of urgency. This isn't how you can say that. That is what he said as well. And when they pass this up, the setting for a brief pause in support of the individual users, please don't go on that. Don't always go on my website. So they. What are we able to do by that service? You can't do this. What of? I'm not happy with any of the things that invented. What's really. In. And. So the best treatment. We want. So I want to get that. And. Absolutely. I mean, once again. Think about those people. I find that interesting because it's a bit more reality because you have to do this for real, for assignments, for assignments and to keep up of execution as well. But. I did. Okay. So that's so we talked about the Fisher. I would suggest you might want to read the book that Mr. Atkins books back coaching. And so that's from this master coach and reading machine. That's all you don't have time to read. That's a superb book. And it's also about kind of the logic of swearing and all that kind of stuff is that's more like a real design process than Eric Reece, the lean starter again. So it's all about tidbits. You'd say that on the website mean it's getting professional the idea. So that's a pivot to YouTube from a dating site to just being up top when we start out with one idea, but we end up somewhere a bit different. So. I have important questions, but I will quickly go through the feedback. So apologies. I intended to make it anonymous, but it isn't the same thing that I had a couple of questions about. Putting in references. So the idea is if you talk about any kind of problem that you experience a problem, that would be cool. And that's what I use for. That's why. Why was that? I'm not interested in finding out like that. So what are you going to do about it? I'm going to read from. That's my solution. And then I'm going to talk to you about it and see it better. Understood. So we would not recommend solving a case. If you were talking about marshmallow talk, you should only be able to get together with the tree just a little bit. So you talk more about who talks about chain theory. All right. Well, that's not what the books of that team theory that we've mentioned quite a few years ago. And your references for Belgium and Estonia. That was my taste. Or apply that to my team I can. Of course my team is missing something. So we need to compensate combat staff. So it's that kind of thing. So when you're doing this, we have feedback mentioned to them all. Training is maybe even spoken to. You know, you could mention it to me actually. You should really put in a reference to a book and. We should really be looking at. Can you understand? Is it clarity and is it professional? And did they demonstrate how that thinking changed? So I just had a quick scan and we'll talk about is more next week think some of them are exactly the idea of this is you don't just talk about what was that in the matches but that's why. Don't do anything for anybody that's just describing what we're trying to do here is move up, balloons become. So we need to stop that animal you're just describing. It's not even demonstrating the technologies. Yeah, I need to do it. I'm just doing this because I've applied it and I can analyse why it works and then I can maybe synthesise it with some other things I already know, and then I can find the difference in my environment. That's when we find out. So let me tell you that I find someone to channel. I was going to say, how did your thinking change start to the end? Little something when what we finally went from like really good questions of the day to that. And this is where you look at all your networks. I apply clients to this area and if I did this other stuff that to give us some ideas, we'd be able to work in this environment. That's really where you're trying to get to overall with this in general. So for you doing that, just. That's fine. But when it comes so much. So what I want is feedback. So each of you can experience at least one. Hopefully I'll do that right. At least six other people's way of doing this. So you get some different ideas about how you might be able to see that article. So I should start. We build a bit of a situation where anybody have any queries about feedback, so it's not due to a mixed bag with no specific results if you don't do it, the start of decrement stuff on the left, like there's one person, two people, it wasn't submitted. So if you've only got one to review, that's part of the process as it actually is. One person writes that you have submitted a tool, so they may have dropped out of the course. So if you only got one for five, right, it's not a finite system. It's just kind of review if someone's sensitive. Any questions or is not true. So this is big things. We just find out a new system is new for us based on the feedback from students because these are being chosen and this is assignment to find opinions using a diary. So it's observations. So it's not their opinion about solution or product stuff. The key the key bit. So analysis of their requirements. So where all they will sleep are they doing or they need your product or the objects they're using, what I use them for, the vision that you need to see and be realistic. I'm getting more initial thoughts what might be achieved in 5 to 10 part time students within five weeks, and you're aiming for a maximum of 10 hours. So the stuff that you might do on the walls and lectures and stuff, so just be very wary of that so that there are no none more. So because of the brilliance of the product. Think I said to you before some of the best marks just by. That would just make me want some improvement, because what you're trying to say is and you do that and I talk about. That's a pretty big test. We get some feedback. We change in the next week, nice and simple, so you don't have to do some checks. No one to visit. Obviously, if you got people on there, if they were white and they can talk to you, whether that's a web or a video or something like that, but we don't need to. I can just do better. And it's like you guys, if he was coming up, you were making, they could just help you to create the risk. But you still do that online so people visit you even by text. So I brief. Brief proposal details the elements such as how many customers you think you want and how you're going to get some money and how much it's like. So give me an idea. It's going to cost like $8. Is that sense? Is it reasonable? Nice thing saying that was a trend and is this a growing area? And who are the competitors for it? Let's just say you've actually done some fundamental research that this product. So. Surprising use of stories prior to your perspective using the relevant framework. So Dive is just again looking at the overall impact on what have slide out and what's on its online side. They're going to be estimates of all of a of a value of independence and having having to pass that dependency. So we have full dive. We've got the best long distance for dependency. So when you look at the. Stories together of independence. Just do one story or you can do another. I is for insurance against risk. Some people are things that are much like those of by the start of the project do not be own these values of a valuable and have equal effort in the status quo. To all of the stories they invest for the big time. If you invest, one should be pretty good. It's just the dependency on the. So we use it as a way of prioritising all stories. So we put from the overhead. This way, please. Across the top, you have your stories inside and you have your estimates of how many to take in making sure what you put into each iteration, actually. And then the last bit is a critical reflection. So when you've done all of this and you struggled like crazy to do so, what should I have done? What should I have done? Actually. Exactly what it is we really. You know, I should have done more work next day or I should have thought more about of context or something is also about changing the way you think. And there will always be at least one statement that just move forward. We used to work for. You need to try something like this. Prioritisation becomes becomes more and more you. This is fundamental. Just quickly on what we as the product that we're doing the assignment to, obviously it needs to be doable by students and the next few weeks, noting a few of the examples would like things like our iPhone. Obviously you're not going to be able to make notes. Would that just be like if you're doing an iPhone and be sure if you're going to do that kind of thing? You could do a you could do a mock up of it. I think they might be some aspects of the iPhone. Could you be drilling it down? So you'd be saying, well, what kind of aspects of an iPhone could I do a new app for an iPhone? Could I think of a new feature for an iPhone to introduce it? Could I change the way a menu works on an iPhone, that kind of thing? So you just want to bring it way down into some minimal? Yeah, I think what I did there was just finding these ideas of some personal constraints that I can't think of a product. So I just want to it's all in products that they want to be able to do this sort of thing. They are students in the bus thing. I told you that they are of more concern is to actually take a look at that videos we've had student involved and put in voting systems and online systems and advice about what we should buy from the first year students. At this point society going this might be relevant to the oversight group. Everyone's happy that students think we at least thought you needed in lesson one feedback on the slides and feedback and going through that kind of imagery and then, you know, so which one is like? And then someone went through black and white screens for council and estimates for the level where the students are just wonderful. Another one was how to get to lectures. We need a section that has it. So you know what? The buildings all. But how do I get to the actual room? You came within universities. That was one of the ideas that. Mr. It seemed to me my vision of this nation that you grant or others that requires insane care. What's wrong with that? We want to look at some of these things that we will need to get. The fact that I want you ask about what I they're trying to set up. Michael Absolutely. So I'll let you just observe. So the best people, this people who are struggling, things like struggling with are getting back into balance, just simple stuff and all the brilliant ideas. And have you seen that adverts on TV at the moment they call that how to use a hockey stick to carry bikes and things like this. Just really, you know, real simple things, you know, like make an adjustable hockey stick that compresses magazines that comes at three things at the same time, the kind of things we it's not just watch people do because there is nothing to do. I'm sorry. Just know that this is something that's kind of interesting to see what we can do, see what they need and provide and just try to do something. For good. Any time next week. Thank you for that. What do you want for this weekend? We are eagerly waiting for. And finally.

# Week 5

But it's significant. You've done well. So you had come in halfway through. So this week is all about hello. Can you can can you hear me okay, Karen? Hopefully new improved sound system today. We've had we've had the tech engineers out to get everything working. So we shall see. Good morning. So this week, we're going to talk about how the team works. And so this is we start to delve, if you like, into into leadership and how you motivate your team. And the leader in Agile is the Agile coach or the Scrum Master. And it's a coaching style. So this is the key. But just before we do that. And we just look at. The assignment. So come on, you. The locations just been going through, doing the marking, and we should release them to you later on this evening. It's just going to take a few boxes, that kind of stuff. So generally the sites are very good, so well done. So the average mark for seven, ten or so, some people go right up to the top. If people didn't quite get the idea. So key themes, those of you who got the the higher marks you answered the question can't stress this enough. If you answer the question, you tend to get a high mark. If you write everything you know, you might equally you might get a very low mark. So it's always read the questions and answer the questions. So what got here is some people just wrote about what they knew and they didn't put in many references. So remember, this is a literature review. It was a literature review and it's a critical piece. So it almost doesn't matter what you think. You can't be wrong in that sense, so long as you provide evidence to support what you think. So if I say I think the best way of running these projects is waterfall, because all of these situations, Waterfall works really well. That's great because you've got evidence to support it. That's fine. You can still get ten out of ten because you supported it. I think you would struggle to find that evidence, but you could still get ten out of ten because this is a critical review. That's the whole point. So I would prefer I think it's much easier to say that Agile is the right answer in a uncertain environment. So I think you would find it easier to find the information to support that. And the other thing that people did well did was they talked about team member level people who tended to write everything they knew, started to talk about stakeholders and project success and delivering return on investment and all that sort of thing. That doesn't really affect team members on this course. When we get to the end of it and people are reflecting on their experience on the team project, they very rarely say I had a bad time because the rate of return on investment was so low. I've never heard anyone ever say that. What they could say is that man, Steve, he just kept telling me what to do. I hated him. Right. And students say that. So from a team member point of view, it's more personal. That's what they value is having a good vibe, having fun, actually achieving something, maybe learning something. When I was much younger, my career I had I worked with a lady in the UK and she had been doing a project for two years and she said, I have to leave the company to get off the project. I've loved the project. They love me. I've done a really good job. I've succeeded in everything, but I hate it. I need to leave the company to get off the project. Value for her was doing something new. It wasn't delivering what the customer wanted. It wasn't being nice to the customer. It wasn't having a good relationship with the customers. And I need to learn something. I'm not learning anything. I will leave the company rather than stay on this project. Such was that very interesting observation. And the last one not talking about uncertain environment. So the key here was deliberate. Didn't use the word disordered, so uncertain environments. So it can all projects have uncertainty. That's tricky. But if you've got an uncertain environment, that means the environment itself is changing. So how can you have a project with a fixed scope if the environment's changing? Because what you thought yesterday is not true today. Oh, I don't think Waterfall works in that scenario. Or if it did, it would be very. She had a really quick project. Maybe because the environment environment wouldn't have time to change, but it would be hard. Whereas the agile approach. So we know the environment is going to change. We're up for it. We're just going to do stuff for the next day. And see if that works, then we're going to make another plan for tomorrow and do that. So if the environment's changing real. But I'm going to do it like this. So that was the key thing. So it's just recognising the, the uncertainty of the environment was quite key. So I mentioned this already using critical thinking. So some of you guys did this really, really well. So I was generally very, very impressed when you just kind of assumed the answer was agile. Now, I remember in the first lecture I'd put the chaos study up and it showed that Agile was four times more successful. So if you put in something like that actual data, you could have got a lot of time for books. But quantitative data is really what scientists are after. Prove it to me. Lots of people say This is good. This person in this book said it was okay, well, I can write a book and I can self-publish and you guys can read it. Does it make it right? You can reference it, yeah. So obviously, the more people that reference the same work good, the more respected the study is, the better, the more you can believe it. These days on the Internet, you can find anybody to say anything about anything. So you could always cite somebody. So the quality of the resources. So the more qualitative and quantitative information you can get to support your arguments, the better you. And for me, I designed the. The questions. So the idea was you would actually link through because the central theme was respect. What is respect all about? Well, that's putting people before processes. Yeah. So I'm respecting it. So I want diversity. I want different ideas. I want to engage everybody. And they will then decide what the processes are and how will they do that, what they going to use continuous improvement to change things. Okay. So then, well, what do people value? People value having fun. They value learning. Why you guys hear this following 911 points my watch on a monday morning. You could be doing absolutely anything, but you're choosing to come here and I think learn about why would you do that? Even paying money to learn, wow, you must value it, right? So there must be some value attached to this event. So even though you maybe don't think of it like this, there's got to be value attached to this, otherwise you wouldn't do it. So key things really to mention Snowden or you never get a really good mark. And yet to distinct distinguish between ordered and disordered. If you could talk about the Highsmith triangle, what have you talked about? The normal triangle and the iron triangle. Iron triangle. Scope, cost and time. But what's the Highsmith triangle did was move that into one of the vertices and value is another one. So then you look at then its success, you immediately have this thing all successes at least value and it's possibly more than just value. Yeah. So those of you who concluded that success equals value, that's. I will not go into Highsmith. I spent quite a respected author, and he was one of those people who signed up for the Agile Manifesto. So you kind of there's quite a lot of evidence there that you could have quoted. Yeah. So I'm not saying it's true, but just from a critical piece, it's how well he signed the Agile Manifesto. So he thought that the success was greater than value. And to get success, you need to have some value. So if there's no value, can you have success? Dubious. I think my example it was for you could be a drugs dealer. So I could have some value but actually success overall lives in a steroid the youth of today but actually I made some money so I've got some value. But is there any success associated with that? So that's I suppose subjective but different you all about team member values or what to the team mentioned objective. So I mentioned in the chaos report. Respect was the key. Those of you who did really well found a quote from the lean world. Lean comes before Agile. Lean was first espoused by Womack and Jones in the Machine That Changed the world. She's, I think, 1992 predates Agile by 1011 years. And obviously Toyota were doing it since like 1951, 45. So why make a joke? And you wrote about what they could see in the 1990. SALEEM It's been going on since then. So they just documented it in the machine. So if you talked about that and if you got a quote from some of those guys, so there's lots of quotes on the Internet. But if you look at Womack, they're from Cardiff University. So they wrote about me. So I wrote The Machine That Changed the World All About Lee. And they talk about respect being the primary value. That leaves everything else in the way that you do. That is you respect people, but through continuous improvement, you will create systems. I think I mentioned to you when when Deming started working with Toyota. Toyota had never made a car. Never at all. They made sewing machines. That's where the history of Toyota was. So what are we going to do after the war? You know what will make cars? How do you do that? Then I will look it up. PATCO. And they took over the world. And the ten references rather than an opinion piece. It was very tempting for you to say, I think this, I think this, I think this, I think this, I think this, this is good. This is great. This is brilliant. Very references. So that's it. Anybody got any questions about it? So what you'll do is the case will publish those this evening, so you'll be able to read the detail feedback. What we normally say is if you've got any questions about what the case has written or not written off the case about those of So you can send it to me if you want conflict, find his email. But if you of flicking onto him because if he's written reference 42 wasn't very good. I got I don't know what that meant. The case would be able to tell you off the top of his head what that was. If you have an issue with the mark, we we only change marks if you spot an error. So if like all the CS got some marks on your assignment and they don't add up to whatever the title is, then we'll correct it or at least check it. If you say, Oh, I think I should have got a high mark. If you come to me and say I didn't get a high marks, Dave, how could I have got a higher mark? I'll give you some time. If you just try and say, I want to get a high up, I've reviewed the marks. Not so good. So if we find an error, we'll fix it. But otherwise, that's it. So what would Jamie? This is all about feedback and continuous improvement as a learning experience. I'll talk to you about how you could have got a better mark next time. Now I do try and giving you the narrative so that you can still factor that in to assignment to. So try to do these things as quickly as we can. So the reflection which you're just doing, I just checked it so this morning. So you've done your feedback 87% at 9:00 this morning. That's pretty good. So that means nine out of ten of you have actually fed back to your colleagues. I think there are a couple of people who failed to do the reflection in the first first place. So generally we did quite well on this. Remember, if you don't do the reflection and the feedback that will affect your overall mark and it's 4 to 5% for assignment four. So you're affecting what you're going to get an assignment for by not doing it, but generally they feel pretty good. So I couldn't check it right on the what are we doing pretty well? Generally the original reflections were all very, very good. Better ones followed the dawdling in structure. The idea of a reflection is not for you to tell me how great the course is or how bad the course is. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. So if you write about the course and what you learned every week. I don't care. The point of this exercise is to make you think, what have you learned about the subject and how can you apply this to what's going on in your life? So the focus is on what problems are right for you guys. So like getting here at 9 a.m. is a problem. But I could reflect on that meeting. My team was difficult because I wasn't in the country at the time. You could reflect on that? Yes. When I met my team out, they were really noisy and I wasn't and I didn't get to meet them. I could reflect on. So anything that was a problem and a problem is deviation from the expected outcome. That's it. That's a definition of performance, which is not to be really be. It can be really small. It's anything that's not perfect if you like, not ideal, not the result you want to get. That's what a problem is. So we all end it. So say just talk about any kind of problem and then reflect on and it just takes you through the structure. So why do you. That's the key question. Why do you think this occurred? So if you're talking about the course, I did a really good course. Why do you think that is what you saw when maybe you kind of that's that's the end of where you can go but it's not personal. You don't know. You're guessing or if it's for you. Why did I find it hard to talk up with the fellow members of my team? Oh, maybe I'm really quiet. Maybe I come from a society where we don't to do that sort of thing. Mind, undergraduate degree. We never talk to anybody. We typically go to lectures and we never talk to anybody, ever. That's normal. So it's really hard to step up. Okay, but I can see from Agile it's all about respect and other people's views. So therefore I have to get other people's views. I can only get other people's views if I ask them or I listen. And we say, if you're an extrovert, if you're the people are extrovert, you just need to listen. And if they're introverts, you need to ask. That's how you find out their views. So if you're an introvert and they're all introverts, you've got to overcome that. Some have to talk to them. So so we got typically got to focus on a problem. So what was a problem? Again, sight theories, if you can. So this is the theory rather than I think here is some evidence. Here is a theory. So some of you mentioned Lindsay only say, for instance, talking about trust is actually the only way we can become a high performing coordinator. Then the only is if we trust each other, how do we develop trust? Well, Steve said, and you could reference Green or whoever. If you want to actually get to the original source of that, you could say, Oh, well, Steve said it's all about credibility and intimacy and reliability. So reliability about being in the right place at the right time. When I say I'm going to be, that credibility is looking the right way and doing the right things. Intimacy is about getting to know people, and it's not about self-interest. So if I say, Oh yeah, I'll commit you guys so long as it's 9 a.m. on a monday, that's it. But it's kind of self-interest, really, if you have some flexibility. But I could meet any time later on on Monday, and we're not showing so much self-interest. So the trust will go up. So those kinds of things. And the last bit would be just clear actions. So some of you said, I found this out and I'll just see if it gets better. Well, it's kind of okay in the first reflection. Generally not a good thing, generally from reflections. If you can come up with a set of actions and say, I will do this and see what happens. And then I've got an hour. Maybe I'll review it on Fridays and see if it's got better or worse. Just some kind of concrete action. Save for feedback up to 90% generally. I was very, very impressed. I think it was something like I think the average time that you guys spent on this was 74 minutes. Wonderful bit of software we're training. Feedback for 4 minutes was the average time that you guys spent on reflecting on your TEAM-MATES submissions. So thank you very much for putting that effort in and reading through them. I skim through them on Saturday while I was watching the rugby. Very, very good. I think some of the idea of this is Agile is all about listening and understanding and being in a feedback rich environment. You've got to get used to trying stuff and finding out it doesn't work. That's the whole point of Agile. So this is why we have this on the calls. Trying to get you used to having feedback become a little bit unusual, and I don't think many other courses say you can submit your assignments beforehand to get feedback. Some of the courses do it, but not many, and give you lots of personal feedback one on one. Because my idea is I want you to learn. Don't really care about the grade you get. What I do want is for you guys to learn. I think if you learn, you'll get a good grade. So I try not to teach how to pass the grade. I teach you how to think. And that's what I try to do. So. So lots of diligence and some effort going in. That's very good. Constructive feedback. No one just said All this is rubbish. Most people said, this is really good and it'd be even better if you did this. Absolutely brilliant. So some of the things that you picked up was to use a theme to follow the guide that we gave the other three questions. Use theory as a reference. So let's description. Focus on one idea. So you're saying all the things that I just said about the other, so you guys are getting it. You're starting to give that advice out to other people. So that's good. Yeah, maybe. You're helping the two, helping them improve their work. And what happens is because you're advising other people, what they say in life, if you think you understand something, teach it, then you'll find out if you really understand it. So that's the idea behind it. So as soon as because you've written your thing, you think, Oh, I get this. Now you're having to feedback. So you're actually going into that kind of teacher role. So now you have to really understand actually how you do this thing. And I think for that, therefore, when you did the reviews and you put your time in, you've actually now learnt even more how to do the review yourself. Yeah. So I answered the questions well in the review and I think the only thing I would say you don't have to reply. I know the people you're reviewing are in your group. That was deliberate. And if they say, Oh, I group did this wrong, you don't need to answer that. I can see that it's tempting. Oh, yes, we did. We did this. That's not all we got. Says, Oh, that's an interesting observation. Why do you think that? What data do you have to support that? My answer You don't have to reply to it. It's fine that you do, but I don't feel you need to write. Oh, yeah. No, this is. This is what all the facts will not require. So. What you what can do now? I suggest you do this along. I think I've got them down to release seven. So you'll be able to read you the reviews of you. After this lecture, solving it said, Well, I changed it last night. So you should get them at noon or so. So you'll be able to read what other people said about you. And then what I suggest you do. Then there's no snow assessment associated with this in any way. On the feedback fruit's page, you'll see there's a next box. Some of you filled in already. So well done with that without receiving the feedback because they were so out of the box. I can fill in very, very diligent of you might want to amend it, but what you can do is you'll be able to read your feedback and reflect on it. And there's a box you can just put, put some thoughts in that, because what you're going to do when it comes to the summative review, you're going to read back through all of this stuff. So it's much easier just for you to put in some bullet points about what you've learnt from the whole thing. So then you've just got to read that while it's fresh in your mind, otherwise you go back through the whole thing. You said all you can write where you use at all. You said this, this, this. Actually, I think you didn't agree with all this, but this point agreed with this would be a key learning for me for next time. This is what I'm going to do. So anybody got any questions about the reflection? Anything for anybody online. Just a quick look at the chat. Any questions for anybody? Nothing in the chat. Okay, then. So if you want to, we can go through assignment to again, but we'll get on with the lecture form to think that we have as many people as we're going to get. So for me, your chance to give me some feedback. So this is where you turn the tables 5.10 if you go into the canvas. Not, not now. Yeah. So afterwards. 5.10. You can just give me some false feedback on the course. This is something we should do different. Try to practice what we preach, then improve the course all the. All the time. The other thing is assignment. So just two notes. Choose Thursday next week. Not Friday. Just in case I got into the mentality of Fridays the. I married him and he. Written submission updates on because it's for the mocking reason because what happens is we we double double with all this if you don't give it into after Easter because you guys need to start on the group project, you want to know which one was really good. And so what would happen if we did it after Easter, then you wouldn't know which one was any good before you were making a team view. So that's that's why we do it that way. I was just thinking of this. I think I don't over overthink this survey thing, which you could I can observe five people in here. What do they do? Yeah, it's that kind of thing. Just just to survey can literally be. I saw I, I'm thinking about making cakes. I went to the local restaurant and I could see everyone went to there and they couldn't find what they wanted. So ask them what they wanted. They said, I want meringue. There's no ranks. My idea is we should have meringues. That's it. Because know. Because you saw what kind of colour meringue would you like? Yeah. What were they? Interactive. What did they choose instead of what they went for? The chocolate brownie. So maybe chocolate on top of your mind, would that work? It's that kind of thing. But really, really simple. And the idea of the assignment to saying that is purely so you're not trying to what I would call beingness flogging people a product, a waterfall approach is I come up with a solution and then I try and find people who will buy it. Right. That's not what this course is about. This course is about what is the issue you are trying to solve? If you know the issues you're trying to solve, you will think of different ways of resolving it. I just said, Oh, it's meringue. Oh, so meringues are really sweet. Oh, so you'd like a really sweet cake? Is that problem? Or is it you want a meringue or you want a really sweet cake? Oh, okay. So we put on a range of really sweet cakes. Maybe it would work as flattish, maybe sweet. Would you like to have fudge instead of a cake? It's that kind of thing. So you're thinking about the issue, not the product. Students are doing badly in this. So I've got this really brilliant idea and it's X, Y, Z, and I find these five people who really want to buy it. It's only going to take me six years to develop, but it's really good. Because it's their passion. What is it practical to do this in three weeks for ten people? And do you really know that people are going to buy this? You know, in the times of Kobe, we had students who actually said, oh, yeah, I'm going to come up with a cure for COVID in three weeks with ten people at the university. Which part of practical ten students? Three weeks did you not understand? Because they said, Oh, this would be a really good thing to do. It would. No question that what we're trying to to for you to do is the thinking. What is the issue? What are the potential solutions? Therefore, what are the product features that I need to prioritise? And what can I deliver inside? Three weeks with ten people? It can be really, really simple. So just don't go for really complicated products. That's the thinking. And I'm trying to assess what the product there's no marks for, how good and cool and sexy. The product is no months at all. The thinking is where the answer? Right. So. All about leadership. Leadership in Agile is about the coaching style and the leader of the Agile team. Is could be in charge of multiple teams. They are not telling the team what to do. This is the key. So they're not really part of the team. They're the coach to the team. So if I said talks about the All Blacks, I said, would you think Ian Foster was part of the team? You'd say, Well, kind of, but not really coaches the team. It helps them get better. So they are the leader on their part of the team in the biggest sense of the word, but not on a day to day basis. And what I do here is to try and help the team get better. So it's all about practices and improving things or helping the team to improve their own practices. So we also talk about the role of a project manager, because that these two things get really kind of every project manager, a project managers are doing different stuff. To the Agile coach is helping the team get better. That's their job. Okay. So first thing is, so most most people approach this and say, okay, well, I've got this team that are doing Waterfall and I'm going to go in on Monday morning. So forget all of that. You're going to do job and said, here's my magic wand and you are now agile. This does not work. Generally anybody wants to go try it, feel free. I might be wrong in mine. Too many years of experience does not work because people got. I didn't read many. How would we do that? What does that even mean? I've got to do all this stuff. There's just too many objections. The most important point is this one from Peter Drucker. The culture of the organisation will stop you changing things. If the culture of the organisation is command and control, if that's it, and a lot of organisations, that's how it is, right? Lots of alpha males, if that's even a true statement. Lots of males who think they're in charge tell everybody what to do. I say right on Monday we're going to be agile. So on Monday, we're gonna have a stand up meeting where you tell me if you've done what I told you to do or not. Think I really. How is that agile? You're still telling me what you've done. You should be a coach. So they're not going to talk to you at all. They're going to talk to each other. That's the difference. So first thing you have to realise is agile is a mindset. It's a cultural thing. So you've got to change the way people think. Hopefully you'll get enough from this course by now. This is all about changing the way you think. So the first thing you've got to do is this one, those two. So this is Jim Collins. First who? Then what? So you've got to get your team together. If you are starting to do it, you would go with people who were reasonably experienced, quite skilled. If this was your first escapade into Agile. You want to have a multi-skilled team. It's not really a good idea to get a bunch of novices to go in and say, Oh, now you are experienced and you will make all these decisions about what you can do. So I don't know what I'm doing crazy. So I need to choose the team carefully. Now this is the slide for me that starts to help you understand this is really talking about the respect thing that we have before. So I've got engaged people as being the foundation of this. So this is reflecting on the diversity thing that we're talking about. And this is where we need to start. So, first of all, I need to I need to have people that want to do this. They care. They care about what I'm trying to achieve. And what they will do is create capable processes. That's the point. Yeah. What comeback originally did I think most of you have sustained? Now that comeback has two versions, has version six and version seven. So what have you got? Two versions of the same book on the same course. So of course they're really two different books. Version six and all the versions up until that. Essentially focussed on processes and I said project management is all about processes. If you do all the right processes, you'll get the right answer. People, I mean, said don't agree. If you do the right process with the right people in the right way, you'll get the right answer. There's more to it than just process, just like they say in the Agile Manifesto. We're not saying processes are unimportant. We're just saying processes are less important than the people. Because who improves the processes? The people. And improvement is the key because that's respect. So therefore we need to always start with the people. There are no fat people. There are only bad processes and this is the really hard thing for people to get. They always say, Ah, don't believe it. There are bad people in the world. That's true. But how did they become bad people? Do you believe in original sin? People come out of the womb and they're bad. Or do they learn bad habits? And are they never challenged? So they become bad because the processes that they go through well, that I'm going to be more of that philosophy type stuff. So it's not right. Therefore, if I respect the people, I can change the people with or the people can change the processes and the process in turn will change the people. If we have a daily stand up, everyone talks to each other about what's going on. People will start to get more engaged with the overall ambition of what we're trying to do or start to understand what other people are doing and they'll be able to contribute to the processes the team are using to be able to change them as the processes improve. We'll get delighted customers because the customers will be involved in that feedback loop as well. They'll know what we're doing. They'll know if we're doing a good job or not. I actually think we just have just one of these with a company that we're working with. Zero zero. It was just amazing. We got positive. People from California got up. Ridiculous. I've got to listen to a bunch of students tell them what they discovered about how zero could do new things. So, like, she's amazing. We've managed to get these Californians to to come online to listen to students. They were amazed at the customers. She's really brilliant. You come up with some new ideas. This is really valuable. They were really, really happy. And what happens when you've got customers are really, really happy is they give you money. So you get the financial returns, whereas what a lot of companies do this are, you know what, we're not getting the money in. So therefore what we need to do is we need to sack some of the people. Yes. We need to work out what's the minimum number of people to work the processes to keep the customers happy so we can make the numbers very short term in that sense is unfortunately what often happens with companies, and you're seeing that now with the tech sector and they're going, well, we need to cut so they take away the engage people. We'll see how that how that works on the canvas course. You've got some additional materials that you can you can go through. So this is the Golden Circle. What Sinek says is fundamentally as a leader, you start off with, why? Why are you doing this? What do you need to do? Or How do you need to do it? And bad leaders start off with what? You need to do this and you need to do it now. Right. Okay, well, I'll do it. Well, you've done it wrong. Know you didn't do this. Didn't. You didn't tell me to do that. You should have known today that you have still to have those kind of conversations. If you explain to a team why. So remember we talked about Agile. First thing you got to do on your assignment to what is the vision? That's the why. Yeah. If I don't know why, I don't know what I'm going to do. What's the issue you're trying to fix? If I know the issue I'm trying to fix, I can make sure my product fixes it. If I'm just making a product, I'm just making a product, I'm going to hope that someone actually wants the product. It's a high risk. Thing I said last time, at least 40% of new companies fail. I think some like 70% of new products fail. Why do they do this? I had a brilliant idea. Try to flog it to this person over here. It doesn't want to company closes down. This is a really good video about you. So you'll see a line about a submarine captain and he trains to be in charge of one submarine. And submarines are really the command and control centre of the universe. You see that on all the war films and if they watch War Comes These Days. But the submarine captain always knows absolutely everything about everything. And so, you know which way is the enemy that way? How high should I go? Or you want to go 45 degrees west, go up to six metres down and launch the torpedoes and we'll get them. How does he know this stuff? This was a him, isn't it? So is him. How does he know this stuff? Anyway, this guy was saying I trained for this submarine. I trained for two years. I knew everything there was to know. And then at the last moment they said, You're not going to be in charge of that boat anymore. You can be in charge of this boat. By the way, it's a nuclear attack, something. So you're going to kill people and you're going to start the next World War if you get it wrong. Doug. Hey, what are you doing? I've got no time to read the book. Got no time to learn the menu. What do you do? So what he did was the Agile thing. You know what? I'm going to shut up. Shut up. I'm going to ask the crew what they think I should do. Because I'm clever. Because I'm a submarine captain. I'll work out if it's a good thing or not. Or I'll ask them questions to see if we can make it better so I can understand. So basically, I'm going to give control and they will all become leaders. So that's why that video is all that. I can recommend that for you. The other one is Dan Ariely, who talks all about Lego and stuff like that. What motivates people? Quite interesting reading. So the key thing, if you look at those videos is you start to understand that leadership, which is what the Agile coach is, they're a leader. It's all about doing the right things. Effectiveness. It's not about management. So remember we got the word project management. Make sure you're doing things right and efficiency. So what we want is a leader, not a manager. We don't need a manager in Agile because we have the team. Self-managing don't need a manager. What we need is a leader. As a leader, do make sure the teams are working, make sure they've got a vision, not telling management, making sure they have vision. Vision comes from the product owner. That's the king. So talked about this. So why now? The key thing for the leader is this stuff. This is useful for your real assignment, right? Yeah. When you're actually going through and forming your team for real. We talked a little bit about this last week when we did the challenges and things like this. So this the coach needs to make sure the team are aligned. Do they know where they're going, when they need to do stuff by who they're doing it for, what are the boundaries and what support they have? And then what the coach does is make sure the execution is champion. Are you going to produce something? That's the key. Yeah. What are you going to produce? How are you going to produce it? How do you know if it's any good? What's the test? So the leader is just saying, I'm not telling you what to do or how to do it. I'm just making sure that you guys know what you're doing and how you're going to do it. See such a different if we need to tell people what to do because they're not looking to tell you what to do. I'm just going to make sure that you guys know what you're doing. So this is the key. And this is another good one from the Art of Action. Stephen Monk is saying, got these kind of form out. And this is often where we are in companies. Yeah, no one really cares about the organisation and everyone just kind of wobbles on doing doing their own thing. Nobody really knows what anybody else does. I mean, to a certain extent, first, for the people in the room, this is probably true across all of the courses. Do you know what your mike is doing on all the other courses? You know what they're doing on this course. But for other courses, where are they going? What are they trying to achieve? But really nothing. And I work for organisations. This is generally where you are. People are just doing stuff and they, they've been there doing stuff because they've been told to do stuff by their boss. That's it. So we just do it to say actually this is low performance, this is typically where we are and New Zealand has got a very, very low productivity productivity index. If you look it up across the OECD, New Zealand, not very good. So one thing you can do is make it entrepreneurial and say, oh, go have an idea, make some money, do whatever you think you want to do. Yeah, but what happens then is people are quite happy now because they're self-actualized. Those of you you mentioned Maslow in your first essay, so. Oh, yes, Self-actualisation. That's the top of the pyramid because people can now decide what they're trying to do. The only trouble is they don't know what anybody else is doing, so they could be looking across each other. So, again, so bossy. Very worried. Hope someone is working on the problem. What's the problem? I need to cross the river. The other way of going. It is all I can. Just tell everybody what to do so I can get the whip out. I can force people to do the same thing in a nice, structured way. So this would be someone like Putin and authoritative and everybody has to do the same thing in the same way. So no one knows why they're doing it, but at least they're all doing the same thing. So we got probably slightly harder. Now the boss has to tell them what to do. We need to cross the river. So build a bridge. Brilliant. So we're going to end up building a bridge. Will it be in the right place or is it the quickest thing to do? Was it the cheapest thing to do? Was it the most effective dunk? But at least we're building a bridge. Now, the idea for Agile is we just need someone to state the problem. It's across the river. So shall we have this for chocolate? See if you're awake today. How else could you cross a river? Or a chocolate. Anybody listening today? Of boats. Who said boat? Boat. Oops. What else do we have? You could swim. Yeah. You could tunnel underneath the helicopter. There was a tunnel. You could. There are lots of ways, right? Lots of lots of ways. Yet building a bridge is one of the ways. So this is where suddenly people get into it. So when I first came to New Zealand, they were talking about if you guys are into all the right surroundings and they're talking about water waterview. And the preferred wisdom. So Waterview is the Western Ring Road around Auckland and they said, yep, we need to dig up, pack and save a huge channel through Western Auckland. Build a road and then cover over the top. It's cool to cut and cover tunnel. And the company I work for at time said, Really? Why would you do that? Wouldn't you just bore a tunnel? What's that mean? I was kind of like them at the time. They were the boring tunnel experts. The boring tunnel. Boring tunnel experts. So they came up with the solution. Then Becker. Becker actually adopted and started working with it. But this was the whole thing was, Oh yeah, you just wipe out the whole area. And they said, Oh, you know what? One of you is actually an environmental project. Why are we doing it? What's the vision? We want to reduce the amount of pollution because what people have to do is have to go up here and across. We're going to have this road that goes like this. So we trying to reduce the number of miles that people do. Trying to reduce the impact on the environment of the cars. That's the actual reason we're doing this. The commuters will actually experience a lot shorter travelling time and they suddenly changed it and they said, You know what? The whole of what have you, it's actually an environmental project. So what we need to have on a two weekly basis is an environmental team talking and meeting about it. And there was a creek that originally we just call it is a creek and it was gonna look after it. And suddenly they said not, you know, there's a creek that's actually really important. We need to improve the life in the creek as a result of doing this project. So they had to dredge it out, get rid of all the shopping trolleys and all the chemicals and everything else, and make it into a really nice area. It's one of the lasting things about this whole project will be. Oak Creek. Wow, what a transformation. Oh, we built a road as well. What do we do with it? Well, we improve the environment. So I'm focusing on the vision, on what we were about to do. It's a very different. So your coach helps the team understand the agile principles and practices. We start with principles like I do with you on this course. Principles first. If you just start with practices, people start doing this, doing the the meetings and things, and they don't know why they're doing them. They have no clue, so they do them wrong. As soon as you start doing things wrong, you don't get the results. Don't get the results. So this Agile thing doesn't work. You're not doing our job. When I was doing the stand up meeting, I had a product background. I was doing all the things I'm supposed to do. Yeah. Not really. Not really. So. Protects the team from stakeholders. Because what happens is everyone tries to start. Oh, you're not all team I. It means I can come in. I can change the scope on a minute to minute basis. You can't go away. Product owner is the only person you can talk about. Scope product that will go away. So I'm protecting the team. One of those key things that you could have mentioned in your first assignment. Yeah, actually. What do the team like? Team like stability. They like to be working on the same thing. They don't like continuous change. Happy with change. Changes happening after each iteration. But they want to be working on what they were working on this previous time. Working through it. So if making sure issues are escalated coaches the team facilitates if required and introduces new teams. So their focus is how well of the team working they're not aligned to did we deliver what the product owner wanted? Is the team delivering? Well. That's the key. Are there practices correct to do that thing? I'm not telling the team you're doing a bad job. Just saying I don't think your practices are very good. So just trying to get them. So what do they do? Whenever anybody asks a question of the Scrum Master, they ask the team. They don't reply. So what should we do? When? When's the due date? This? I don't know. I'll just go ask the team. That's it. Because I'm not the leader. Whereas if I'm a project manager, someone asks me something. I'll say, Oh. Three weeks next Thursday. Cause I know because I'm the project manager. It's my job to know. It's not the agile coach or the Scrum Master's job. So they want all about team development. This is a bit different. You're a project manager. The last thing you probably get taught is how to develop a team. You would get to know all about the technical skills for doing what you're trying to do and all about forcing people to do it, making clear instructions, writing it all down, all that sort of stuff. Very much. On the technical skills forming a team. Not much. Never done it. Never heard of it. And so Principles of Practice had some of these before. Helps the team overcome conflict. So overcome conflict. So conflict is not a bad thing. We don't avoid conflicts. We actually want conflict. We want people to talk about different ideas. One of the signs of a bad team is they don't talk about things. They don't argue, they don't discuss. If everyone just. They're probably already portant and probably not going to deliver very much because they're not engaged. They don't care. You can read all of these yourself. So. Facilitator 2020 particular protocol question about our process improvement. That's for you. The key thing is the team getting better every day. That's the key. Are we getting progress? So for the team itself, probably the key question often for a team is do they feel safe? And think about it psychologically. So if you always get criticised for doing something wrong, do you feel safe? Are you likely to actually propose something again? Oh, I think we should go for a coffee. Oh no, that's a really bad idea. We went for coffee yesterday. We need to have hot chocolate on our team, and next time I'll be quiet. That's it. So that's a really good idea. Hey, does anybody else want to do that? Always. Are there any other alternative ideas? So now I said, Oh, that's a really good idea. Confirmation. Do we have anything else? Oh, yeah, we can actually go for fruit juices. Oh, yeah. Maybe we can have iced coffee. Oh, yeah, we start to build. Right. So this is what the Agile coach will do. What other ideas are there? How can we build on this idea? How can we make it? It's a good idea. How can we make it even better? This is what the Agile coach does. So these are output acceptable. So this is all about testing. Do we know what the test is for whatever they're trying to do? Well, they achieving it all. The team learning capabilities, improving what we find about teams. Teams that learn, love, learning. Self-actualisation top of the pyramid. More teams learn more. They want to learn. It's amazing. Any age of life. Get a bunch of 65 year olds in a room they love to learn. Bunch of two year olds in a room they love to learn. It's the same, you think, when you get to 65, you know everything. Now you just know more about what you don't know. That's it. When you tell you all 65. All this stuff I don't know anything about. So you in the room a little bit older and got to 40 or whatever? I don't know about this stuff. Me to learn some more stuff. Yeah. So is the team experience rewarding? Are they having fun? People who have fun. One of the biggest indicators for productivity is fun. Typically what we do in our team in the morning say, how's it going today? And they got four. Or if that means one, one out of five. You get all five. So yeah. Having fun? It's some good stuff. Yes, they learned some stuff. Give it a five and one. You know, some bad stuff going on at home. It's not a good day today. Okay. Do you want to go home? Because I'm interested in the people. Not interested in the processes, interested in the people hunting. And what we find is if people are having fun, the productivity follows. If people are not having fun. So that's why I try and make this course as best I can. Yeah. Does the team own its work? So do you see that your output is owned by you or do you say, Oh, Steve told us to do this, that's why we're doing it. But his team will often say that exercise I was just telling you about with some business school graduates. I said to the to the customer, I couldn't have written it better myself. When they got to the end of the project, they said, Can you tell us what you're going to do with this now? Because we'd really like to know. So not only had they done their project and finished and they're off doing their real thing, this is then a client. Can you tell us what you're going to do afterwards? Because we care. We actually care about this. This was not just a project for university. This is part of our lives. Then it's gone. Wow. Can buy this stuff. So they really owned the really under what you can read the usual thousands of times more than you can see each of these things. All of these. If you answer yes to all of this, you have a high performing team. So use this checklist when you're going through doing your project. So do we take all of those? Does everybody feel safe? Does anybody here feel like they can speak up? So anybody feel like they can ask a question of Steve? The answer is no. What's the problem? We fix it. So this is my slide. Just give you a second to read this. As I said earlier, there are no bad people. So I've worked with just about every kind of organisation you can think of. And everyone says, You know what? Said Steve over here, he is the problem. And I say, No, he's not. He may be a symptom of the problem, but he is not the problem. The problem is you have allowed Steve to exist like that. How did you die? Did you hire him? Have you trained him to be like that? Have you been like him so upset that he's become like that? What did you do to make that happen? The responsibilities here. Whoever the leader is, has produced the output. That's what they do. Leaders produce outputs. So this is quite often resonates with students might find this useful. So it's the overseas fed model. So what we want from teams is ownership, accountability and responsibility. Morning. But we don't want blame, excuses and denial. It's their fault. Them that went over there. It wasn't me. So your problem is your problem. What we see from high performing teams. Accountability. You know what? I was late with this because I had to go into hospital. Couldn't do it. Can any of you guys do it? I'm just going to tell you where is it? But low performing teams will do. They'll wait until the deadline was passed and then say, you know what, I was sick, couldn't do high performing teams. I got to go into hospital because I'm sick. Can you do this on this project? I was telling you, a guy had open heart surgery right from his home, from his bed. He was ringing the team to tell them he was having open heart surgery and could they do his job for him? So you were meant to have open heart surgery. Would you be thinking about your team? You mentioned that. This is a student unpaid. She's free. He's paying us for the experience of doing this project. Just weird, right? Just weird. That's the kind of thing that happens when you do. So common mistakes. Think it's going to be easy? Just doing that job. It's a breeze, right? It's real simple. There is a process is just need to do this now because people have to think differently. People have to think differently. It's like the Grand Canyon. You've always done this stuff. So even though you, you know, you need to do the short end up doing the stuff. And what will actually happen is that, Oh yeah, I'm doing this stuff. It's like, No, no, you're in the Grand Canyon, but I'm doing this stuff. No, you're not. You're in the Grand Canyon. If you were doing this, you'd be doing this. Oh, what I am doing now, you know, so I need to coach now. You're not doing that. If you were doing if you were doing this, this is the Grand Canyon, typically waterfall type thinking, command and control. You wouldn't be telling people what to do. You wouldn't be setting the agenda. You'd be asking them what they're going to do. Ask whatever those kinds of things, you know, like I just suggested you, I think because you're the leader and you suggested that's like command and control. Silent. So lots of coaches. Really, really quiet. Talk to. So what do you think? And then they just sit there and wait. So the team will just do breakfast. I'll do this thing. I told you my first week this. My kids and the TV's not working. Oh, what are you going to do? The kid would just sit there, stand there and wait for you to give him the answer. Don't you have to, like, 10 minutes ago? Were you going to give me an answer? No, no. I asked you. What are you going to do? Oh. Well, I tried unplugging it and plugging in. That's a really good idea. What? Don't you have a guy? 80% of computer faults fixed by a reboot. This kind of stuff. So the only way you can do it is you have to leave the space for the team to think. So focus on results rather than being right then. Not being a mouthpiece for the team, don't stand in for the product and don't make decisions on behalf of the product owner. You need to challenge the team and you need to have feedback. Don't allow people to work too late. People do their best work in 2 hours. People can't work for longer than 2 hours. Performance declines. Short bursts. It's how it works. So said right at the start that the project manager project manager might not be required in Scrum if it's a small project and you only need a few people. And typically what happens is I've got to get a coach. That's all I need. Don't need a project manager. Where do you need a project going on big projects, lots of external focus. Well, who's going to communicate to all the other stakeholders? I'm talking if it's a legal thing or who's going to check out all the legal requirements for this? Who's going to talk to the government about this? The team are doing the work for the donors, liaising with the customer, who's talking to the government, who's getting the export licence, who's doing what stuff? Project manager. This is where it comes in. So I'm doing stakeholder management, high level scheduling, reporting, supply management, contract management project, environment project and all that stuff, all the big stuff around the outside. So I've got my self-managing team making decisions about what they're going to do, the coaches advising them how to be better. The product owner is saying This is what the product needs to be, so the product owner is kind of guiding them on the product. I had to do it through all the stuff that's around it, but I need as well. That's where a project manager would come in. It's a risk management, change management, that kind of stuff. So again, you've got this on your canvas course. So this is the process overview. Anybody want to have a break for 5 minutes so you can. Break. I understand the patience of the footy has been. Yeah, I know it's a different situation. Very tender space, but I didn't want to walk away because of my good memories. Okay then peeps. I think I have a right to an apology. So the agile process. So where are we? This is week five. So we've managed to get all the way to to week five before we talk about processes of major achievement. If you do the various exams, this is where you would start. So how is this? So if you can get PMI accreditation as an agile scrum master or whatever, where you can go to the scrum org and you can get qualifications. This is what they will test you on. None of the stuff we've already done. So the thing that they don't do is teach you the mindset. Now you have the mindset. Try and reflect on the process and try to understand how the mindset created the process because people created this process. The process didn't come first. The mindset comes first to deliver the process. So if you're going to follow the process, use the mindset. So we start off with the vision. So we talked about last week and for your assignment you are going to come up with the product roadmap and this is where you are going to say, right, these are all the features that I thought about to make up the vision, to deliver the vision. I need these features. This is the sequence. I'm going to deliver them. I'm going to do these features first, then these features, then these features. Now this is where if you're got a waterfall mindset, you are right. That's it. What I'm doing is lots of mini waterfalls. I'm now doing a little project planner and I'm doing this and I'm doing a project plan and I'm doing this and on project planning I'm doing this. And that's how it works. Not. No, this is just a theoretical. These are the features arranged in the right sequence. But at the end of it, I'm going to change it. And during when I'm executing it, I'm going to change the sequence of when I do things within that limited sprint. Because remember, Christian, I said to you the other week, Is this the most valuable thing I can do today? That's always the question. So I was going to do these things in this sprint, in this order, because that's what we agreed yesterday. But actually today, Steve came in and said this and we said, Oh, actually, yeah, we should do it in this order. Yeah, well, and I'm only ever volunteering for one thing, right? So yeah. Rather than do that one, which was the top, I'm going to do this one because I think this is more important because we are a self-managing team and we can change it. Any different stuff. It's just one definition. What if you have a service which uses those products like you do spinning this concept around? I know this is like the way this is set up is to get the to establish a format from start to finish. But what if you are using a service that uses that uses in a product? And that is the final process is that I know that's slightly more complex, but that can still be applicable. Absolutely. Yes. The. I mean, it's this what you question what you call refinement, because for Agile, we go into a minute. There are lots of ways you can do. We're talking about scrum at the moment as a way of doing our job is called Kanban. So if you had an existing project or product, you could say, well, actually what I'm going to do is put all the required changes to it into a Kanban board. And what I'll do is just the team will be working on three changes at any time. So that's what we're going to do. So we're not going to do this scrum stuff. Because it's an existing product and all I'm trying to do is to maximise the value. So let's look at all the bugs for when I call them that feature enhancements. And I'll just change the priority of them. So all I'm doing, I'm always working on three. That's it. That's the fix that it's a team. Now I'm working on three kind of movement than like overload and having fun. So I'm going to work on three. So I'm just going to work on the top one. And when the team's done that. Then we'll choose the next one and we'll work on that. And what will happen is we can release those on a daily basis. So what I need to make is two weekly thing. I could just do it daily. So why would I do that? Absolutely. That's just a different agile ideology. So it's agile because what's the best value I can do today? Oh, yeah. I don't want to. What would I do? Like two weeks if I'd fixed about what? Would I wait two weeks? It's crazy. Well, you'd release it straight away. Oh, yeah. But what's that code in the real world? It's called DevOps. I'm going to study it. It's called DevOps, and it's called a command system. And it works because it's agile. It's just not strong. So Scrum is if I'm trying to create something from scratch. One of the better ways of doing it is. If I already had something, I could choose a different approach. Because Agile isn't a way. It's a mind set. So what the team will do is come up with the best process for delivering that thing and they'll say, Oh, is it scrum? Is it. Is it one of the other zillion possible ways of doing. Oh yeah. We'll use this one for this one. That's to answer your question. So it's just a different way. So time line. So yeah, it would be more of a process where you implement agile principles that you just require. Yeah, it, it, it can. It can. So that because with Agile you always. Maximise the amount of stuff you don't do. So say I've got 100 fixes that I needed to do and say I got ten and said, Oh yeah, I'm going to I've got a team of ten. So they each get ten fixes to do. Where you go, guys? And so so they're working through them. And so we'll actually this guy over here and this guy, he might actually be working on the same bit of code. But I don't know. So this guy is fixing it and this guy's fixing it. So this guy then releases it and says, Oh, you just broke all my stuff that I've just done. Well, I was working on this fix and I was working on it, and we just didn't learn enough. The team was only working on one at a time and they were both working on the same thing. Like I said, you know what? We got this bug over him, this bug down here, he's actually in the same area. Could we put the two together? Because, hey, we could work together. Wouldn't that be. Wouldn't that be universal? So this is why I say potentially, but not necessarily. We will actually. And what we generally find is the exact opposite. What we find is because the team become more effective, the efficiency actually goes up. Because even though you're not doing in the most efficient way, you haven't reallocated all things. What actually happens? Because the environment is changing. You know, there's this bug. Well, actually, we fix this up as a by-product of fixing this thing up here. This bug just went away. No one uses this anymore. They've got this whole new way of doing it. Like gone. Need to fix it with software. This is prevalent in consumption as well. Absolutely. I seen all that. They're doing it, but they probably don't even realise that this is it. So this is this is why say it's one of those things based on the reason Agile is more successful and it's four times more successful is because of this. So even though if you like what I think and what I said to you in the first week is if you do exactly the same project, Agile is less efficient, but you never, never really do because it's changing. So we're not actually we spun over here. If this guy tried to spin it. Well, what they did was they went down here and then they had to spin up to here. So actually, this was even though it's more each bit was more efficient. Overall, it was less efficient. If you just been adjusting all the way. So release planning. So that's what we just talking about. So when are you going to release these things that you're going to do? And what I do is I go into this sprint planning and this is where the team get involved. So this is your assignment to. Yeah, I'm doing all of this fit at you as the product owner. Then what happens is you now going to engage with the team? I've come up with my brilliant idea. I now need to go through my three season, have that conversation and confirm what it is we're actually going to do. And this is where we can start to go into spring planning. And what I said to you, because this is Scrum reason we talk about Scrum is because this is about 60 or 70% of people do well, at least by the start. So it's not this is the way of doing Agile. This is a way of doing our job. It's the most common and it's probably the way that you'll do your project. Now, the idea of sprint planning is I like all this free thinking up here, but my team are going to work for, say, two weeks and they need to know what they're doing for the next two weeks. Not in detail by day, but they need to know the fixed amount of work they're going to do and the people who decide that. Of the team. It's not told to them by anybody else. Teams are going to decide. Therefore, they become responsible for the overseas betting before the break. They are going to take ownership of this because no one's telling them what to do. They're saying of all that stuff you came up with product owner. Great. We're going to do this and that and that because they're sensible. They'll work down the priority list. But the product Tony gave them as a sensible. So we're trying to. You want the most because that's the highest value thing. And which one do the next thing then we're trying to do the next thing. You know what? I don't think we can do that as well as all those others. It's too hard. Not because we need to guarantee we're going to deliver this. It's too hot. So I look down the list. Oh, there's one down here that's a bit easier. We'll bring that one up. So that's what the team do. And they're going to fix that to make their sprint backlog. So over here, you've got the product backlog. Here, you've got the sprint backlog. And then what they're going to do is say we're going to have a daily plan of what we're going to do so we can adjust on a daily basis what it is we're doing. And what's the highest funny thing I can do today. And when I get to the end of the two weeks, I'm going to do a review of whether we achieved this stuff or not. It's an asset for me. And then I'm going to do a retrospective, and then I'm going to look at how we are working. Did we have fun? If we have to stay up late at night, do we get things wrong? Do we not check each other's work? We'll be talking enough, all that kind of stuff, the process of working. So this is very different waterfall. Typically when you do that right at the end of the whole project and say, How did we do? What were our lessons learned from doing this? And it could have been two years ago that you started. You have no clue. Oh, yeah. I think it was really good in the start and it got gradually worse. And maybe you all remember, can we go for the pie? That's typically how our lessons and reviews. John, where is this summer? This week? Yeah, yeah. It's a really big rally on Wednesday. It was really good because we cleared the air and we decided what we were going to do and then it was brilliant after that. So we need to have more of those. We have that round earlier on and that kind of stuff. So this is how it works. We just go through this bit more detail, less. You should just kind of say, well, this is if you like this out of the book, actually, but it's not my thing, it's mine. But basically saying, well, this is what you're doing here is this is the product owner in control comes down to here. And this is where the product only gives control to the team for the team to kind of come back up. And I'm like, I'm starting from the vision is how I get from vision. So I could just go get vision to this product. What would be in water for business. Just go like a planet. Execute it close and I'll just go straight across the top. So here is I know there's a bit of a process to go through and do some prioritisation to transfer accountability and responsibility for doing the stuff to get to the final as far as I'm going to need to plans. So you just get to hear. So you're coming up with what you think the product roadmap is? I think that's the last thing. So as part of that, you might help. Yeah, this is wide release first. This is all a release. Second release. So when you go to this fit, so we'll look at this in this lecture. So up to here is so as he got up to here is product cloner. So this is what you're pretending to be an assignment to. When you go to do assignment three, you'll take what my students do is they look at all of the assignment to's from everybody and they say, Which one was the best? Which one's the easiest? Which one is going to be the most fun? So I look in the end at one, but then they go here and we've got to decide what we can do for next week because next Monday we're going to present it. So we have to decide what on earth of all of this stuff here, what are we actually going to do? And that's it. So that's when you get to experience it through. So you'll be doing that after the selection as the break. So this is how it works. And I mentioned this briefly last week, so I'll try and spin through this. This is how waterfall works. It's not really part of its course. So Waterfall works on duration. If I was doing lots of things causing waterfall, I'm doing lots of things. Remember, I've. You've allocated me 100 tasks. Okay. I'm doing 100 tasks. When am I going to finish this phone button? So it's all about duration. In Agile, I'm only working on one thing at a time and I've volunteered to do this thing. Therefore, how much effort is it going to be? The amount of effort it's going to be is going to be the same as the duration. It's going to take 8 hours. Therefore, the duration is one day. So it's always thinking about if I was going to do this, how long? So typically what happens is the team will look at the stories. Remember, a story has to be less than half a sprint for one person. So if you're sprint is two weeks, it's got to be less than two and a half days to do one thing. It's bigger than that. It's an epic. It's all about that last week. So it's going to be two and a half days. So if that, say, 16, 20 hours. I know it must be less than 20 hours. Or at least it should be. And this is why we talked last week about story points. So some people will go, Oh, yeah, I think that's maybe 8 hours. Maybe that's 10 hours. Maybe. I know. I think that is 20 hours. Yeah. That's what the team will be doing and the team agree on how long it's actually going to take. So they're trying to estimate this effort. And often the way we do this and we'll have a we'll have a go at this at the end is we'll do it with like cards. They call it poker constantly just oh yeah. I think this is one hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 10 hours. What you do is as a team, you will just hold up your cards at the same time, because otherwise, if I hold up my card and I'll say 20 hours and we'll go, Yeah, that's right. That's another everybody has to be the court at the same time. So these are 20. And Fred over here said two. So how does Steve how did you get 28? Well, 20 ounces. Okay, Fred, how did you get to pick up the wrong cup? So do you think it's 20? You have the conversation where Fred says, no, I know that I did that last week. I've already done it. I did it for this other project. Already got it. All we got to do is trying to tighten up earlier. Great idea. So is that right, everybody? Great comedians, can you just take us through what you did to get that brilliant 2 hours? Brilliant Sigler to work. Because you got this diverse team, diverse teams look at things in different ways, different ideas, different concepts. Not just the project manager. So you bringing that diversity in. So we talked about this a bit last week. So we have the product backlog owned by the product owner. And they're using it to gauge the timeline. So I have some rough ideas of the effort in there, but they're not the team sports. If. And so in segment three, you're going to do three iterations. You can do more if you want to. You don't have to say three iterations every Monday. Your team will present where your product is up to. So you'll start at least the week before and the following the next Monday. So once a week ten, you will demonstrate where you're up to. So you must have started at least a week nine. Uh. Some people struggle with what's it called? A backlog. Backlog just means things you haven't done yet. I call stuff I haven't done. So when you first create it, well, I'm done all of this stuff. It's not like it's overdue. It's just. I haven't done it yet. So anybody can read it at any time. I will have a rough estimate of value and the development effort to remember. We're not going to confirm the effort until the product owner says these things are the highest priority. So I've got ten things I know you can only do eight, but I've got ten things in case you need to go over a little bit. And then the team will go through and they will estimate the effort themselves like, oh, we're just was way wrong. Whole lot quicker. Should be a lot more. So it's a problem. But the estimates are set by the team, so this is a crucial thing. Waterfall Project Manager. For the full duration set by the project manager. You've got a week to go do this. Go for it. He's going to wait longer than a week. Tough or not, you can do this and get on with it because I'm clever and we have the things that we talked about last week. So you'll see this in Canvas 5.7. And then with this guy that I mentioned. So product management in Agile. So what we looked at when I looked at this backlog, the team will be saying, is there enough detail in it? Yeah. Can I understand it? I have to do this thing. I can only do it if I can understand it. If I don't understand it, not going to. I'm not the guy. So backlog should be estimated. So. So we'll have we got a rough estimate of how much is going to take. And then I had this word last week about grooming. What happens? It's different to waterfall. Is that I can adjust the product backlog at any time and product backlog adjusted any time. So we took time in a chat and said, you know what, just all the new feature put it in and actually goes to number one. Oh, wow. Beautiful. Well, now we signed off the scope three weeks ago and we went through the committee and sorry, that's a change request. And next next committee meeting using a monthly. Sorry, put it on the change register. But now we're doing this. Very different. Very, very different. This is the product backlog we're talking to. So it's emergent and you're going to groom it so you're continually adjusting it. I don't think it's going to take a little bit longer than that, but a little bit more detail to this. Need to add an extra task, maybe need to take task out reaction to everything. What I'm trying to do is to prioritise. Now, this is important. For your assignment too. When you come to prioritise, show me how you prioritised as you go online. You need to show me how you prioritise. It's no good just to say, Well, I made this number. Look how. Remember, I'm mocking your thinking. It's not the practice I put. This is priority one. How did you decide that was priority one? Well, it was the highest value. Yeah, but if I had to do other things before I could even do that. You can't do it. Just the money. Right. So I need to say, how did you prioritise? I just took a random guess. That's fine. But Agile is all about value, so surely it's all value. And remember said last week. All students always use Moscow. Never understand why. But I always think good students use some of the others that we talked about. Possible. But so like. But my students use Moscow to say, oh, I've got all these musts. So all of these must so they must be the highest priority. So therefore, I just chose the first one up here. Well, that's okay. But what if you had to do something else before you did that? Oh, we've got a website. Most important thing is it's got a picture of me on the front. So I'm. Did a picture of me first. Great. But you need to have a server for the website to be on and you need to have a framework for that and you need to design the colour scheme. So. Aren't those more important. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So they need even though they're not your favourite thing to do, they need to be before the photo of Stephen. It's icon stuff. How did you think about the priority? So you do get prioritised in your assignment. It's not just about putting a priority on it. I can do that and go random number generator. I don't even have to think. I'm mocking your thinking. So if you said random number generator, like, oh, I'll give you half a point just for being audacious. And so this is how it would be. So I've got one, two, eight, and then I prioritise it and I get that sequence. Now, the way that I mentioned never talked about this right at the end of the lecture last week. So obviously I. Because that's what it says in your assignment. I used to leave it open so you could do whatever you felt like in your assignment says use die or use something like Dive. Because students always used to say to me, Oh, do you mean use dive? Or You can restart? And I could see that deep, deepest, deepest, deep looking at the backlog. So this is what I will do when I'm assessing your you can take a list of list of things you're going to do. So I will say, are they detailed, appropriate? If you said of feature one is stuff and feature two is stuff and feature three stuff. I will go for detailed appropriately if your definition is to do stuff. How on earth can I put a time on that? So I would say, well, that's completely stupid. Or is if you said, I am going to decide whether I'm going to harass my server on a PC in my classroom or a PC in the cloud, and I'm going to get prices for it and I'm going to get it agreed and signed off. I've got well, that's quite well detailed. I could probably put in the effort for that. I think that's going to take you a day to go through and do that because you've got the funds to go through and actually either buy a PC or create a website. You have done that myself needs time. You can create a website in a day, no problem. Or you could buy a space in Amazon or whatever to do that. That would make sense. So detailed appropriately. Then have you got an estimate on it? So if you've got all your stories and they don't have any estimates on them quite quick, oops, it's got to say number of story points or hours or whatever. You're using story points. This is ten story points. This is three story points. So if it's detailed appropriately, I'll be able to put in the amount of effort. If it's not detailed, appropriate, and you use a random number generator again to put in the effort, great idea. It's not really going to work very well because I said, well, actually that doesn't sound very sensible to do all of that work in one hour and then only a site is emergent because as you're going through so maybe you did your column the next slide, but as I go through and do them so oh you know what I forgot to put in by a slot on the server. I did all of my work and I needed to attend, so I needed a tech story, which is an excellent. And then I've said prioritise. So this is what we apply. So you have to produce the product backlog. I was like, Is it deep now? What for the last bit of it prioritised is this. So have you prioritised it using five or six for the equivalent. Yeah. And what we have here is you see in here we've got tech stories. So all the things that we think of that relate to our five observations would normally be what we call user stories, because we said as a customer, typically I need so that they were in that format, whereas a tech story would be as a webmaster, I need to know which serve the website is going to be on so I can install it so we can put the picture of Steve up. So it's a tech story because for me, customer doesn't care about it, but I do. So I can add tech stories. And so what we've done to here, so we've got our user stories and then we say, I want to add in some tech stories to make it work. It's typically our list of short stories. Yep. That's all very well. I'd like to supply. This is an instance of the prime policy ensuring very low warranties, viable state frameworks that establish true. Forget what you know about risk management in the waterfall. So just that. So it's all good stuff. But this insurer against risk is. If I. If I've got an assumption that he's wrong. If I do. I don't want to develop the whole product based on that assumption. So how do I test my assumptions to make sure my product is going to be good as early as possible? And we talked last week about failing fast. I want to fail fast. If I've got an assumption that my making elements, people like people would buy sweet cakes. How would I test that? Or rather than design all of my recipes and everything else. I'm going to go to the supermarket and I'm going to buy the sweetest cakes that I can find. I'm going to buy them. I'm going to bring them in and put them on the desk next to some raisin those little tiny tarts or whatever. And did the students pick out the sweet ones or that pick up the sultan's? They picked a little sultanas. Oh, my assumption was wrong. So there was no point in me developing the recipe, working out how to cook them and what colours and blah blah blah. Because my assumption was wrong. Okay. So you see it's different to the waterfall thing, whereas waterfall it would be, well, how do you know your meringue is going to not sag or whatever. Oh well you have to control. This is is my product going to be any good? So I want to put everything that tests that as early as possible. So if the answer is no, you were wrong. You got brilliant. I stopped. So I've avoided doing all this other stuff. All this other stuff didn't need to do. I just stopped. So, okay, now we have wasted a week, right, to go to. I can say to buy me. Buy me who takes. So I've wasted that money, but actually look at the money I saved. So I didn't do all this extra work. Got it done. Three weeks work on it. I would have been completely wasted. Because my assumption was so now I can say, all right, so now I need to pivot because I still think I have the crucial idea is right there hungry. But actually, when I said sweet things, they were I just assumed that. And actually, it's the sultanas that they want. So I need to make a sultana dish as the cake. That's it. So that's a called a pivot in Agile. So she's got all right, kind of right idea. One way of doing it. Okay, let's just check. So next time, I'm going to be not going buy loads of sultanas and see which kind of flavour of sultanas they like the most. Because I'm trying to minimise the risk of failing like that idea. So when I look at all my stories, I would be saying. Which ones taste the most stuff? Which ones are going to avoid be doing something really stupid? Cause I don't know. It's stupid. I've made an assumption, and obviously all my assumptions seem sensible because I make them. How do I test them? Agile testing. We always designed the test first. How do I know this assumption is true? I don't want to make the assumption and what typically what we'll do our job is we'll have what we call a risk burn down. So so the risk for this project is huge to start with and it should come down really quickly. What we've seen and waterfall projects is now the risk is like this. And actually the risk kind of just goes along and goes long. And then suddenly I start to see it drop off when I get near to the end of stuff, because the risk is the risk, right? It's only when I actually start delivering stuff that the risk is going to go down. There's agile notes coming all the way down. So typically agile, much less risky projects. That's why they're four times more successful or part of the reason for transmitting success. So the four factors typically dependency. So is something I have to do before I can do this. I really want to. Yeah. Is this the best thing to do to minimise the overall risk of the project failing? Then I can look at my Moscow analysis if that's how I'm going to do it. Say which is the best value product? And then I might look at one. If I've got two of equal value, which one's the least effort? Either the one with least effort. Because least effort. More value. Got to be better. Yeah, because I want to do as much value adding as possible for the least effort. So typically you would have in my mind's eye an Excel spreadsheet with the four columns and it would have some kind of number against each of those things. And you would just say, sort by this, then this, then this, then this, or some algorithm to work it out. So when it comes out, you say, Oh yeah, I can see how you've worked out the prioritisation, you've done it. And I d first, then I, then you, then I never is. However, you've done so pretty clear. Also just at the bottom here. So typically the team we've got these user stories, member one person half a sprint. But even then you might find they could break it down even more than that, because I've got lots of people on the team, maybe we could break that down. So even though it's going to take 8 hours to say I could beat all eight people on the team working for one hour and we could finish off in the next hour, I mean, rather than one person taking a whole day to do it. So if we could do that. So this is what they will have. So if you're using something like deer or whatever, you would link the tech stories or the user stories and you'd have tasks below it just to do. So it's was going to last up a bit for today. So. What you can do is you can just do absolute estimating and got some things here. There's lots of stuff on the website about this. Just be very worried about bias. If you've got someone like me in the room when you're coming up with Essman. So, Steve, what do you think? And I tell you and I'm. Oh, yeah, you must be right. Yeah, I must be right. Cause it. I even got a Scooby. Whereas I got this expert over here who's really introverted. So what do you think, Steve? Oh. Oh, I think he's right. You know, what number do you think? Yeah. And say, well, what did he say? 20. Oh, well, I'll say 21. So that's anchoring, right. Because I've already said a number. They're going to go to that number. So this is why we say we have the some use the poker cards and people just display at the same time. The other thing is groupthink and bad teams don't challenge each other. So I had two verses 20. It was a ah 20 must be right. I don't, I don't want to have the discussion. Just go to whatever Steve said. I don't like disharmony, whereas a good team would say, How do you get that number? Why do you think that? How can we compare the two? Do we just use half way for Egypt? Tunisia? 20. Is the answer 12. Or is it 20 or is it two? What's the answer? We need to own this because it might not be Steve doing it. Steve may have said 20 and then actually, I'm afraid it's going to come to. All right. Because we're going to we're going to volunteer to do this. Steve might be busy doing something else. Oh, wow. Oh, we only agreed to on the basis that Steve was going to do it, but any of us could do this thing. Oh, wow. Okay, I maybe I need to listen next time when they're going through this. So sometimes what we do is called t shirt sizing. So we said, Oh, it's too hard to work out an actual number. What we'll do is just do in terms of t shirt size. So is it small or extra small? Small, medium, large. And then we can just rank them in that order. And then we'll say, Oh yeah. In any week you can do this and say this. Oh yeah, an extra small is like one small to medium is for large is eight, an extra large is 16, whatever. It's easy just to do on those those numbers. So we just know that relative to each other how big they are. And we know we can do two extra large T-shirts per week. So I can look at you. It's what I said. 1632 extra smalls for two extra lodges, that kind of thing. Playing poker is what I was just talking about, where all the team members independently estimate and just reveal content. Typically, we use the Fibonacci 52 Fibonacci. If we look at a spiral spirals or based on the Fibonacci in nature uses the Fibonacci sequence and it's not the one, two, four, eight, 16. It's you add the two numbers together to make the next number thing. So there is 0041235 sets to two equals 535 equals eight Fibonacci sequence. So typically that's the tendency to use. And what happens is we don't actually go on with these like two numbers. We don't make up to 30 and if it's over 13. So it's too big, too hard. 13 is the biggest number I want to be looking at because that probably means it's more than half a sprint for one person. So what we do is reveal at the same time and crucial thing with all of this, it's all about time. It's really easy to waste. On this hour. I've got to reveal the cards. And we got, like, 10 seconds just to explain why you chose it. And we're going to talk about it for a minute. And then I'd say we can agree it's been because we need to know more information needs to be explained more. Time is of the essence. Then you got other ways where I can just put them into a relative massive valuation. I just place all the stories in a sequence by increasing effort. If that's what I want to do, then and then I'm just going to break these down into lumps so you can do it that way. So different ways of doing it as put down here story points or hours. Standard way story points. Students often lapse back into hours. Sorry, points is more universal. It's easier to do. Sounds a bit complicated. It's easy. And then when you're doing the prioritisation. So this is what I had for the last year. But so what di. But I could use any kind of attributes. So here I go. Customer value dependency effort. Raise risk productivity. Revenue. Anything you like. On that question I was asked, see, I could have I can pull existing features so I could have my new features, but I could be working on bugs or any of the tech stories, or I could be doing spikes because I need to do some research to find some things, some stuff out before I can even get into the product. So I can have every anything in the backlog. Okay. Anybody got any questions? Because then I'm going to give you this exercise. So how are you going to go? So we'll put you into into rooms for this you in your groups. And there's a chapter if you get the right answer to this book, let me do is show you six pictures of cars. We'll do this before we go into the rooms and you have to work out which car costs, which amount. So what you can do in your team. So it's kind of like the planning poker thing. What are you going to do, sell that car? Well, I think that car is worth loads of money. That car is worth less than what is worth less. So if that's the sequence, these would be my votes and someone else's. I know. I don't know. I think I want more expensive. You're going to have a little bit of a haggle around which car is worth which amount. And if your team gets all of them right, you get a chocolate. Sound good. If the people are online, then they can do virtual chocolate. So I think I'm going to be oh, chocolates when they turn up in the last week or whatever like so everybody understand. So for each car you're about to see, the answer is one of those numbers. I did this a couple of years ago. Haven't I haven't changed it for inflation. So if you think about two years ago, what would these cars worth? This is thousands of dollars. So $250,000, up to 800,000. Tensions unstable. Interesting. What happens? So up to $800,000 for a car. Okay. So we're going to look at the car. So it goes through the cost of us and I'll put you into teams your 5 minutes to have you haggle. So I just remember I say you must you need one, two, three, four, five, six things with those amounts of money on. And you just going to say, I think that car is worth that amount that comes with that amount. But you've got to as a team, you've got to agree. So it's just simulating that sprint planning thing as near as I can in a nice, easy task. So the first one, this is the car I drove in in today, the Lamborghini Aventador. How I, I splashed that. I went for the convertible. How much do you think that is? So in your teams now, that's the first one. And then I have my Saturday car, which I sometimes take out the Porsche Carrera. Yeah, that's why I said that's why it's the Saturday car. It's not so expensive. Or when it was two years ago or two years ago in New Zealand. I did this for this for the students two years ago. So the prices are probably going up by ten or 15% since then produce. Yeah. So 49 and everybody's got one of these. I have four Rolls-Royce. Phantom. Yeah. Sometimes take sometimes take this out on the motorway. Just to the poor people at Miami. Yes. They got the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Then I sold this last week for the Ferrari to boot, so it was just a little bit too slow for me these days. How much is that worth in New Zealand? Aston Martin, my wife's car. She quite like this. She's just got a thing about James Bond. You needed a little run-around just to take it to and from. And the last one, the Bentley Continental. When we are touring around Europe, this is the one that we put in a personal plane to take over there so we can cruise down the Riviera. Okay. Everybody got the idea. So in your teams now, I'll give you 5 minutes to work out what the answer is, which is in itself. Yeah, that's right. So at this point, no idea what excuse I'm saying. So you can you just put your group number. So which group are you and your husband? And I found which number? You. Just edit your name. I don't know what this is, so I just. We need someone in group from the team and someone from group one open up, and we need someone from group four to open up who has water in that same. Wait, no, wait. Hello? Who has. Well, who has water in that same water. That's connect four down here. Which, which group is. He is sure to talk to. Each connect goes out and I find the right is each group unified on this side of the world side which which group you want to bring up next valve on. Is everything to do with it. I think iPhone is not watching for another iPhone. What age group are you in? I actually have more work. Yeah, I. Oh, okay. So, group for this group. He's group forwards. We have group for that. You need to join the zoom so you can get Mohammed into yours across a yellow rich group. You have to go through to the left. Obviously this is a test. First of all, let me tell you what I think teams are going to address. So if you can submit this. Right. Everybody ready and got your answers ready. So do we trust each other or do you want to share your answers with each other? So somebody else, months in which I'm using some emoji because maybe there are chocolates on this. So it's quite serious. If you trust the other teams just to make their own papers. Everybody. Everybody good. It's all good feedback that. Here. And. Everybody really even. So my Lamborghini that I drive in this morning, $800,000. I won't get along. And I much prefer green, actually, but yellow is quite nice. It's hard to lose. And they come up like this and say, okay, yeah, 100,000. You can be the second loan. My cheap weekend car, only 250,000. Amber, I said I've got four, so I'd give you a bit of clue. It's a Rolls-Royce. It's actually very expensive. 700. Can't see why you'd want to buy one of those unless you were just status hungry. Really the Ferrari, the one that I sold for 15 years. You get two Porsches for a Ferrari. Why don't we have the Aston Martin? My wife's car, 300 cars, which must mean a Bentley is 350. My Toorak. So did I need to do anything and get all the answers right? How good a team were you? I'm thinking I think that's one 800 806 on the second. Yeah. So how did you get right after 902. So two right here. I mean, you get zero zero. That's impressive. We also got a zero. Oh, didn't think you didn't finish. How can you not finish? So back to two. So two at the moment. And so we had three. So you be the winners then? How do we believe the guys when they said they got three? Which which three did you get? Which three did you get? Good or bad? You got it. Treat yourself to a chocolate. So anything I was going to do today was if you wanted to go through a assignment to. So I got through assignment to anybody. Got any questions for assignment to. Otherwise. That's it for today. So I'll just put assignment two up. This. You got any questions on it? So. To stop the up. So I need to show you a change in ownership, especially when you think. That's not to change. I'd like to say that I made an actual order and I said I would just be on the prioritisation. So what? What I'll see is, as you do that, to start with, you'll have to they'll be in a list and order. They will give them, say, number one, two, three and then you'll prioritise them and I'll see I'll see you jumbled up. So this is the, the question for assignment two. So if anybody's got any questions about it, if not. They're pretty clear about it. So the five opinions. Just trying to think about a IOU. So it's worth ten marks. So this should show you. It's a quite important bit, as we said, right. The start. Don't overthink it. So you don't have to do like detailed analysis. This is just five different people. And how how do they express the issue that you have? It's not about I've got this product and these five people think it's great. We get zero marks if you do that. What are they trying to achieve? Are they hungry? If they want a cake. They're hungry. Okay. Where are they? Hungry when they hungry? How do they buy stuff at the moment? What do they buy at the moment instead of the thing that you're trying to sell them? That kind of idea and the product vision mimics. That's what we said. That's what it's all about. Product vision is a template for that. So fill in the template. Now remember the template. I remember I had two, two screenshots of the same thing you did that last time in a brief proposal. So struggling with that word. Brief, free, free, free, free, free. It's only worth three months. That's worth ten months. This is worth three months. And there are five things. So they're going to be like sentences almost. Yeah. So how many potential customers do you think you have? I'm going to make a cake and I'm going to sell it for $10, $20, $100, $1,000,000. I'm going to make cars and sell them for 800,000. What's the likely price? What's the market trend? Do you think this is a booming area? Do you think it's going to be improving or not? And who's already working in this? So if I'm going to make cakes. Who else already sells cakes on campus? I'm going to have to go and do some depth in depth survey and I have to go to all the eateries on campus and try a cake just to see how much they are and whether they're any good, because that's the kind of guy I am. I like doing market research like that. So it's either of these 20 places and their typical prices are these. So therefore I would need to sell for this amount in this area. Yeah, the product backlog that we talked about. So this is where you write up your stories. So typically you're going to have the story, you're going to have a definition of done and then you're going to prioritise. So using a relevant framework such as I don't have to use by a dive is a good answer. And that slide I had where we could do different things as well. Then a product roadmap, which is the thing I showed you last week, where we had the themes across the top and we had the iterations and the side. And we put the stories into the various slots. And then what you do is you then say, Well, I know the effort of all of the stories. So I added up what is the capacity of my team? So I'm assuming it's ten people and they can all do two stories a week. And therefore, that's number of story points is eight, whatever, whatever it is. Then you say, Right, how much do all of these stories add up to? Can I do that? If I come up with 100 points of stories and I've only got 50 points worth of effort, that's not very good. So we just. Do you think like this. So is it achievable yet feasible? One Mark doesn't need to be locked, so I'm just putting the stories. So I'm going to give it a number, put them in a little grid, show that show the total show the capacity. So it. And this is the question where we had for five marks. Question was when will you do this? When I said, ideally, you do it three days before, but practically you'll probably do it the morning of next Thursday. So saying. Because you'll do all of this. And when you get to the end, you said, Oh, you know what, I maybe should have made some more observations or I should have done this or I should have done that. And it's too late to do it now because you've already written all this up. So this is how would you change any of these processes? So how did you do your observations? Would you done them in a different way? Would you have looked at it in a different hat on your product vision? Was it very good? Could you change the vision? That kind of stuff, yeah. So maybe this course is all about thinking. So a critical reflection. Critical evidence. What evidence do I have that I did a good job? Have I got a good output? Does it meet the criteria? If I've shown it to someone else, what did they think? Has the protocol good feedback? Do I get a good vibe from it? Is there any literature that says this was a good way of doing it? If I used Qf D was that a good way I use Moscow was a bit average. Those kinds of things. Yeah. Critical reflection. How would you do it differently? So let's say anybody got any questions you have until next Thursday? We meet again next Monday. So if anyone's got any other questions you can ask me on Monday if nothing we've done. Okay. See you next week, guys. So your line up here is only six seats we need to include, like a citation.

# Week 6

All right. Good morning, everybody. How are we? This beautiful day halfway through? Goodness me. Well, this will be the end of this week. The excitement never stops. So hopefully you're starting to get an appreciation of the Agile world. Start recording for the Zoom people. So today's lecture is all about Scrum methodology. So Scrum is an Agile methodology, and we do it, if you like, halfway through the course because the focus has to be on the mind set. Hopefully you've got this way of thinking. Scrum is an example of one of the flight protocols, methodologies that you can adopt if you're doing our job at the front. But you can do everything that I'm about to say in a completely non agile way and kid yourself that you're doing Agile. So this is the key thing you need to remember. So everything you're about to see you can do, but you won't be agile unless you apply the agile mindset. So that's the key thing I'd like you to remember as we go through this, it's what we do select right? So fast feedback page 5.10 in the modules from last week and probably you don't need to reminder of this assignment. Choose two on Thursday. Obviously that also goes with the reflection about how things have been for you. So remember, try and use that digital infrastructure and see how you go there. But so for this lecture focusing on Scrum, why do we do that? Scrum is about two thirds of companies when they're adopting Agile. Would you say Scrum? Why? Cause it's easy. Yeah, it's one of the easiest methodologies is one of the first ones that was used in me, one of the FBI projects, which is where it was really proven. Lots of companies go on from Scrum because if you apply Agile, remember the Agile mindset, continuous improvement, respect to continuous improvement. Someone has an idea, says, Oh, why don't we do this? Absolutely. Why don't you go for it? So you start off with Scrum and then you develop and change and adjust. Yeah. So it's just a starting point, not necessarily where you end up. These are some of the alternative alternative methodologies that you could adopt. So scrum down here in in red Kanban is we'll talk about that a little bit later in the course extreme programming is one of the first ones ever to come up but you might have come across any and all of those if you're into the IT world. Scrum is kind of a generic one. Kanban is one that everybody who does manufacturing would know all about. Yeah, so just different methodologies to take away from that slide. One of the key things Member Agile is founded on the lean principles of respect and continuous improvement. That's it. So if people are respected, they'll tend to be happy. If we're taking on board their views, allowing them to adjust and to control in inverted commas, their environments, they're going to tend to be happy. So one way we do this, obviously we can get into all the very technical ways of doing this. And if any of you have worked in a place where they have various surveys, engagement survey once a year kind of goes a little bit path. So if you were to do this now, so scale of 1 to 5, how do you feel about this course? So where one is not very good and five is very good. How would you say you are at the moment on this course? You just do this so you can put your hands up. What do you what do you reckon you are? You want you were five. You're three. What are you going to be a to? You'll be very careful how you do two. So this is typically what we do. So go for it. What do you think? What do the people in line think? Yeah. So hold up your hands. What do you think you are? Okay, you five for three. What are you. What are you just nervous about giving any kind of feedback? Yeah, a couple of three fourths. Well, two people undecided in the front, but it's morning. So typically what we would do this in the we're doing this in a stand up and people are much less afraid of doing stuff because they get to know each other. You create that environment where there is no no fear. That's one of the key things. Remember, psychological safety is one of the key, key things. So it is typically what we do. We actually monitor how people are feeling in the environment because the crucial thing, if you're going to start adopting Scrum is people have to be engaged. If they're all disengaged, nothing is going to happen. You can do all of these things. Nothing's going to happen. People have to feel safe. They have to feel like they can put forward an idea without being criticised. This is kind of the key thing. So typically this is what we would do, right? And then when we get to the end, what would you change? So we positively ask people. And this is the team member that is now a leader as such, telling them what to do. There's a coach saying we should come up with this. What would you change in the next sprint? So we're actively looking for the team to change things. She's very different to the corporate world. How many of you actually work for a living? But it's quite normal for the boss to say, Oh, I'm sorry, we just can't change at the moment. Yeah, I hear what you're saying, Steve, but we can't change that because we have to do it like this, because God says this is how it should be, and therefore we need to keep it keep it like this. And there's a lot of inertia to change things. Agile is all about adapting to change. Yeah. So we're always trying to improve, which means we might make mistakes so we can try stuff and we can go back to the worst thing we can do is never change. Okay, so this is the first thing and you'll find this on your teams, right? The teams that do well in the assignment are the happiest teams. Well, the teams that get really grumpy and they start sounding off to me about each other, which is quite normal. Oh, I've got this guy. My course, Steve. He's really terrible. He keeps telling me what to do. He won't do what we say. We have meetings and he is really quiet when he shouts to us what you can do about it. I kind of go, Absolutely nothing. What are you going to do? Because it's your team. This is the real world. The real world, man. There are no member from last time. There are no bad people, only bad processes. So one of my suggestions, she's got a talking stick. I went on a walk at the weekend and the guy had a real talking stick. Yeah, literally a stick in the face of people talking on it, saying you have to have a stick to be able to talk. And I've had to do that before. Now in meetings where I've got people get really excited is an issue. Holding something like this you cannot speak you have to listen to is en masse should be listening twice as much as you talk. That is the key. So the job of the Agile coach or the Scrum Master is to create the environment where people feel safe. So the schools should be going up. Now, a test for you now up to 9:10. So you're not used to doing test this early in the morning. Okay. So what are you going to need for this? So ideally, I have some paper here. So if you need paper, unless you've got a piece of paper to write and you need a pen and paper. What paper? And you put everybody got paper or need paper. Need to pay. Okay. Thank you. Okay. So. But you take some of those. But this interview is actually got anybody here. Anything that you can take somebody. You guys need any anybody need paper? Yep. I just need a pen. Now, it's crucial here that you listen and you don't. You don't automatically invent a better way. Because if you invent a better way, you won't get the learning. So you need to do exactly what I say. Everybody clear, everybody listening. Member to ears or mouth. If you're talking, you can't be listening. What I want you to do, you're going to prove to yourself why Agile is four times better. Look, come on in. Do you have some paper? Hello? Hello? Do you have some paper? What do you need? Paper or pencil? Need some? Okay. You got it. Do you need a pen? What I would like you to do. On your if you've got a phone or if you've got the clock out, if you put up your timer, I think it's lost of here. See if I can bring it back. Yes. There. Let's do it this way. Students. What I would like you to do. So you see the list of stuff on the board that I'd like you to do the first time, right? Having it right. Is to go across the page and in three columns right there. So you're going to go across the page. You're going to write one, then a. Then the Roman numeral one. Then you're going to write two and B, then the Roman numeral for two and three, then C, then three. Everybody got that. So you're going to cross the page writing and if you note down the time. So this is compute purely competing against yourself. So I want you on the piece of paper to go across the page, write down the numbers and letters and note how long you take everybody clear what they want to read you. That's right. Everybody got it. Nice and simple. Ready? Did he go? Don't put it. Just make a note of your time. High fashion, it would be just competing against yourself on this. Okay. Everybody done that this time. I want to I want you to do it so exactly the same thing, but the way you probably naturally do it, which is go on to ten ACG, I want a ten ready set. And you just got to count your time. And she's going down the columns. Yep. Ready? Steady. Go. Okay. I've written that. What do you notice about the two times? The second time is faster. How can it be faster? You did exactly the same stuff because it's a system you already use to really change the system that you used to, you know, kind of kind of the second part of the sequence is. Yeah. The first time you have to think. I think that's kind of what you're saying. The first time you have to think or you change context. Well, they've done they started this IBM. And what IBM said was whenever you do anything like run a project, do a task, and you change context to think about something else, you lose 15% of the available time a little bit. You go from here to here, you lose 15%, and you go from here to here, you lose 15%. So typically, people take twice as long the first time as the second time. This is why you can't text and drive. Because for 15% of the time, at least, you're not doing anything. You're not texting. And you're not driving. You're switching. Changing? Yeah. Isn't that scary? So for when you put this into project mode, so this could be for a chocolate. For a chocolate, if you were doing five projects at the same time. Five projects at the same time, how much slower would you be to complete those five projects than if you did one project? Then the next project. Then the next project. Then the next project. Then the next project. How much slower would you be? Chocolate for the first one answer are 2020 times, 20 times quicker. Slower, depending on which way you look at it. Ain't that a scary number? Thank you. So when your boss tells you to just do five things at the same time, you just say to them, You know what? I won't do that. I'll complete it 20 times quicker and I'll have the rest of the time up for the holiday. It's crazy, right? People say, Well, you have to do multiple things at the same time because it's much more efficient. Really it's quite a lot of people said know 20 times 20 times you just do the math. Just do the math. Yeah. So. Because I lose 15% every time I switch, I lose five times 15, 75% of the time he's gone. Nothing, nothing is being done 75% of the time. So if I'm doing five projects, I'm only doing something 5% of the time. Eight ain't that scary. But we kid ourselves because. Oh, but we're being really busy. Yeah. And you do loads of re work and you miss loads of stuff and you make mistakes. So first law of Agile is only do one thing at a time. Well, so we don't pre allocate tasks. We say, Mama, we ain't going to do that. What we're going to do is we're going to have a list of all the tasks and you volunteer to do one task. And when you finish the one task, you do the next task that you've chosen to just. Scary. Now, all students find this really hard because they go, No, no, I want to have one meeting at the start the week, and I'll agree with everybody what I'm going to do and I want to choose the best five tasks I only take half an hour to do and all these things to do, the five tasks that take two days to do. And that's it. And what happens is you do those and then you come back and say, Oh, you know what? I found this thing out over here that affected all the things that you've done, and we need to redo all the things you got. Oh, that's pretty terrible, etc. All because we need to complete things in priority sequence for adding the most value and ensuring against risk. So if this was a really risky thing and we needed to find this out, it's pointless. Just planning on and doing all this stuff needs to finish this one first before we did those. So even though you think it's efficient to be doing things at the same time? Not necessarily. Not necessarily might be more efficient for the whole team to work on that one thing to finish off as quickly as possible before they went on to other stuff. So this is where hopefully you're getting with the assignment to write this concept of ensuring against risk. It's very different to waterfall risk, waterfall risk of this task. I'm going to do I'm going to take this whole what's the chance of it raining or so on a one in five chance of it raining. Okay. Well, I'll take this whole during February because that's when is least likely to rain. That's waterfall risk. Agile risk would be. And is there any value in digging this hole earlier? Well, yeah, actually, if we take this whole earlier refined oil, the whole project's off. So because this is a high likelihood of finding oil when we dig this. Also, we want to dig this hole in June. Oh, yeah, but it might, right? Yeah. Yeah. But if we dig the hole in June and we find oil the whole rest of the project off, I'm going to change our project entirely. Different way of thinking about risk, but just a different way of thinking. So we want to try and do all the important urgent stuff right at the start. And we want to do one thing at a time because it's more efficient. So this is the thing I was referring to. So this is from IBM. Gerald Weinberg looking at projects. And this is, if you like, any any students of psychology would want to take that. The other thing is, when you go to online, whether you go and shop Pak'nsave Countdown, New World in town and you go there and you can always get the details and there's the teller there and everyone always goes, Oh, there's a teller that I'm going to go to the the self-checkout thing you can. That's what we do now is you go to the self-checkout and that again ends up being a big kick. Do you notice that that. Q It goes from being really small to really big, really, really quick. It's not like a slow build. It kind of all doesn't. I want to and, you know, go suddenly there's a huge kid. Why is that queuing theory? Anybody ever study maths at school? Do queuing theory? I did this at what we called a I'm a dinosaur, right? We used to do a thing called A-levels in school and we it queuing theory on this and it it proves that this is true right. It's a probability once you get to 80% load, the probability of the queue being infinite increases exponentially. So by the time you'll, you'll queue you'll be all sorry your resource is completely busy. Queue time is infinite. This is the curve. Anybody who does manufacturing knows this, right? We never plan factories on 100% utilisation. Bosses do that because bosses aren't very clever because they say, oh, if you're only 80% utilised, I could get an extra fifth out. Brilliant. So you need to be 100% utilise not go. Yep, but they're going to burn out. And when I get that rush job that you know the patient who's got just having a heart attack say sorry, can't have a heart attack right now. We're busy. Can you come back a bit later? Can you kind of schedule your heart attack, please? I got this mad, but this is how bosses think because they look at the bottom line and they say, oh, utilisation is the key thing. So, you know, it's not an agile response is the key thing, because remember, it's a changing environment. So we need to do things as quickly as possible. Yeah, we're trying to get ahead of the game. We're trying to find out what the faults are. We don't want to be highly efficient. That's the waterfall game. What we want to be is highly responsive. We want to do the right stuff. We want to get the right ideas. You want the right people in the room. So therefore we plan on 80% utilisation. We throw away 20%. Why is that? Okay, now, when that person has a heart attack, we can cure them, treat them. Hopefully we can cure them. Right. So you see at the moment in the health service, if you you from the health service, once it gets overloaded, what happens? All people have to stay in the ambulance is can't even get into the hospital. They get into the corridors on their trolleys, gurneys or whatever you wanna call them. Why is this where we've got perfect utilisation of the hospital? They don't have breaks. We've got perfect utilisation. I've got all these people dying. Not details, details but highly efficient. Get a question. What if market for smart people or avenues for the customers of that that would make the the business of the resource load because it there's multiple routes so that's why supermarkets put in the self-checkout because I said, well if I define it for you have to go through a physical checkout with a cashier that's really slow. So I'll give you this alternative slot where I can put on ten terminals, but you can go and check yourself and you're not now waiting on the resource. The trouble is they're not. And maybe it's just me and it says, Oh, I think you're using a bag or you didn't bag that properly. Oh, this is alcohol need. And it gets really annoying because then the one person who's looking after those ten checkouts is now into blue arsed fly mode and they have to go to all the checkouts to try and do it. So you're back to the same problem system they tried in England and you can do it in, certainly in Queenstown and the bays I've seen it whereby you actually have a scanner and if you guys have seen this, if you have a scan of new scanner stuff as it goes into the trolley, that's the best way of doing it. But then you have to trust people. Do you trust people? You do. If you're in Queenstown, not sure. In Auckland I think to do things you have to put all the problems there. No, no, no. You scan as it goes. So you scan, put it in, scan, put it in, and then you get the reader as it's going through. And then you just that's it. You just pay for it. Complete trust, right? Because this concept seems to be applied in service industry. But when it comes to the manufacturing industry, where do they share that because they're operating 34%? Oh, you can operate 24 by seven. You just can't operate 100. But you can't work at 100%. So the point is you can't. If you work at 100% utilisation, you will have a queue. That's the point. So you can absolutely do 100% utilisation. You'll just have a queue. So when someone comes in and says, I need you to do this is a rush job, you say, Sorry, come, so you can work 24 by seven. You can work at 80% utilisation. It still means you've got spare capacity. So the two things are different. You. Just just to add to what you say. You say your efficiency has spiked. You were. You were. But you were working at 12 hours, right? You switch that you. Then how does this model exist in that context? Yes. Accused because you have the same set of resources utilised at that point in time. But if you double that, then what happens? I'm not sure I understand you. So. So what we're talking about here is the slowness to respond. Okay. So if you look quickly. So if you if you just double the resource, then you suddenly only got 50% loading. So you're back down here. Right. So you've got zero. So if you increase the amount of resource, which is what they're trying to do now. So at the moment another example and then example. So Auckland bus company cancels 1000 buses every day. That's on the news today. Why do they do it? Because I'm going to drive this. So if you're the person standing at the bus stop like me this morning. Sorry, your boss is not here. You will now wait 20 minutes. So I'm in here because they haven't got enough resource. So I pay the price and at least a thousand times. I mean, you can get on a bus. A bus is probably 100 people, maybe. Certainly 50. So 50,000 people every day experiencing this feature. Yeah. Of lack of resource. So it's okay if you like, mate. Oh, well, I'll get the bus three before I actually need to. So I get there on time. But if you're not like that, if you're in your student syndrome mode, student syndrome, do it at the last possible moment. Right. So I'm going to get the last possible bus [INAUDIBLE] now by saying here. I won't go to the lecture today. It's that kind of stuff. So what happens in manufacturing? So I'm from manufacturing. We'd always plan all the factories on 80%, everything on 80% plan on 80%. I didn't mean it would be 80%, but you can be on that because at some points like you say, you got 100% because suddenly something broke and so suddenly, oh, okay, I can go up to 100% brilliant, which means I don't because I planned on 80%. The Q might become a little bit longer in the short term, but it will come back to hit. So that's the key. So it because I plan on 80. I can cope with the overloads, but if I can't, if I don't have any spare capacity, I'm stuck. She said, seeing the same with nurses and stuff like that. So will the hospitals a lot because they've got no nurses, no resource. Got to have some resource or make sure people aren't getting sick. Could be the way. Hey, so think about this. So this is why in Agile we say no, no, we don't want to plan on 100%. That's foolish. Yeah, it means you're going to fail. You can eat it, you can either have things on time, or you can have 100% utilisation cheap. So productivity. Productivity is a combination of four factors. So availability, utilisation. So I need to have people available so my bus drivers aren't available. So the first thing I need to have is bus drivers, right? Next thing I need to look at is utilisation. So am I using them as much as I could? And I'm saying that should be 80%. If we're trying to have an agile system, then on the right at which they work. So I might have somebody use utilised, but they want to be doing anything. Okay. And if physically sitting at the desk so often, obviously never in this class, but I could have a student sitting at the desk asleep. Right. Is that efficient? No, because the rate is zero. And you would all have gone into companies like this for this. Oh, yeah. The focus is on you got a clock on on time. And if you're a minute late, that's serious. And if you clock off a minute late, that's sorry. I mean it early. That's serious. But you must be here at 9:00 and you must leave after 5:00. Now, if you're here and do absolutely nothing, that's fine because you're physically here. Brilliant, because that's what we test. I worked for the Kobe line and that's what they were looking at. So. Oh, yeah, we want to check when all the people log on, make sure they log on before time and they log off after time. And I said, I don't care. What I want to do is to measure the output. How many calls do they answer? How do they answer them in the time that they should have done? And did they get a good outcome if they came in one minute late and left 3 minutes early? I don't care if they did what they were supposed to do, if they added value while they were here. And it's really easy to lose this, particularly when you're a boss, you're gone. And we have to have these standards. Everybody has to be here. And I'm very old fashioned. And the last one, which is probably the most important one quality. So not only did they do something, but was what they did. Right now, this is where it gets really scary. In Agile. What we do is we define the definition of done first. This is why it's so important on your assignment too, because you say, Right, well, if I don't know what I'm doing, what the test is, how do I know I'm doing it right? So I've absolutely got to define the test first. So when I say it's done, it really is because otherwise it comes back, Oh, you did this last week, Steve, but you're doing it again. Oh, yeah. I found some extra two little bits that I hadn't done, so I had to come back and do it. Oh, so loss of context, 15% wasted time. Come back. Another bit of research. If you make a mistake and you fix it straight away, that's the that's the baseline it takes and units of time to do that. If you do something, then go do something completely different and then come back to it later on to fix it. How long does it take, do you think? So you've had a chance to completely lose all of your all of your brain cells about it. So if I said to you guys, now I need you to go back in and rewrite assignment one you become, huh? Right. How long do you think it would take to do that? At least I compare compared to the first time. Compared to the first time, you know, not three quarters. It's much higher. She's for a chocolate milk 75. That's way more. That way. More than two times. 20 times. He was that 20 times the same number? 20 times. You can try this for yourselves if you like. Make a mistake. Forget about it. Come back to it later on and see how long it takes you to fix it. What they do in Agile a lot of the time these actually have to people do the job because what we've found is, even though that's highly inefficient, highly inefficient, if you've got someone looking over your shoulder while you do something, they spot the mistakes as you're doing it and you fix it. One of those ones that I mentioned, XP, that's one of the key things that we'll talk about that next week. So you actually over resource things, so people are checking as you go. I used to do this a million years ago. Didn't want to know what a Hollerith card is. Kids of today in when when computers were invented, they didn't have keyboards, they had punch card readers. And a Hollerith card is a card literally physically economy. It's got holes punched in it. Nice square holes. My mom used to do these for cancer research. That was her job. Take the take the notes and you get this card and you go, what on earth is that mean out of that? But you put it in this card or it and it reads it in and it comes up with a program. That's how they used to how they used to do all this kind of fun. Really, really, really scary stuff. Anyway, when she used to do that, to check it, to make sure she'd punch the holes in the right place, you should get two people to do it at the same time. And if they punch the same thing and they check them, then it was good. Cause otherwise and I used when I was 16 weeks and I was at school, we had to do this. So we would literally put out a. Now you get a form and you tick boxes to say what? Whether to punch it or to not punch that kind of thing. So we would do that and send it to the University of Birmingham and they would put make it into a holiday card for us, then that submit the program and run the program. And of course the next week you would get it back on the first line. You made a mistake, so none of it ready to go. So you had to redo the whole card. So they found this was really bad when it came to cancer research. So they don't really want to say someone was sick when they weren't or weren't when they were. So we'll get two people to do it at the same time. Yeah. So we know absolutely guarantee that they've either both made the same mistake. Highly unlikely. Possible, but highly unlikely. But we'll check them. So this is what we do in Agile. Sometimes you will get more, more than the right number of people to do the job so that we get absolute guarantee quality because of this productivity thing. So yeah, we're halving the rates, but we're doubling the quality. Yeah. We got to think of it like this way of reducing the rate, but we've got 100% perfect output now. So as long as the people have turned up and they've got a keyboard to type on or whatever, we've got perfect output. What's the value of that compared to. Well, lots and lots of stuff that might be wrong. Like for me it was a week to read it. So my by-line here, so producing the wrong stuff very efficiently. A high speed is not productive. This is what I try to teach your bosses. So for my for my sins, I help companies improve their performance. So I always look at quality first. Are you actually producing good stuff? Yeah. So those of you who've asked me to get feedback on your assignments really good, because what you're doing here is pushing up the quality. There's no point writing your whole assignment and then sending it to me for me to give you a D or whatever. It's a complete waste of time for everybody. Whereas if you give get feedback is, Oh, I made a mistake. Okay, well, I can fix it. And that's right, I can give you a plan of it. What I'm going to do, I can give you bullet points. Yeah. So what we're doing is we're pushing up the overall productivity. This is the concept of Agile. So SCHWAGER and Sutherland presented Scrum at a conference. I remember the word scrum came from the new new product development game, which was, I think 1997. So eight years later. So what they said. Complex adaptive problems. So this is where the environment is uncertain. You need to change what you're doing to match the changing environment. This is the key for Agile. Remember the Snowdon grid, if you like the left hand side. Complex and chaotic. If it's just complicated. So just need to think about it for a lot of rules. Fine. You don't need to adapt. You might make mistakes, which you need to fix. That's a different matter. But you don't need to adapt what you're doing. Whereas I think you need to adapt to lots of I.T., particularly now. You know, it's just moving so fast. But what you produced last week is out of date and you need to have something different. So they said Scrum is lightweight, simple to understand, difficult to master. So when you say I don't get Scrum and this is what they said 20 years ago. Yeah, it's lightweight and it's simple to understand. This is the bit I would agree difficult to master. This is true of lean as well. Lean is going to got to principles. Yeah. Respect. Continuous improvement. How simple does that get? Try doing it when somebody is disagreeing with you and in your face. And you've got to respect them. Cause that's what it says on the tin. So you've got to listen through all of the challenge to try and find out what the actual problem is. That's hard. It's really, really hard, which is why all the students always complain to me. At least one group will complain to me about I've got Steve in my group and he's a real pain. Like I'm lucky. What's the problem? That's what you've got to deal with. What is the problem? Okay, so it's process framework where you can read all this yourself. This is just a straight quote out of it. So basically what they did was they came out and said, well, we're going to we're going to it. The FBI and the FBI had. It was just after 911. And they had to go using waterfall to try and adopt what they called the Sentinel, which is a bit of software whereby if one agency reported someone was a bit dodgy, the other, the rest of the agency would know about it. It was as simple as that. We want to have this reporting system so everybody knows when we go to terrorists, everybody knows about it because we don't have a system like that back then. So because we actually knew about these bombers over here and these guys, you could could've done something about it. Didn't know that those guys knew about it. So we want to fix that too. Goes spending loads of money using waterfall. I just gave up because it was too hard. And then Sutherland said, Because now you've got a burning platform. What we need to do is we need to stop these bombers. We've had to go in and failed. Can you will we give this another another bash? And he said and even worse than that, what we've done before is we've used external agencies who knew what they were doing and they failed. What we're going to do is we're going to do this in-house with in-house resource. So we're not going to have God's gift to programming from whatever consultancy to do this. We're going to have our own people do it. And you know what? We're going to have less. We're going to have less people who are in-house versus lots of clever consultancies outside doing this. I managed to succeed. So that's why Scrum became so popular, cos it worked. Now the reason it worked. Any reason they tried it was because the situation was so dire. So life and everything else has principles. Transparency. So we have meetings whereby everybody can share what they're doing. We inspect everything, and we're going to adapt. So we're always going to test. So everyone's going to tell everybody else what they're doing. Everybody is going to test. And we're fundamentally accepting that we're going to adapt as we go through. Yeah. So we have four events. So sprint planning and daily scrum sprint review. And the sprint retrospectives are just words to. We've mentioned these before, but we have these kind of meetings. Now, it's crucial that you go into these meetings with the right mindset. And the right mindset is respect and continuous improvement. So even though you've just done something and someone says, You know what, I don't think that's going to work. You can't get really angry with them. You have to say, Oh, why do you think that? That's hard. But I just spent three days doing this, and it's perfect. But I don't think it's going to work. So I think we might be need to do it again. Put a little twist on it. Oh, okay. Let's go for it. It's hard, right? That's why it takes so long to do. So this is a little graphic that I dug out of the Internet. Just trying to explain to you guys how it works. You can see this again on canvas. So we start with what we call the product backbone. So you're all doing this an assignment to so you know what the product is. Now, what we do is we present this product backlog, which is prioritised by the product owner to the team. Yeah. So this is the development team and they typically do the three C's. So for a chocolate, the three C's on. What was that? Sorry. Card conversation and. So close, so close. What you do when you go to Roman Catholic school, you get to be a Christian. What do they say on Star Trek? Because we see. That's Captain Poole, the head right rudder. We see. Confirmed. I'll give you the chop. And, like, two out of three ain't bad. I think it was meatloaf, wasn't it? So the three C so typically the product backlog is on cards could be electronic can't remember they're negotiable. Remember the investor acronym events. What was that? So both the N stands for negotiable, right? So the product line has written this stuff down. There's going to be a negotiation process. What does that mean? Oh, can we just add that word in? Brilliant. So we're having the conversation and we're confirming that what is in the product owner's head is now in the team members head because they're not just reading the words. Does that mean that? So this is handover process here. So we look through and then once we understand this, we go, oh yeah, we're get everybody happy on the team member. The thing we did last week, we can vote on it now through our poker or whatever. We know how much effort that is, part time. It's always going to take two days. We think it's actually going to take three days because we're the experts. Yep. So we can add it into our sprint backlog. Number one comes across number one. Brilliant. But now we've changed the time so we can add up to a total of up to 20 days worth of effort. So we've got 17 left. What's the next one? And we just carry on this process until my sprint backlog is for all the capacity that the team think they can do and what level of capacity should they be going for team right. Typically teams never do 80%. They always got a little bit more cause, oh yeah, we could do more because they're bullish. That's fine. But if you're going to more than 100%, you're probably going to fail. Yeah, probably going to fail. And what we do is we go through the sprints where we actually make stuff. Yeah. But what we have is every day we do a daily planning event. So this is. This is planning. Okay, I want of a better night, and every day we plan. Oh, well, I've got the sprint backlog. What is the most value I can do today? I will choose that job because I've just finished this job. So transparency tick, everybody. I finish this one got into the done pile. I've moved it across on my board. I'm going to choose the next one. I am now doing this. I put my put my face on it. Put my initials on it. You see your board. Typically in the real world, people have two faces. They put their default placement because they only because they're trying to have fun. It's all about fun. Yeah, I could just put my initials on. That's a bit boring picture of Daffy Duck because that's my photo right there because that kind of stuff. So every day we're reviewing. So at the Daily Stand-Up, the team talks to the team, the other members of the team. They don't talk to the Agile coach. They don't talk to the product owner. They talk to each other. And Steve stands up and says, I was due to do this and I finished it and I'm going to choose to do this one. So what did I do yesterday? Well, I finished what I was supposed to do. What am I going to do tonight? I'm going to do this one. What problems am I having? I'm not having any problems. That's it. 15 minutes of the whole thing of that process is quite clear. What do you do for fun? With no age limit that we have for assignment to you not doing this from getting in conflict. No, no. This is not the subject of assignment to you. You're not. You're not. No, you're not doing this at all. So your assignment to finish is here to bring back no product, actual product on you know, you're not getting into a sprint, but you haven't got a team to talk to, so you can't do the three CS, you just can't do it. So you're finishing here now when you go into Assignment three. This is what you will do with the 15. That's 24 to 50 minutes for the whole team. So if you've got typically ten people, you're only talking for a minute and you're talking to the other people. She's saying, Oh, yeah, I literally I finished this. I'm going to do this. I don't have any problems. I didn't wasn't able to finish this because I have a problem. Our team says, is it really complicated or not? Yeah, it's really complex. Right. We'll have a meeting to talk about the problem. Just pop that and we'll get on. So. So you're going to be talking about that later on? Yes, I am. No other problems. No other problems. So onto the next person. So it's quick? Well, it's quick. Uh, kind of no sign that the, the development team is the, is the scrum team. Yeah. So that's what they're doing. The product owner can come along but can't speak. They can. The team could ask questions of them for the product and you can just be there to watch on. And the Agile coaches there again, to watch the team to see how well the team are performing. But they don't partake in because they don't know anything about the content. They're not an expert. They're a coach. Cancel this out afterwards, guys. Yeah. You took you took 20 minutes for that meeting. How can we speed it up? You started talking about the problem. Don't do that. It's pocket. Talk about that afterwards. We need the team meeting needs to be 15 minutes so people can get on and add value. What we'll have is a meeting afterwards to talk about the problem. That's okay. Have meetings whenever you like outside those. But the Stand-Up, typically what you'll see is you'll have a clock on the wall and you'll actually highlight in red 10 minutes, or you'll start a countdown timer and people walk away after 15 minutes. At 50 minutes, I'm supposed to be adding value. I'm not supposed to be in meetings all day. Okay. So they can be they can be there, but they're not part of the meeting as such. Yeah, they they typically. So with all of these things. So I've, I've done this and we do it twice a day. So depending on the situation and if you were doing an engineering project, you might say, oh, we only use it once every three days because it doesn't change that fast because my task so much longer. So it's to suit the environment. But typically if it's a two week sprint, it would typically be a daily meeting. In other professions, you look at the interface between events. For example, you prioritise your main, uh, you know, activities that you'll see. But it does bring about. Now that preplanning between the sprint and pro, can you explain a little bit like how that transition works? Because you take the priority list and then you start working on the packages, right? It's when you say you. So what you meaning the scrum team. Yeah. So what happens is I've got the product owner who owns the product backlog. Yeah. The team own the sprint backlog. So there's a negotiation here. Right. And the way we negotiate is with the three C's. So the product owner says, here is my first card. And the team says, that's completely transparent. You've already explained it to us. We'll just confirm the time. So we do planning poker. That's the amount of time. That's number one in our sprint battle. Done. Now, the next one don't really understand that. Could you go into a bit more detail? Explain that. Sorry. You need to take that away. Come back product owner next time, because this is the time now. We don't understand it. It's just going in really quickly to understand it. Go away. We're going to look at the next one. So it's that kind of process. Right. So the prototype owner is suggesting to the development team that you're going to do it. Development team can say no because remember, it's all about the self-managing team. Self-managing team has to take responsibility if the product tone has come up with the story that no one understands. How could they take responsibility for it? They've got to estimate the time. They've got to commit it to their battle. They're going to say, Yeah, I'm going to do that two weeks. They've got no idea what it is. The only option you got is to say, Go away, come back, come back later. Some of the text suggests that the Scrum team also sits in the developmental. The part that they can't remember. We know we said last time. So anyone can come up with stories. Yeah. The product owner is the person that says they can go into the backlog. So the development team could easily make room together. Oh, yeah, I we can work out all the stories. Give them to the product owner. Now the product owner decides if they go into the product backlog or not. That's it. That's the crucial bit. So the product owner owns the backlog. The development team can't put stuff into the backlog. Okay. So that's the key. So what with the development team, they can add tech stories and stuff into their sprint backlog, but they are the sole owners of that product owner can be upset that they haven't put in in the sequence he wanted or she wanted, but the team own it because they're responsible for it. That's the crucial bit. So they go around here reviewing on a daily basis and they could say, Well, yeah, we originally we had all the stories in this sequence, but actually we want to move some up to move them down. This guy is finished. He's really good at that stuff. He's going to take that next one on so they can, because what they've said is they're going to do all in two weeks. They didn't say, we're going to do this one on this day because there's no pre allocation. What we said is now you're going to get all of that like two weeks doesn't matter to anybody else what the sequence is other than the development team. Product tone is happy because you are in two weeks. I get all that long. Something's going to be early. Maybe, but I can't guarantee you have anything for two weeks if they don't. So then basically that's so they've those stories. We just thought, well, we haven't done those for the unknown. And then we then what they would do is go back into the product backlog and then for the next sprint we've got to decide if we're going to try and do it in the next sprint or not. They don't automatically go forward. They just go back into the product backlog and the team would have a retrospective and say, why on earth would we agree to do that and then not do it? Because that doesn't look good. Did we take on too much stuff? Was it too hard to be not asking tough questions? What did we do wrong? Because we failed. That's it. Yeah. Stephen Dorff, quick question. Do you think so? What about if we give them something, tech, technology, software or something, and there's some expertise in producing this story that we need to. Topics from us to other tech lead to without sounding like tech stories and coming to this when you could do it, too. So either it could just be tech stories if you know what you need to do, but if you don't know what to do, then you could do the whole the whole sprint could become what we call a spike, where you just do the risk. So forget it. Forget it for a bit. We just need to go away and do later research, work out how to do this. So at this point, you get nothing. We're just going to do a, if you like, a tech sprint, a research sprint called a. So that's that's how you do it. So I decided to go back. Strictly propose to make sex the priority. Or should or she said no. Doesn't accept sex, sex, sex. The problem now when the timescales we talk about timescales to develop these prior. How does that and again go between the script planning and the script? So that's grooming. So that's what the product owner does. The product owner grooms the backlog all the time, so they're continually adjusting the prioritisation. That's their job. Yeah, that grooming process of evaluating the responses or what? What exactly are they doing? So he's he's talking to the customer probably, and saying, well, this is what's currently going on. So we delivered this chunk of on our scope last time. How's it going? And they said, Oh, you know, what? Would we really like to have this next? And the Puerto Ricans might say, Oh, well, that's a story that I thought was lower priority. Customers tell me it's higher power, so I need to move it up in the product backlog. So this is what the product owner is doing all the time, reviewing all the stories, adding new stuff, taking stuff away, changing the scope. The product development team don't care because they're looking at the Sprint backlog, which is fixed. Yeah. So the product line is doing whatever. No, the product owner might say, oh, well, I'm going through this. Can I have a meeting with the product development team to talk about this particular story? Because we need to get the story right. And that's separate to all of this. Yeah. So they can still talk to each other when we talk about here is this is they feel like the rigid structure because we saw I think a couple of weeks ago, we said all that kind of part of the team, but not really. So that they're independent in that they are they are God, if you like, because they say this is the priority. That's why it's agile, because it's one person. If I gave all of you the same stories, you don't come up with different priorities. So it's got to be one person, because otherwise you just spend all the time talking about it. So now we decided to go what we want and we want to have one person. So we've got to choose this product owner very carefully, make sure that the right person is going to do the right prioritisation for us. Yeah, that's it. And they're going to be closely connected to the customer if they're not the customer and they're going to be quite technical as well, because they've got to talk to the development team, they've got to explain it to the development team. So it's that kind of individual. But now that the Sprint backlog is owned by the team, it doesn't change. So the product owner can't come in halfway through and said, You know what, I've just got this brilliant idea and that's great. Check in the product backlog. We'll talk about it next time. That's it. Okay. Right. So then when we get to the end, so we just talked about when they don't do something that's called the Sprint Review. So what we do is we demonstrate everything that we've done. We don't talk about what we did on Monday. I did this and then on Tuesday I did this, and then on Thursday I did this. And then it was really bright and I had to readjust it. And I took none of that. This is what I finished. You press this button, it works. Yeah. I'm going to demonstrate the video. That's it. Demonstrate. Yeah, but I did all this huge amount of work. Don't care. I really don't care if you didn't. If you didn't finish, you can't demonstrate. So don't tell me what a really tough week you've had and you didn't actually manage to produce anything. If you didn't finish, you can't demonstrate it because it's not done. Show me when it's done. That's it. So it's quite harsh. I mean, this review, we only can demonstrate the stories that are finished or done in this moment. So it gets quite nasty because when you do this to people like me or a consultant says, Oh yeah, but look, I did all this brilliant stuff and they like to spin it, did all this brilliant work, and I found this out and found this in the families. Oh, she didn't actually do anything. Well, I did loads of work. Yeah, yeah. But you didn't remember working software rather than documentation, so absolutely has to work. What can you show me that works so I can give you feedback about it? That's the key. That's the review. And typically we have this kind of retrospective process. So the Sprint Review is looking all about often we call it the showcase where we demonstrate to people what we've done and then they will leave the room and then the team will talk about all the stuff that we didn't finish. Yeah. So what else was there in this in the Sprint backlog that we didn't do? Maybe we'll have a chat about that. So we didn't finish that. Didn't finish that. That's not a very good thing. What they'll do is go into the Sprint retrospective and this is where we talk about process. So remember the two principles of Lean. This is the continuous improvement bit. So this is where I'm going to go. This is where I'm going to talk about the. In a second where we're going to talk about the process that the team have been going through. So what did what worked well for the team? What didn't go so well was a priority setting. Really good. Did the Stand-Up go well? Did we? We were I definition is have done any good. Just the customer impressed. Did the customer come on time. All that kind of stuff. So physically looking at process. We look at what's going on here. So this is the Sprint retrospective. So this is you can do this in Waterfall. It's very unusual because you'd be reviewing the waterfall process itself. Often what we're doing Waterfall was doing lessons learned, which tends to be at the end of a phase or a stage or the end of a project. So it could be literally a year. I once did one for Genesis and it was literally a year after they'd finish the project and they said, Oh yeah, we want to do lessons learned for years. Oh yeah. So when did you do this? You did it last summer. Alright, can you remember last summer? Can you remember what you were doing? Was it good, bad, indifferent? They kind of got. Oh, I think it was all crazy. Literally, like you're doing your assignment. If you do it within a few hours of having done something, there's a value to it. But if you're doing it for what you did a year ago, you can you remember what you were doing a year ago? Tobit I think I think I was doing this online. Yeah, it's that kind of stuff. Yeah. You got to try and work it out. So because we're doing this regularly on a regular basis, so I did my demonstration. This is purely with the team now. No one else has left a job. Coach might sit in product time. It doesn't need to be that agile coach. We might sit in just to make sure people talk to each other about what was going on, how things went and typically what we get out of it. Remember we had it in the first slide. What were we going to change for the next sprint? So that's the key output of that. What are we going to change? And we need to put that whatever that thing is that we're going to change. We need to put that into our sprint backlog for next time. That's how you close the loop. So it now becomes a tech story or whatever on your input. And then you're going to go back into the process prototyping. And I wraps up again and sits right next to the next round of Sprint planning and away we go. So you can see that this is quite planning intensity. So all those people who say there's no planning in Agile don't have a clue, which we don't have less miles more planning in this because I'm planning so the prototyping or is planning continuously this is done once every sprint. This is done once every day. And then we do a review of what we've output and we do a review of the process. It's quite intense compared to a normal waterfront project where we just do all of that stuff up front. And obviously this is where we start to think about how long are sprints going to be because depending on how long the tasks take or the stories take. So how often do you want to do this? If the stories take, say, a week to do. It's kind of pointless having a week long sprint where we work for COVID response, we say, Well, yeah, we do stuff in like an hour, 2 hours. So we'll have we'll have a task every 4 hours, a review every 4 hours to see what we've got to do next, because the Ministry of Health are changing their minds about what we should be doing. Every hour on the hour. So we've got to fix it now. We're going to do stuff for 4 hours. Then they might have changed their mind completely and wanted to completely redo it all again. But that's fine. That's the job. So you quite quickly get into this mindset of just do this really well because it might be then lasting forever, but it might only last for 5 minutes. Just don't know. So this great review of the retrospective, the difference is that the retrospective is more like we physically look at what didn't go well or did we? The right retrospective is a process. That's the process itself. Yeah. The review is more what product. Product. A good question. So. So this just identifying set of squad team overall is the product of Scrum Master or the Agile Coach and the development team self-organising. We recognise the development team as being a separate entity. They're the people who are accountable for the delivery. Talked about the product, told her in previous weeks. Just going through just for clarity. But it is a person, not a committee, who is temptation. We just have two or three people to decide, not one person. Love it or hate it. That's how it's going to be. The committee is when you get back into order, slows the whole process down. The whole thing about this has to be dynamic Scrum Master or the Agile Coach. Their job is to make sure the team is working well. So the Nishi hold up the hand of the product and said, No, you can't speak to the people, you can't come in, interrupt the team. The team have said they're going to do this stuff. You can't come along with an extra task. Who is from that station. Because it's not a part of development. Right. Right. That often they're called agile coaches. But basically, you would call it a project manager. Most people, when you see adverts on seeking stuff like that, they'll either call them project managers or agile coaches. That's what they'll advertise for. But basically it's someone who's going to act as a coach and they're different to a project manager because they're people centric. They're not talk centric. The thing before they get into the. Meetings. Then the facilitator of the meeting. Yeah, but that's like once every. And then there are a few of but they can be with the team all the time. They don't have to just be there for the meeting so that they can be watching how the team are developing. Yeah, they can help the product owner because product owner might not know it to. So I'm going to help you because the agile coach knows about Agile so they can work with the product and say, Oh, I've got to come up with all these stories. How on earth do I do that? Well, you have to do it in this format and make sure that this is quick. You've got to come up with a definition of time. Yeah, all this kind of stuff, just taking them through this. So it's like a like an expert kind of role. And what they'll do is you'll find at the start of a project, they're pretty intense. Yeah. And as the team gets better and better, you need less and less of the agile coach. And they might just come along for some of the key, key events they have to taken. So they don't have to be technical like the development team and there's no no explicit requirements. Often it's better if they're not because they'll just observe the team and have a team working rather than trying to say, Oh, you didn't think of this technical thing. What you think of is technical. Just because the question would be, I was all the possibilities. How did you find that list? Who did you consult with? What is the ability for the Scrum Master to influence the product? So does the product owner come with an approach and say, This is what we want to do to get you into this? What was fixed stage? Yeah, now that the agile coach should be just the coach. So it depends how how well authentic the agile process is for the product owner should be customer facing and literally that's that's their world. They live with the customer and they're not all product for the team centric. Yeah. So the team decides what they do when they do it. Product owner comes up with a list of what they would like to have developed, and that's the focus. Obviously in the real world they can say, Oh, could you not do that first? So we'll need if it's high priority, we will. But the the influence that he or she influence the product will that at any stage that's all coach shouldn't do because they're not an expert on product. So that's the project manager. Yeah. Typically the project manager would do that of a project manager. I'm going to go and talk to the stakeholders and come up with my list of scope. Yeah. So this is very distinct. You know, we're splitting that role into people centric, but product centric but product centric to product owner people centric. But is the agile cultural scrum master. That very structure project manager typically has influence. Absolutely. They like to see that this. And said that they would have to lose that side. So this is why I say you can do Agile really badly. And you saw you had the project managers. Now the Agile culture where you go and you go, well, that doesn't work because they've got to stop talking to the customer. You got to stop. Can't talk to the customer. They can't create Skype. They can't tell the team what to do. And for most project managers, you can't tell the team what to do. Well, I'm so going to do. Okay. Just not doing the job. It's fine if that's what you want to do. Just call it some other world. Call it typically. They call it fragile or fragile. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, because it's just you just carrying on doing waterfall, but you're calling it agile. It's fine. If waterfall works fine, let's just call it waterfall and do waterfall. No problem with waterfall is a good process. But if you want this self-managing team that are dynamic, take on accountability for doing the work, you can't tell them what to do because they won't they won't tell you what to do. Well, you say I'm doing this because they told me to do. You had to volunteer to do this. Well, I don't want to volunteer to do this. I hate doing this and just doesn't just doesn't work, does it? So development team are typically up to nine people cross-functional. Key thing for me is typically when you do this to start with the need to be quite skilled. If you've got people who are multi skilled to start with, it's much easier if you go off and I said this last week, if you've got people who are just new to the job, it's a bit hard. So you've got to make decisions about how long this is going to take, but you don't know how long it's going to take. So it's much better if you got experienced people, some skills when you first first do this. But there are no sub teams, no titles, so you can't say, Oh, I'm the designer, so I'm going to do all the design tasks. I'm the advertiser so I can do all the advertising tasks. None of that. Multi-skilled teams can do anything. That's the concept, right? Soon as you have specialists, we're back into the waterfall world. Then it got to have this homogenous team. That's the ideal. So all of my stakeholders. So if we did have a project manager, these are the people that we'd be managing with the other project manager level. Typically, product owner would talk to them to get an idea of what the product needs to needs to be because they're, if you like, the mouthpiece into the team. So this is what we had before. Just the different views. This is the Scrum Institute. So updating the product backlog. So this would be the product owner and I buy sprint planning session, daily sprint meeting, sprint reviews. I could then deliver this because if I've got all this stuff that works, we could then say, Right, we'll actually start selling them. We can release it because it works, right? Because this test here definition of done said it was okay so we could release it. Then I could do my sprint retrospective and keep going around. It's just a continuous process and we'll play this out in a sec for you guys. So there's just some details about that initial meeting. So up to 8 hours when we do it normally it's quicker, but could be up to 8 hours. So this is what we talk about. I'll mention this to some of you. You've asked feedback off and what we do for each sprint. We put all the stories together. We come up with a goal. So the Sprint review that's the same question is under also separate review is where you look at the product. So everything that you actually made or didn't make and the Sprint retrospective is where you look at the process that you used to make it. So processes all of that stuff we just had. So this is your process. So you're reviewing all of those meetings. Do they work whereas the output is here? Yeah. So here's your retrospective and here's your review product process. Okay. Just a little bit. Defending the spin off often. Yeah. Yeah. So you you certainly have the product tone of that. And we typically invite the customer to be beta, depending on how busy that. But they wouldn't be there for the retrospective. Absolutely. Don't want wash your dirty linen in front of them. Sorry. Is that just the team yet? Because they've got to talk about what didn't work. Well, what's not. Not what's not working. So the sprint planning, basically the next product, incremental iteration, what's going to be going on start of each sprint typically products only describes what's going to go on team agrees the sprint backlog and this is the sprint goal I was just saying so typical all this is going to be the first release this is going to be a minimum viable product. This is going to be a draft. This is going to be our proof of concept, whatever the sprint goal is. Because when we finish this, what are we going to have that we don't have now? So we've got these 20 stories. If I put all those 20 stories into one heading, what would you call that heading? That's the sprint goal. Yeah. So this this when I finish this, this is what I will have sprint backlog we talked about. So the red line never assigned. So some students will always say, oh, yeah, Steve, he's doing jobs one, two and three. So no, no, you're not doing Agile, you're doing fragile because that's waterfall thinking. You can't pre assign. What if Steve gets sick or if he doesn't complete number one, that means by definition, you're not going to do two and three should be a self-managing team. They just volunteer for one task at a time. So say between four and 6 hours long. I've said to everybody half a sprint. If your stories for assignment two are longer than a sprint or at least a sprint, they they're too long. They have to be short so that people can start them and finish them during the sprint. So the longest is typically half a sprint for one person. Yeah. So then we get this ability to actually mix and match the stories. If they're all one sprint long and effectively I'm volunteer what I'm going to do during the sprint so it's not agile back into waterfall mode and just planning for that sprint time because like you said, that process, we're not releasing anything. It's just compiling the priority list. The product owner is coming up with the product roadmap. But there's nothing there's nothing to do with this. No, you said this already once. There's no discussion with the development team, so there's no Sprint backlog. So for your assignment, all you're doing is the product roadmap. So this is how the product owner says, I think because we got three iterations, we can do this amount of work because I got these estimates. That's what we're going to get to. That's it. So this is my product roadmap because I want people to sign this off and say, yes, he got his three weeks worth of student resource to go do this. But then when it comes to clients with work, the team would go back. Sorry. This idea is very much like you mentioned before, but it's not practical and he's just wasting his time coming to the team. Can't tell the product, Tony. It's a waste of time. You got a there's a there's a misfire there. Someone said that all they're doing is they're looking at stories, not the product. They're saying this story. I can't understand it. That's all they're saying. So if you explain it better, I'll do it. They'll only clarify. The product owner is the only person who owns the scope, they say, whether it's worthwhile or not. That's it. The product development team don't care. They said, Oh, you've told me this product is really great. I believe it. I'm going to do it because you pay me to do stuff. If I'm going to do stuff, I need to understand how to do it. So as long as I can understand what you've asked me to do, I'll do it in the priority sequence I have so long as I have capacity to do it. That's it. Okay. But print backlog owned by the team, not by the product owner. Product owner cannot change the sprint backlog. Only the team definition have done so. This is what I mentioned for all of you in assignment two, this is the crucial bit. Remember invest the T stands for test. All of your stories need to have a definition of done what is done. Yeah. Now you can have definitions of done at the project level, the product level, the sprint level and the story level. Yeah, because you could just say, oh, it needs to meet all regulatory requirements. So anything ever made in the whole of the whole the product needs to meet regulatory grants. Going to restate that for each one. Whereas for a particular thing you might say, oh, this needs to be signed off by Steve. Now one of my features on the, one of my criteria for definition, definition that I would be all, all criteria met. Yeah. So just have that generically across all things. So all I'm going to do for each story. So these are the particular different criteria for this story. So they're not the generic ones forever to cover everything. These particular ones have got a special requirement. That's it. So typically it's the first thing you want to know. And if, if, if you're a team, often this is where your focus is because you say, oh, you said, you said this is your story. Can we agree the definition of done so when you say it's got to be healthy. So some of you come up with products that you're going to eat. When you say healthy, what does healthy mean? So I'm going to make a cake. And I think it's healthy because I eat it. But somebody else might say, Yep, I'm gluten free, an iconic cake, so that's not healthy. Somebody else might say, I'm vegan, and that's called butter now, and I can have that. So it's not healthy. What's the definition of healthy? So here, because our definition of done, is it going to be on a vegan, gluten free? And two days afterwards when people are asked their opinion, they said, I suffered no after-effects whatsoever from eating this. Yeah, whatever you say, there's no right answer. Just whatever you say is the definition of healthy because there are a lot of words we use casually. But I've got to make this and I've got to guarantee it. So I've just said I'm going have a question. Now, when was the questionnaire given? You have to do a questionnaire. All right. Who's going to write out the questionnaire? All the different stories and text. Are we going to make up a questionnaire? I've got to talk to people about what we think the requirements are. What is it going to be gluten free? Is it not going to be gluten free? Is it going to be vegan? Is it not going to be vegan decisions? It's about the product time. Now, when you said healthy, did you mean gluten free? No, I didn't write brilliant. Can't take that definition and don't just cite half a week's work, that kind of stuff. So undone activities are those that were required but not included in the definition have done. Incomplete stories are those where the work that they find work is not being finished. Okay, because sometimes we go through stuff and we do it and we think it's done. But actually we've forgotten some criteria. We didn't check it. We didn't get Fred to agree to it, that sort of stuff. So this is undone. So we need to when we go through the retrospective, which are we need to put more effort into getting to the definition of done. That's probably the one learning, I would say, for all students everywhere they've ever taught. More effort you put into the definition have done the easier the job everyone always comes back to. Oh, you know what? We just we just breezed through the definition of done and we only really realise what it should be halfway through. And by then we knew it was going to take three times as long as when we first accepted it. So definition have done crucial thing. So we talked about Sprint. It's just kind of going through through it all again. So each sprint has a go flexible plan. That's the sprint backlog. They have to work and they produce an incremental iteration. So this is all like terminology. So for me, this is all just just there for you guys trying to just say over and over again. So you get it. It's a daily scrum run by the development team, not run by the product owner, not run by the agile coach. Everybody just turns up. Can you imagine that concept? And you had a 9:00 stand up and everyone just turns up. They don't come in like a minute late. They don't come in 5 minutes early. They come up at the right time because they're busy. Right. So typically you have it where they work and everyone just stops whatever that literally stops whatever they do and says, right, 10:00 or 9:00, 3:00, whatever time you decide to have it. It's Stand-Up. And if you're not there, that's serious. Yeah, because how are you going to find out what everyone else is doing? You're going to stop them working to find out. Bad news come up in the retrospective. So everything starts precisely on time. All are welcome. You can look up the pigs reference. I'm going here meeting this time box. Typically the 15 minutes typically we stand, which it's called a stand up because we stand you guys sitting down, I can see you all falling asleep. Don't have sit down meetings anymore even in waterfall. Never have a sit down meeting ever again. It will suddenly transform your life. You'll be so efficient. It's not true. Stand up meetings are the way to go. If you do have to have seats, have really uncomfortable ones, and even better take out the tables. Yeah. Same location, same time every day. So remember I mentioned this earlier on Scrum Meeting Agenda. What have you done since yesterday? What are you planning to do today and what problems are you having? Problems are addressed outside the meeting. Something bizarre. This is a bit of a challenge. Can we fix it straight away? No, I don't think so. I just need to know, is it blue or green? It's blue, right? That's all it. So did you. If you can answer it in one word, that's fine. But if it's all I need to understand what colour it needs to be up. We'll have a meeting, we'll get the product and we will address it outside. That's fine. And we can have a list of these problems if we want to and the transparency. So the Sprint Review meeting talked about this a few times now. So Scrum Team and stakeholders invited by the product owners and property owners always that could be the customers. We really want to get feedback. I'm demonstrating this thing that you asked us to do via the product owner. Is it any good? Yes or no? Often I say, You know what, that's absolutely brilliant. Could you just that could you just that's a new story. So product owners want it done on a story. Yeah. And see and often we have pivots in these meetings and I say thank you for doing that. I now realise I don't want that at all and I need to go over here to do this. So it's great that you did this. I failed fast. That's good. Now I need to do this. Other completely different things. You a part of this situation where the pivots and the teams like where they want to set it. Then one team team that they keep saying this team don't decide this product owner. All follow the instructions. Yeah. What works on a failed state. But they don't know. They don't know what. They can't know whether it works or not because they haven't got any stories to talk about. So the product owner, so the customer says, I need you to go over here and try it on. Okay. Well, I need to think up the stories for that. Now, I might need to talk to the product team about that, but I need to make up stories. Once I have the stories, I'll talk to the team about it. That's it? Yeah. So the product owner owns this? Yeah, that's the name. So they're deciding whether this makes sense or doesn't make sense, and they will be judged on that. The teamwork, because the team just get judged on completing the Sprint backlog. That's it all the time. So when you say present company. To say, oh, that's just a guy. Simple as that. So the product owner brings them in to give feedback. So he says that product team have three development team have finished this increment. They are going to demonstrate it to you. You can watch. You can give them feedback. Thank you. That's it. So, you know. Here are the ten items of feedback. Thank you. Bye, girl. Now I will go away and I will write some new stories. The development team will carry on and do their retrospective. And once they finish their retrospective, we'll meet again to do the plan for the next increment. And I'll by then, hopefully I'll have thought by if you said I'll come up with a new stories for it and we'll talk about it in the part. Same with I. Thank you very much. Okay. Well, I don't know why you want to do it, but if that's what you wanna do, we'll get it. Retrospective. So process view what went well during the sprint? What could be improved? Typically 3 hours maximum. The improvement plan. At least one action goes into the next sprint. So the agile coach would be there to facilitate the meeting because they can say, I don't think that went really that well because they have their process focussed. Right. I mean, typically in the retrospective, you would get everybody together, tell them why we're meeting. We're focusing on process, not the product. Don't care about product, focusing on process. What data do we have? So how many stories to be complete versus what we were supposed to do? And do we have any insights that we can make some decisions about what we're going to do? And then typically we'd have some actions which we document and often we use this kind of thing. So the sales so what were the things that went well? Those are the the wind was blowing the sale on what stopped us. That's the anchors. So we can use that kind of thing. Lessons learned. What? Well, not so well. What didn't we do? Okay, well, I have a quick five minute break and we'll come back and do a little, Okay, then people. I didn't like that so much because you don't want to do that. I mean, I. Right. So just again, reinforcing some of this stuff. So product backlog, other things by the product owner, it's dynamic. It's not like a waterfall system where it's fixed and we've agreed it and you have to go through change control to change it. You can change at any time you like because it's the product backlog. Sprint backlog is agreed. It starts at the sprint and cannot be changed because the team agreed to it and they don't want to change it. They want to have fixed work so they can be efficient and effective. So the incremental the iteration, that's where we take the product backlog items, put it into a sprint and then complete them. They must meet the definition of done to say they're finished or not. Definition of done is agreed with the product owner. Then a few of you have mentioned this. The product only decides if it can be released. And so I've seen it demonstrated and it's done. So do we want to actually release this to the real world, yes or no? And they can because they could have it. Oh yeah. Every day we're going to do this in ICI world. It's called DevOps. We can just release this stuff every day. We don't need to have, like, wait for three months and then put everything together and then release it. It's our choice product. Time to choose is what we do. Often we'll actually partially release. It will give out some features to some customers so they can do was beta testing effectively and they come back and say, this is working really well. I will now give it out to everybody since all that kind of stuff. So we have progress because we're looking at the goal level. This is the product owner. So they're looking at what were my what's my original roadmap? How are we doing against that. Yeah. So, so all the story estimates sprint progress though that's within the actual sprint because a product time you can't see this monitored by the development team. Typically we have a burn down so they'll say these are all the stories we agree to. It adds up to 100 story points and we've got, say, ten days to do it. So therefore we need to do ten story points every day. We have this burn down chart and I can see whether they're on track or not. And if they're not on track, what are they going to change? Remember, they have a daily standard. What are they going to change? Or maybe we need to switch around some people. Maybe we need to get more people doing certain things. Maybe we need to ditch some of these tasks. We're not going to. We're just not going to complete them, whatever they're going to do because they're a self managing team and I've got all we need more resource. No, no. We agreed that we were going to do this. How are we going to achieve this? We promised. Yeah. So this is what a task board looks like. So some of you have mentioned Gantt charts and stuff like that. Think generally if anybody puts a chart into assignment two, I will screen. There's always someone who makes me screen because they say, oh, this is this is a and so I know it's a chart because it look, it has one task for each thing. It's called Sprint one, Sprint two, Sprint three. That's a Gantt chart. You might have copied it, something else, but it's again chart, right. Gunshots have people's names against them. They have durations. Yeah. And then they follow them sequentially because what we should be seeing is if oh, I can't see on here, but if I have the themes across the top, I'll have stories in each thing for each, for each sprint. So I've always got a release or a deliverable at the end of each sprint. So I don't say, Oh yeah, we're going to do the design, then I'm going to do the production, then I'm going to do the marketing. That's waterfall. I need to do the marketing upfront. I need to do the manufacturing upfront when I'm doing the design. Remember, we had enough in the new new product development time overlapping development phases. So if you haven't got overlapping development phases, when you come up with your product roadmap, it is waterfall. Okay? It's nothing wrong with waterfall. The assignment is about agile, so absolutely do waterfall if you really want to. But not here. Not today, not now. So this is what we typically do. So we have the stories, product backlog items and we put them into the sprint. So then I change up to this to the sprint backlog. Then I have my tasks that relate to that. So I might break down my stories into smaller tasks because they're easier to do. And then typically we do something like Trello for this, but you can physically. So I've done this for COVID. These were either Post-it notes or they were on Trello or they're on JIRA. So if people who had virtual teams, they like to use Trello because you list you have these and you can just drag them and put them over here and over here. And you saw. Yeah, so these are all the ones that I'm due to complete that relate to this story. I've started these too, so someone's put their hand up and said, I will do this and I've got one that's finished so far. So this was the first. A lot of the speeches would be good if this was the last day of the sprint. It would be bad because it's transparent, the actual value of transparency. Anybody can see this board because it's typically honourable. So you just walk up to and say, How are we doing? Well, not very well. You've only got one task completed. Got no stories completed? No, not very good. That's it. So it's nice and simple. Got jobs? Okay. Did you get that bit? Scott Johnson. Yeah. So the velocity is what we look at. So we say the number of story points and it's a graph coming down like this. So how many story points do you complete per sprint? So the burn down is within the sprint velocity is across the sprint. Did the number of story points that you completed increase because you should do because you're doing a retrospective. So you're trying to think of better and better ways of doing things. Your velocity should increase over time, so teams should be able to do more and more stuff. Yeah, quality is increasing, their knowledge is increasing. So when you come to review your assignment three and do your lessons learned, two good students will put the velocity graph. These are burn down charts. So typically starts at the top. So we had to hold the points, we got the number of days. So this one's saying ten days. So here's my blue, blue line. That's what I should do if I was just doing the same number of points each day. And these are the ones coming down. Yeah, the yellow line here represents when I'm actually going through, I might have said this takes ten points to do when I get into I got, you know, what team of my daily stand up are saying I'm having a bit of a problem. This is taking a lot longer than I thought it should do. So I'm going to tell you the number of points is increasing on this so we know what it was to start with, but the number of points still to go is getting worse. So that's how you curve can go up like this. Yeah, I can actually have more work to do because I didn't realise I didn't get it right to start with. Is it? I know this is great. Let's say in the product development process and the points in advance and display not even slowed down situation but just have a prioritisation chart as well which shows the prioritisation of the story points and does that make sense? So Bernoff chart if you're in sprint produce which makes complete sense when you know duration so what what we're doing it so this is not a planning tool this is a progress monitoring tool. So if you were doing this for the for the whole product, this blue line would just be this number would be on either two zeros on it or something. And this would be the number of sprints and it would be that blue line. That's it. But can you have a priority one like one that just explains the priority of the story? That's that I mean, you could I mean, it's such a right. You can do whatever. If that adds value, you can do whatever you wanted. The one that you typically do do is the risk burned out. So you would look at in terms of risk for the product, am I reducing the risk as I go through? So that's useful to have because then people say, Oh yeah, by the end of Sprint three, most of the risk for this product is gone. And then the last couple of sprints we're just doing enhancements. All of the big things that might go really badly wrong are in the first three sprints. So that's what we should be done. So I can see the risk profile coming down. I've never seen anything for that. What you're describing so it doesn't say it doesn't exist, just means I haven't seen it. Because all you're really doing as the product owners, you're saying what was the total amount of work and how much resource do I need and how quickly do I want to get to market? So if I got those three variables because it's because I can vary the scope. Yeah. So I can decide what's my minimum viable product, I can reduce the scope. So if I've got fixed resource and I need to get it by then, that's it. I've got three sprints of this duration. Non sprint. Is that on that? If you were doing it as a product? Tony Yeah, you would have changed the direction and that just gives you a product and you could do it. So, so this, these are just within the, within the day, the days of the sprint sprint days or whatever. But yeah, you just have whichever one because you've got a fixed duration for your sprint. Right. It's there'll be this one on the same year number Sprint's number of days. So it does work. In summary, just you can do it. The question for Agile would be does it add value? So you can do anything else, right? Does it add value? Who would want to see that? That would be the question. Yeah. And I think what would typically happen is the customer would want to see the demonstrations. They wouldn't want to see a document because that's an agile value. They would say they come along to the demonstration and they say, Oh, that was a brilliant demonstration. I think you're doing really well. Whereas if you came along with a chart to say, Look, I've delivered all these high value stores I can do, I can. From the customers? Yeah. What do they care? They care about the demonstration. They can see the value. They don't care what numbers you put against it. Like you said when I saw that demonstration, that was really good. And it was really good because it showed me that I had a really bad idea of what I thought was important. I want to change it now. I can do this thing instead. Right. So I have the challenge for you now for this. Now, for the people who are online, I was thinking so I have two challenges, but if I have more people who are here physically than online. So I thought the people online, if they want to join in this. So feel free to not join in this if you're online. What we going to do is practice the retrospective bit. Okay. So I'm going to give you a task you can do in your groups. So if you're not in your groups, get into your groups. Now, the person who's online could become your agile coach because typically we only have one person online for each team. So they can be your agile coach, so they can watch what you do. So we'll open the rooms in a second if they want to join in. If they don't want to be that Agile coach role, that's fine. What you're going to do is you're going to build aeroplanes and whichever team can build aeroplanes correctly as fast as possible, faster than the other teams. Get to the chocolates. Okay. So nice and simple. One, one chocolate per team. Yeah, yeah. I'm going. I've got a knife to do anything. Oh, no. So the number of aeroplanes is two times the number of people in your team. I'm just talking with more people. If you need more paper, feel free. So just before we break out into the rooms. Okay. So as I said, for people who are online, you're going to be the agile coach over the last three or four games. So this is what evolved. This is what you have to build. Okay, so I'll just demonstrate it. So this is what I prepared earlier. You can see I took an awful long time to do this about one millisecond. Okay, so it's a paper aeroplane that looks like this. This is what you have to build. The crucial feature is it's got this folded over bit in the middle. Okay, now the instructions for building it are there.

# Week 7

Says it's 9:00. Hello. Can I just say thank you for being on the lecture? It's a year away, but actually acknowledged that the rape was supposed to be a break. You didn't watch over it? Yeah, I'm just a hero. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You need to say that to the vice chancellor or something like that. Thank you very much. Yeah. He went off into Fantasy World nap and maybe keep a job. Right. So this week for last week, he looked at Scrum. This is before the semester, right? And Scrum is a way of running an agile project. It's not the way where lots of companies start, but rarely where they end up. Because the whole concept of Agile is we're trying to add value. So Scrum isn't adding value, you change it. Right. So remember, Agile is a mind set. It's not a prescriptive way of doing things. So you can improve it all the time. Some people will say if you're not improving it, you're not doing agile and you're not if you're not changing it because you would be party lapsing back towards waterfall type thinking. Just doing the same thing. So before I get into that, we just talk about your feedback to interesting how many people we have here today. So remember before the break, I asked you to give give us or give me some feedback. So this is my report card so far. So we only had 13. I think we had about 13 people in the room. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Thank. 1617 now. So only 30 I think 15 people tried and 13 people managed to give feedback. So about 80% think the course is interesting since the events, at least 20% don't. And maybe 75% didn't think that this is the kind of the worrying one for me. Only half know what to do to be successful. So we try and try and improve that to keep changing how the how we define that we keep improving every year. That's kind of disturbing, especially when there's an actual page called What to Do to be successful on the campus site. so therefore 10% don't say I'm not black hat [INAUDIBLE] and I see you think we've got a little bit too much material. I think the Karen I should point out vacation 9%. So only half think the amount of material in each module is okay. People are spending around 17 hours. So the course is designed designed around you spending about 12 hours a week. So it's a little bit concerning if you're spending more than that. I think the key point for me there is technique. Lots of people said they spent a lot less. I think some people said 6 hours a week. So it's a huge range went from 6 to 40, I think massive range. So if you're the person doing 40 doing something wrong, it's a full time course. So that's why the median is up as high as 14. So generally we're in the 10 to 12 figure. What most people said was about 10 to 12 hours, which is about right. If you're spending an awful lot of time, have a chat with me, you shouldn't be spending so much time doing something wrong. So the comments that we had, so more on writing style. So there is a whole website not related to me but related to the university. If you look through all the tips on on the campus site, on writing style, and there's also the three videos that we've posted on writing style. Again, if you need help, just come see me clarifying the group activity expectations. I'll try and do 20. That better. Good morning. People want to do reflections on the group activities. That's kind of the idea of what you can do in your Lessons Learned Journal to reflect on that when the group activities don't go well. We only have so much time during these courses, but we'll try and do this. This is what I was referring to point at the right hand screen, the right hand screen. I tend to point over there, can't see it when you're on the on the zoom. Too much background reading. Most of the readings we have on the canvas course are for additional information. You don't need to read those to pass. If you want to get an A-plus, you probably need to start referring to the don't feel. You need to read all of the background reading because this is a face to face course. You get, I think, everything that you need through the lectures or watching the videos of the lectures. So the background reading is to help you. So if you're feeling like you need to do all of the background reading again, you're probably doing too much more case studies. We have some some more on that as we go through. The rest of the course basically is where we start to get into the case studies less theory. That's interesting and I could give you lots more theory if you want to. I'll try to do the absolute minimum of theory die. If this is an interesting one for me, some person who will be nameless googled dive and it gave both me and the quite a chuckle. And we looked at one of your assignments. It was a draft assignment because they found that dive can stand for something else and they'd written up their assignment on dive. Dive stands for dependencies, insure against risk, value and effort, but that's what it stands for. Now, if you ask three that it doesn't know. So I wonder where this other person got that information from. We did a trial on this and said, Yeah, if you are seeing what dive stands for, it says it's not a recognised actual term and it might stand for something very different. Be careful how you use chapter and be teeth so on how to deal with non attending team members. If you have non attending team members in your project team, what happens is at the end of the assignment, the project you get to write everybody, you give them zero, then they will get to zero. That's how you deal with non attending team members. If you are not attending team member, all of your mates are going to give you zero for 35, not 30% of your mark. I would adjust her effort, not reflected in assignment Mark. That's true. We don't mark effort in the assignments. What we mark is answering the question. This is always really painful and what we generally get up to about now is students getting into the pit of despair. Because I, I'm trying really, really hard and I know you're trying really, really hard, but if you're not getting it, you're not getting it right. That's why we have the project, because what happens on most years I've done this. This is the fourth or fourth time we've run this. Just been running for four years now. And obviously I run an industry. People think they get it because they've read it. And then when I ask them to write about it, they haven't got it. They think they got it. They haven't got it. So what you write is I haven't got it. I haven't got it. I haven't got it. So we said, you haven't got it. Now what happens is when you do the project, suddenly the light bulb comes on and you get it. So that's why we have the project. Now some people, the light bulb comes on before Lucky. Yeah, Agile is an experiential thing. You remember some of the slides early on. It's all about the heat of the battle and learning that you need to probe to find out what the answer is. You need to get the feedback because it's a variable environment. You cannot plan your way to it. You can't force people to agree with your ideas cos they might be wrong. That's the whole concept of Agile to be more humble. I might be wrong and therefore I need to test waterfall. Then I'm a genius. I never, ever think this is how it's going to roll. We're going to do this. Great. And if it comes out at once at the end, brilliant. Sorted it. But you might be 100% wrong. Yeah, I remember I gave you the the example of YouTube dating site 100% certain that what they needed was a dating site 100% wrong. Still managed to succeed because they pivoted. So this is it. So yeah, it's true. Your effort is not reflected in the assignment, but I will show you in a second. Hopefully I tried this by myself at home and it worked. It should work here. I am going to show you how you could answer the assignment in approximately 5 minutes. So those of you who spend six months doing it, I can do it in 5 minutes. Now, there comes a caveat with this. If you just do what I am about to show you, you will fail because it's not good enough. But it gives you enough of the right answers to get you into the range where you can just push over the line to get a C pass. Okay, so if you just do what I'm about to show you still D, but it's a lot closer than some of you got. Right. And some people say they want deadlines for Sunday. The Monday is against what you're saying. So I can understand that. It might be I can change some of the deadlines to Monday, but not for this course. We do it for the business school where we have online courses. So where we have online courses, the people are full time. So they do all the work over the weekend. So we make it on a Sunday and I think that's what that was. That was fun. So basically that was the feedback I had from you guys. So we do listen to all this feedback and obviously we've had lots of feedback over the years. So if you do have anything else, you have another opportunity later on. It's called set to give feedback, but please give feedback, right? Assignment two So it marked all the assignments I was just saying and we might all them over the holiday we didn't have a what you guys did generally we were on about a B for the answers. That was the average. It was obvious that some students didn't just didn't get it. Yeah. Now, some of you took took me up on all market beforehand and I gave you some honest feedback. And if you listened to it, the mock improved as a result. So that's good, right? Some people didn't ask for feedback and didn't get it, so they would have failed. So but all is not lost because as of now, you've only had 35% of your mark. Most students get a really good mark for the project because the project is all about showing that you understand agile and it's hard and is hard not to show that on the project. So generally most people get the full marks and then the last bit is a reflection. So you reflect on the course as you go through. So we've changed it from last year, whether it was another or another real assignment than that. So this one is just to reflect on what you've done. So there's not even an extra bit of bookwork today. Do just reflecting on the course. So the kind of observation for me in the case was most people were happy up to the business case, which is which is okay. And then the backlog was the challenge really struggled with the backlog, which to me is kind of that to me that's the easy because I'm a project manager business guy. So that's hard. But I'm not I'm not an economist. Key advice I can't stress this enough. Make sure you answer the question. You can put lots and lots of effort into an assignment and not answer the question. And so what you write could be absolutely brilliant. It could be absolutely perfect. It could be God's gift to project management. But if it doesn't answer the question, it gets a zero. So it makes it makes us really sad. Yeah. I can see this person put lots and lots of effort into this, but they haven't answered the question. It says, use a IOU and they haven't. What do I give them half for if it can't? Really, because they're all people that did use AIU and got marks for it. Well, that's against going against them. So we think you have to answer the question. So key thing I was I tried to be really generous. Yeah, I gave it 800 hours. She's massive. There's no way you guys are going to spend 800 hours on this project if you do it that way, because most people will only do three iterations and because you're students, you're only going to spend 10 hours. So you might spend 300 hours, but always generous in the thing I said, it's got to be achievable inside 800 hours. That's 20 person weeks of work. That's not long. So for those of you said you were going to cure World Famine, that's a great project to do, but you're not going to do it inside 800 hours. And it says in the masking guide, if you try and do a project is not feasible, within 800 hours you will get a deal. That's what it says in the marketing guide. So you need it to be quite responsive to this and try and choose something small and embrace it. Choose something that's small and easy because there are no marks for the product, none at all. It's all about the process because we're marking do you know the agile process? So I you the study of the issue. Okay, it's called ethnographic research. So you're looking at what people do, not what they might do, not what they might do with your product when you maybe make it. What do they do now? That was the question. So if you said, I'm going to cure world famine, I'm going to produce a pill that's going to cure everybody's hunger instantly. And when people take this pill, they're really full up. And I think it's great that would get zero because it's not about what they do that what do they do that they don't eat. They eat dirt, they die. They die in hospital. They die painfully and slowly. That's what they do at the moment. Right. That would be your aim. Wouldn't be when they have this pill. It's really great. Doesn't just doesn't work. I said five observations. So think of five different people story format. The clever people here realise that all of this is about tables. This is a table. This is a table. This is a table. This is a table for tables. That's all you need to really do. And a little bit of words in between. So the stories, the headings for the table would be as some people do, this I need so that then you can just put the words inside the table. It makes it nice and sweet. And you remember, invest for chocolate. What does the tea stand for and invest? Three. What's that? It's not time for t t sample. Yesterday's testing. Good, good. Enough testable, but yet just incorrect tense. So, right. You got a chocolate for incorrect tenses. So all of your stories have to have a test. The test is called dodgy, which stands for definition of fun. So all of your stories as a I need so that need to have a test to define for them if they're good stories. So we go all the way through. And you should be looking at. So if you are when you write up your reflection, you could say, oh yeah, invest was really good. It forced me to produce my test. And I think I've said to you many, many times, you put your test down first because you can't look at the effort till you know what the test is. So the product backlog comprises stories prioritised using dive. Never used to say this, I just said prioritise them. But this is all about deep, deep as the acronym for the product backlog as you're going through. So we were looking at the point of deepest prioritised. So when I said here how you can use dive to do it. So dependencies ensure against risk value then effort and the roadmap has to consider capacity. So you need to say, oh my team, there are ten of them, they can do 80 hours a week. Therefore, the stories I put in are less than 80. But remember last time we talked about 80% effort. If you put in 80 hours and you've got 8080 value worth of stories, you're going to fail. I told you that last time. 80% should only be 64. You have to take some accountant's accounting if you like. You thought about. Well, actually, I don't want to go right up to the limit because stuff might happen and then the deep emergencies, the second year of that. So actually, as I'm going through this, I might find extra things I need to do because I'm not perfect. Right? Stuff is going to happen. And then the last one was the reflection based on the process you followed. Now, most of you did this ish. Some people talked about Agile, Sierra mocked, some people talked about your product zero marks. Some people talked about product owners. Sierra Box. Some people talked about personal skills assessment. Sierra Bogs. If you talked about the process, you followed up, you got some answers. Now, obviously, you think you're talking about the process you followed. What's the process I follow right now? This is where we this is where we do the science. But. So using chat right now we can see you've all heard of chat to anybody you use. Bing, bing, bing. You know, the other search engine is not Google. It uses chat GP to the latest version of it. So even if you don't think you're using it, you all cause bing mute does. Bing has A.I. associated with it that if you're up to date for the last four weeks, I think that was four weeks. Changing the world is loads of really good stuff online. You could read just how much air is hitting the world. Right. So what I did was say, well, remember I said, here, you've got to answer the question. What are the questions? So what I did was say, ask, what was one of the items of feedback that you guys gave me? I was munching on you. I have to think of an issue. Where do I get issues from? Feedback. Anybody ever got feedback from them on to stupid? Don't wear the right clothes, all that sort of stuff, right? That's feedback issues. Somebody else sees that as an issue. So to find out an issue, you need to listen to it. Now sometimes you see it. So I'm just like, Oh, okay. So if I take this and try and do this, like. This way. Hopefully that should switch, right? And again. So if I said this if this was my question. You just can't count. Two legs. It's less scary. Cause it's answering the question. In a scary. So if I say. Organismo. I remember I said this would only get you a D because you got to say, Oh, this isn't very good format and I could change it and I could adjust it real time. Just give me ideas. So your assignment questions may be too vague or open ended, making it difficult. Students come from diverse backgrounds and may have different levels of experience and knowledge. So you could turn all of these into a table, right? Scary. Then I said, okay. So when I did this before, when I was doing it at home, it said, I think you had the sign that had a lack of clarity. So I said, okay. That was the issue, right? So give me ten ideas for a solution to it. So imagine you're just a student and you're just answering the question. Give me ten ideas. I don't think that coordinated. Yeah. I'm not doing anything. It's just answering the question. Yeah. So it said obviously it's just thinking it's not as fast as when I was at home. So I created video tutorials series that walk students through how to interpret and understand the questions. Just click on. All right. Okay. Create a set of templates of examples. Develop a writing centre or tutorial service. Tutoring service might be made with net tutoring service. Send your assignments in early. Create a formal discussion board. Think we have one of those. Create a glossary of key terms that we had that develop a peer review system. Hey, that's what you're doing, right? How about create a chat bot that can answer common questions? So these would be ten possible products. So now I'm not I'm not telling you the answer before I do the I just talked about the problem and now I've said here are ten possible solutions. You didn't have to do this, you only choose what you could do. So I can choose number seven for more discussion. Go right now. What I did on my and I was doing this before I just said it came up with. The proposal, so said a centralised database. So I said, okay, so remember everything needs to be short. So I said, I'll tell me this then 500 word, because I just need it to be simple and straightforward. And again. Because it's answering the question. And as I said, it's not a particularly good answer, but it answers the question. So with your knowledge and abilities, you could modify this quite easily to come up with a much better answer. It's not going to. But just thinking, looking at the time here. So you guys are saying we spent months on this. It's just so far, 5 minutes. So I've now got there. You get you get the point and I go, okay. So the bit we all struggled with, which was the use of stories. Now I had had a word to this earlier on, so. So create my 20 years of stories. JPT is quite clever. It knows I had said I had to put an extra word in his morning. So it's just put plain. Try to use the stories. It's like seeing how it's coming up with the format. As a students, I want to be able to search for answers to my frequently asked questions so I can quickly find the information I need. Sally High effort, low risk, low dependencies, non definition have done a search function that allows users to search for answers to their frequently asked questions. In the game. Now because you might look at this, it's not very good. But he's got the he's got the concept of and I did this before. We actually have the dependencies. Then you take the numbers and put them all up. So it's not just this time you put numbers in sometimes, but use a management system as a dependency so it understands what the dependencies. And that's scary. And that's scary because don't overtax its brain. Obviously, it's just run out of text here because I've only got the cheap free student license. So you to carry until 20 if I had a full license. Okay. Now we get to the thing. And with that last one, I said, we've got to talk about process. So I said, Well, my process here is I use chat cheap to then I use air you then I use to invest and I use deep and then I use the product backlog and the product roadmap. So I'll ask that's my process as the definition of process. Process what process did you use? I use chat, jpt, AIU, invest deep product backlog and a product roadmap. That is my process. So I'll ask you to do a reflection based on my process. And he will answer the questions. Very good at that. Such. He's been a valuable exercise in planning and prioritising a project. Each of these tools methodologies help to ensure the project is well thought out, well-defined and well-planned. The use of chatting with you is particularly helpful in generating ideas for the project. Sits pat yourself on the back. Activity date was a valuable framework for prioritising the product backlog by considering the impact of each user's thought in terms of whether it was desirable, feasible, viable and valuable deep helped to ensure the most important user always were prioritised. First brilliant gush Maja feels said. And as I said before, it wouldn't be you wouldn't be getting full marks for that. It would be it just on the kind of the cusp of DTC with those answers, if you actually read through them in detail, because it's kind of very repetitive because you buy it. My point is it answers the question. It puts the stories into story format. It gives me a definition of done. It prioritises them. It talks about the process because I asked the question. So it just answers the question. And you can get it to give you some really good advice. Now, obviously, the reason I put this in here is because you're about to do this again. You're about to go on to assignment three and just get this to. So you get that. So for assignment three, you now. Well, if I were you, I would now be getting everybody's assignment twos together and saying which of these in my group, which of these was any good? Or could we mix and match them to make something better? And whatever, whatever feedback we got, what we could use it to give us some clues about what we didn't do. Right. If I can't think of anything from the notes. Right. Because people all know all of our marks are really rubbish. Can't do all this again. It's going to take months. 10 minutes. We got to talk about a frustration. Any frustration, any issue you like. So, like getting to the lecture room, getting up at 9:00 in the morning, you can ask anything. You don't need to go back through the whole whole format of a or you know, everything else we've got to do is come up with the use of stories and the key thing, because you're doing it like an iteration zero. So for assignment three, you have to do a proposal as a team. You've already just done that. So you just kind of put it into a one page format. Typically we suggest a one page A3 format, so quite simple and straightforward, and then you're going to produce iteration zero. So iteration zero is your product backlog. So you can have as many stories as you like. Remember, a story should be able to be done in half of a sprint. And I'm saying a sprint is 5 hours because you should be spending that 10 hours a week as a team. So if there are ten of you in the group, you should have 20 stories per week. Right. That's what it looks like. Yeah. Yeah, that's the whole idea. Now, I've posted a video, I think, for you as anybody seen the video from last year. Yeah. Okay. So not saying that's not saying they were good, bad or indifferent. They were pretty good. I think we said most people got an A last year for the project because you look at the product so that product's not very good. Don't care. Product is not want the process whereby they've got to it and you'll see for all of them now they say things like, Oh yeah, last week you presented this and we had the idea that we should do this instead. So here it is. Listening to feedback. Adjusting the plan. These are agile principles, so that's what they're doing. So if you look through the agile principles, that is what you get marked for. Did you maximise the amount of work not done? Mm hmm. Did you have tests? Yeah. Did you work through as a team to agree these things? Yeah. Did you? How is business people talking with the team? Did you do that? So did you do questionnaires? Did you get feedback from the class? What sort of stuff? That's what you get the marks with, not the product. Okay, so meets as a team. Keep it easy. So 1a3 page, uh, charter, which could just be a summary of the proposal and you need a backlog and then you should have that in, in spite for your existing choices. But if you're going to modify in some way, that's fine. You just need to adjust it. And the next the new bit, you haven't got this yet. Well, if you have, you didn't getting any marks for it, the initial sprint backlog. So you would have done that in your roadmap. You would have had an idea. But this is where your team is now voting on this. So your team accepts the backlog. The product owner suggested it. That's okay. Product, I can suggest. But the team are going to say you need to sit down as a team and agree what you're actually going to do in your first week. So and so for the week nine sprint and you're going to demonstrate it here on week ten. So in week nine, you're going to be doing the work. Obviously, you can do it whenever you like. You start now if you wanted to, because of what we originally said was you could be up to five sprints. You only need to do three sprints for the assignment. That's why I said it was set to 800, but actually, practically, it's more like 300 hours you're really going to do. So you're going to do some work during week nine. Then here you are going to demonstrate it to everybody and the same week 11 and the same in week 12. And then that's at the end of week 12, you'll produce a lessons learned report. And the lesson to report is everything that you found out while you were running the project. And you can present in the final week, week 12. So that's that's it. So this iteration we call this iteration zero. If you've heard that term before, but those things together, iteration zero, because it's where the team comes together and does it like a mini plan. It's also an iteration zero because you just did planning. You didn't actually do any work in that sense. And you need to submit it on Friday, the 5th of May at 2 p.m. But I will do because I'm a nice guy is over the weekend. I will read those. And for those teams that want it, most teams normally want it. I will give you feedback from 1015 onwards here. So in the tutorial session in that week. Everybody can say you produced this situation, so I'll have read of it and say, Oh, that's really good. It's really bad. Whatever. And I'll Mark give you the mark for it. It's out of five, and I think the mark isn't there. So we changed it this year. I think you've got five marks for iteration while the proposal and iteration zero So that's that's how it works. So what will happen in that? If you want to get some feedback, I'll just say, Oh, I'd probably add some extra stories in here like this, or maybe need to change the format. What you can do is tell me about whether you're going to use Scrum or not. So this is your chance. If in the groups you want to have a think and let me know sometime during the day which session you want to go for. So it's ten, 15, 1035, 1055, 11, 15 or 1135 on that week, the 8th of May. Yep. So let me know that it's not compulsory so you don't need to hang around for it. So but what we'll do is just have a one hour lecture that week and then we'll have feedback afterwards and at times design. So we get out of this room. Five two. Is it just fixed to that date because it is due to shorter? Should be joined on the fifth. And I'm going to give you feedback on the Monday. Yeah, I'll give you feedback on the Monday. Okay. So that's that's for assignment three moving forward. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So you submitted 2:00. Oh, Mark. And there's no marks associated to the first submission of the version zero. There is there is a there is only that submission. I think it's five months but if you have a look I can't, I can't remember I've changed it this six points of the. So big, there is a monster, which. Oh, that's just the submission box. Yeah. If you go to assignment three, assignment three has the it. So what we have to do is because you have to do multiple, multiple submissions at different dates. So for the submission box itself is zero marks. But if you look at assignment three, that's where we'll post the marks. Because what happens is we take the marks and you get a nominal mark for the group. Remember I said earlier on, what happens if we've got people who don't turn up? You give them zero. So what happens is so you get five sets out of five and you get five marks as a group. But then someone says, I'll still didn't do any work, so you get zero. So what we do is we then apportion all of those marks and I will get zero out of five. Even that group got five out of five. And so that's how that's how it works. So what we have is we've got this kind of all of the marks go into the the assignment three score, but assignment three doesn't actually have any submissions for it. They're all in these separate boxes. So the separate boxes have zero. But we mark them, we put the marks into assignment three, which is a group assignment. And then what we'll do is when we write at the end, you'll do an assessment of everybody on your team. And depending on what the assessment is, you'll get your share of that. So you might be thinking, this is really great. I've got 30 out of 30 for this assignment. Great. And then you'll think I'm gonna give you zero and you get zero out of 30. So make sure you contribute. But it's the key question. So when we submit our charter on the Friday, that submission is what's going to pop out of five? Yep. Yep. Okay. So then if we wanted to submit it earlier, let me the other. Absolutely. Any of the questions? Oh. Like how you get Karens on the on the thing for us. Thank you, Karen. I was right. So you just have to put the right thing in the right box, if you like, when you're submitting it. But only one person needs to submit it because it's a group assignment and feel like you all need to submit it. So we'll put all the marks against the assignment three as we're going as we're going through. And when I give you the feedback on the Monday, I'll tell you what your mark was. Yeah. So we'll be out of five to be featured on a couple of pages with each of the submission. I think it says yes. Yes. Yeah, that's the plan. Yeah. This is purely like a university. I mean, I don't really care because I know who's in your group, but if you do cheat, the university will say, where's the. Where's the cover page? If you just do that, you just get I'll use PDF sample, PDF sample to put PDFs together so you just get those and check them together. Any other questions? Slightly off topic with the personal evaluations like Personal Reflections, I believe it was following the same suit I had with. You're saying that you're giving us, like, progress marks for the elections, the 35%? No, no, no, no. The so you get for the the personal reflection summative journal right at the end. Yes. You're looking at your individual submissions. So you've done two now. And you're you you're in the process of getting feedback. Yes. On the on your second reflection. So I'll look at those and tell you next week what I think of those. But there are no marks associated with that at all. All of the marks are for the summative journal right at the end. Yeah. So you've got till the Monday after the end of the course. So in theory, next, if you go right to the end of the course, week 12 here, you present your thing and then you've kind of finished. So now you've got a week to write your summative journal. No. Again, same thing. If you submit that to me, not on the Friday, but if you submit it to me after a couple of days, then I will give you some feedback on that to tell you whether it's looking good, bad or indifferent. But now there's no marks at all for any of the lessons learned journals because. Just on the top of the top three general. So in terms of the stupid everyone at the start when it was said that a lot of people don't understand what they could do to be successful, I guess in the context of this assignment at this time of the year, coming out of the grief crop, throughout the instructions, that's all I can do is just make sure that everyone should be able to do at the end of this. You know, it's very good. It's just I just need to give you a little. I'm sorry. Yes, she'll go with Christians. So that was on. In our case, our team selects to develop an app for the group assignment. Do we really need to have to develop an app or is about how we do it? If we decide to focus on a special suitcase, do we have to produce a real suitcase? You have to. So the generic answer is you must demonstrate something, right? This is agile, so you have to produce something so you don't have to produce an app for your phone, but you can produce a simulated app on a emulator and what you will demonstrate in the course and people have done this, I can probably find one online for you if you like, from previous years. They would just go into the emulator and just say, I'll just click on this button and this is how it appears. So you could do it through PowerPoint or whatever you want to do, but you must demonstrate something. It's no good telling me, Oh yes, we're going to do this button and it will do this as soon as you say will do I go zero marks because that means you've done nothing dopey we're going to do. Then you're into planning mode, which is wonderful. And you say Will do planning and you say, Look, you click here, it does this. That's agile, okay? So you don't need to produce a fully working app, but you do need to produce something to demonstrates how the app would work. So people generally use an emulator and there are loads online. It's quite quick to do. Often in the teams we actually have people who do for a living. So but now no one's ever produced a real app. They have produced real websites in terms of getting feedback from your own creations. So is it more that much of the time for doing this to basically test something such that everyone can get feedback? So for example, if we're making something that's edible, for example, would be they need to make enough such that, I don't know, half the basket which is your code. But yeah, so you want to get in there, you investing, you've got to think of the test. So if I'm producing something that's edible, I need to get feedback where the easiest place to get feedback while I could do it at home, I mean for one of my other courses they, they wanted to make edible spoons, so they made edible spoons and they tested them and said, Oh yeah, now I can eat this. It's good. Here's a video of me eating it because they were doing it online. You could actually bring them in and you could tie, you know, every ten spoons eat, see what you think. So the feedback is going across, right? Yeah. But you wouldn't say, well, it's going to be from Steve. So is he representative of the universe? I don't think so. Because you said, what's my target audience? Who eats, you know, in that case, who eats disposable spoons from takeaways? Not Steve. Students. I borrow any feedback from students then? But yes. So students in the past have made yoghurt, cakes, spoons, bike helmets, apps, websites, videos. They've done PowerPoint things that give you a score in PowerPoint as you're going through in class feedback. They've done maps to the campus. I mean, just what's an issue for you that actually just they've done it? Yeah, every crucial thing is your three weeks to do it. I know I made one. It's really easy. You can emulate that same kind of time. Yeah, the crucial bit is what I need to think about it to start with, maybe draw it up, produce some templates in the first week. What I'll do is have all the templates and people can look at them and vote for them. I'll have some colour schemes so they can vote for the colour scheme. I need to design the questionnaire so they can vote on it. We have lots of people are just doing class things and I say, oh yeah, just vote in class to get an answer. Cause the agile principles are that you get feedback. It's like, Ah, I want to get marks. Therefore I have to demonstrate that I'm getting feedback. How could I do that? I could do a little, you know, QR code on the screen, everyone's apps. It says what their answer is. I like number three, I have feedback or bringing cakes and they everyone takes it and you know, all that kind of stuff. And for the bike helmet, they did three different versions of bike helmet. And I said, Well, which one do you think is the best and stuff? But you need to produce something. You can't just be a plan a little bit different. Some people did 3D designed workspace for children, so they they actually just designed the works by so you could interact with the workspace and they just showed up on the screen. So so he is the designed environment we have. What do you think about this? But they produced something that's the key. You've got to produce it. You can't oh, it will look like this. It will be brilliant planning. Show me. Yeah, don't tell me it's the key. Students normally get it towards the end of the the first demonstration. Right. Everybody does. So you just need to tell me for each group which which slot you want to go for. If you want to come. If you don't wanna come, that's fine. It's not compulsory. Just let me know. So this these are the Agile principles, because I thought you too. So I just took out the word software and put it in product and said, So this is what you have to demonstrate during those three weeks. This is what I was talking about earlier. Business people and developers must work together. So whoever your target audience is must work with your developers. Motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need. Where are you guys going to work? At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective. So you're going to do retrospectives? Yeah, retrospectives become your lessons learned at the end. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. So this is your testing. Technical Excellence. Testing, testing. Testing is the one I mentioned earlier simplicity to maximise the amount of work not done. So we will see this because you'll have a product owner and they'll be changing the product backlog. Re sequencing, reordering it. As you get feedback, you insert stuff and you will take other stuff out. Yeah, you'll find stuff that doesn't work. This is the key one. Working product is the primary measure of progress. So if you don't have anything that works, ain't going to get many marks. So face to face conversation at the top there. But you've got these in your notes here. This is from week three. So you surely got this all in your notes. Okay, enough onto this week so you can remember this is what comes after Scrum. So I do Scrum, which is great. And everyone, it's all your work. But what happens if I get got more? If I need more than nine people to do it, what do I do? Something different. So what we find is if you have one group and there's ten people in it, it's just okay. When you start to go to 11, 12, 13 starts to eliminate. People don't know what everyone else is doing. It ceases to become a team. So you need to keep the team small. So small we mean 5 to 9, but we want to keep the flexibility, so we need to divvy up the work somehow. So different ways of doing this and we'll talk about some of them here. They will have interesting acronyms less safe that. Oh, lots of other ones. Oh, so this is John. Good posture. Natural work. So you can find this. Got two screens in the room so you can see. See in full. So talking about scalability, what what happens? So typically when I've got complex stuff, I can't have just one team of nine doing it. And this is the issue for you guys. When you thought of a really complicated assignment for two, you say ten people. Realistically now you need 102 people to do this. It just can't work. The way you've the way you've done it is too much work involved. So what we would do in Agile in Waterfall is we would just specialise. We can bring in as many people as we want. We just get specialists doing little bit. We can sub out the work to specialist organisations. It's fine, can't do that. Be agile. So what do I need to do? Well, what I want now is multi-skilled people and I've got redundancy within across the team selection. I can have, I can give out the work to lots of teams to do it because they can all do it. So I don't need one specialist who's going to focus on it. All the teams can do. So I say this is in Agile why we need experienced people, multi skilled people, because you can give them anything to do. I've got active redundancy so I can't think of the whole system at the same time. So we document it in waterfall. So everybody knows that Agile doesn't do documentation. It's a secondary requirement. Yeah, yeah, we've got individuals. So what we might do is add a person in that role. Yeah. So it's kind of that product owner type role, architect type role. But we might use diagrams. Yeah, make it visual so everybody can just refer to it because we don't want to have stuff that people read. So make it nice and simple. You can read through these yourself. Yeah. So basically you've got the agile thinking is different to the waterfall, thinking that all of you would probably come up with these instantaneously. Oh, you've got to document it. Yeah, you're going to need specialists and you're going to need particular things that are not allowed for it. In Agile we got. Yeah, no, got to keep it simple, we got to keep it visual or we want to have experienced people do it because it's individuals and interactions is our thing. So we've got to make individuals that can do it. So the next the next set. So the number of people cost is driven by the number of people squared. That's the number of relationships you have. So if you can keep it nice and small, that's really good. Remember, face to face is good. Keeps things nice and simple. Soon as you get lots of people involved, it's getting really, really complicated. And I got multiple Zoom sessions going across multiple languages. All that kind of stuff starts to get very, very, very, very bad. So what we do in waterfall is try and remove the complexity, but here we're very sensitive to it. And so what we're trying to do is to automate as much as possible. Can I take people out? Can I make the tests automatic? How can I make this as simple as possible? How can I reduce the complexity in waterfall based on how we can cope with it? Because we are clever, we can employ more specialists to do it all. In Agile, we say, no, we're not going to do it. And I think the key key areas here, what we think about Agile, I've got the typically what I can do in a waterfall project, I can have governance. So as I get issues that go up to the governance. So it's really bubbled up to the top for the governance to decide. And then it bubbles back down again, makes it slog. So it's good, but it's slow. What we do in Agile is we have this idea of a team of teams because that's the same process. And what happens is teams meet every day. So your team of teams meets every day, doesn't wait till the end of the month to have your review. Harrison came with plane to me for review there the other week for for his course. You know, that's every what, every month, every three months slow. Right. But you did that every day. Oh, wow. It's a bit more responsive. Hey, so we've got a problem, and this group have the same problem. How are we going to talk about it now? Wow. I'm going to get an answer now. Wow. So it's the same idea. But to tap time to beat. Quicker. Do on a daily basis. Yeah. So we have this kind of idea of team of teams. So when we talk about Scrum, that translates as scrum of scrums. So all of my scrum teams. So this is what we're going to simulate later on today. Have all my individual teams and they need to come together to have a scrum of scrums and I come as many levels of that as I want to. We don't really want to go mad on this, but for the first level of scale, this works quite well. So I've operated this. It works pretty well because you get all the people coming up with the ideas. They come together, talk about stuff, and then they can feed this back all within a day. So it's pretty responsive. If you go outside, what do you do? Really difficult. You can't have fixed firm price contracting in Agile because we don't know what the scope is going to be. It's going to change. Right. So you have to have trusting relationships. This is very different. Yeah. So they can have open book type agreements. I remember I talked about the FBI in the Sentinel case study. What they did there is I said, how many of those externals we're going to have a smaller team of our own people do this. And so we did have all these expert consultants around the place. Now we're going to bring it all inside. So really what we want to do is you are going to contract for Agile. It's going to be a relationship type thing. So everyone is focussed on the same vision. In the construction world we call that and what's the word for a chocolate? What we call it in construction. When you get everybody from different companies coming together to work for one organisation, it's called an alliance. Alliance. Very good. An alliance. So this is where you have best for project type ideas rather than best for organisation. And we do it for exactly the same reason because we you know, we just want everybody to working towards the same same goal so that it can get quiet. If you got a scrum of scrums, start going up, multiple levels becomes unwieldy. You have too many meetings, takes a whole day to go through. So one technique that's quite popular is large scale scrum or less. And with this, it works well, less huge. I've never come across this, but less with eight, eight teams. That's pretty big. So maybe you'd be talking here of, what, eight times nine, 72 people. It's quite a lot of people working on a project. Yeah. So it's pretty good. And they say they can do a few thousand. Not experienced it myself. Read about it online. Hmm. The differences here, what we have is we have the one product owner. Remember, we used to say one product owner for two teams. What they do and they say relax and say no. Actually, we can go on up to eight teams. Yeah. And it works through. So you can read through this yourself. But basically, I have these still have my cross-functional teams, but I've got this one product owner who's working across the teams this way and it works. It works quite well. Okay. What they found in practice is you can have this product owner looking after more teams. This then what we can have is complying combined sprint planning. So all of the teams I've got to my eight teams so that all agree who's doing which bit. So they all come to get some together and we got this big idea from the product owner. We need to break that into eight lumps that we can each do. So that's the kind of the difference. And you can just about do it with eight teams. So they're doing the parallel sprint planning kind of combined review. So you kind of got this. It's a little bit bureaucratic. So got the idea. Breaking up eight teams working in parallel so they each know what everybody else is doing. They've got this view of the whole thing, but not the real detail of each group. We start to get into this bit about definition of it, and I mentioned this last time someone go through in too much detail, but this really comes out of the less type approach I need to have this potentially skippable sci fi data. I want to build as much as possible into the definition of done. So see how definitions with them become really critical to Agile. And that's why we say you've got to have the basic skills of waterfall first before you can go to job, that you've got to be able to say, How are we going to test this? What is the scope of this piece of work? Nigel Watson Yeah, and we're going to test this. Yeah. And this becomes really critically critical. So we have this then concept of what we want to work out is we don't want to have any undone work. So this is where we get to demonstrate something. I mean, that you know what? I forgot this. So edible spoon. You know what? I forgot to include the edible wrapper because it's got to come in an edible wrapper as well. Can't just have spoons because people are going to put their hands into it's not hygienic. Need to have an eligible wrapper for it. All right. If you've got that, what's the eligible wrapper going to be made out of? Got to be in the definition of done. Yeah. So if I just don't finish things, it's called incomplete. But we can see this all going all the way through. Agile definition of done becomes really, really important, therefore huge. So this is for me. I've never experienced it myself. I've still got the one proof for the product. But I built this into the requirement areas. So you see here and then I can have post below that. Yeah. So I've got one po for 4 to 8 teams, so I've got effectively this 8 to 1 ratio is kept in, kept in sync. So product toner and then they can have eight pros below them, they can have eight teams below each. So this is how you get to the thousands. So I'm not experienced in myself, but I have read the balance has good, good report on line. Specialist when you say, oh, they could have specialists, but what what you want to have is specialist in your active redundancy across the teams. So even though they specialise, they would have other skills as well. So you put your specialists into teams. Yeah, but you would have you wouldn't put all the specialists into a team so you would split them across the pool. But sorry. So when it comes to contract, you said that cost plus basis does take it if typically if you were doing ownership in that case? Well, because it's a relationship. So you all have so much an alliance which you hopefully are familiar with. So everyone's the same. So what you would have is a profit share. So if one if one group fails to do to do something, another group could actually help them out, even though it's not their thing, if you like, because they're all one big team, if you like, effectively. That's how it that's how it works out. Typically there's a a profit and cost share type arrangement, which is why it's open book because everyone says, Oh yeah, this costs us an extra 100 bucks and we just need to see that in your books. You're not just claiming it, and then the whole group would have a target cost. And if they can beat the overall target cost, then they get a profit share. So you're saying holistically. Budget crunches the process of specialist cost controls, management and cost controls across the home. Because you've got this shared outcome because remember, you're trying to produce the product, so everybody's together on it. That's what you want, because otherwise Agile doesn't work. If you say, Oh yeah, I'm going to work on an Agile project and I'm going to produce this desk, you go, Oh, how does that how does that work in this classroom? If the test doesn't fit? What's not my problem? I'm going to do exactly as it's required favour. We've decided we want them to be blue or green or yellow because we're some other reason we want to have on our class. Service was not my problem because I've got this spec so you guys have to cope with that. So it just wouldn't work. Everybody has to be focussed on the same overall outcome, which is why it's typically cost plus. So if you go back in time in the largely in the U.K. and America, they said, oh, we'd like to have a universal approach. So we could either do Agile is really good for small projects, but when you get really big, maybe you need to start adopting waterfall. So, so what we want to have is a universal approach that can do both of these. So they call this the USDA. So comprehensive framework coming across everything. And it would it can include Scrum and XP and all those kind of things. So that a bit later and this is the first technique actually formally recognises the project manager role. So remember in all of Agile, so last we just had we just had product owners still got no project managers or this has I think you need to have a project manager and I would agree with that. So sometimes you need to have a project manager because you're using lots of external things are lots of complicated things. Maybe you do have elements where you are purchasing something. Who's going to control that? Yeah. Project manager. So this is, if you like, the strength of it. So it recognises you could have a project manager. So some of the history comes out in 1994, 26, 2016. I don't I don't hear much about this now because this is university course. Some of the things we just need to know about this exists. And what you're seeing now is lots of organisations are trying to do this, get on the job, PMI included, trying to get on the Agile bandwagon and say, Oh, we used to just focus on this thing and now we can focus on everything. We've got this universal framework. We'll see later on that does that, which is from PMI. So but I have got some good values. So thinking about this, when you're doing your projects, focus on the business. Need to deliver on time. Collaborate. Never compromise quality. So these are the. The enshrined values and you can relate these to your projects. Yeah. If I'm doing Agile principles because I had the ones that came from the Agile manifesto, it's just one view, right? It's one view. And this is what the DSD EDM crew came up with as well. These are our Agile principles. And so just a different way of thinking about the same thing. So building incrementally develop iteratively, communicate continuously, demonstrate control. Yeah. So plans visible to everybody. So you don't need to know this in detail, but when you just thinking about this, when you're coming together in your teams, you can maybe pick out some of these. So are we doing this all we're developing iteratively. Yeah. Despite what I said for the assignment, some of you came up with very good controls, which were absolutely wonderful. Oh, yeah. What we're going to do is we're going to design it, then we're going to produce it, then we're going to test it. Then we're going to set it absolutely wonderful. Perfect. This says develop iteratively. So I've got to do a bit of the design and a bit of the production along side and a bit of the testing. And then I'm going to do it all again. Then I'm going to do it all again and I'm going to do it all again. And maybe I finally have some in-market testing right at the end to seal the deal. But I'm recognising I'm going to do this inefficiently. I'm going to keep going around the board to do this. So this is because you don't use this one over here, see, without the pictures on it. But basically, you see the steam overview. This was their attempt to try and put it on a page. So I have my feasibility study, so I've got my idea coming in from pre project feasibility. And then I have some foundations and I've got to decide how I'm going to do this. Evolutionary developed. So this is where the agile bit comes in. And then I'm going to assemble it, review and deploy it. So I'm saying these are kind of standard waterfall type terminology. This is how I'm going to this is how I'm going to ultimately do it. And then I'm going to deploy and then I have my post project review, but I've got this agile bit over here. So if it was a if it was a waterfall project, I would just go straight down this way. But because it's agile, I need to go out to here and then come back in again. Because this is a framework that outlines how it covers it covers everything. So that's its weaknesses. And then this is the bit where it starts to become a bit useful for us. So this is where I've got my agile fit. So I've got my team leader, Scrum Master, and I've got all these various people. So developers and testers. So this is round is to say I've got my specialists, but they're inside the team in Waterfall. The testers would all be over here as a testing team and my developers will be over here as a developing team. So what we have in this team is none of you can bring all of these people together into a team with a team leader. And I can have lots of these teams. I've got my project manager at the level above it. I'm going to have the sponsor and someone who's kind of like a product owner, this business visionary. I've also got this. You talked earlier on about some of that complexity, about the architectural. What's that technical coordinator? So saying, yeah, this project manager needs to talk to the technical person. I'm the product owner and the sponsor and feeding it in to this business analyst role, which is kind of the way you struggled with assignment two, where you took your concepts and you're trying to turn it into stories. I think that's actually this this role you call it a business analyst, but. So if you go out into the real world, just find lots of BS out there. And that's what they do. They turn business focussed requirements into technical requirements because it's quite a hard thing to do. That's why you guys struggle with it if you will be able to find it really easy. But if you're not, that's the hard bit and say, right. And then I got outside of it. I've got things like workshop facilitators, technical advisors, business advisors. So it's kind of like, Oh, you've got these multiple levels of team, which is therefore quite a useful thing to try and understand where we're up to. So I mentioned these facilitators. What we're seeing is because we have workshops, so we have to stand up meetings. But then I'm going to get to a situation where I've got a problem. How do I deal with that? She said, Actually, if we have a facilitator, a specialist, they can come in and facilitate workshops for us so they can make sure the team is functioning. So this is a bit like the Agile Coach role. So I've got my facilitator and they can come in and just facilitate sessions like I did for Harrison last week and just go, Oh yeah, we just need to do this stuff now. Some quite key skills for that. I want the project team to be working on the problem. I don't want them to be facilitating the workshops, that kind of thing. So it's quite key. Now we're going to practice this later on, so should have a quick, quick break. Something got call on top so ten partners a bucket quarter past. Let's take a five minute break. I'll just pull the. According. Either tonight or tomorrow? Yes, on occasions. I'm going to send them all back. It'll be the same as last time. So if he comes down, the comments talks like he's busy right now. I was. And. Thank you to everyone. Just one. They should always give it. There should be comments here. What he does is normally he puts either the start of the document or the end. What he doesn't have time to do is to give detailed comments in in the yes and only he puts it in red. It's neither neither normally. Right. It starts right at the end. And you'll just go through and say, these are the breakdown of the scores and this is how you did that, but that's how you implement last week. I just don't release them until I give you the overall feedback. It's a microcosm context for us, but it's. We only read them if you spawn there, if it doesn't add up. We want to go back and change the them. We kind of check against previous years, make sure it's kind of all coherent. It's normally pretty good. So he because he Dymocks needed the course he's been looking at for three years since we've been. He is us. You know, because it started about 2020 and you know, and so yeah, it's, it's just the, the whole. So I designed the MEP program which I saw you do MEP covers and that started a couple of years after that. So I think we went for the first couple. So I think we've done. Yes, I've done it. Yes. So kind of going through. So that was a derivative of the appeal. Time flies when you're having fun. Yeah. Now we run the we run. The first one is like a trial, trial court and then we and it was on Amy PM so it's ever since then we started but we only want to run this course once a year. So typically on festival season, but you guys should, should already have done 740 which is seven for two is it. That was or seven I thought that you might notice. Yeah. And this combined because then you do it all in like one semester. So that's why we. So the people doing this normally are people you can't do that because it's easier, but it's more convenient to do that because it's, it's online, you do it once and I as opposed to having to if you do too because if you do worse cases, you do 740 731 at the same time because then you do way more work for the same result. Well, yes, I'd say it's good if you want to split it across two semesters. Easier to do that. Yeah. No because at the end of the year we you know. Yeah. It's hard to find there once, once you've done a job it's kind of hard to get. As I went, whenever I run projects, I just go always. So I can't. It's right. This is more difficult, even if you do officially or unofficially, because when you do it unofficially, it's clearing work and that is what so all projects have. Just in my experience, it's better to designing for it than just having to fix it later on, you know, you produce something. We've become less not quite what I wanted to write, you need to readjust it. Whereas if you built that in as you were going through, it saves a lot of time or something. And it depends on it depends on the project. I mean, what we typically do when we were setting we were setting it up with your organisation. We typically we take all the specialists and we don't want to have witnesses, we don't want to have specialist teams. So like I said there, if we've got testers, it's so we don't have a testing team across the place. So we'll take the testers out and put them in place. We'll have a test in each team, but we don't want to have that because then what we don't want is a testers only do testing, they need to do something else so they'll they'll have to get multi-skilled to be able to do something else as well because otherwise they'll just be waiting around for something to happen for an hour. They can do some of the other tools because typically testers of people who have actually done the job before so they know what they're talking about to be able to test it. So, so you supposed to do the work as well as testing your time and then you might help some other people do the testing as the expert and then gradually the team all become really good at it. So anyway, because that's because what you want you want is the flexibility, because that's also about speed. So if I'm waiting around for this one specialist to be available or some stuff, I really want to have two testing sites to be make. The testers need to be able to do something else. When they have nothing to do, they do to something else. I mean, I've got lots of testing, right? Well, that's true. Maybe that's the team. Yes, I know. I've still got it. Okay. And people so that's cool. So just so it's was just asking about when you get your work back so locations scheduled it I believe for tonight it was just week because we had the we've got the holiday tomorrow. So but I think you should get all your marks back tonight or tomorrow. That's the thing. I mean, it's the same as always. So the key is the person who puts the comments on. So if you don't understand the comments, just email the key and say, what on earth does this word mean? Because I'll just ask him as I don't know what word means either. If you want to, if you want to, if you want to understand why you've got a low mark or why you've got a high mark and you want to improve for the future, that's when you ask me. So can you explain what I need to do to get better? So the kids will have answered that anything. So we just you just come to say Ian has so much time to do the market. I think. So when you go through DST again, you don't need to know this stuff. It's just mainly to reinforce the theory. So what they do is they recognise that some things are milestone focussed and some things develop. So they say all your terms of reference. So this is what we're talking about, the proposal. So in Agile it's the same as it is for waterfall. I have this fixed document, which is what's the proposal? Yeah, it's a point in time thing. Got to get approval to do the project. Yeah. So it's. I know. Yeah. So in DCM it's a milestone type thing, but the business case is going to change over time because you're going to identify different things. Remember, like I talked about YouTube or we're going to change what it's going to do. So the business case is going to change. So some of these documents are evolutionary, and this is where sometimes the light bulb comes on for students to go, Oh, now I see the difference between Waterfall and Agile. Because if I was doing the business case in, say, print two, which is a waterfall approach, it would have a serial number associated to it. This is business case, version one two. Now, business case version two has to be approved by the board to go through. So we can't change it unless unless we do an Agile, we can just change it because I approved the overall product. Yeah. So I'm going to do this whole thing. I'm just going to change it as I go through some change in the scope dynamically. That's what I'm allowed to do in Agile. I'm changing it as we go. Whereas in Waterfall, soon as you want to change something, you've got to go through change control. It's got to be approved by the board. That's the governance cutting in. So it's slower. So that's a good thing. You know, changing the designation of a road or applying for a resource consent or something. That's a good thing you saw. You know, I was going to build a house over here, but now we're going to build a four storey block of flats because I felt like changing it. No, that's not allowed. We want to have it to go through the board. So sometimes it's appropriate to have a waterfall type controls. And sometimes you want the agile. You wouldn't want to do that. I want to change the colour of the tables from white to green. Let's just do it. Let's go through the board. Why? There's no cost. You just do it. You know, this is the whole idea. It's agile. You're trying to react to something so that maybe this is helpful. So the basically going through all of these ideas and saying, oh, yeah, like the plan is evolutionary, not in waterfall would be fixed. This is the plan. You want to change plan has to go through governance. Yeah. So it's these kind of ideas. So you've got a few. Few months, they got the business solution. So how it's going to come out is a milestone and the benefits assessment is going to be a milestone. My project review report used to do that on this course. It's a milestone topic. I've taken that out and make it easy for you guys. You can see. So we've got this these concepts of fixed things, an evolutionary thing. So this is the DST approach, trying to make it more generic. This is where Moscow comes from. So Moscow comes from the east. I just told you about it earlier on because students love Moscow and they would like to do it during, I think 90% of you use Moscow and there were two or three people who used QST. Most people use Moscow for a value assessment. So this is where this is where it comes from. So I must minimal use a subset should have, could have. We won't have this time. So for now TCM has this generic term. So rather than calling them sprints at time boxes. So Sprint is a term from Scrum. If you're just doing Agile, they're actually tiny boxes. So we just fixed the amount of time you have to do something. This helps some people because they think, why do you call it a sprint? It's a three month sprint. It's not a sprint. Now we've got a one day sprint. Let's just forget that. Call it a time box. It's just a generic term for it. And this is where he starts getting some of the interesting ideas. So I can do Kate slicing or I can do what we call a walking skeleton. So I can have I think about a cake I can take. If it's a circle, I can slice it that way or I can slice it that way. I can need to tear at a time. My wife used to be like my boss and she would eat the top layer of miles by first. Then she would eat the next layer. Then she would eat the next layer, then the next line. So she loved this. She really gets this idea. Whereas other people just you just eat the miles but all the way down. Right. So I just another two ways of doing it. You can have what we call a walking skeleton. So that's where you put all the elements of your solution in place. But they're really, really simple. So think about a website. What I'm going to do is do it in PowerPoint and I'm going to just have a little picture of each screen and you're just going to go from one to the other. So we've got this this thing that works. It's not very good, but you get the concept because it's in PowerPoint really quick to do, and I've got the whole thing working. Then on what I'm going to do is I'm going to iterate it and I'm going to get more and more sophisticated as we go through it. So. So I start off with something that just works and it gets more and more functional. So that's why I call it a walking skeleton. So it's the bones to start with. And then you add the muscles and stuff to it, and then finally the skin and you got a human being. So it's that kind of idea. The other way of doing it is the iterative approaches. So now I'm just going to go to our incremental approach. I'm going to just do one bit of the functional design. So if it's a website, I'm going to do the user interface, I'm going to do the database, I'm going to do the videos. Yeah. So I'm just going to do one element of it. And it's only when I finished all the elements that you get the solution. But I can test that the videos work. I can test that the database works. I can test the give me works, but I can't test the whole thing. So my normal approach is I much prefer the walking skeleton type approach where we put in little versions of everything. So it works all the way through because that's where you spot all the assumptions that have been made and things that don't work, but basically recognise and you've got these two, two ways of doing things. Lots of standard waterfall terminology here. So you got functional and non-functional. So this is when you're starting to think about your definitions of done. Yes, it has to work. When I press the button, it has to do this thing. How quickly and non-functional? How quickly? Yeah. Oh, okay. So it's not good enough. It just works. Oh, yeah. Because I was like, three clicks and works. We have a had two. I want it to be real time. So how do we do that? So DSM fundamentally calls that modelling as one of the one of the ways of doing Agile. So this is where, for those of you talk about construction, thinking about beam and stuff like that, this is where this comes in, say, oh, I'm going to use a 3D model, you can fly through it and all this kind of stuff. This is the way that we can do Agile in those kinds of environments, but you can't build a building. I saw something in New Zealand where they they were designed just for those of you on the health option, where they, they mocked up a ward and they built the walls, that cardboard and stuff like that. So they said, Oh, we're just going to create this physical environment. You can still not knock the balls out of the way, but at least you get to know the space so we can mock it up on a 3D model. Then we'll just build it out of cardboard so people can actually work and interact with it. Then we'll build the real thing. And those are the kind of ideas you can use one on the schools. So we got storyboards if you're doing a video flowchart, so you can produce all of these things to demonstrate how it works. So those are all that demonstrate the things that you can come through on your when you're doing your assignments. So prototypes. So the people are talking about apps online. This is typically what we do. So we're not going to use a full app. We are going to produce a working prototype of it. So time boxing, this is just some of the some of the ideas about how some how long these things will take. So you need to know much about this. We just want to look at when you're setting up a project. When you talk Scrum, typically you always think two weeks sprints, but you're using weeks, week long sprints. So a lot of people say, Oh, it has to be a two week sprint. That is, it can be any length of time. So I've done projects where I think I told you it was half a day was aspirin half a day. Women covered because it was too long because it was changing that fast. So we have a decision coming out of the ministry at 10:00. We need to change over 1 p.m. to make sure that was going through. So just it's easy if you think of it as a time box and then you sort of, oh yeah, we need to decide how long that time boxes for us. It's a week for like because I've said you're going to demonstrate in weeks, ten, 11, 12. So your time box is a week. Okay. So we need to be planning every week. We need a meeting every week. Not every two weeks, I think. Talked about the scrum. So basically the the difference with steam is you have more of this upfront upfront planning. So with Scrum or XP or any of the other tools you do, the the product owner does the, if you like, the high level planning and then the development teams do the do the planet start of each sprint or time box. That's what we do. They think, well, yeah, but how did I even get to that. How did the product owner get to decide that we're doing that bit? If it's a really big because this is all about scale and doing a really big sum to developing a website. How did the product timing decide they were doing that a little bit. If they working on the good and I've got a team working on the gear for six weeks, how did we decide that? Where does that come from? So what do you need to come back here? We need to have this overall proposal and then we've decided that there are these ten projects that then come together. We're going to use less or whatever we're going to do to coordinate them. So just trying to sort of come back and say, this is really how it works in corporations. They have these big ideas of what they're going to do and then they break it down into projects and then the projects go through a machine. Yeah. And the machine is the process development, so it's just trying to recognise that. So that's what we have this pre project idea and then it comes in to do a feasibility and then we have these foundations and you can split that to go whichever way it needs to go. So it's this kind of idea and this is for real organisations. So for those of you work in, say, health or construction, it starts to go, Oh, okay, I'm starting to see this bigger picture and I've got to make a fundamental decision as to how I'm going to run this project and what the time boxes are. It doesn't just happen to the I give it to the team. Teams are young people. We can have two weeks or we can get four weeks, but we think we'll do this, but we think we'll do that. But then it's got to be an overall control. So it comes from that. Now, another way of doing it, which is where I was kind of alluding to, is called safe. Yes. They just had an end to this so scaled agile framework and then lots of technique. Again, you don't need to know this to answer any questions. I think the overall idea is thinking of project teams as like you don't have a moment in Auckland railway trains and you go what my project team is actually is a is a train. I have these tracks, the process that they go along and what happens is when they start the organisation gives them a project and then they iterate it and they deliver it, bam. And then they go around the track and they come around again and they go, Right, I'm ready for another project now, can I have the next project? And then they go, Right, I'm going to develop this thing now, and I deliver it. And I go back around and I say, Right, can I have my next project, please? So I have lots of teams like this, and this is the Scaled Agile framework. So, so what I need is up front, it's like the fat controllers are into the railway engine who is deciding what all these projects are and devise them out to the teams? Yeah. Then the teams just do their normal process and deliver the products. So this is a kind of idea you have. So this is where you've got it down here. So these iterations coming through. So I've got some time release, train engineer, I've got my strategic things. You've got epic owners when you're doing some of your projects. I kept saying that epics. So this is where the person says, Oh yeah, my, my epic is online customer development, something I own in customer development. So I need to work out how we're going to relate that to the website because customer developers are more than just websites. But when it comes to websites, I need an enterprise architect and I'm going to try and break this all down into loads of little pages, programme increment. I'm going to have my program that's coming along. I'm going to break it into lots of little, little projects that are going to go through and they're going to synchronise. So I might have ten teams working on this program increment and they're all doing their bit that I just walked through. So they're all going around this process here, doing their iterations to develop it. And so this is how I get my, my feature. So I've got all this programming planning going on at this higher level. So you see that once and I, we don't do this on a really big scale. I need to have the people who are owning the whole epic right at the top. Then I'm working out my programme increment. So what am I going to deliver every three months? Then I'm breaking it down into little projects that my training teams can come around to pick up and deliver. So it's all starting to work. And this is what people like Microsoft and Google, people like that, that's what this is what they did. Okay. So you can you can see this in the I.T. world quite readily if you come to construction stuff. Yeah. Now, how would this work in construction? Probably not. So. This is always horses for courses. But where we come from here is we're saying, Oh, we started off from scratch and we start to develop it and we get to maybe less or scrum of scrums. And then when we start going to organisation of why we need something even bigger so safe. So was at Fletchers and we were looking there at how to adopt safe for Fletchers because I know this is really this is the way of doing it. How do we do this? How do we cope with having, you know, construction type projects and web design type projects? How does it all work? And this is what they were trying to get their heads around. So let's start from these kinds of things. I mean, this diagram is version 5.3. You can see lots and lots of versions of this, this particular diagram. You guys don't need to know for any assignments or anything. We used to have an assignment on this, not anymore. But basically got this idea of I've got my my low teams here, but I need to have at the enterprise level some strategic themes. And this is where the decomposition comes in. So we're talking about with your assignments from the strategic themes down through epics, down to stories and then tasks. So the product, Tony, we talked a little bit about this is having an exam question and that's why I included this one. So typically for Scrum, we said one product owner, two teams max for less. We said 8 to 1 and we're saying, yeah, so lots of somehow along here. So you got one product, Tony here, 1 to 2 teams. This is how it might work. As I get bigger and bigger, I want to have product managers who the product owners relate to. So what we started to see is I've got to have some of this bureaucratic type stuff because Agile can't exist in a vacuum. The easiest way to do Agile is one little project with ten people, and away you go, nice and simple. As soon as you start thinking about much, you try to do it for the whole of the University of Auckland. Oh, how does that work? Call these functional specialists. They're going to cease to exist, and I've got to put them into teams. How does that how does that work? So this is these are the ideas you need to get into. I remember I mentioned that everybody gets on the on the bandwagon. So this is disciplined, agile. This comes out of PMI. So if you're looking to get qualifications when you leave here, they can go out into City Street and used to get jobs as project managers. A lot of people will go down the PMI route and this is where they have this kind of approach and like, Oh yeah, so we don't do that stuff. We don't do this, we don't do stuff. We have disciplined agile delivery. That just another way of doing that. So, so yeah. So here we have a business roadmap comes in, I do some modelling and organisation and then I produce my work items again for my team to then take through. So it's the same kind of idea, just a different group of people coming up with the idea. But the thing for you to recognise in all of them when it comes to whole organisation, I've got to have this kind of set up process for the teams to work on because I want to insulate the teams just to be doing this development work and they're doing it as we talk to out Scrum. So I've got this process up front and that's what all these diagrams are trying to explain. Okay. And of course. But say no assignments or anything on this stuff anymore. So this is just for information. What's the theory? I could in theory take it out, but I'd like to leave it in at the moment because where you guys are going to go to, if your organisation is going to become agile, you need to know more than, Oh, it's just about doing Scrum. How do how do I do the whole thing? Because that's the challenge. Yeah, I get the successes, then I want to scale it, he joked. It doesn't work. How do I cut? Okay, I'm going to set you an exercise that's got any questions on any of us. So in your groups. So he said, what? You sitting in groups? Maybe one person is going to act as a facilitator. Okay. This is the tough role. So facilitator is a team concept. So this is your challenge. Hopefully, this is very real for you. Your client has just arrived in the country with only one suitcase and five and a half thousand dollars to pay for their first semester. So this is 14 weeks of living in New Zealand, plus a week of setup. I've rented a one person student flats with the white man microwave and the cooker, so you haven't got to buy this. They own a laptop and a mobile, so you haven't got to buy those. Rent is paid by their parents. You've got to worry about the rent. So the five and a half ks for everything they need to eat. Who I need to buy in addition to their one suitcase. As a team, we have three iterations to agree and advise a plan for setting up their flat and their studies with a total budget of two and a half grand and one week time. Okay, so total budget. Two and a half grand ongoing budget should be a maximum of 200 per week, including rent. The fees are separate. So I'm going to get paid cause I'm just the advisor, so I'm going to get paid for doing this separately. So keep crucial numbers. Total budget, two and a half grand. Yeah. Now, what we have is five different teams and this is trying to simulate the scrum of scrum things. So each team is going to choose a different area of the budget and you've got to come up with your proposal for how much money to spend. And then what we have to do is put all five teams back together again to see if we can make the overall budget. Is that clear? So you going to need to come up with an initial spend and then a weekly spend? Yeah. So for your group. So our brainstorm up to 40 items within your aspect determine some criteria or weightings to prioritise them. But so this is the product tone of it. And then you're going to break out for a scrum, a scrum to coordinate with the other groups, 5 minutes. So there are lots of time boxes here. Estimate the cost of each item is the next thing and sorting your items into priority order. Break out for another scrum scrum and then we're going to finalise. Okay, so you can have two scrum scrums. Everybody can so should take about 20 minutes. So in the groups which who would like to do so, these are the aspects each group needs to do one of these. So you can either do them just by the numbers of the group, or you can volunteer to do what? I don't do this. You happy just to take your number and do your number. Okay, so just take the numbers of Group one food, meals and Health Group two Kitchen Utensils, Equipment, Group three Entertainment Group for appearance and toiletries. Group five Studying and textbooks. Okay. So. So okay. So what you've got to do is brainstorm up to 40 items you need to buy in a five minute time box. Okay. So I'm just going to start 5 minutes. What about household budget group total sum? So what we've got to do is you've got to think of your items. I mean, I have a of scrums to make sure we haven't overlapped anything. So you've just got to come up with your list of what you're going to buy. And then when we get to the end, we want to make sure it comes into the budget. So we'll just do the do the zoom thing, open the open the groups so people online can help out as well. Yeah, I think, you know, I think. Oh, yeah. So if you can just put your people on line, if they can just put their group number into their I.D. For the people in the room. If you can just join into the Zoom thing so that people online can help you find out how much you have to. But right now what we want to do is to pass a law in July so we have rights. So, Joshua, you group your group one? Yeah. Yeah. So we just need somebody from group three at 10 a.m. all night to identify the rooms now so people are okay. And coming from group four and group ones. Okay. So I have to. So why? Why we. It's going to get a little. Thank you. Sorry. Just to recap. Thank you. All right. Yeah, I. A study shows that during the course of. So whoever the facilitator is needs to do some facilitating. Look at the time I need to go to. And you know, every time. Yeah. That's way of trying to talk about. It's all about the experience discussion about this subject. Yeah, I do want to do something with my life. So all in all, so many different cultures divided equally by. I think, you know what we do know about professionals and we don't have any reason to celebrate them right now. Well, yes, I keep like to. The way in which we he fall back on the best known city of Silicon Valley. You could get the automatic microwaves in our hands. So I like to think that everybody is symmetrical for that person. So, yes, she is. Why she is. The one thing that could get the U.S. in shape, it's that we've got to contend with not just one, but two people in 1968. Yes. Yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. What are you doing next year? The same. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's just one. Okay, then. Peace. So facilitators need to get your team put together. We need one person from each group to come for the scrum of Scrum. The needs to go along with everybody. Okay. Perhaps Scrum scrums here. What they all do. So you just need to bring your list of stuff that you just derived. Maybe come to the scrum of scrums for 5 minutes and talk to each other. Just start the timer and you guys hopefully. So should have five, five people here. Well, I've not got five people here yet from a scrum. What else is currently on Zoom? Numbers. So, yeah. Who's who's coming from your group? Come on. People who got who's not here. We just need one person from each group. Let's see. Three now. So it's two people not here from any one person from each group. So who's. Who's not here? I've got four now. All right. So, Josh, we've got all five now. Okay. So, scrum of scrums, what you've got to do now is make sure you've got no overlaps. So each of you needs to talk about what it is that you've got on your list. And the idea is, if you've both got it on your lists, you need to. One of you needs to take it off. Yeah, that's the idea. So talk to each other out. I'd start the timer and then a lot. I think we're going to be here for a short. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Shush. You can all listen. I mean, these people can talk coffee, beans and beans to spices or. Uh. Okay. Just watching your time, guys. Here is the way to create the pretty area of the world. Just by the fact that she is. But the staple foods for. Okay. Because it's just the most expensive. I reckon so. You've all got this basic concept. Yes. So you've got two and a half grand to set everything up and you've got 200 per week to spend the 15 weeks titles to 4 to 5 grand you to. Yeah. So so you're looking, you've got these two budgets you can only spend on like one off things, two and a half grand and then 200 on a week to week basis. I'm working on the 100 food in the Freezer, The Weekly. Okay. Okay. The gaming. Gaming. Okay. Yeah. So you just. You just need to agree who's doing what. So I was told that he said, Excuse me. Yeah. Think of him as a police lieutenant. Or this was something that he sees on the things that he can study very good, trained and belong to. Listening. Okay. What's been the standard of selection for the setup? Okay. So that's the one thing. Okay. As for the dining items, uh, once in a month, spend 50 million. Okay. So I think that's good. Okay. Next. As for the entertainment travel side of things on the first and second shoots, because you're going to need new shoes because you might be doing a lot of walking. The cheapest way to get the transportation next car is you just want to take the bus specifically this New Zealand. There are a lot of beaches around. That was a very good addition. But it's going to, you know, put before any clubs who might want to join whatever that may be. That's kind of a defined box if you're a big retailer in your free time, which is speak bigger deal like listening to music. You got you got a minute left and then other other things you can do, like get a carjack, get a power bank for your phone if you're going to be using Uber for transportation. A lot of women are just like transferred from a lot of the time. Privatisation of that was hopefully the way she heard the first student are going to be doing a whole lot of stuff. So we just need these two guys to talk them off, you know, when you got a minute left, 32 seconds, that is for seven, six bucks. They should be. Then there's another. The things that I can look forward to is do to. He's was. Last time up? No, sir. Back to your teams. They have to do the next bit. So that was your scrum of scrums. So now we need to go back into the room. So let's just go back to here. Do you guys. Close by for a sec. So what we've done now. Missy, listen for a sec, guys. So what you've just done is decide that you've got no overlaps in any of your stuff that you're trying to work out. So now what you got to do is look at the cost of each item. So remember, hush. You got 200 a week to spend on consumables and you've got two and a half grand to spend on one off items between the five groups. So you'll need you'll need to have for each of your items, whether it's a set up charge or whether it's an ongoing charge. Because when we have the next scrum of scrums going very old together to work out whether you can achieve the budget. Because I'm sure individually when you add up all the five budgets, there'll be too much. So you got to put in some kind of priority order with costs, and then you're going to have the next Scrum scrums decide how you're going to coordinate it. Okay, everybody ready? So I just open the rooms again. So this time you're going through costs in order for the two categories. So over here, this seems like a reasonable time. Some of these things, I. I'm sorry to say that I have a feeling that's what's been going on. You see, I think there's probably more transparency and hope. What he was talking about. They don't like the notion. Which group are you in, Denham? If you want to get involved. And why? I dunno. Can you put your group number on your list? What else are you looking for that you and I didn't know we got? Yeah, you might go. Denman, your group and your group chew on 3000. Well, you've got him on the audience. You've got him already. He's on to talk about this. And I want to thank you for joining us. He's going to have to find out exactly what he's doing. We have to get to the matches. Yeah. Know. It's precisely the opposite. When I say something that expands, explains how I feel that I really want to take over as well. So yeah, I feel like, yeah. How are you? Yeah. I like a lot of the historical things are in these neighbourhoods, so that's way I. Didn't. And I was like, I want to see you. I'm like, Oh, this is next level. Having something good for me. I wanted to be one of those. I mean, I'm not going to. Yeah, so let me play something. Or we have to go over the definition of it so that I could go. Okay. I really want to say. Okay. Time's up. Time for yes. Come has come again. For the. So Strummer strums again at the front. We are not sure. You have 5 minutes before you switch five people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. So your experience. Yeah. And we have five people. Okay. Hey, 5 minutes start now. Everybody can listen, guys. Shush. You switched switch, guys. You can listen it all. You've got to. Yeah, but I reckon I'll just give me, like, 100 bucks a week. And I think 400 votes for that 100. So 100 bucks for food and 300 for a one off? Yeah. Yep. Okay. So you're hungry? Sorry about what we have for food. How about you, Tom? You got, like, 30, 40 bucks for you to. So what's your total for 1444 week and what's one off purchases and for the one not since 250. So pretty. We will try to work for this case, one of these one that got away and then it would be approximately that would be subject to change. But this is still 26th inning of one game. It's nice and precise. I like it when you say zone. In the end we had five as a world boxing in one sort. In the wake of Costa's two. Okay. Well, we only got I. 4646 approximately. Andrews was from 114 source so it looks like it looks like you're well within. So he's coming with our requirements so it is not fixed quickly. So you got I gave you my lowest. Okay, so you've got an extra 20 to $22. Are you going want to move do you want to move up because we I'm just sorry start playing it together now. So are you guys want to look. It's a per week, it's a one off. So we've got 2500 and then we go. So that's what one of the it's like. Oh, really? Yes. I'm so sorry. I'm doing it on the fly. So you got 2000, 2000 suspended in your one off. Yeah. And you got $22 to spend in your weekly. It's going to be 14216 APR. That sums it up so that it's quite a bit. Yeah. So you got more money to spend. So what have you not bought. We've got 105. Which online, which was your initial number months, which was 42. You know. How much? $35. Yeah. For the one. And. And looking at it, you got it sustained. So they it go for five divided by seven eight. So that gives us five, five weeks of. Running costs. So we have our initial cost, which is 155. If that makes sense to you. You're well within budget. You got two and a half grand for this. So you got $1,000 and you got $200 for this. So 20. All right. You can spend an extra $20 a week and you spend an extra thousand dollars on the set setup. Gotcha. Is going to be. Okay. My job is to. I'm trying to facilitate for you. Okay. So you have. So you can just ask any questions. And so what? What have you not thought? So it sounds like you've got a quite a hole in your setup budget. What, what, what, what? What if you not know for $1,000 and sunscreen as well. I thought the same sunglasses had been on the short sleeve of these sports. For that, he's got a pretty good deal of sleep injected. So you give me a little table at the table. What we did was so we thought it was important. My is completely different. You go to a rice cooking situation that is not Russell Westbrook is definitely not a company and you any type of work as well. Okay. Time out. So last 10 minutes now to finalise it and you got to presented at the end. So now we can keep out. If so, we've been signed. But since it's been. So now you should just be able to finalise it so we can go over there and get some information on some. Are being used by one another on a case by case basis, and so something else. So, yes, it's got a lot of scope on the setup and not much scope on the running of the week, the weekly budget you're about about there, 178, 20, 20 bucks. So if there's anything that you've forgotten, so we're going to do now is just finalise the list, you know, and then you're going to present it to all the teams at the end. So if there's any mistakes like, well, you have the budget, so it's as if you needed any setup items. So basically what you can do now is just to finalise everything. So you got 10 minutes just to finalise everything in the presentation with all the groups of what your overall is. And then when we hear what you said, we'll will see if there's anything missing. But basically you had about in fact, there was $1,000 or so was not set up. So you could put some stuff in there. And there was about $20 in running for week. So you haven't much scope to put anything in in the week you spend. But there's a periscope. If you've got anything missing from your setup, who wants to respond? So I just want a piece or, you know, just two and a half grand overall or yeah, that's one of your assumptions. You had 500 HP so you could spend more because you're not spending. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That no one's used it. So if you save this, so there's a thousand between the five groups. So if there's anything that you haven't put in the set up that you think of, you could still add something in thanks to. So we decided that we use it to try and help the country. And that's why we want to ask questions. Because it's. You something. I want to do something. Yeah. Thank you for. I mean, he's going to be able to get back to us from years of being friends with both and more than the one. His idea. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, you just do what you think only. Yeah, because they're not for the top three. So what happened here? Yeah. I mean, someone must. Sorry. I thought I might know where I might be. I think maybe. I don't know. All right. So. You know, it would be like, yeah, yeah, there is. You know, there's a lot of things going on here. Oh, yeah. I'm. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a, it's just a cold. Yeah, it's mostly the playoffs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just got to be slow. Oh, my goodness. How long? You can go to the office. Yeah. You'll be greeted by the country. I agree. And that's why we have to say that situation. Because what happens is a lot of people feel like, yeah, I wasn't a person. But people in the Senate very, very shortly, we will be rolling out the new. Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, but it's only because I'm confident in myself. Oh, yeah? Well, that's how I always said. I said. Well, I mean, I wanted to live before I came in journalism school, for example. I provided that roofing because I didn't want health services in my company. Yeah. I'm going to take it. I don't think that's the point. Yeah, it's not looking great for the. What do you think you would do? I don't know. I don't know. Because, you know, like, it's like. Yeah, you won't be able to get out of. I just. What's going on? You've got 2 minutes left. Finalise your list. Decide who's going to do the speaking for your group to check up on this evening to say, hey, what's my. About entertainment trends in three. Health benefits for people that nobody thought about. It was and I want to be to you about this. So you just have to work on this in the next 6 to 12 months and see how it works. Yeah, it was a good feeling. Yeah, we have a lot of time up here and it just has to. That's why we provide a reason to write. But then change that person as we said, oh, we actually consider. Okay, that's fine. Come back, come back, come back. What do you want? These are two years, one dimensional to do this. I thought, okay, let's have see more on the front of Team One. So what are we buying for health, meals and food? What's your total guys? That just listening to the front. Okay, so group one. So we had a 100 for this week. He managed to do like 80, 75 to 80, you know, 75 or 75, so 75 for the week and 300 for insurance. So 300 sets up. Yeah. Like, okay, so what just give us your top ten items for what you have much plus. So we have rice and pasta meal. Okay. Cereals, fruits. Veggies, spices. Groups five, six, seven, eight and ten. Wayland Instant. Instant noodles. Instant noodles. So you're a vegetarian? Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's cheaper. Yeah. So we're vegetarian. We've decided not. Not vegan because it's. Yeah, it could be vegan as well. Communion should continue vegetarian. Is it? Okay. So he makes expensive. Okay. All right. Thank you. Group one. So, group two, what do we have? We have a set up project of 848 and weekly expenses of $2. Two. Okay, so what you. What are you buying? So the top the top expensive items are the mattress and gram sheets, a couch and, uh, and a vacuum cleaner dish. What? Dishwasher. Oh, wow. You got a dishwasher? Dishwashing liquid. We we guess we very have to set it up. Okay. And we. Yeah, so those are the top and top ones. So eight and 1048 and two. Okay. Sounds good. Team three Entertainment and travel. Okay. Uh, we ultimately decided on an initial setup of 245 with subsequent weekly cost of $10, mostly for just refill your hot card. Okay. Uh, top, top items are in. Number one, choose primary form of transportation. You know, hot card number for long distance transportation of us. Sunscreen. It's a lot of money. Okay, go to the beach. Chill out, then. Lower priority. You have a power bank for your phone. You just want to go for need to say that you take your hear somewhere else completely different in the city of I need a problem and then books and hardback or whatever you might want to do in your free time. If you're if they were talking books or like to play cards with yourself. Cell phone on solitaire if you don't like but you got phone. So you could've done that on the phone. But anyway, okay, that's very good. Some very good spending that it's a $10 a week for help. That's not very much. Not going very far. Right. Okay. Appearance my big spend right now. I once spent a dollar on my appearance. So if I sit across, we have $140. Okay. And that's going to be initially spent on one one jacket and a raincoat. Okay. And in terms of the weekly cost, so we broke it down into we have got three separate categories. So one, two, three. Well, one is the essentials. Okay, so for now, focus on that one. So basically the total cost like overall cost is right, $60. So I think we said week will be $25 to 71 since we could afford it. Yeah. Very specific all over the 15 weeks in in terms of what we're going to provide with that, I guess over the course of this year, list the number one. Yeah. So number one, we had the sunscreens already obvious. You don't need to put that with the shampoo up. They're not body wash. Toothbrush and toothpaste. Toilet paper, underwear, salad and table thermals. Thermals. Sorry. And bottle bottle is another one, I think. Yeah. And then Patty was the last one putting. Yeah. I was putting before. I actually don't know what that context is at all. And I think probably yes, but I mean, yeah, yeah. So I know my, my wife would be really annoyed that there's no period products in there that would be one of our big expenses. So for the girls, I mean, would you allow for three products at least, what, five, $10 anyway? Very sexist. Yeah. So nothing for the setup. And 359 for the in 59. Yeah. So that 50 is 45 ish for all the power, I guess we're right. And then an extra $5 for replenishing the station and then for the setup. It is with the ticket price and it's in your phone so that we'll hear things like headphones and we've got some study bag table bookshelf. And textbooks if they're free. Yeah. And you go to the library if you need to get. Okay. Okay. So you can be walking to the library. So we have to look in the library, and we have probably mail resumes here. Yeah. So we're we're only spending $10 on getting around. So you don't get into any nightclubs or any pubs or anything, so you're very, very good. So no pubs. No pubs with drinking? Yeah. I would have thought the whole 200 would have been on the alcohol budget. Let's just have a look at this. Far away. Nothing. That's good. 70, 8700 and 713 163. Thing is, by no means, feel free to check. 813, 24 610. So, like. So you still got, what, 628 suspend and then and then you've got 37. Wow. So you've done it really well, I think. You think you could have spent some money on the. Maybe getting around a bit more? Maybe. I think you might need some some female female products in there generically. I think you might need to assist them. And I think you might need to have something a bit on the budget, but done well. Can you give yourself a round of applause? Well done. So it's quite, quite impressive. So. So the key for that is obviously just understanding. See how the scrum of scrums has to work. It's quite fast paced, isn't it? You've got to just get it, go into the group, consult and then come back. So it's just doing it at scale. So you can see doing it by yourself is quite easy, isn't it? Just coming up with your own list like we have that I think is right at the end. You corrected yourself around the sunscreen because you've got it on both, both budgets kind of thing. But overall, we did really well. So that's it for me, so that you don't have any questions on that. You just wanted to go through assignment three. So everybody. Okay, we'll go through assignments right now. Yep. Just get it up on the shelf. Yes, yes. It's different. This one. Right. So there is the basic stuff. So you got what you have to do is a one, a three page charter. So you've got lots of will go into that a little bit later and got lots of instructions for what should be in the charter. Follow the instructions of what should be in the charter. That's how I know how to do a charter. I'm going to do it like this. And you might be right. My advice, if you want the maximum marks, look at all the categories and take them right. Take them. If they're there, you'll get them off. If they're not, you want. So up to a five page iterations that is up to. So keep it short iteration zero plan and up to a three page summary. Lessons Learned. Now the summary lessons learned is right at the end of the project, so you don't need to worry about that until week 1112. Yeah, so don't worry about that. So your immediate focus is on the one page charter. So Friday, the 5th of May, this isn't very reading very well in the room. Hopefully it's really much better on Zoom to do the particular projects. So you've got to get that by Friday. Fifth March is a week on Friday. Okay, so that's your initial focus and then you're going, the reason we need to do it by then out is because you need to have your sprint plan ready for week nine because that's when you are going to do all the work. Because come this time on week ten, 11 and 12, you're going to be at the front demonstrating to me who's going to be sitting at the back, what you have done. So if you haven't done anything in week nine, it's going to be quite embarrassing because you're going to be standing at the front saying we haven't done anything. So you're getting zero month, okay, because the marks are for demonstrating. Remember, you're demonstrating those principles. So the principles are when you've made a did you make a sprint plan? Did you actually produce that? Were you an engaged team working together to produce stuff? These are where all the marks are. So if you didn't do anything, you're going to get not so many marks, just open up some of those categories. So go to the assignment details. The. So in the if you're worried about the demonstration, we talk about this more towards the end. But in the what you do in weeks, ten, 11 and 12 is up to five minute demonstration. So, Rich, are you going to come to the front, say hello, our product is this and we're going to demonstrate this feature. We're going to demonstrate this feature. We're going to demonstrate this feature. Can we have your feedback, please? You're not going to tell me what you've done for the week. You're not going to tell me how beautiful it is outside and it's sunny. You're not going to do any of that stuff. We're going to demonstrate what you have done. So say you created a website, you won't tell me about how you created the website. You won't tell me about what everybody did during the week. What you will do is put the website up on the screen and we will look at it and you will click buttons and you say, Look, we created this feature whereby you can log on and we created this feature whereby you can upload your video, you will show us your talk about it. You won't say, Oh yeah, we spent three weeks doing this. It was really hard and we had all this technical stuff. Don't care. You are showing me where you got to. If you didn't get anywhere, you have nothing to show me. Okay. We'll be sure to follow this. We will be doing what? So we'll be sharing the process. How we did it for this was only in the final week. So in the first week, so week ten you will just demonstrate. So all you do is you're saying My product is this. So we all know what we're looking at. And then you're just saying, this is what I'm going to demonstrate to you. So I'm designing a website for new students to look at. Here is the website. You can click on this button. You can click on this, you can click on this. What do you think about this? Because we're going to give you feedback. So that's the whole idea, right? So you're going to demonstrate things and then we will say, Oh, could you do that? Read to the website in green, could you make the font bigger? Can you change this? Can you change that? So you were listening to the feedback, but that's it. So it's only 5 minutes. So it's not like a big presentation. It's a demonstration. So. So every change does it three times. Yeah. So the ideal is, again, because one of the criteria is a highly engaged team. All of you will be at the front or online, and each of you may show a different feature because that is demonstrating that you're all engaged. If one person stands at the front and does it, that person's engaged in all the others, potentially not engaged at all. So behind and they're not very engaged. So the more people you have at the front and you say for the last one, it's ideal to have a role. So if you are physically remote, you can still join via Zoom so you don't have to physically be here. It's obviously ideal if people can be here. In the past, people go a little bit over the top and they have like team t shirts and stuff like that on the final presentation. So that's not compulsory by any stretch of it in this moment. So just so you see here, so initiating face confirmation of the brief by means of a maximum one, a three page project, charter planning phase iteration zero zero, not letter of preparation of a product backlog. So you did that already for your assignment too. And initial roadmap for the project's duration. Yeah. So that's it. So the thing we have to add in to that later on, it talks about it. So we took a go down here to talk about the project charter. So this is where I say you need to get your pen out and tick as a minimum keyword, then minimum it should contain high level summary of product service strength product service vision purpose. The project description assumptions constraints risks likely releases, the critical success factors, staffing arrangements and initial team roles. So you're going to need to decide who is the Scrum Master, who's the product owner. If you're using Scrum and says other high level headings may also be appropriate, this is not exhaustive of all information required to develop a charter requires you use your professional judgement and project management knowledge so you might have something in there about maybe timelines and stuff like that. So think about stakeholders anyway. There is no specific predefined template for the preferences in the form of a form. Okay. So not lots of words. I form boxes on it. Puts stuff in the boxes. So iteration zero. So here are the requirements for this. So the product backlog with user stories that are estimated prioritise and have definitions are done. So we know how to do that. Don't reach out. JPT Our US can do that for us. Initial Sprint iteration one backlog, right. So you haven't done that ever before. So the products own only guess but you have to do is that a team need to get together and agree what is going to be in that first week. So when I see this I know what I should see in the week ten demonstration because if you've agreed to those stories, whatever you say, those stories, I should see them demonstrated. Remember we said it should be about 20 things. Obviously that would be just a little bit expand like you also this is just be the product because you have the roadmap. It'll be well the first week we're going to do say a mock-up in paper week two, it's going to be the draft website and week three is going to be the finished website. Obviously you could have because you might you might do two releases before because remember in the thing we you said, well, you could start working on it now and, you know, there's no requirement to demonstrate anything now. So you could have all the way through but military those three weeks you must have something so that's so it's just a few but three would be a minimum. You might have some as well. So from assumptions to initial drills, can you elaborate more on what my prescribed. More more one more thing in this whole thing. So for example like what's the difference between stuff in arrangements and initial key roles. So what is everybody doing? So who I think literally is going to who are the staff? So who is everybody because of team always? You could say, well, everybody is a development team apart from these two people or is the staffing is who is who is in your team basically? And because, who knows, people might have dropped out and all that sort of stuff in theory when you've got ten people. So you should have just ten names and you just say, Oh, these people are this is the product initially. This is this from Martha initially. That's it. And we're all going to be working 10 hours a week, whatever you whatever you've decided. Okay. Well, good. So the initial thing we got down to here, initial sprint iteration and the agile process that is to be followed. So we've talked a lot about Scrum. You don't have to use Scrum and there are lots of other techniques. So Kanban is another significant one that you might choose to use. Got XP, there's there's literally hundreds. Most people just go scrum because there's no no marks for using a different one. But over time you might try it because again, for those for the principles, what we're saying is, is this approach working? You can do a retrospective at the end of each week in your teams if you want to get marks that don't get that well. But if you want to get marks or do a retrospective and in that you might say something isn't working is try Cameron, let's try XP, let's do something different so that that's down for you guys to solve. But you need to just state what it is that you're going to start with and team roles aside. So that's the same as your charter up above here. So pretty simple stuff you can look for. Have you got your product backlog? Have you decided what you're going to do in the first week? So your sprint backlog and have you said what team, who is in the team, what they're going to do and what the process is. So you're going to follow and that's it. So hopefully quite simple. So now we'll get to the other end of the project, the lessons learned. Again, a table. So I think we set up two, three pages from memory earlier on. So this is typically what you do is a retrospective. So what went well? What didn't go so well? What didn't we do is typically what you do in a retrospective and you'll have done those in week end of week ten, the end of week 11, and the end of week 12. All three of those together. That becomes your lessons learned, because we learned all these lessons over the three weeks. That's it. And what we say is it's best we put that into the presentation in week 12 because then you can get some feedback from it. So when you're doing your final demonstration, you do the five minute demonstration. But this is great because everybody always says, Oh, yeah, but we want to tell you all the hard work that we put in. It's like I can't see it from what you produce. So everybody always says, and this is, by the way, Steve, this is what we actually did for the three weeks. And this is our lessons learned. And they take 5 minutes to do that because then I can give you feedback on that as well. Before you do your final submission. I'm pretty good. So that's just down there. That's about it. So already told. You have the. I have a whole thing is assessed. So in addition, you should record notes of your experiences. That's what you need for Assignment four, because you've done two lessons learned journals and got feedback on those. But obviously for the rest of the time you just need to make some notes about what you did. This is the bit that Karen put up for us, so project to gets to Mark's Agile plan, three months, And down the bottom it talks about the peer assessment system. We could talk about that later on. But essentially what happens is you get an email and the email says, please write each of the people on your team. Are they good, bad, indifferent? So you go, Steve was bad, bad, bad. Steve gets zero out of ten. So even though we've got 30 or 30 on our project, you can search time zero zero, you get to zero errors. Tyler She sits in the front. She was exceptional. So she gets 30 plus 30 plus 30% plus 30, but it's limited to 30, 40%. And that's how it works. We just redistribute the marks. So those of you worried about people not doing any effort, you got this email right at the end and it can wipe out all of them so long as everybody agrees because everybody in your group writes it. So if you just don't get on with one person, we'll just notice that. But if everybody gives a similar rating and what you're also required to do is to take evidence of your meetings. So take videos and things and post a link to those in the Lessons Learned report so that we can then look at that. And if you say something all your Steve didn't contribute to any of the meetings, I can look at one of the meetings. So yes, Steve's not that great. I've got evidence to support it. So just to record your meetings and stuff like that, tracking documents, things which you want to drop the versions of what we've done and the development. No, no, no, no. You're just going to do a demo. Literally, there's no documentation for the project to tornar. So which you you can do is say this is our plan right at the start. And then all you're going to do is to demo, demo, demo. Lessons learned to like evidence of development. And you're happy with us. I'm going to see what you've done. So I'll be here even if I die. But in theory, I will be here. I will be able to see. So that's why I say there's no point telling me all the hard work you've done because it's irrelevant. I'm just going to watch. And if you've done something, I'll see if you haven't done anything, I won't do it. So we'll see how that looks. Very similar to what you did last week. There's no big change. So they're saying that all US demonstration aspects of Agile should be shown based on, like, how our product is. Yeah. Yeah. Like we've done this agile. I know because say like you say, you adopt some of the techniques from XP, which we'll talk about next week. And so one of the techniques there is you have multiple people working on a single task because you get faster feedback from it. So you might try that some of the other groups have them that says, Oh yeah, we've adopted XP for this. We put more than one person on the same thing. And you can see we've got this greater output. It's that kind of stuff. So you put that you put that comment in your final presentation for like week 12. But from my point of view, I said, Oh wow, they've done an awful lot of work this week. Seem to do something different this week you could adopt a ten month approach and that's all you actually. They're not doing it this way. And they just took a whole backlog and they just working them through it so we can see all these. It's really, really obvious when you have to demonstrate each week. It's exceedingly obvious whether you've done your work or not and whether you've adopted any agile practices. Like have you listened to any of the feedback? Have you adjusted? Have any of the team come on develop of showing different things to what they did last week? It's just obvious. Okay. Any of the questions you place that you got? Take two weeks to produce this. Load some yeast, have another yeast, have another assignment here so you feel really lucky. Eastern assignment on that stuff. We're done today. Yeah. So. That's right. Okay. So, see, it's same time next week. When you want to believe anything can be great, but when do you try to get it right?

# Week 8

Okay. So today we're going to look at other agile techniques. So we looked at Scrum to start with, and last week we looked at scaling. And today we'll look at other agile techniques. Remember I said when I started teaching about Scrum, it always fills me with a little bit of terror because lots of students in their brains say Scrum equals agile. This is not true. Okay. Agile is a mind set. Scrum is a technique that you can use to embody the mind set. Okay. And hopefully that's key. So there are lots of other techniques you can use and you can use the agile mindset almost anywhere. Okay. That's what we'll look at today. But before we get into that, we'll just look at the review of your assignment. The just like a flat screen. Go away. So the reflective journals. Now, I've just been talking with some of some of the guys at the front. My objective is to help you learn how to think. That's it. Whether you pass this course or not, doesn't matter to me. Matters a lot to you. Okay, that's good. What matters to me is whether you can think or not. That's it. If you can think when you go out into the real world, you'll be able to apply this stuff. If all you've done is learn this stuff and you go out into the real world, you'll struggle. Because the real world is difficult, complicated, complex. All the left hand stuff. Yeah, the complex environments, complex and chaotic. That's the real world. So you've got to take these ideas and you've got to adapt them to apply. Yeah. If you try and say, Oh, well I need to do straightforward scrum. Oh, oh, somebody shouted at me, I can't do scrap. What do I do? The people don't want to describe. How do I do it? What's the problem? How do I hope? I didn't? I didn't. That wasn't one of the essay questions. Yeah. You've got to think. You've got to adjust your technique. You've got to adapt to whatever you find. So the best way that we know to help you to do this is the reflection. The reflection helps you think about your own thoughts. Yeah. I mean, I tried to help you because some of your fellow students are giving you feedback as well. So for the reflective journals, have most of you submit. So two students have dropped out. Remember, if you don't submit reflective journals and don't do the feedback, you get a hit on the final assignment. And some for some for it's worth 35%. You mock. So at your peril, don't do it. Okay. What I found when I looked through the sample feedback. Excellent. If you just did what the sample feedback said, you'd be great. So the question for me is. Can you do it? Can you actually learn or can you just say, Oh, that was really good. I'll remember that and then not do it? And but we talked about Alcoholics Anonymous, if you remember that. Yeah. You cannot think your way to a new way of acting if you want to give up drinking alcohol. You have to move your actions differently. So you have to not go to the bar where you're going to drink. You have to go to the classroom where you're going to learn stuff. You have to act differently. Once you act differently, your brain can think differently. So if you carry on doing everything that you've always done and hoping that miraculously one day you will think differently, this will not happen, guaranteed, or will not happen. You will carry on thinking exactly the same way, even though you think you will. When you said in your reflections, I need to think differently or I will think differently next time you want me to act differently. What are you going to do that's different? Because you can control whether you do something or not. But anyway, generally in the in the feedback is very good advice. So my two pennyworth for you guys. The journals are tending to become a diary. There is absolutely no value in this because I don't care. I know what I did last week. I don't need you to tell me what I did last week. It's very interesting. So at least in a way, we do share a conscious experience. My daughter would say, Isn't life an illusion? And how do we know we're really here? Are you just all a figment of my imagination? But at least if you're feeling the same stuff as me, we're sharing a conscious experience, so that's useful. But other than that. Nada. If you said this is weak, I took that. That's really interesting. Do I care? This is all about reflection. So what were the problems you had? How did you deal with them? What could you have done? That's better. So what will you do next time? That's the idea. Yeah. So you came into the class, you fell asleep because Steve was waffling on about some boring stuff. Hmm. And you hit your head on the table and you cut your head. That's the problem. What do I do next time? Well, either don't go to the lecture, because then I won't hit my head on the table when I fall asleep. Because these bouncing off my back, some boring stuff again or I take a pillow. So when I fall asleep, my hand hits the pillow. Said there's two actions that I can do that would both improve the results. Yeah. Now, whether you do them or not, that's up to you. But you learn from your experience. Whereas if you just say, I'll go to the lectures and I fall asleep like I remember at the end. So watch the video and then I remember it. Then I can do my assignments. Wasn't that good? Next time I'm going to try and pay more attention. What will happen? Absolutely nothing. Because you'll still fall asleep. Because you're still going out partying till three in the morning. You come here on the way back to your place, so you haven't changed any actions. But when I go party and you take a pillow with me wherever it is. So don't do a diary. Don't talk about course. No one cares about the course. There are no there are no points. So this for the for these journals, it doesn't matter because it's zero, right? What I'm talking about is when you get to assignment for assignment for your summative journal. Summative journal means a summary of all of the other journals. So you are going to take up to two points from all of the other journals and the stuff that happens to you during the final assignment. Get to producing whatever the product or service is that you do, and you are going to think about that maximum two things from that. So it doesn't matter. You don't need to know what I did every single week. It's going to pick one or maybe two things so you can do with just one and talk about it. What did I learn? Did I learn how to think, Wow, that's more interesting than what's the course of it, right? So also, people talked about assignments. I had a really bad experience on this assignment. That's interesting. Why did you have a bad experience on the assignment? Yeah. What did you learn? What will you do different next time? What is the different action? If you say I will start my assignments earlier, that is not an action. An action would be I will send it to review one day after I said I am going to start for feedback because that's now in action. Some guys are actually going to do, yeah, I can test whether I've done it or not, but if I say I'm going to start earlier, when's that? And the project management smart objectives, time bound. When was the date? I will do it by then. It's these kinds of things that don't talk about the assignments equally, don't talk about lack of skills. I will study more. I will work harder. We. Don't need to work harder. Said you last week. Work smarter. What are the tools you could use? This is all about things being so frightened of. You're not God's gift to whatever is on an end. The dive technique. Okay. How are you going to become God's gift to the dive technique? What are you going to do that is different to what you've done so far? Yeah, I'm going to read a book. Okay. I'm going to practice. I'm better. Getting better. When are you going to practice? Well, I've got three iterations to practice on. Maybe I could practice during that. Maybe I could take it on myself to do dive. Maybe I could go and explain dive to somebody else. If you really want to know, have something that works. Teach somebody. Oh, I really understand this. Okay, go teach it. Go teach calculus. Anybody who's got any kids got lots of kids, right? Go teach the kids calculus. Then you will know calculus. My daughter says, Oh, I'll go in there. Oh, yeah. Can you consider, like, an infinitely small amount of something? Yes. Huh? Can you speak? Can you think about weenie bit? We get that. Yes. Infinitesimally small. Don't get that weenie bit. Right. Oh, that's not in any textbook. Does it matter? Teaching you how to think. So Amber answered the question, what was the question for the journals? So this is a key thing. So for all of agile net thinking backwards, think backwards. Where am I trying to get to? One of the principles we did and I think we want maybe weak to nit think backwards. So always in agile where am I trying to get to? Almost doesn't matter where I am other than by to compare to where I trying to get to. What's the difference between where I am and where I want to get to? So the question was in your journal entries, you want to explore the linkages between the theoretical content. And I said last week, some people ask for less theory. And I said, I could give you more if you really wanted it hard to do, much less, e.g. the readings in class sessions and your practical experience. So I've got to compare theory with real life. That's it. That's the key thing for reflection, right? What happened to me? What was the bad thing that happened? I fell asleep in the lecture. Hit my head on the table. What does the theory say about that? Get plenty of sleep. Make sure you get 8 hours sleep. Make sure you're in a subject that you actually are interested in. Make sure you've hydrated. Yep. All of these things you could then go and do. Because that's all into theory. Yeah, that's old theory. You could go and do it. Ultimately, you should consider the real difference the course is making to your thinking and behaviour. That's it. So what are you doing different now to what you did this week, seven weeks ago or four, nine weeks since you have the holiday. So when you walked in through that door for the first time, what did you think and do? What do you think and do not if it's exactly the same. This course has not affected you. That's the deal. And maybe you got a bruise on your forehead from hitting it on the table repeatedly. So I just thought I'd go back to Bloom's taxonomy. This is where you guys are trying to get to, right? Knowledge. So this is undergrad or maybe even school level. The ability to repeat things. Repeat the Agile Manifesto. There are no points for this. You need to know it, but there are no points for it. Understanding. So explain the manifesto. So this was the first assignment, being able to explain it. What did interactions in individuals mean in the personal team context? So I didn't say, Tell me what the Agile Manifesto is, tell me what it means. So, you know, we're going through this experience because you're about to embark on this little mini project, so you're going to understand what value means to you. You are going to understand what success means to you. So you can compare your original writing in Assignment one with what really happens to you over the next three weeks. That would be good in the summative journal, right? So this is what we're trying to Compréhension do you do you actually comprehend what it said? Can you apply it so you could say, Oh, I'm going to apply this thinking because I wrote all this stuff about what you should do for a team. Maybe I talked about Lindsey, Tony and Trust and all that stuff. Maybe I should actually apply it rather than having a meeting. Maybe we should do some stuff as a team. Maybe we should go on. I think I said last week, go, go, go karting or something like that. Just do something. Something that involves stress has to be something. It involves stress because if it doesn't involve stress, you're not going to learn anything. If you go to the cinema, it's not such a good interactive experience, not so stressful, but need to do something that's stressful. What you find out about people to put them under stress in a nice way. So analysis. She's breaking stuff down into the fundamental elements. So if I want to trust my team, what do I need to do? So GREENE taught us trust was about credibility, reliability and intimacy and not self-interest. Now, I guarantee that at least one team will have at least one person on it who is self-interested. And they say something like, I want to get an A-plus and you're not putting in enough effort. Classic. This is what self-interest looks like. I want an A-plus. You're not putting in enough effort. Work harder. And if none of you hear that, I will eat my shoes. Right. Cause somebody somewhere will say it. Yes, cause they always do. And normally it's one person in every single group because somebody is really success focussed. I don't care about people. Yeah. I mean, that's scary, cause that's the real world. What are you going to do about it? So synthesis. Combining elements. So I could go down this list. This is where you're trying to get to. So if you said my behaviour has changed by combining elements of things, maybe I've looked on I, Belvin and I looked at the roles that people are doing and we've adjusted some of the roles. So some of the things that people do, we've, we've assigned roles to people. Yeah, we've done the teambuilding thing, we've had some chats, all these things. Then evaluation, judging. The best approach to this would be like I was talking about Scrum is Scrum the best approach? Actually, Scrum is not working for us. We want to do Canada, we want to do XP. We want to do something completely different. So long as we're using the natural mindset, it's going to work. So this is where you're trying to get down. So master's students and beyond and above. Yeah, if you are able to evaluate the efficacy of different techniques and choose which to apply, you've cracked it. That's it. You need to do all the other things. So the more when you write up your learning journal, you consider these six ways of thinking, the better. But then you can say, Oh, right, okay, I need to think so. What ideas? So this would be a classic. I hit my head on the table, so I decided not to come to the lectures. Trouble with that was I didn't get to meet any of my team and I was doing over Zoom and it was a bit awkward doing over Zoom. So maybe that was not the best approach. Maybe I should get the 8 hours sleep. Maybe I'll try that. So that would be an evaluation type thing. So I've considered the elements because I know all these different techniques that I could do. I like to choose different ones. How am I going to make myself do that? I am going to set an alarm for this evening. Exist in your lives 9:00 at night to make me go to sleep. Well, to wake me up. Because I know I need to get hours sleep. So if I get to bed at nine, there is a chance I might be asleep by ten. So therefore, I should be able to get up at six. Therefore, I should be able to get to the lecture for nine and be awake. Or maybe just need to get a coffee on the way there, or Red Bull or whatever on the way through, whatever you do. Moments for higher levels. Right. So this is what I found in various learning journals I need to study more often. Level one. So if that was your answer, you're at the level one I need to review and better understand comprehension. Level two. I will try. Anybody fight like Star Wars here? My wife's big Star Wars fan. Yoda, the little guy. What does he say for chocolate? What does he say? There is no try. There is only do or not do. So whenever you say I will try. What do you really mean? For a chocolate, you say thank you. There is no try. But I realise that. So this is analysis. So you're getting there. I adopted two key ideas. So this is synthesis because you're putting two different things together. I chose chosen evaluation, so it means you're aware of the alternatives and you chose one of them might not be right. That doesn't matter. Really. Doesn't matter. You chose. And if you said and my test will be to see if this works, then you waste it right. Cause agile thinking has to be a test. Can't just do stuff randomly. So what I did was just choose one of the. One of the journals that I found. I thought I'd let all of you test it for me. So this is what. This is what a person said during lecture three. Obviously, down to me, there are two of us. We investigated effective teams. I reflected on a good phrase some of the issues with my past teams, so practical experience that I had professionally been a part of and realised that was one of the words we had back here, wasn't it? Oops, I realised analysis. So using some of the key words that there were some inconsistencies, the inconsistencies between theory and practice, there was constant friction and arguing in one team, but we excelled. Hmm. So conflict. I can still have excellence as we achieve projects ahead of time under budget. And we've won awards, so teams that are highly effective can still win the award. Hmm. Interesting. So what's that talking about? Success. An award is success. But if there's constant friction, that's the value. So we're talking here about success versus value. Doesn't use those words, but I can just ask. So this is thinking about really does success equal value? That's the concept we're talking about here. Yeah. Same time, several people got removed from the team and some left of their own accord. So I remember the whole storming, forming, norming, the forming, then deforming stuff. So deforming. So they're going through the team cycle and come in at the far end. So the team's d forming. How effective is that? What we have at the moment in the in the health sector, depending on who you believe, it's either 4000 or 19,000 people leaving the health service. Is 19,000 moving then? I think we haven't got the health of the. How many nurses do we have is a question. So the team also seemed unhappy. Member I talked about the high five. Yeah, if you're getting five, the team seem happy they're going to be productive and high performing. So this is kind of saying they seem them happy, but they're getting success, but they don't seem to be productive. So maybe even though they're winning awards, maybe they're not as good as they could be. So this is starting to change your paradigm now of thinking, Oh, okay, just because you win an award doesn't mean you'll win naturally. Excellent. Yeah, you might just be better than the rest. So maybe the other teams are worse. So I think this team is good, but actually they're bad. They're just better than the others. Wow. What's you know what? When New Zealand productivity is lower than most. New Zealand's productivity is one of the lowest in the world. Scary stuff. Slower than Australia, lower than Greece other than Italy, lower than just about everybody. We're not very good at having high performing teams. New Zealand destitute. She'll be right. We just won't talk of about stuff. So question, great question here. How will we still effective so problematic articulation so following the total and structure. Next one problem analysis. You can read through this. So I'll just highlighted some of the key words in there. I thought that I thought the constant conflict was healthy. Well, remember, we talked about conflicts and we said it could be destructive or constructive. So it depends. For a chapter, what was the test? What destructive conflict can they remember? It's more that theory stuff did this a long time ago. What happens when it becomes destructive? When it starts to get. Personal. Yeah. And when you say things like your crap, Steve, that's personal. When you say, Hmm, that's an interesting idea. They come, we build on that. That's constructive criticism. Yeah. Yeah. So you're maybe saying what you think is the same thing, but you're saying it in a very different way. Yeah. Trying to be positive, just with the only reason you see is that like a general consensus on average or. Oh yeah, that's why the government has that. The whole productivity focus, they've had it for gosh, ten, ten years now. New Zealand, this is why they're trying to stress it and things like that because basically a lot of New Zealand industry is in primary industries and it's really hard to be productive if you go say somewhere like Finland, their productivity is just off the scale because what do they make? Well, they used to make a company called Nokia. They used to make funds. It's still just about doing that high, high value exports. But so that's why the focus now is on I.T. here, because it's an all because you can start to increase the productivity you the net output versus the net input is huge. But yeah, if you look at it, if you go into any of the sites and you just see where when New Zealand registers on it. So there's lots of reasons for it, but you only got to go to any company he's gone to. The New Zealand thing isn't productivity, it's being kind of nice and having a nice environment. That's my experience is it's generally people like to be liked in New Zealand and when it comes down to like if you if you're choosing someone to do a job for you, typically you choose someone you know or is like I'm from the UK. No, no, no, never, ever, ever. There would always be a competitive tender and it would always be who is going to do the best job for the least money, always person. And we have lots of this LB type stuff and it's all in which I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but here it's more about who you know to get work. Whereas perspective, I dunno, all things being all things. Yeah, I would disagree with you because in construction we have some O in construction it's often it's well my experience with they'll tell you about my experience with console.log. So Colonel Wagner just a fact that we studied the market so civil engineer the area and we thought because Col Wagner are brilliant at tunnelling, it's what they do. MacDonald Now one of them said, Oh, we're brilliant and we do lots of technical things. So we went out to the market anonymously through a third party agency, and they said and they they went out to all the people who employed us and we said, Why do you employ us? Obviously we kind of hid it in amongst loads of other feedback. The answer that came back made us fall off his chair. He was so distraught too. It's because he built and said, We're technical excellence. We need to do all these really good things. We need to build on all these. We need to hire more structural engineers, all this kind of technical stuff. So why did we hire people? The resounding result was we want five people who can do large contracts. You want one of the five. So what we do is we rotate and you if it's time five, you're going to get the contract. That's it. It was as simple as that said. See, I fell off his changer. This is mad. So he's absolutely not. We just want to keep the status quo. We want to have five good people, five good firms who could do the small things. They're not so much of a deal. They just say, no, no, that's it. We want to have a healthy market. So we're not ever tied just to one civil engineer or not quite scary. But you get stuff through gets so you get on it gets excellent tendering online and you get some stuff through that. But that tends to be a little bit weird. And what my experience of that was, the clients you wanted you would come up to said, you know, what does it get? You tend to coming out next week in your interest to apply for that one. That's not you, wink, wink. So absolutely, there's still a tendering process and they still go through it. And if you screwed it up, yeah, you would come at that. But generally in New Zealand, my experience, my experience, I've only been here six more 17 years now. Got to know people. You can't go in there with a brilliant solution and win. Whereas in the UK you can, you can come in with a brilliant solution and there's an insurance company called Direct Line in the UK just destroyed everything. It's like it's Emblem was a telephone on wheels and when it came out it was just pretty easy. Had all these when we used to get insurance in the UK, used to always be through a broker and then the red line came on, said, no, no, just pick up the phone and ring this. When I give you insurance over the phone and you took out like 20% of all the premiums overnight, it was just wonderful. People like me and Scott is brilliant, but it was just completely disruptive. And so the UK is much more up for things because you went purely on technical content, if you like, an excellent to problem analysis. So I highlighted some of the some of the things. So here people removed from the team was a positive thing. Oh wow. Remember I said the agile thinking people are never the problem, it's always the process. So if you've got dodgy people in your team, people could be dodgy. But how did they get into your team? Is it therefore they were chosen into the team? If I've got Steve's a dodgy person in the world and I join the government, whose fault is that? It's got to be the government. Yeah. Counties. Manukau They hired the person who've got no experience at all and made them. Oh was it? He's just been put in prison for three and a half years. So a man with no qualifications who wanted to be a doctor and he was doing all the kind of respiratory diseases down at counties and it was the only way they found him was a guy did an online search and said, Oh, I came across this person at the university and they were, they were turning up to lectures and they weren't too real. Student Could it be the same person? So coaches looked into that. Yes, it is. So that was the process whereby they found is it his fault? Is he a person? No, it's the process. How did the process allow that to happen? Right. So even if you get a bad person in a thing, it's not a bad person, just wasn't a qualified person. That's the process. So the process right ahead, perhaps they didn't fit into the hierarchical structure. Is a hierarchical structure a necessary thing? Yeah, team also operating waterfall project. So maybe we're looking now at some of the reasoning, so we're starting to think about it. So perhaps culture and leadership of the team came into play. So here what we're seeing here is some good analysis. Yeah. So that's in that Bloom's taxonomy tentative theory. So now this is critical thinking. I've talked about all the things that it could be and this is the stuff. Now we've got a couple of references here. So I've got Blake. So Lindsey only Kilman, I forget me. Yeah. So we're looking at some theories. So this is saying I've read some stuff and my theory is based on some of these other people and so wouldn't know no references in there. You just kind of they just make this up. What we're looking at here is how are they thinking? What are they drawn on? Yeah, that's the key. So. So what we're saying here is the waterfall style suited them, providing good outcomes. However, this is at the expense of the individuals in the team. Therefore, is it sustainable? This is saying success for the organisation was more important than value to the people and they were leaving as a result. Yeah, they say they had a few dysfunctional team members and a dysfunctional team member looked like them. But the thing about the video about Nova. Nova, who is working for two hotel chains, is from Simon Sinek and he works for this company and he says, I'm going to give him a tip. And he says, I go down the road and work for these guys and I keep my head down. So says, Hey, I've got the same guy. He's dysfunctional over here. Dysfunctional over here. Is that. So maybe the dysfunctional team member is all about the culture. So action. Yeah. So I must constantly reflect weekly on how I lead and adjust my style depending on the situation. So there's an action. So you could test that, could you? At the end of the week. Have I done a reflection to say that I thought about my leadership style? And if I'm going to think about my leadership style, then what are the leadership styles I could choose? Yeah. Here we mentioned some of the stuff from Green that we just talked about. Intimacy and reduced self-interest to create more trust. Yeah. Coaching leadership style down to the leaders who define the culture. So maybe it's my problem. If I'm the leader and I've got this team that are dysfunctional, maybe it's my fault. Scary stuff. I need to be better aware whether I'm getting into an effective team and I'll bit. And if I cannot change it, I need to leave it. Interesting. Would you abdicate? It's what Jacinda did it. Jacinda couldn't cope, so she left. So my wife thinks anyway. So. Just have a show of hands. Did the students answer the question? Do we think need to spread threat, would you say they answered the question? Yes. Now, maybe they might. And you may ask in the summative journal those of a group. Do you think he answered the question and she answered the question? So that's the question. So you've just seen the four, four elements to that journal. Do you think they answered the question? Did they link theoretical content to practical experience? Yeah. Did they talk about working in a multidisciplinary team? Yeah. Did they consider the difference the course is making to their thinking and behaviour? I think they did. So would you give that a pass? So reflect on your own. Very quiet this morning, isn't it? It's like tumbleweed going across the stage. Reflect on your own assignment. Did it look a bit like that? Did it look a bit different? So we call that an exemplar. So that's an exemplar for you. Obviously, you would need to you can't just copy that. You would need to write in your own experiences. But that's the kind of thing that you're looking for in your summative journal. Okay. Hopefully that helps. Just from the feedback you guys were saying, you like you'd like exemplars. So I agree with the student. It was okay if we use this one as an exemplar. Okay. Not perfect. Pretty darn good. Right. So back to today's and any questions on that. So you got one more learning journal to do and then you do a summative in week 12. Mark said that some of the better grades come from Kerry. Reference. What you. What do you mean? I'll. I'll send it to you. Okay. Is it a it's a it's a it's a book. Yeah. Yeah, I'll. I'll send it to you. Yeah, course the sent me. We have to include that. We'll make references to that, you know. So basically all that is, is kind of like another best practice type type thing. Yeah. So you're looking at if you, you follow what we've said that then you're doing what Harry says effectively. It's just a knowledge thing. Yeah, I cribbed that thing from a different course. Obviously I have not put across the so I teach on business development as well. So we use that. We use this on on business dev. I've just not brought the reference across. My apologies. I got them for reading. Okay. So we'll talk a little bit about today. The expert. I'll just check the I've got any questions on anybody online. Have any questions? Yep. So talk a little bit about a thing called XP, which is one of the original ways of doing Agile. Bit like Scrum game from the I.T. world. It will start going into Lean Kanban, which is a very different approach, still agile, and then look at some wider applications and you get to do a little exercise later on. So we just talked about this. The key to Agile, if you get nothing else from Agile than this, this is the key. You always think about the test before you start. You think backwards. You called it knitting. What is the test? How will I know I've got there. That's the test. So you see it more like when I do Google Maps now and it always comes up at the end. Do I get a smiley face for getting you to your destination on time? Yes or no? That's the test. They need feedback to say whether it's getting good, bad or indifferent. If I do this on most websites now. Do you have a minute? For instance, bit of feedback because this is what you need. So what is the test? So we talked about this with definitions of dumb and saying you need to have the definition of done to know how much effort it's going to be to do the thing. You can't start without the test. You need to have the test to do the test. I've got to talk to the customer because I've got to know what the customer wants. And if they don't want, I've got to suggest some things and tell us like, Yeah, that sounds good. We'll try that. So I've got to do that first. All right. So what we're saying is, the more often you test and the earlier you test, the better it is. So that's what we tried to do with all of the assignments is I'm just send me a draft because if you're good, great. If you're not good, then we can adjust it. If you don't send anything in. Stan Taluk, do you feel lucky? So some four engineers said takes five. Sutherland quoted 20 times. His guy, I think, said 12 times. So basically, if you fix something when you make it. It's 12 times quicker. And Sutherland said 20 times quicker than if you kind of go, I have a think about it and then come back later on. You send something in for feedback. My experience, I've worked as a consultant for seven years. Best way of working as a consultant is to have someone sitting right next to you. Completely inefficient because there's two of you doing the same bit of work. But when two of you worked on the same bit of work, you gave instant feedback to each other as you were doing it. And the results were just tremendous compared to if you did it and then sent it to someone for feedback and then got it back again, because by the time you got it back, you're kind of gone. What did I mean here when I wrote this? Can I remember? Oh, yeah, yeah. And it would be slow. Whereas getting instant feedback really, really quick. So in XP they build in feedback. So that's really the reason we look at this. XP is just so hot on feedback, so we said we're going to try and release code every freaking day, every day. And if you feel really old like me and you can remember Windows 3.1 and used to wait like two years for it to come out, and then they said, Yeah, we're going to release all the bug fixes in six months time, then you guys want. So I can just carry on using this rubbish bit of software for six months. Is that okay? But whenever I do this, it crashes. Yeah, that's, that's called a feature. You're going to call it a feature. Yeah. Yeah. We designed it to do that. Yeah. Just reboot your PC. It's a feature. Yeah. Right. So we said we should program in pairs now. One group one year they were doing a 3D bit of modelling and they said we're going to try this. So they designed they were designing an environment for school kids to learn stuff. So what they'd done to start with in their team of like six people that each designed a module and they got to the end and then they showed it to us and then they got feedback. This is what we can do next time is seeing. See how much more productive we are. If instead of working six individual people, we work in pairs and we do it. And they said the factor of improvement was for. Yeah. So not only did they do two modules that they would have done, they actually did full modules like, Oh, this is crazy. We get so much more productive because as we're doing it, somebody says, Oh, you know what? Don't do that. Do it like that. Oh, you know, I've got this technique. You could do this and you can even prove that this would be really freaky if you put this in and I'm doing this over here and you could do and they were just saying four times more productive was their experience than working individually because they got that instant test. Yeah. So typically what we would do and you see in lots of i.t type applications. We actually write the code test first. So so what you've got to do is submit your code into this thing. And if it comes out, it will give you a green light. And if it doesn't give you a green light, it's failed. Fix the code. So we actually designed the code first. When I was working in manufacturing, we would just have this would be a customer essentially. We'd say, Yeah, we're going to we're going to put one together. Then we're going to get a customer to come in and do whatever the customer does with this unit and tell us if it works or not. So we couldn't do it on a daily basis. We could certainly do it on a two weekly basis. So yeah, we've put all our latest features and changes into this customer comes in every two weeks and we operate it. And then next year we don't we don't actually do that. We do this, we change this. We were making machines that made shoes. And if you can imagine that as a concept, so frigging great because this table but twice as high seven tons of hydraulic force, electronics, computers, hydraulics, pneumatics, everything but 20,000 parts in this cube. And you put your shoe or your bits of leather in and out comes a shape. And so that's that was the kind of environment and we go, Oh yeah, we're going to change the cover. So you get a bit more access and we're going to change the, the way the sensors come in to make it easy for you to do so. You don't lose your fingers when you do this and all that sort of stuff. Superb experience. We massively reduced the amount of time to introduce the product because we were getting that feedback. What you want to try and remember, this is one of the principles of Agile. It's only design it right at the end. So a lot of people get really, really excited about, well, what colour is it going to be? And so it's not really that important about what colour is. Can we get the wire frame first, can we actually get it to look right? So like when you're doing the covers and go, oh, I need to print it, whichever comes it, and then I can just do them in like stainless or something. So it's just the cover in the shape. Once we've got the shape right and we can make it, then we can work out the colour. Don't look about the colour first. Yeah. So we want to do things as light as possible in the comments, in the feedback about the hierarchical structure said no, no, no, what you want is a flat management structure. So what do we have. Self-managing team nine people. No boss we have a coach. Yeah. Imagine your blacks. And they said oh do you know what, I need to catch the ball. Oh yeah, I need that. I need the ball catching chief to appoint a ball catcher to go catch the ball. So you're not allowed to know you're into the skip. You can't catch it. I need the training to come in and catch this one. It's just mad, right? Why would you do that? It's what we do in industry all the time. Why did you do that? Why wouldn't we give the nurses on the front line authority to administer the drugs? Why wouldn't you? It's crazy. Often the nurses will correct what the doctors say because they got more experience. This is bad. Why wouldn't you do this? So we want to have it nice and simple and clear and we expect the customer to change things. So this is another one for like lots of people, particularly engineers, they could just make up their minds, which I had a dollar for every time someone had said that to me, why can't the customer just make up their mind what they want? I always said to them because they don't know. It's as simple as that. They don't know. But what they do know and it's good when they see it. But because they've never experienced before. You've never done was right on the back of a horse and you saw a car on earth snapped. But when you see what I can do, you got a obviously I want that. But until that point, could you possibly conceive what a car would look like? Can you conceive of what the replacement for the car looks like? What is it? Is it a flying vehicle? Is it a hovercraft? Is it a pogo stick? Is it a no? A metallic road? You just you just step on. If you go into the sci fi, everybody's thought about all these different solutions for the same problem. You don't know what it is yet. When you see it, you'll know. So frequent communication with the customer and among programming. So what you're saying is frequent communication is the key waterfall. Now, we don't want to disturb the people. We want to agree what it is they're going to do. Then we tell them what they're going to go do. We write it down, we test it, they understand it, and then they go and do it. And then no one disturbs them. So they've got it perfect. No one talks to them, nothing matter. And then go away for six months and come back with the perfect solution. Shows it to the customer and customers don't like that. But we did exactly what you said. I know you did exactly what I said. Awful, isn't it? Awful. If only it showed me a draft would have been so much better. So this is where XP came from. So some guys. So ideally suited to very small teams. So quality of feedback was the key. You can read about it more. You don't need to know for any exams or anything. This is how it looks you like is a diagram to sign. This is where the value is added. So what they said is these are the feedback loops. So you're thinking about this for your teams. What are the feedback loops? Do you give feedback to each other? If you are thinking about this as your learning journal. Right. So you did the Learning Journal. Do you write it with another student at the same time? That would be the ideal. But from next perspective, you both be sitting there and you be reading each other's work as you were doing it. Yeah. And you could say pass the unique test so you could give it to a third student to say, huh? I've got the exam question here. Does it pass it completely independent. Yeah. And that kind of thing. So you could design in these feedback loops to whatever you do. This is the concept. How immediate do I need that feedback to be? I know where I'm going here. I'm using more resource than I need to. Is the extra resource justified? Was long as you guys I was telling last week about the whole earth concern, the whole earth concept. My mum does pleased to have two people typing them at the same time so they made sure it was right rather than check to someone. If you get two people doing it at the same time, come up with the same answer. We know it's good. It's highly unlikely that both come up with the wrong answer at the same time. Just statistically, it's unlikely that you've got the right answer. Highly likely. So what did XP do? GAVE is higher quality, very much faster feedback to the customers, better business model. This is where you start to get into that stuff that we mentioned in the Learning Journal. We have more fun. The developers actually liked it because you know what they were learning because they were writing code in someone else's sign. All you could do, they said, Oh, I didn't know that. Alright, I'll incorporate that into my stuff. Whereas before they would just write their own code in their own wiki, which would be completely fine. Somebody else would write their own code in their own way. Completely fine. But you never had the best of both worlds. There's no syntheses going on. So the developers love this. This is brilliant. We actually learn from each other and we get real problems and we think about ten different solutions. We work out the best one. It's great and we get to meet the customers. So do you know what? We don't spend ages and changes in ages making stuff that no one likes. Customer doesn't like it. They tell us straight away and we can fix it. So when you draw that as a diagram, if you like, it looks like this because we designing in an iteration. So we've got high risk at the start and by the end we know the customer likes it all and we choose the next bunch of stuff when we get rid of the risk. When we do waterfall, I remember I said, you stick to your swim lanes and everyone just does their own thing for at least one at the top. I should point on this one time. I remember my thing. Yeah. So pointing up here took a huge risk on my project because everybody is just learning, and the risk doesn't go down until I start doing my test. How many of you put in does a testing phase in your project? Iteration zero. You don't have a testing phase. You test each story because the idea is if the world's stopped tomorrow, you could ship that. You don't say, Oh, another world, stop. I still got to test it. No, no. Whatever I finished could go to market. That's the idea. So you might have a secondary test, but the idea is everything that you've finished is tested and you would be delivering it during the sprint. So if it's day one and I finished, that's good to go. I could go now. And that's what we said. Daily release once it starts. Effects. Daily frequent releases. So rather than wait for Windows 3.1 to come out in two years time, do you know what? The next day I can have to fix like you have now? She's so irritating now with windows that gives you the downloads every single day to fix whatever the problem is. What's this kind of concept? So what we're trying to do with de-risking our project, we're getting better solutions. So this is fundamental to it. And we have the burn up chart, which is very similar to earn value if you're into classical waterfall type thinking. So what we do here is say I'm going from zero to however much work I totalled on my sprint. One of a better word, my iteration. And this is my actual. Yeah. So it's burning up. You'll like, for example, if Windows 11 came out like full of bugs and they like these fixes, often they reuse updates and fix those. Do you think it hasn't been tested properly before they released or they decide to release the program with those bugs and fix that leak? Generally, what happens is they they they go through beta testing. So they would actually have tested that. So that would have been tested with someone in an artificial environment. So I could have nominated myself to be the beta tester for Windows 11. So I could have downloaded into my environment and I could have been using it completely happily. Most of the things that happen in things like Windows, I mean, it's going to sound like my knowledge. Yeah, but if you look at it, it's kind of typically on this platform. I get this problem when I do this and this at the same time I get this problem. So what you if you think about the distribution of people for the people who are in the middle who do normal things. It's completely fine. But what you're doing is you're going through the use cases and you're getting more and more into these fringe. Obviously, the longer you let it run, you get more and more into these areas where it's dodgy. So the answer is no. They have tested it at a micro level. But what what's happening is you get more and more environments and more and more interactions with other programs that cause issues and lots of them. And if you say let's all yeah. For this particular hardware, we need to have this new driver that fixes this thing and that's where a lot of the fixes are. But now they they do do they call it DevOps? So literally as they're going through, they do test it. So they designed the test. But how do you test for, you know, 7 billion people using windows Scottish four. That's hard. So I can test most most things like at my beta testers. So they're out there testing stuff and they're the early adopters, but really the only way to do it. So what that often the companies will do is they'll say, actually, I'm only going to release this software to this many people. And if you've ever experienced this behaviour of Fletchers, when I was working there and I'd had the release at home, but Fletchers hadn't released it yet because they were saying, Oh yeah, we're not going to release this to our users because we're going to control it. So commercial environments, they will actually say, Oh yeah, we're going to wait, we'll let the world test it for a bit, and then once they're happy with it, then we'll release it. But you get real problems from that because then they have bugs in the in the actual operating environment. So the test is always is the fix better than the disease if the fix is worse than the disease and you know, maybe I'm not going to take it for [INAUDIBLE], but now they do test it, but it's all testing. It's like if you guys were to test something and this is something that came across I came across the manufacturer using all you make something, therefore you inspect something. Therefore you get perfect quality, you know, because the inspection itself is faulty. So you can't guarantee that it's right. So that's why I was saying like, like my mom, oh, they just did it identically. So they knew that it was perfect because they said, well, it's hot. It's so unlikely that two people would make the same mistake on the same thing at the same time. It's just, you know, when you go into the percentages, it's, you know, .000, you know, it's just never going to happen. But they're using twice as much resource as you should. So what you always want to balance off is the level of testing with the productivity of the thing overall. But the ideal is if you can design the quality in so you've tested as much at the root level all the way through, then the amount of testing with users is difficult, but what they really do is they create synthetic environments and they put these new operating systems into them and then they have like air engines or drones just carrying out millions and millions of transactions doing weird, weird stuff, not no human beings involved. So just comes out said, did you get zero errors, yes or no? So that's how they how they really test. It's really quite, quite amazing to see. But yeah, just never is. It's never enough. So this is always the learning, right? Whatever you test, it's never enough. Yeah. There's always some, you know, we use the demon user from [INAUDIBLE] and so we get when I press this button over here and I do this, it goes weird. So why do you put. Stop button over there and do this? I don't know, but it makes you go wrong now. Okay. We've got to disable the ability to do that and at the same time, crazy stuff. So let me get into it. So that was XP. Okay. Then there's actually a a branch, purely a thinking about Lane. And this is really something to look at coming away from this kind of team idea and start to think about processes. Yeah. And we like to blame people. So what happens? We always blame people. Or the reason it went wrong. The reason windows is broken is because Bill Gates put some dodgy code in there. But now it's the process. The process is not perfect. The best process is that we have anybody into Six Sigma here. Six Sigma. So Six Sigma. Statistical type analysis. Definition of perfect in Six Sigma. Three defects per million. Okay, so that's those are some of the best processes we get. So what's the learning from that? For every million users, there are three defects. How many people are on planet? 7 billion. Oh, right. So there are thousands of defects in whatever we do. So even this theoretical measure of perfection. Yeah. Still has defects. Okay, so what? But what if I can design my processes to have as few defects as possible? That's a good, good thing. I've got an example here, Noomi, which you can read up on things on the website. Noomi was an example where General Motors didn't believe this. They said, No, there are bad people in the world. What do they mean by bad people? Well, they these these are the stories that you read. So I think they're true. But they said, oh, yeah, what we have are people who work on the production line. They drink their coke, which they're not supposed to do while they're doing the job, which they're not supposed to do. And what they do is they pull the they pull the wool, the fascia off the door, put the can into the door, and then close the Fischer down again so no one can see it. Because while it's going down the production line, that's completely fine because no one can hear it. No one can see it. No one can smell it. Of course, then it goes to Joe. So who's the driver of it who buys this unfortunate car? And of course, they drive it. And whenever they turn left or turn right, they hear this rattle in the door and they go, What's happening? So they take it into the maintenance guys. Maintenance guys pull off the failure off the door. And so because there's a Coke can inside it. These are the kinds of people they had at this factory. It was the worst performing factory in the whole of General Motors. And General Motors said, what to Toyota? What can we learn about improvement? And I said, no, you can't learn because we need to take away all of your managers. We need to work with your people. So we need just because it's because of the time we just need to take. We can teach your managers, but not quickly. Just take your managers away because they create the culture for the environment. So we need to change the culture. Best way of doing that quickly is to give you a different set of managers. So we'll bring in the Toyota managers of what what can you do, please, is can you rehire all the people you sacked? So that guy who put a Coke can inside the door. Can you rehire him? We want all the really bad people that you said were so terrible you had to sack it, because then we know we've got absolutely the people who are no good. Absolutely. There's no question about it. We've got all the people who are still on the line and all the people you sacked. And all we've done is take away the managers. So you would think that these people are going to be dreadful, wouldn't you? But actually they improve their productivity from 71. He's 45 seconds per 60 seconds was their productivity level, which is really low for a car factory. And they made it 57 seconds, 57 seconds per 60 per minute producing high quality stuff, which is off the scale. So it goes the other way. It goes from one end of the scale to the other end of the scale. So what did you do? We taught them plan to check, adjusted, and gave them the power to change their processes. That was it. So the managers stopped telling the people what to do and started asking them what to do. That was the big change. So this lean thing, lean thinking, as it's called. Oh, is it really that simple? If you trust the managers. Yes. So creating trust is not simple. It takes time. So what they said they had to do is said what they'd always been focussed on, that General Motors was changing the culture. We need to change the culture. We need to change the way people think. We got Steve on the production line. He puts his coat kind of neck. We need to change his culture. And Floyd said, No, that's wrong. What you do is you need to change the actions. Yeah. So if I change the actions, then I will change the output. So this one over here. So I change what we do and it will change the culture. So I can't change the way people think, but I can change the way they act. So if I take all the managers away, all the artefacts, the ceremonies that they used to have, the team meetings, they're all gone. They don't exist anymore. What's everyone going to do? Something different. They're going to have to box talks. They're going to talk about looking at problems on the line and fixing them because they don't have a meeting anymore. It's not the boss's job to fix the problem. It's the guys on the line job to fix the problem. Yeah. So this is what he did. So you can read all about this online? Oh, yeah. What we need to do is change the behaviour, change the actions, and that's what they did at noon. So when we apply that in the agile world, we have lots of principles. These are the four at the highest level, highest, highest level leading principles. So we need to specify everything. So exactly how to do the job. Then we must have customers talking to suppliers as quickly as possible. So if I've got a patient in my ward, I need to get feedback from them on how it's working all the time. Not once, but once a week. All the time. Yeah, if I'm in manufacturing and I've got the person who's next on the production line, I'm always getting feedback from them about whether what I just did is any good or not. Not at the end of the week. Not at the end of the year. Not at the end of ten years. Every minute. Yeah. I must have simple flows. Yeah. I need to make it as simple as possible to get the product from me to the customer. I don't want to make it complicated. Don't send it into stock and then back out again. And this is the key one. This is the bit that they did at NUMMI. Any improvement must be in accordance with the scientific method plan. Do check at. You can't just do stuff. You can't. You know, I had a brilliant idea last night, got out of bounds, and I thought we could do this new, whole new assignment. Then I got to have a test. Got to have a test. So they said you should have a guidance of a teacher. So this is where Toyota came in and they said, and what you need to do is be at the lowest possible levels, not talking to the managers. You talk to the people who are doing the work. So in Agile Scrum teams, so the coach is going to be working with the team, helping the team learn the techniques. So this is the whole idea of the agile coach. This is where your eyes need to go a little bit funny. So I come up with some principles. We won't go through these in detail. So you probably heard most of these anyway. Eliminate waste. So necessary code delays, unclear requirements, blah. How can I get rid of all the waste in my process? So when I'm doing my retrospectives, this is what I'm looking for. How can I learn? So this is what we're doing now on the learning channels. If you have to show and tell. So everybody shows to other people what they've got for feedback. So I have to show and tell. We used to do brown bag lunches at work, so people thought, You know what? This is what I'm doing at the moment. Anybody? Nobody. Think about it. And obviously, anybody's got any ideas about how to do it. Very, very interesting ideas. When you people who are intelligent, who don't know the detail of what you're doing are doing, and then you show them something. You get some really useful inputs from them because they have no assumptions. They have no background. They just call it the way it is. You see some of these before decide as late as possible. Deliver as fast as possible. Yeah. Crucial for Agile. So I want to deliver it as fast as possible. I don't want to wait a week if I can do it. And I just do it in a day. What's the quickest way I could do it? What's the minimum viable product? Yeah. Empower the team. Build a check in and see the big picture. Big picture? What does the customer want to achieve? Yeah, this is the key. So another. Another way of doing it. Kanban control, kanban. Lots of mysticism about companies. Just tons. Japan and Japanese people you name like all signal Canada. So literally ten man says I'm ready. I can have another one. Yeah, I've finished this one. Can I have another one please? The oven is empty. I can take some more. Let's see what it means. So what we do in Kanban is we put the process on the board. You don't necessarily need to put on board. You can actually just make it on the floor. I've done them before now, so they're just literally on the floor. You just have squares marked out on the floor. If you're doing manufacturing, you're making stuff. And all you do is you say, actually, there's a limit to how many I can have. So say you're a civil engineering company and you said we want to bid on another. To answer your question. Yes, I concur. If you're in the civil engineering company and you want to take on another project, the answer is you can't. Because if I've already achieved my level across the piece, I have to finish something before I can start the next one. Now, do you remember when we did that? Did that exercise where you all had to think this the numbers down? The more things you take on, you lose 15% each time you change context. So this is how you stop that happening. So I know we have to finish a project before we can start the next one. Oh, so I can't just keep taking on new projects? No, because what happens is you take on more and more projects. You get slower and slower. So what? What does it say? I'm going to set the threshold. So say I've got on here, I've got manager review so the manager can do ten reviews, say, in a week. And that's the maximum. Maximum we can never have. Seriously gets more than that. You start to get too much of a build up of work. So we need to have another manager come in to help. So that's the maximum I can ever have at that stage. And what I want to try and do is push things through, because the more flow I get, the faster I produce stuff, the quicker overall the system will be. This is one of those counter-intuitive things because most organisations say, No, I just need more work. Pile up the work. Everybody works faster. No, actually the way it works is that's a cultural thing. And I've seen this for real. What people do is they pace themselves so that they're indispensable. So however much work they've got, if they're in that kind of organisation, they'll pace themselves. So they've always got loads of work. So you can never get rid of them. What we used to do is have so room like this with 50 tables in it and we said Honour works over here. When you finished your bit of work, here's the next bit of work and you can look at that workstation over there. You don't have a permanent workstation. You go to wherever the tools are, so you can do it as fast as possible. And we're monitoring how quickly you should be able to do this. And the standard time for that is a minute. You can do it quicker. That's brilliant. We're going to find out what your processes are. We going to change the process? You take longer. We want to know why it took longer. Not so we can blame you. So we can help you to learn the best process. Remember, everything has a test. Everything you do has a test. It's completely defined. So that's the way of doing it. So with all of these, you scotch your if you were doing this for your projects that you're doing now, said, well, I've done the definition of done, so I know what the criteria are on. I did my estimate of the value of how much effort it's going to be. So I know when you should finish this piece taking longer. Tell us about it. Why did it take longer? Because maybe all our other estimates are wrong. I need to have the test so that the test no falls down. So what we have here is, as soon as I complete something out of here, I can pull things through. So, therefore, to get a new bit of work come in, I need to get rid of an old bit of work. Let's just go back to Karen's question. They're pretty clear with the come thing. So it's a flow or a pull system. So Karen's question was, doesn't deliver as late as possible, clash with deliver as fast as possible. I kind of what we're really talking about here is deliver as light as possible is when's the customer deadline for for something? I don't want to work on things that aren't required yet. That's the key. Now, what I want to do that for is I want to avoid as much stuff that I don't need to do as possible. So the idea is that if I can leave it as long as possible, the customer might decide that they don't actually want it. Okay, so that's called eliminating waste. So that's why I want to do it as light as possible and deliver as fast as possible. Is then going, what is the most valuable thing I can do in the shortest period of time for this requirement? So given that, I've decided I must do it and I put it into a sprint site, so I've got to do it in this sprint. Now, what's the fastest possible way I could add value for this thing? Because I want to deliver it as fast as possible now that I've decided I need to do it. So in one way, Karen, yet it is true they do conflict, but is two separate principles coming together here. I want to avoid doing things that I don't need to do. And equally, I want to add the maximum amount of value in the shortest amount of time. And I don't want to spend ages doing the kind of, you know, it's the opposite of the 8020. I don't want a gold plate, everything. I want to get the maximum value in the shortest period of time so the customer can test it. Because if it's no good, I come back to the other one. I don't need to deliver it because they don't actually want it anymore. So I just need to. Get it up to a testable level as quickly as I can. Okay. Current. Good question. Anybody else got any of the questions on camera. So obviously we see the be pretty different. And even the older one wants to mean that once all of these numbers at the top no be mostly one. So the Post-its in here. So this is if you think of a Post-it as being a job. Yeah. And all the jobs go through the process. So I have to so when someone comes along and says, please, can you fix this? Yeah, that's a user request. So that would go into here. And then the next thing I've got here is bumped by a manager. So this is saying I'm going to move things along. They're prioritised so the manager can prioritise up to seven. Then we're saying, I can only ever have five scheduled. So the manager should be reviewing this queue and moving them into here, but they can only have half seven in here. So the total number of requests I can have in the system is 11. Okay. And then once they're scheduled, then they go into build. I can only have three of those. And this is ten for testing. I can have eight verified after it's tested, only three. So what I'm saying is this is the capacity of that step of the process to do stuff as soon as you go. More than that, we get that 15% context loss thing because I'm trying to do too much. So people will start switching between things. So what I would try and do is just to limit the process. The easiest way of thinking of this is if my if I made all of these numbers one and literally I put one out of here and then one gets pulled all the way through. So it's like if you had to if you had a Well, when I teach this to younger kids, we have a row of chairs and we'll do electronic theory at school. That's an electron theory. Theory. Electrons and holes. What actually happens is you have a row of chairs and the people move one down. So what actually happens is the whole moves the other way. If you imagine that concept. So what you do is I can only I can only move to the right if the chair is free. And this is what we do with seesaw. Yet most we can process is one at a time and it comes out the other end. So it's like a sausage machine. And what we have to do is all to get a new one to come in. We've got to take no one out. So what does that do? That forces everything to wait in the queue up here because it's waiting in the queue when an urgent request comes along. It's easy to prioritise it because it's all waiting in the queue. You see this? Oh, we don't. We do have them still in New Zealand, post offices in the UK, in the post office. So used to everyone used to come in and they'd be like you guys at the front to be five of you and you'd have five separate queues. And so if a new was coming in, so which supermarket, which queue is going to be the quickest? And you always choose the wrong queue. Don't you always choose the wrong key. Oh there's only one person that. Oh yeah. But they just, they're trying to solve word. Well famine. I should've gone to the one with ten people in it. So this is the problem. So the actually from queuing theory. So that's not the best way of doing it. Best way of doing it is keep all the queue over here, have all the people waiting to do nothing. And then as the person's free, you go to the desk. And even though this queue is like ten times as long, you get service much more quickly. So that's a Kanban system where you say, no, you can only have one person at the desk. It guarantees I could do the queuing theory if if you're into maths, do the queuing theory massively better. That's why all post offices adopted it. And when you go to the cheese council with the deli counter, you get a ticket and you can't just wait at the desk. You have to get a ticket and you go along when your thing is free. Why is that? Cos it's the quickest process. It's a Kanban process. So this is what happens. So when you take on too much work and several of you've talked about this, when you're doing your assignments, you take on too much work. How would you fix it? You would come in, you finish something, you force yourself to finish something, even if it's only to draft stage. You start one thing, you draft it, you give it away, you pick up another one, you drop it, you give it away. That's the quickest because you don't have the 15% context loss. If you do a little bit of this one, then you switch and do a little bit this one. Then you go back to this one. It is in 15% context every time. So it's slow, it feels good because you've got both of them coming along, but actually it's really poor. Hence Kanban. So where we have lots of things where it's easy to think about this in a either in a manufacturing type situation where you're making lots of the same things or you're in a helpdesk type situation where you've got all these variable things coming in the front and you don't really know what the process is. You don't know. You can't estimate them before they come in. Very scrum. So now I'm going to take a lump of work and I'm going to estimate it before and then go through. So so Kanban is really good where I've got lots of variable stuff and it could be coming in quite late and I want it to prioritise it through. So any. Kind of fixed process that things have to go through. So maybe getting a new drug to go through and get qualified food delivery. Got to go through some kind of campaign process because it's whatever's in front of it. That's the problem. There was nothing in the queue in front of it. It would just whiz through. So that's why if we can limit the amount of stuff that's there just to go through. You see this in hospitals and not people in hospitals moment. You want to increase the throughput of hospitals. What you need to do, get people out of the hospitals quicker because all the hospitals have constipation. People come in at a certain rate and they get fixed or cured at a certain right. And then they wait to go home and they get their take home drugs and stuff. But that process is really, really slow. They need an ambulance to go home and that process is slow. She said, Well, if I can take those people away, frees up the beds so all the people can go for it. So I need to. So the first thing you do is look at me for manufacturing. Got it was look at the end of the process, speed up the end of the process. Then the rest of the process gets quicker. That's the case. What's the end of the process? All the testing and the going going home, adopting it, releasing it. That's the slow bit of the process. Then it pulls the rest of the process through. But it's was me because I clicked on the piece. So if you see a bit of about diagrams out of out of the book from learning agile but if you want, you can remember we talked about testing. What you can do is if you start to have a Kanban type system and you can see how long things take at each step of the process and it starts to give you a clue as to which bits of the process are being really slow. So here you can see the pink one. Then it's been more scientific and not say, Oh, everything stays in pink for way too long. I need to improve the testing process. So if you start to look at that so much and you think of admission into your health service like this, and you got which is the process I need to work on. Well, I need to start from the end here. How can I get this completion down to as low as possible? And I need to look at the verifying that I'm looking at the testing. Yeah, this is how I need to do it to speed up the process. And this is a guy that you would come across the duties on one of my other courses in much more detail. Guy called Eli Gold. Right. And when he started to look at processes and this is what you start to think about on your projects. Yeah. Oh, I'm trying to get stuff done. I'm trying to get it through as quickly as possible. We got to do a retrospective. How could I improve the process? The key thing you're looking for in the process is what is the bottleneck? What is slowing the whole process down? So the guy that writes about this called Theory of Constraints, which you can read the book on book is called The Goal. And it's like a novel. It's not like a technical book. It's more like a novel. Interesting little story all about a guy working in a factory trying to produce more output. And basically what we see is that actually there's no point looking at problems that aren't, so that that's illusory problems. What you need to do is to identify the bottleneck in a process, the thing that actually slows stuff down. Where is the biggest queue? I used to get this when I was a I used to be a production engineer long, a long, long time ago. And people would always have like their sexy thing that they wanted to fix. In my day with robots, we've just brought this robot. We need to get find something for it to do. What can you find for it to do stuff? So I found it was able to stick gaskets into plates. Something a lot easier was not a problem, not just we had to find something for the robot to do. Actually, this slow process is going to and from the stores. That's about all the time is taken. Yeah. So what we really need is an HGV to actually take the gaskets to the stores and back a different kind of robot. Yeah, but this is it. So what? What we're always looking at is I want the flow. If I can have flow, things are moving as fast as possible. They don't stop for very long. They're very minimal cuz that's what a good process looks like. So when you're doing your exercise and you're doing Scrum, do the stories flow through or does a person pick up the story for a long time and it just stays there? This is a pattern, look, and they're all stories, half a sprint. So if I'm not finishing a story in two days or less, you've got a problem because you're not really sure if that's going to finish or not, because you've only got five days unless you're working on weekends, then you got five days to finish stuff off. So you want stuff to be going through really quickly and the finish stuff as fast as possible. So could I get do more of the Perito thing, do more of the value with less of the effort? How can I get this through quicker so I can test it? I want speed. So what we're always looking for. So we compare these three different theories. And so I've got Lead XP and Scrum, so learning Agile. Andrew Stone And he put these three theories together and say at the heart of them, this last responsible moment, Yes, I am trying to do things at the lightest possible time. They all have this in common. All of them do thing as light as possible. I always want to share the learnings for everybody and I want my team to be energised. That's almost the agile mindset. And these, the three philosophies have different things in. So these are all things we just talked about eliminating waste. Scrum talks about the team being committed to the vision, whereas in Lean it's a process. So they're not committed to the vision, they're just doing stuff, they're processing things so they don't need commitment to the vision. XP It's all about simplicity. So I'm trying to make things as quickly as possible and getting everybody's help to do stuff. So let me go through everyone, always. When we go through this, this whole course, everyone always says to me, How does this relate to non-party industries, right? I have never really worked in the IT industry ever. I've always worked in industries that used it. So I've never been a person who develops apps, but I have developed apps for people like Fletchers because they needed one. Yeah. So I'm not a night person, I'm a manufacturing person. And all of my career I've only ever used Agile. I've worked in lots of different industries and we've only ever used Agile. But I wouldn't say I ever used scrum of use from two or three times when I was in manufacturing, I used the thing called concurrent engineering or simultaneous engineering. You have to come across that. So this is way back in the eighties. What was that? Well, that was getting designers and manufacturing people together to make stuff. Yeah, because actually that's that works really well because this is the agile mindset. What I'm trying to do is the things at the centre that that grid before. Now what I'm trying to think is the last possible moment and I want an energised work team. Nothing annoys designers more than manufacturing people. They can't make that. That's too expensive. Can't do that not allowed. That contravenes the law because they don't say, Yeah, this is beautiful. It's really great. True, but it's not legal. We know the law. You can't do that. It's not possible. Why couldn't you make it like this? Oh, I've got change on my drawings. Do you want to sell? Do you want to sell this one? Not like I would I change with my drawings then. Yeah. And with those kind of conversations. So they were not energised. Yeah. It was this kind of confrontational type interaction. We just said, Oh, we're going to take that away. We're going to put the designers and the manufacturing guys and the engineers and the maintenance people all into the same team. And they're going to talk about these new designs. So when they're coming up with the new design, we got the maintenance engineer because he's the person who's going to fix it in the field. So he's looking at it from the point of view of, can I get my hand in there to change that thing when I need to, whereas design it, I don't know how they'll be ten years down the line. I don't care about that. Maintenance guys absolutely care about that. When the customers come in say, Well, I'm not buying that because I can't fix it. Why? But it's going to it's going to fail every three weeks. I just can't afford to have that machine down for three weeks while you come in and fix it, because I'm not getting my guy to do that. All right. This is a real kind of feedback. I really got to run the engineering guys. Okay? We need to be aware of this stuff. Yeah. So this is the real the real agile movement, so it really works, so. So those are the principles that we have. So what we do. So I would say simplicity. Maximise the amount of work not done. So we take our designers. You know what? Don't draw it. Sketch it. Come to us with a sketch. We'll make one. Because you know what? We've got very clever people here. We can make things from sketches. They can even make it if you just talk to them about what it looks like. Because they're clever. You know what they are. They can make anything. You tell us what it is. They can make it. All right. So what we'll do is we'll make this whole prototype without any drawings at all. Just sketches. And when we got it working and we've had to cut bits out or change bits or reorder bits and all the rest of it through it then and this was like a revolution to them. You know how well that's so quick and so easy. Yeah. Is it good? Yeah, because we find out all the problems before we spent all that time and effort into releasing all the drawings and codifying it all, and worst of it is still doing the sketches. Then we came along with 3D modelling. Like a joke we can actually draw is a 3D model. This is brilliant and I think Pro Engineer was hundreds of millions of years ago. So we just draw it and it just we can model it and we can make it and you can actually machine it in real time on the computer to see that you can actually make it revolutionise time to market everything from years to days to make stuff because it just changed it. So that kind of thing, yeah. So maximising the amount of work not done. So I just give you that as an example. So we've got some industries here. So for construction, which is what most people really get a hung hang up about. So some of the agile ideas like early contractor involvement. So this is where we get the construction people looking at the drawings as the as the designers are doing them. And just like I was just about in manufacturing, critiquing them, it's a nice way of saying it. Yeah. You can't make that fitted like that. We could make that. Yeah, bro, if you did this, it would cost half as much. We'd be able to do it twice as quick. We'd be able to use our special machine to do this, which would be much better. Yeah, all that kind of stuff. We talked last week about alliances, so alliances where we put all the teams together and they become one company. Yeah. And generally, most big, complex engineering contracts are run by alliances. Certainly Central Rail Tunnel is near market. What was the tunnel up north? So relationship based contracts, this is where we have things like open book type agreements. So all the companies go in and I say, Yeah, you can see our costs. We're going to charge, you say, 10% for overhead and we're going to make a 10% profit. You can see what our costs are. So we're just going to come into this and we're just going to show you our books. Yeah. And if we make a profit, we get to share it. These kinds of ideas. So typical contracts in this area, things like the new engineering contract came in to New Zealand with us 2005. Also doing quite well used around Sydney, used it in town in Queenstown Lakes. We talked about 3D modelling. The last part of must be somebody anybody here use less planner. Yeah. In fact it's quite. Yeah. So this is where on a on a well you know, it's maybe on a day to day basis, the team adjusts the plan based on whatever happened or didn't happen yesterday. And you do a like a you do a weekly plan, so you've got your overall design, but the team are deciding how you do that every day. And at the end of the week, they adjust the plan. So it's a bit like a bit like a scrum or sprint. But the the design doesn't change if you like, but how you execute the design changes take account of experiences. So Fletcher used it on Waterview and the northern section. They completed much easier than all the sections where they used it. Southern section they didn't use it. Northern section completely, much quicker. And the northern section is where they pulled the wrong concrete. So despite doing it wrong, they still finished earlier southern section, whereas they had all the problems with the inundation and the flood systems weren't working. They learnt a lot from it and it's generally well we now you'll see adverts on Seek every year and you're looking for jobs and they have people who we need our last planning expert to come and manage the central route and they were advertising it about six weeks or so ago. They want less planner coordinators to go around all the sites to make 624 by seven. So this year they're running these plans three times a day just to make sure that what everyone is doing is is aligned. So that kind of stuff, value engineering talked about on the videos, this is where the team looks at cost and decides. How else they could do it. So again, the whole team coming together is highly engaged and they working out what all the options are for to do better stuff than they're doing at the moment. So military guys go to this one. Obviously, you guys know all about health care. And, you know, lots of experts say, you know, we're at war, obviously. So in the in the military basically is what the guerrillas do. They don't follow a plan. They just cause mayhem. That's the plan. Cause as much mayhem as you possibly can, because that's value. But the more chaos you can create, the better it is. What the commanders do is, rather than give out instructions or orders, they say, what I intend to do is to win this help to get rid of the people out of this area. Right. And the teams go in and do whatever it is they need to do to achieve that. So they got like a an overall intent. And then I have my integrated project teams. So this is a term we used to use in the UK. So we've what they originally they used to have was like electrical engineers, civil engineers, hydraulic engineers and that's how everything worked. And then suddenly we went, Let's put all of those people together and they'll focus on a platform. So call it a Harrier or typhoon or whatever, one of the warships. So we have these teams are all focussed on the same vision which is making sure the platform is working. I have performance based contracts, so I put base contracts. So this is where they would contract for a a ship being able to sail a plane being able to fly because actually there's no point contracting it for a two by one and then to buy the maintenance for it. What I really want to do is buy the fact that it can go kill people if it's not killing people is no point having it. So performance based contracts. Yeah. All these kinds of things. So what I would like you to do for the last exercise for today, any questions on any that was for you in your team's team? I think. Okay. It's not that one from before. I think it's the one from before. That's all for the. Thank you. Yeah, I think it's on. That's good. So I haven't clicked on it on the screen. I'd like you to do in your team for lasting for today. But again, that's great. That work is to think about an industry that you're familiar with in your in your teams and have a chat about this for 10 minutes. Do you guys. Well, dive. That's what we like to see. Volunteers. Hmm. You get second and third. Sorry. Okay. I don't like guys quieting down. In reality, is team are going to take us through their experience. Pearls of wisdom. Your second. Second. Don't be too sad. This was just pause for a moment. So Steve, I've been working in this construction industry for like four years and I've been working. So we have used to have the weekly meetings. Yep, Fridays. We used to talk about the progress of the project. We used to talk about the task, which is not complete the work of Peter in that particular part of time and the docks to most folks, never quite used to go for the workers, like in the construction sites. Um, it was more focussed, the docks were more focussed on the safety people who are working on the highways and everything. Yeah. Yeah. So there is like welding and everything kind of functions. And you're talking about the designs of interpretive designs. The architects and the clients has to be in continuous touch with their designs because we used to encounter like 15 to 20 revisions of the designers. So yeah, so because the clients were first actually on board and then later on they tried to change that. So you have to be in continuous communication with your clients. What was the next point? Any moment on the checklist, the inclusion of contractors with individuals like we get the knowledge of the market and know what kind of materials are available in the market. The prices were good for our budget. So yes, early enrolment of one doctor is very beneficial in the district, the industry as well. Okay. Let's let's give somebody else a chance. Thank you very much. No doubt. To do so. We see a smiley face now. We were one of the first industries we talk about is the one that was working with right before I came here, which was the software development industry itself, where a lot of the techniques you talk about in the class are already used. We largely worked with Scrum for Project Framework. We had we close friends and we were in constant communication with the customers whose needs were always changing and the workload had to always be changing. But what that did was that allowed the customers to continuously be happy and continuously want to keep working with us. But some of the other industries you talked about were the civil engineering industries and also part of the like. If a government works industries, like, for instance, one of us was being tasked with organising a film festival by various city governments, and we're told that this project could be done in about a day when it really would have taken about two or three days. And the reason for this ultimately was because your boss and boss was facing a whole lot of pressure and told said, hey, you need to do this, you need to get someone to do this immediately. And what this could be, this could be fixed with an agile approach by potentially maybe firing the boss, boss and never, never, never the person. It's always the process or sides or just changing the culture of don't tell someone to do something, don't tell someone to do something. Change the way in which you can either tell them to do it or how your company works to figure out this process. Yeah, there's also more more on the websites. There's also one good for me heading into website development, which is a little bit still more I.T. guys where every single day there was communication between the people who were asking for the website and the developers. And every single day communication led to very few problems with the website itself because the developers were constantly up to date on what needed to happen on the website and what it needed to do. And even after all that, there was still a two or three week feedback period which was absolutely utilised. So yeah, as much as you can, as much as you can promote a culture that is constantly about change and keeping up to date with what other customers want, there's still always room for, well, there's always time where you're going to need to take a step back and re-evaluate what you get. Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you, guys. Could a guest you didn't last time. I like probably the thing we mostly talked about in our tape was sort of the one running across state, across all industries was just involving different teams together earlier on. So with communication, that mainly happened with sort of clients and the development team being in the same space early on, so rather not doing a whole lot of in filing, you know, get them on early on. So they all begin to provide feedback sort of in the manufacturing industry day it would be things like prototyping and testing to make the machine and being actually doing it. Same thing, having clients early on in construction, having people like business development, things like sales, what the team, the whole team see as a client is aren't going to be the salesperson not getting the answer. You want them to not have to take a two week turnaround to take back from someone overseas. And similar to what we've seen before, I take clients always changing their requirements and what they want. So having that mindset that that's what's going to happen that you need to adapt towards to buy get a value solar installation hot because you know you've got contracts that you want to get actually building solar panels. You want to have your clients of early on identify those issues or maybe change the brief with the client before you go into their contract so that you can have a better outcome. And in software, as a non-technical person, you might want to take the whole team using your role to sort of facilitate that team to keep it out. And it's quite a quite a key concept of that facilitation type role. So often, rather than telling the team what to do, it's trying to just help the team to learn from the client. It's quite a quite a key thing. Yep. Thanks very much. Their team from back. I don't need your notes. Got it. Perfect. Okay, so we also get it from a construction perspective. One of the best techniques that I've seen is an early contractor for the projects actually being involved in one where design has been iteratively refined upfront to suit the project costs and also the materials that are available within the given market. That's why Agile principles are quite stringent for use during execution as well, where cost considerations are a lot more higher and in highly complex projects where schedules are rapidly changing. Agile is the only source also way to to follow through with those schedules, because if you follow a waterfall method, you will follow through a sequence delivery scheme where you would just overrun from the time period that's available. So you don't have to fast track based on agile methodologies in architecture is more agile, as you point out, to refine the design. Iterative feedback given on the 3D models that are developed by architects. That's why I thought this was also. Okay. Thank you very much, Ryan. 2 to 1. Last, but not least. So, you know, it's a special time that you talk about the perspective of. They called us and our process and we have kicked off the food industry as an example because it is related to our food and the main advantage of. We can let team members of the task force, but not the same person. Mm hmm. But we can have a project that go back and go through these iterations, and then we can incorporate feedback from different stakeholders, whether we are thinking of our next iterations also, which involve stakeholders, for example, or a group that is about to go through it. So we can involve those and those almost allow you to bring dogs into class because and then we can identify when the when the bottleneck was and what to do differently in the following weeks. So but also we do have to people doing testing to make sure that we have people of any interest so that we can make people aware and begin to round up different school systems and test and test them as the iterations. And many times rather than that is right, rather than tested at the end of our project so that we can find all our mistakes and improve it. Very good. Thank you very much. Okay. So thank you for voting. So the key key thing is that Agile applies everywhere. Yeah. So when you think of it as the mindset, if you think just purely it's like Scrum or XP or Kanban, sometimes you can't quite see how it applies. But when you use the mindset, that's the key. So that's what we're looking for. On the on the project, you do have to start. Tell us what technique you're going to use as a team. So we got some kind of clue how you how you're doing, but you can change that as you go through. So that's it for me for today. So see, next week we have the lecture, but then I'll give if you want it, feedback on your studies that you're going to give in on Friday. So at the moment I have group to have the 1015 slot group for have the 1035 slots. So if anybody, any other groups want to see me next week, there are only three slots at 1055, 1150 and 1135. So feel free to come and ask me about those at the front. So anybody got any questions about anything today? SIMON So when we. 5 minutes to speak. So we just kind of designate a couple of people present from the dead. Yeah, it's absolutely have to. So the idea is that over the three demonstrations, you wouldn't just be one person talking. So you would have different. What we want to see is the sit, the highly engaged team. One of those projects around motivated individuals. So one way of demonstrating that is that various people can talk about various things rather than just one person talking about everything all the time because that says all that person's motivation and everyone else doesn't get much. So it's that kind of thing. But yeah, now you just play it by ear. Normally, what most most groups do is they have two or three people talk on each one, and then in the final one, normally they have everybody talks in the finding. But so many other questions as well. Get. What is, even if you just said if you want is up to you. Okay. So. So. See you next week.

# Week 9

Right. So today we're talking about quality and risk. Focus is on working product to. All right. I like music is good. That keeps me awake. So working product is one of the four fundamental agile values or principles. And the reason we talk about it now is because this is what you should be focussed on. If you haven't got it for now, this time next week, you are going to be demonstrating something. Okay. Hence working product. They're not going to show me a PowerPoint of what you might have done had you done some work. You are going to demonstrate something. So this is the key focus for Agile. It's very different to Waterfall Project management, where we do everything right at the end. Typically, Waterfall project management teams will say, Yeah, we're doing all this thinking and it will be great right at the end and we can't demonstrate anything until everything's ready. So we have this doing nothing, doing nothing, doing nothing, doing nothing. Everything's suddenly ready. No, no. We're going to have something ready all the time. So if someone said that's the end of the project, you'd have something as a result. Waterfall You wouldn't have anything because you know it's not going to all kind of come together until right at the end. So if I stop early, that's it. I have nothing. Come on in. So. Just to remind you also what we can do is go through the charter and iteration zero that you submitted on Friday, uh, later on. So 1015 onwards. So we have to finish by 1050, if not before. Uh, generally, all these sites have really got to the lowest mark with a B plus. So very good. So don't be concerned. So the main reason for me looking at them is to make sure you are all on the right path. And generally, I'm happy with that. Everybody looks like they're at least starting on the right path. So there's a vague chance you might get to the destination. If you start on the wrong path, you tend to wander off and go down the wrong path. Wrong path end up in the wrong place. So I think you should all end up in the right place. So what? We just have that brief chat. I'll just talk about, not specifically about I'll mention the feedback just for you guys, but specifically about what I think you need to do in my Agile control to get the best possible outcome from your project. Right. We need to do this time. With a focus. [INAUDIBLE] him. So key thing here, when we talk about Agile, the two really huge differences with Agile compared to Waterfall is it's always about two things Agile. It's always about managing risks of failure, and it's always about quality front and centre when it comes to waterfall. And I noticed this in lots of your thinking up until now, since get all year and we'll test right at the end. Agile, you test all the time. It's just a fundamental difference. It's just a different way of thinking. You're always testing. So the first thing you do is think about the test. Why do you do that? To minimise the risk of failure. It's kind of like two sides of opposite sides of the same coin. You're trying to manage risk all the time, so if you're going to fail, you want to fail as soon as possible. And what you want to do is expose yourself to as much risk as early on as possible. So you want to test, you want to get feedback. I think from all of you, I think it's still only about maybe 20% of you that have sent in draft assignments for me to review. So it's not part of everybody's psyche that you should complete early and ask for feedback. It's just not part of your psyche because other people don't do that. So your thinking has not changed. Whereas for me, I know I always want to get as early feedback as possible. Yeah. To say to a of why you ask and this is only in draft form Steve, why you ask me to make sure I'm on the right path. Because if I'm on the wrong path, it's better to fail now and get embarrassed now than it is in three weeks time. And I've done three weeks worth of work on the wrong path and I'm getting near the end of the cliff that it's a changed direction. So this is the key and you need to embrace this during your work. So it's no good saying, Oh yeah, we've sussed it out now. We've got an iteration zero plan and we'll get together next Sunday night to review where we're up to. That is a recipe for disaster. You need to be meeting two or three times very briefly during the week. So how is it going? Have we tested what we said we were going to test? Have we delivered what we said we were going to deliver, closing out fail at the end. Right. If I wait until Sunday night. Yeah. Steve's been sick all week and hasn't done anything. Oh, so what are we going to demonstrate tomorrow? Nothing. Because it was pivotal to everything we were going to do. Oh, my goodness. What should we do now? Panic. Right? So within Agile every day, I'd like to think we're doing this as a job. Every day we replan because we have a standard every day and we talk about what we did yesterday, what we're going to do today, and what problems we have. So that's called planning every day. Okay. What we can do today, what's the biggest value thing I can do today? Because we don't pre allocate work every day. If you finish something the previous second, that's when you decide what you're going to do next. You don't say, Oh yeah, this week I'm going to do these three tasks for somebody else. Might identify that your task is completely irrelevant, so you don't need to do it anymore, or you need to do something subtly different. So if you carry on doing what you were originally going to do, it's a waste. So remember Agile and Lean all about maximising value, minimising waste. So through all of these things, so the four principles, hopefully you will completely okay with those. You've got those. So that is what we'll be assessing over the next three weeks. So are you using individuals and interactions over processes and tools? So a process and a tool would be having a plan and sticking to the plan, having meetings once a week. That's a process and it's all individuals and interactions. Oh, this just happened. I need to talk to someone about it. Yeah. To give instant feedback about this. So working software over comprehensive documentation. So the comprehensive documentation is your PowerPoint presentation. Don't care about it. What I need is a working product. Don't tell me what you were going to do and all the brilliant stuff you did. Show me. Yeah. Customer collaboration. So who is your customer? You all got very different products. Who is your customer? You need to collaborate with them. Is it me? Sometimes. Generally it's not generally somebody else. I'm a stakeholder, right? Yeah. And responding to change. So as you discover stuff, you're going to change. So whoever your product owner is, assuming you're doing this, your product is front and centre because they've got to make the tough choice because you just got your nice plan and it's all sorted and you're gone. Yeah, it's just that tick. No. Now you've just started that product backlog is going to get groomed every single moment. Right. It's not a one off. If you do a waterfall, it's a one off and you only change it when you go through a change control. And that's all. We change it all the time. So you think I've got the priorities sorted done that got a tick and that's just the first prioritisation should be changing right now. Yep, all the time changing right now. Those are the principal points, what you're going to get marked for. So the red ones are the ones that are covered by by risk and quality since it's pretty much the majority. So this is probably the key one or key to continuous attention to technical excellence in everything that you do. Quality is key. Right. So even if this means you have to redo other stuff, you're always trying to deliver perfect stuff. You're thinking about the definition of done. And this is the one really for the product owner. I want to maximise the amount of work not done. If there's something that doesn't look like it's adding value anymore, I'm just not going to do it. Yeah, there's no point doing it quickly just to get a tick in the box. Just don't do it. So what can I not do? So this is the fundamental concept of MVP. Yeah. Minimum viable product. How can I do that? So if you can avoid doing stuff, then you can do lots of stuff that is good if you're trying to maximise the value overall, that's the key. So this is from one of your books, Agile Project Management for Dummies. So 45% of stuff is never, ever used. Only about 7% is always used, right? If you want to use Excel, it's so precise. So you might might start changing the example to something like, you know, messenger or Facebook. Do you use all of the functions in that speed of software? Do you even know all the bits of software in Excel is a little maze that you can go through if you know which buttons to press. You can go into a little maze and you can go all the way through that, because when they when they originally wrote it, the software or the programs were really bored. So they created a little maze. All of these functions that no one even knows about. Right? If you just go through the menus, how many times have you actually looked through all of the menus and work out what everything is in there? Could be done. This is what we're saying. If you could just find the stuff, but maybe this 20% off all ways that are used, that would be the key. So for three weeks, that's really what you're trying to focus on. What are the really big things that you can do that can deliver the most value? That's the key. What are all the things that we just need to tick off waterfall thinking? So how do we do it? You should all be experts on this by now. Self-organising team. Self-organising team means we don't have one person who tells everybody else what to do. And generally we say this, and then there's always somebody or most of the teams that tries to do this. And we have this kind of cultural fight within the teams. Someone is trying to tell everybody what to do and everybody else is trying to say, No, we need to have a consensus about what we're going to do. We need to decide. So this culture clash, it's fundamental. It's hard to become a self-managing team when you're used to command and control and you're used to being in charge and you've been very successful being in charge. It's it's a challenge that's, you know, just to change the way that we the way that we do things. So we were talking just earlier on with Alvaro about your final assignment. Yeah. Where you're going to do your summative journal just to focus on this. Yeah. The summative journal. You're only going to talk about one, maybe two things. One of the things is not the project. Yeah. You were going to talk about some aspect of anything that you have done over these 12 weeks. So you could talk about self managing teams. You could talk about the concept of prioritising work. You could talk about the concept of retrospectives. Right. You are not going to talk about the whole thing because if you do, you will fail. We're looking at the depth of thinking. How has your thinking changed? So what you're looking for during these three weeks are up until now you've been doing some, if you like, practice journals and you're about to do another one this week. And it's really the focus is, okay, how is my thinking changed? And you looking in a deep way. So what are all the theories that relate to this one aspect of stuff? So if it's teams, I mean, what is what are all the things that relate to team theory that we've learnt on this course. That's heaps of stuff. Yeah. So you can talk about all of those things, but it's always related back to say team theory or it's related back to prioritisation, which related back to retrospectives. Yeah, whatever you can talk about literally anything you like, but don't fall into the trap of talking about the cause. That's not the subject. The subject is how your behaviour and thinking has changed. Right now, you can use the course as examples. So you might say, Oh, here are two or three events that happened on the course or while I was doing the project that relates to my theme. That's good. But if you do it the other way round, you say, Oh, these are all the things that happened over the 12 weeks or whatnot. Interestingly, this is therefore what I think. Maybe. Maybe a C, maybe it's just not going to work. So I shall be going through this. Think about how your thinking has changed. Yeah. Quiet leadership. Thinking about thinking about thinking. So self-organising teams. They're small teams. Yeah. Typically seven plus or minus two. And I think we have a couple of teams have got ten people in it in theory. So you're right, it is right at the edge of that. There's a reason for this and you might reflect on that. Yeah. If you had a bigger team, like maybe have a bigger team back at work or in my previous existences, how does that work? Yeah. So our experience is seven is around the ideal size for us, for a team. Why? Because the number of relationships we find, it's much more flexible. The bigger the team gets, the harder it finds to coordinate, the harder it is to have a good relationship. When you have difficult things coming along, it's the strength of the relationship that gets you through it to solve the problem. Okay. So focussed on delivery. We want to be strategically aligned. So are we. Are we doing what's said in your charter? So you all got a chance now? Yeah. You should be putting that on the wall, so to speak, and say we're trying to do that. So when we forget what we're trying to do, we were trying to do this. What the vision was, is what we're trying to do. And on that charter, we probably put down our first guess of how to do that. But the vision is the crucial bit. That's what we always need to be testing against, is what I'm doing today aligned with that vision. If it's not, why am I doing it? Have we got some customer feedback? Let's change the vision and we'll talk about that in a second. So coaching of the team. So I think many of you have got a Scrum Scrum Master, Agile coach. Interesting. So first is project management. So just experience that. What does a project manager do? What does an agile coach two very different to the product owner. Tough role in this situation because you're acting as the customer. So you're like the rudder on the back of the boat. Yeah. Steering the whole team as to what to do if you make a wrong call means you could end up doing something that's not valuable at the end of the week. Complete waste of time. In theory. So the crucial thing is the team needs to adopt this plan to check at. Approach, which is building in the quality because I've always got a check for everything I do for every story. I'm not going to wait until I've done lots of stories. Before I check each story, I'm going to check to make sure it's right before I say it's complete. And I might adjust it. So this is fundamental. Have you seen this from Katzenbach and Smith? Well, now, 1990s, this is where you guys probably are around now. Yeah. Working group. Typically fairly low performance. What happens is you're going through this transition now where it's all a little bit confusing, but if you are embracing the self managing team type idea, you'll be finding things might start to get a little bit easier. And what we typically find on this course is some teams have this experience where suddenly things just suddenly became really easy and suddenly our performance jumped up. So I've experienced this a few times. Sometimes you just you go to ask someone to help you, and there's somebody already there to help you. You don't need to think about it. You see this in some of the rugby teams as they go up the levels, it's the same players, but suddenly something just clicks and they get much better performance than they did before. And so it's the same people doing the same things. What's happening? What you typically find is everybody puts in like an extra 2% worth of effort. It's almost hard. It's hard to see. But the result. You go, you know, it's a rugby team, 2% extra from everybody that's 30% more huge. Makes a massive difference. So these little bits add up. So what we find is because they get committed and you've got the theory from Lynsey, only once you've got trust in the team and you're able to admit what you can't do, some other people can help you do that stuff. We go through, we get commitment. So actually people are committed to what they're going to do next week. It's quite, quite scary when you when you see a really high performing team, it's all you. Steve was sick and we just stepped up and we learnt what he was going to do and we've demonstrated it today. Or someone's, you know, that computer's broken and we just fixed it because we thought about this happening and we know what we were going to do and we tend to see this during the next three weeks, this happening. It's interesting. So. If you're a teen you'll start to see these behaviours. At the moment you've probably seen these type behaviours. So just take secretary through those. Good morning. So we move around for this kind of leader centric teams to self-managing teams, very different, very different, very different behaviours. So we actually all start to take on ownership of the products so we don't pre assign everything. So I'm not sure some of you were doing that in some of the early drafts of your iterations, areas where you pre assign things. Don't do that. That's leadership. That's this behaviour. Know, he said, Well, I know Steve Sick. Somebody else said it. It's no good saying, Well, Steve was supposed to do that and he's been sick, so we didn't do any of that stuff. It's not an acceptable answer because the team owns the output next week if you fail and this is where it really gets confusing for old fashioned people like me. So whose fault is it that we failed? It's the team's fault. Why can't the whole team? True, but it's the team's fault. It's not any one person on the team. Because if Steve was sick, it's not his fault he was sick. Why didn't Fred step in to help? Well, he was busy. Shared ownership. That's what Lindsey only was talking about, right? Commitment, shared ownership of the goal. So this is where we're trying to get to. So hopefully during your time, you'll start to see this. Transpiring in front of you. Okay. So this is some an example you always talking about asking for case study. So Spotify was an example because a company tool might be 20 years old. Maybe it's gone from strength to strength. They started using. Scrub Spotify. And then they just kept changing it. You can read lots about this on the on the website. There's some case studies there for it. But they started to say, oh, how can we how can we build this across? So they went they changed it to call it squads for other teams. They said, well, we're going to have a squad. And what we're going to have is tribes, which are a line of business. So we're going to focus on one kind of thing. So these squads have all got something in common, but then we're going to go across the organisation as well. We're going to have chapters because we need to share knowledge. What we need to do is we need to have this team that's learning stuff and then how do we get that to go across all of the teams everywhere, both up there and left and right? How do we how do we make this happen? So they created these extra things, chapters and guilds, and you start to see these now in lots of organisations where they've learnt from the experiences of Spotify. Spotify is now publicly listed, made loads and loads of money. Yeah. And they, they famously had bets across the whole of Spotify. You've read the case studies but they, they said basically what we need to do is we need to bet on one thing for each iteration, if you like. That's the right phrase for it. And we're going to guess what the market is and we're really going to go for it and we're just going to focus on that. And famously they focussed on they said the phone is going to be the key. Mobile stuff is the key, not the desktop. So now everyone would say, Well, that's obvious now, but go back in time when you had your Nokia and that was it. Now this phone is going to be better than PCs and PCs wherever with another. So they bet on things. And this is the product owner role product owner has to guess what the right answer is going to be in the future. So this was the key and they said it when as we learn stuff, we're going to share that around the place. So what they were looking at, I said, Well, what is the most value to our customers? Well, that's almost synonymous with quality, because what I want to do and this is what where your products are going to go to, how can I deliver the best possible value to my customers? Somebody said, Steve's my customer. No, think about all your products. Who are you actually going to sell this to? Steve's only one customer. You've got to think about and Steve might represent lots of customers. Think about your real customers. What do they really want? Yeah. So this is where we start to think into the realm of quality so that here's some famous people, Edwidge Duran and Crosby. Conformance to requirements. This is very much the waterfall type thinking. Fitness for use. Capacity to satisfy wants we say what's what's the biggest, biggest value? Glass of water or diamond ring? And you've watched the coronation and saw some of those billion dollar crowns on display there, show people how the crown that's that's of high value. Not if you were getting outside in the crowd. I think an umbrella would be more value. Right. So it's this thing. So it's always situationally dependent. That's what we're saying. Our capacity to satisfy wants and they going change over time. So you get the kind of grid and this is what you guys need to be thinking. So we've got a need to be delivering the maximum number of features with a minimum number of bugs. That's the key. So if I can deliver things that work, just work all the time, every time. That's high quality. And the more features it has, the higher quality it is. So this is what you driving towards on your projects. And obviously people talk about what you should do and this one should. So if you all across this quality control. So quality control is where you test. So you're just going to fail, right? If it gets through, it's okay. Just means it hasn't failed it. Quality control. And often this is where we have inspectors, people like this, who come around and check things. What we really want to do is have quality assurance. So we want to have a process that delivers quality all the time. So that's what Agile tries to be. I want to have a process that delivers quality all the time. How do I do that? Well, I do a stand up every day whereby we ask if anyone's having a problem. Have you managed to finish what you said you were going to do? What problems are you having? Yeah. Everybody should have a definition of everything they're doing. If I've got that, then I should know what I'm trying to achieve. And I'm not guessing whether I've finished or not. I know that I finish because I've delivered the definition of done and anybody else could come and test that. So anybody else could come in and do quality control because I got the definition of done. They can look at whatever I've done. So when I demonstrate it, does it meet all of the requirements? I could do that quite easily. So this is how it works. So agile is, if you like, a massive quality assurance process which includes some quality control. Typically how we do and again hopefully you might start to recognise this when I comments on your work. Some people had our iteration one go all the way through and then say, Oh, you know, I have a test phase at the end of iteration one and have a test phase at the end of iteration two and have a test phase the individuation three. That's this thinking conventional testing. Yes. So I have my requirements, I do my design, I do my implement, and then I do a test. And some people think, oh, if I do that within a sprint, that's agile. No that's just fast cycling of water for jet because I did my requirements did I did my implemented my test. It's okay. That's a waterfall project. Just a little waterfall project. The whole concept of Agile is that we test while we are designing, while we are building. It's all at the same time. I might even design my test first. That would be truly exceptional. I can come up with all my tests first and then work it backwards. Yeah, that's the key. So typically what we have in lean is a null hypothesis. When those of you are doing any of your research projects, you should recognise this kind of statement. So I'm saying if I do this, I should get this result. So we're predicting the outcome of doing something before we do it. Yeah. If I do this lecture, you should know all about risk and quality management. That's the test. If you come out of here not knowing anything, it's all about risk and quality management. I have failed. That's my null hypothesis. Right. So predicted results on 60% of the students could at least say that this lecture was about risk and quality management. Those of you who are awake. Yeah, at the end. So what we do is we have a predictor of results and then we carry out the work, we get data about it. And again, you'll see this in lots of the comments that I've given you over time. How are you going to prove this? How are you going to test it? If you say, my product is going to be awesome, whatever word you use, how are you going to test awesome? What's the definition of awesome? Six out of seven people said it was awesome. Or do I say, Do you think this product is awesome? Yes or no? Okay, that's kind of suggestive. So you got to think about this. If you claim it, how are you going to measure it? That's the key. You've got a manual to measure it. We have this last time under the four rules of uh, li, all improvement should happen. Lowest possible level of an organisation with a coach to help them. So this is where you don't get a manager to come in and say, Oh yeah, what we need to do is we do all our bit and then we have this super duper person who comes in to test it for us. And we want to do the improvement at the lowest possible. So whoever's doing the work is testing it. Whoever's doing the work is improving it. Now they've got access to a help chain if they need it, but they are doing it right. They own it. We don't have this concept of inspectors. So if I do have test people in my teams, yes. That's not what they do. They will be doing work as well as testing. They might be the experts on testing, but they don't just do testing. Yeah, that's the key thing. So I've got these self-managing teams and anybody can do anything. They don't just volunteer for the test jobs. So sometimes we'll do split testing. So what we'll do is we'll produce an output and we'll give one group something to test and another group something slightly different to test and can compare the benefits of it because we don't know. So we do blind testing. So again, from research projects, we should be across all those kind of ideas. We want it to be auditable. Yeah. We've we've talked about this all the time, so we should be able to reproduce these tests. I should be able to go anywhere, anywhere and be able to replicate these. This is the whole concept of the lean and agile improvement methodology. Now, I talked earlier on about the the vision. And on this on the website, you'll see a guy called Eric Grace who did The Lean Start-Up and he talks about see like organisations creating new products. And I've mentioned to you several times now about YouTube and how that did a pivot, you know, started off as a dating site and just became a video upload service. So what we can have is as you're going through your development of your product, you have your original vision. And what we can do is we can pivot on that. So if if what your original vision was isn't working well, at least your path to it isn't working. You can pivot and change. So like with YouTube, I said, Oh, actually we don't need it to be a dating site anymore. We can just focus on the uploading videos bit. Yeah. So we still going to our vision is still to have an online website, still to make loads of money out of dealing with the masses. But actually we just going to do this one aspect of it so we get these different kinds of, uh, so a single feature becomes the whole product. So YouTube would be that. Yeah. So, so actually instead of doing the whole thing, just kind to focus on one bit of what we were doing. So if you think about your products. Yeah, okay. So that could mean I was going to do like a million different things. Maybe I could just come down to one thing and that couldn't be enough. So I'm going to change or I'm going to do a pivot on my my vision. Yes. I'm just going to change the strategy of how I'm going to achieve the end goal. Still going to try and achieve the end goal. But I might do it in a different way. So these are all different kinds of pivots that Reese identified. So I can zoom in, I can zoom out when I'm talking to my customer, I can identify a different need. So I think one of the products was looking at don't choose of biscuits because oh yeah. So when I'm doing that, I might identify that dog owners actually they want an umbrella for when they're walking their dogs as well. So if I can have a lead that also can cooperate, say a doggy chew holder and an umbrella, that would be really good. And it has the poo bags as well. This would be really good. Yeah. And if I could have it multiple colours. So yeah, I've got this idea but I could expand it. Yeah. So this is where we go with Agile because your original idea might be wrong, okay? Because we're embracing change, but we're talking to the customer. So this is what we expect you to, to think about as we're going along. And you can look at all these on the on the website you want to get experiences off. But basically these are all just different ways that you can change your vision if you like to pivot your vision. So you're talked about several times, fail fast, can't stress this enough. So as you're going through, it's not like you want to fail, but you want to test as early as possible. So don't put off your testing till the end of the week. If you could test it today, test it today. That's the key. You always want to know if it's going to work. So I'm always suspicious that it's not going to work. How am I going to test if I need somebody else to give me some feedback on it? Let's do it today. Do it as quickly as possible. I've had this before. So much more productive to find an error while you're actually doing it and fixing it straight away. If you leave it two or three days and then come back to it 20 times longer to to fix it, we might need to swarm problems. This is part of lean theory. And so actually what we need to do is when we have our send off, you say to everybody in the team, actually, can you all come and help? We need to fix this. It's serious. I can't fix it by myself. Just stop what you're doing. Fix this until we fix this. We can't fix everything else. Yeah, so we swarm problems. This is very on waterfall, like in waterfall and stick to use from lines. Sure problem. You fix your problem. Everybody else needs to fix carry on their stuff and it will all come right now. Stop now, everybody else, stop. Let's fix this. Once this is fixed, everybody can go back to do whatever they were doing before. Cause it's a team who decides? The team decides if one person is going to fix it. We're the whole team. We're going to fix it because it will be on the severity of the problem. Yeah. How acute it is. Team is accountable for the quality, so it's no good sign. Oh yeah. Well Steve did that and he's not very good. The team owns the quality. Why did we? Not support Steve in testing it. Why did we not help him to make it better? It's our problem. Yeah. So this is about this very much goes with swimming problems, so I don't make new stuff until the stuff I've got works. That's folly. And it is fundamental to the whole of Lean In. The whole of Agile. Really? If I've got something that's broken, I fix it. I don't carry on building stuff on broken stuff. So I might need to refactor it if I've got something that actually was in the ideal. It's an old version. I might need to go back and fix that so that I can move forward. So I've always tried to produce as high quality technical solution as I possibly can. So I talked about this practice first and really continue to integrate. So I'm always got a working product. So the idea of this would be you can't ever say, Oh, I can't demonstrate on Monday because we didn't do this final bit and I needed the final bit to be able to demonstrate. No, no, you've always got a work in product. So like tonight you should have a working product. So if the world ended, you could still demonstrate whatever you've done today. Next Monday. Same on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Throughout the week. You should always be something that you can demonstrate cause that's agile because you've tested it right. You've done only completed one story. You've tested it and it works. So you can demonstrate that. That's it. Because you would have chosen the thing that came first that was the most valuable. So by definition, the most valuable thing that you designed and worked on first and you tested first or just demonstrate that. Yeah, that's how it works. This is where we see, like I've mentioned a few times again with Windows originally when that came out, yet to wait three months or a year to get your new version of Windows, and now you get over a new version of Windows. Practically every day, if not more. So some of the agile techniques. So these are the things that you might think of using during your delivery over the next three weeks. So this is where you get the points. So interacting with customers. So if you went out to actually sell the dog treat one. Oh, yes. So I went to the park, gave some people some dog treats. So if people liked the dog treats or pretty even better, their dogs like the dog treats. Yeah. Am I using definitions? I've done. So are you testing the definitions or are you making sure they're working? I mentioned pair programming when I went through XP. How you doing that? Going to people working on the same thing at the same time? Are you doing any modelling? Could model your dog biscuit cookie rather than actually make them. Can I do a 3D design of it? Am I going to do test driven development? So come up with a test. So then we said I'm going to test. Awesome. So then I need to design a questionnaire, don't I? So I've got to come up with the questionnaire first and then I'm going to test right at the start. So what do you think at the moment is already awesome because these what I did make me awesome or was it already awesome? Yeah. Whatever feature is, I need to do this. This is what some of you are doing websites and you can have automated testing. So this is what I used to do for a living. You can go to two companies like Planet and stuff like that, and they would actually develop whole programs that just test stuff. So literally if you're creating a bit of software. So yeah, we want to just test that. We can have 30 people logging on. So like some of you said, Oh, we're going to get 10,000 users. Oh, okay. How you going to test that? Can 10,000 users use your app at the same time? How are you going to test that? That's what real people have to do. Like, Oh, I need to design a test harness that will be able to fire 10,000 loadings at the same time and see if it breaks. Cause I need to test it so I can't just assume it's going to work like, oh, okay, I'm going to do that. That's a bit advanced for you guys doing what you're doing, but this is what in the real world we have to do. Oh, okay, because that's hard. So hopefully you're all doing this customer demonstrations, hopefully we're all doing this retrospective. So you just need to decide when you're going to do that. The contractor involvement is one from the construction world as these alliances or alliances, beta testing, just particular groups. So again, kind of like we're not developed my thing do I want to give it to some people say I'm developing a an app for international students coming to Auckland or I've got the map for Auckland, do I give it to some students? So what do you think I've got? I've only done like two weeks worth of development on it. What do you think? Is this better than the existing one? Oh, gosh, they might say no, that's good. Failing fast. What am I going to do? That's even better. Yeah. How am I going to change it? So these kinds of things, right? So this is what you need to be thinking about. How am I going to build these techniques into what I do? So then the question is, when do you do this? Anybody? So for a, this is the top of Everest. This is not like an AI type image. This is actually the top of Everest. Not the problem on top of Everest is. Well, yeah, low oxygen, but they only have so many sunny days. So what happens is you walk all the way basically to the top of Everest, then you wait for a sunny day, and of course, then you have a sunny day. So everybody tries to go to the top of Everest and it's no oxygen. So people die on the top of Everest cause they need to be there. So this is literally it's a photograph of the top of Everest. These all these people are trying to get to the top of Everest at the same time. Crazy. How do we end up with that problem? Well, the problem happens because anybody could provide you get enough money. You could go to the top of Everest whenever you wanted to. Provided you had the money. So they changed it and said, oh, we pretty need to have some kind of pass or license to to get there. But the point of the photo was, whenever you get a problem, you need to go to where the problem happens to solve it. You can't solve the problem from afar. So someone's talking about an issue with a computer program. Go to whoever has the problem and see them. See what they do. Yeah, because it's always easy to think, Oh, why don't you just do this? Or You should just do that and go, Oh, I can see they can't actually do that at the right place. So as a team, when you have a problem, you don't just say, Oh, Steve, can you just fix them? You go, Oh, no, I'm going to go to wherever Steve is and be with him so he can show me the problem, so we can fix it. So this is the number one of problem solving because basically 50% of resolving a problem is in defining the problem. If you can go to where the problem is, you've got a much better chance of being able to define it. It's very disconcerting. And we had this one from I think this is lecture to lecture one. Then we need to think backwards. So this is what you're doing. So remember, you've got in your charter, you've got your vision. I think everyone had a vision in their charter. This is your starting point. This is where you're trying to get to now. It's easy to to lose lose track. And you start to think about your particular story and you're going off doing this thing and maybe you're changing it a little bit. You always going to come back to the vision. Is this story helping me get to the vision? Yeah, we was thinking backwards, so we start from the result. Focus on the customer. How is the customer going to achieve that result? And then we come back here. So this is always the key. So the functional accountability is the last thing we do. And you can remember that from earlier on in the lectures. So whenever you're as a team looking at a problem, we need someone to to stand up for this, to say, what are we actually trying to achieve here? What's the desired outcome? And has the customer said this or is this just something we think they need to test it? It's always think backwards. And this is a theory from world process from Six Sigma may have heard of it called to make so the initial initial letters and the issue here is and this is what you might think about when you're doing your journals. I need to focus on causes rather than symptoms. If the team has a lot of conflict, that's a symptom of something. What is the root cause? So the whole of problem solving is around, okay, I experience a symptom that's not the problem. If I if I say I walk into a site I can't see very well and I go into an opticians, my anticipation or my expectation of what's going to happen in that room is that they're actually going to test my eyes if I just went in there and said, Oh, he go, he's a pair of specs. They work for me. Just try these. You think I was completely mad when he said, Well, what's the chances of that prescription being right for my eyes? This is what we typically do when we have a problem. People typically said, oh, this is the standard solution and what ever wrong i.t helpdesk have you tried powering off your system and powering back on against 400 times? Didn't fix it, but this is it. Because standard solution is supply. The standard solution? Yeah. Rather than can I just see what the problem is? So what we need to do is get into this mindset of looking for root cause, a root cause, often hidden below the ground. So what we do is we try to define the problem. So where is this problem happening? Who is it happening to? What are the circumstances? Does it happen all the time? All that sort of stuff? And can I get any data about it so I can analyse it? And once I come up with what I think is the root cause, then I can come up with some activities to change it. So just thinking this about quality, you're going to come across these quality issues rather than just say, Oh yeah, we just leave Steve to fix. Maybe I just need to do a little problem, solve on it. What's happening? Is it happening all the time? How do I fix this? How can I make sure it works in all situations? The last bit is here controlling the change. So how can I make sure it always works? Is my man with his glasses. So what you typically do 5w1 hate. So don't you come across this whenever you experience a problem anywhere in the world, do this. And 50% of resolving the problem is to define it. So five W, one h and notice there's no y in there, no y everything but the y, because what you're trying to do is work out why if you put Y in there, you would be jumping to solution. So what we want to do is to find out what all the factors are in the problem so that we can solve it. And then what you need to do is do some measurements. So this is maybe questionnaires. So again, on your projects, maybe you need to come up with a questionnaire value stream maps, process flows. I can have runs. I've got some examples of these later on. So running charts. So this is just happening over time. What do people do? Tally sheets, each of five bar gate type stuff. Burrito diagram. So what do 80% of my dog owners want versus what do 20% of them want? I can do graphs and things like this. I can fishing out for you. Best to show you some examples. So that's the value stream. So when you're going for your projects, what's the process of designing a website? What's the process I think people are going to go through. How many clicks do I want them to be able to achieve this output today? That's a good question. Have I drawn up these process flows? And if they're abandoning the site early on because I'm measuring how many people click on it and how quickly they like it, and they gave me bad feedback. Is it because it takes too many clicks? Is it too hard? Is it opaque about how to achieve that? I gave my my wife's thinking of doing a course at the uni and she was looking at the student map and she said it doesn't work very well, does it not? So her initial feedback doesn't work. Oh, it's just not it's not obvious what I need to do to achieve the result. I need to. So someone spent lots of hours coming up with this wonderful design and my, my general feedback for most things to do with opportunities. Yeah, it's possible, but it's not easy, it's not intuitive. It's quite hard to do stuff. I don't really put much effort into the beginning. So this is where the value stream type stuff comes from. What's the process? How should it work? This is the tally sheet. So as you're going through, if you're observing a problem doing your projects, how many times this is work? If this was my dog obedience, I could have my different types of dog and how many treats they eat or how much they like it. That sort of stuff. I could go through and I can start to measure the data because then I can compare before and after. So which is the most popular flavour? I can do tally sheets, run charts is just over time, so tally sheets just in total. But if I was looking at it, how does it work over time? What's the most popular treat at 9:00 in the morning? It's most popular trick at 5:00 at night. Yeah, those kinds of things. So if I wouldn't do anything that's time dependent, I can do that. Operator, I think you're all across. So this is where I'm trying to get what's the most popular treats so far? I'm trying to come up with treats. I've got five different types, which is the most popular. So if I'm trying to focus my efforts as a team to make the most popular treat only because that's the highest value, how am I going to look? I need to do a preto analysis, so I would expect to see these kind of things. So these are all the kinds of things that you could demonstrate each week. I did this. This is the result. I'm demonstrating the answer to you in case you're struggling to see how this is relevant. So these are all stories that you can demonstrate the results of is my histogram. This is how it works. This is where most of the students are from. This is the language most of the students speak. All this kind of stuff. So Ishikawa is where we put a problem over here. And we basically it's supposed to be a fish. So this is the head of the fish. These are the scales. And what we do here is we try to identify the cause. So if at the moment we're looking at the student access, uh, on an application trying to improve it. So the question here is, you know, people don't use the existing app. Why is it and we can think about these different dimensions. So is it because it's only on Apple? Is it because it's only on Android? Yeah. Is it because the screen isn't very good? It's when I've got it on a very small mobile. It doesn't really work. It works really well on a PC, is it? The people can't work out how to work it. Is it that the process flow is too complicated? Is it because it's often inside the we're inside rooms and there's not much Wi-Fi inside the room, so it doesn't work very well. So keep concentrating so much. So when we go to The Ishikawa, well, it's trying to do is give you like thought starters as to what the cause might be. And as you go through the causes, you as a team would vote on what you think is the most likely cause, and then you fix that cause to try and generate a solution to the problem. Yeah, that's how that works. It's just an example of the five ways. So here you got I've got someone being caught on a red traffic light because none of you get caught in traffic lights. It's just me. So the question is, well, why would you do that? Because in your instance, if you saw someone being caught in a red traffic light through traffic lights with a traffic light camera, you'd say, Oh, that's because they like driving fast or something like that. You would jump to solution, then someone crashes out because they're an incompetent driver. But then you say, Oh, you know why? So you ask them why the first time. So it's because they were late for their meeting. Why were they late for their meeting or they didn't get up on time? Why didn't they get up on time? Well, because the radio alarm wasn't working. Why was that? Because the battery is that poor. You should be a picture of a mobile phone. These to shouldn't run out of charge. So the countermeasure for getting a speeding ticket is to go to the supermarket and buy some batteries. So often the solution to a problem is very different to what you originally thought. So if you just thought I was because he's a boy racer. So yeah, we need to send him to prison or we'll find him or something that will solve the problem. Whereas actually the solution was to buy some batteries. So when you're doing your exercises, you've got to start thinking like this and all comes trying to solve the problem. Let's think as a team, what is the most likely solution to this problem rather than just the first one we want to do? As we go through it, we would therefore do the PDC. So we start with each of the potential solutions and work our way through. So we have to come up with our plan. So if I put in in the company, we just have if I put in new batteries into the radio alarm, it should work. So let's go buy some batteries. Now, did it ten, did you get any more speeding tickets? No, we didn't. Therefore, I'm okay. I just need to make sure that the batteries are always fully charged, so I need to check them every week, whatever it is. Whereas if it hadn't worked and so on. I actually still getting a speeding ticket something. So even though the batteries are working, it isn't cause it isn't solving the problem. Maybe still goes out to late at night or he's not sleeping in his own bed or whatever. Yeah. Some people are listening. Right. So the control so this is the when you when you come to come up with solutions for your issues that you're going to discover on your projects, this is the range of solutions that you could come up with. Now most people say, Oh, yeah, we're just going to have verbal instructions, so I'm going to tell students what to do. This is the least effective solution doesn't work. And they say, Oh yeah, I'll, I'll write to procedure. Not quite as bad, but pretty bad. People don't read procedures. Then I'll have a next one is all have a standard operation. Some will define exactly what people do. I will control what they do and how they do it. It's getting a little bit better. SPC Statistical Process Control. So I will measure them every moment that they're doing stuff and as soon as they start doing it wrong, an alarm will sound and we'll fix it. So we're getting better now. Now I'm going to do Pokey Action and filmgoer knows what that is. I designed it so you can't fail. So my chip, my favourite example of this, I should hope you remember this. You got your micro USB cable and I'm forever putting that in the wrong way around. If you got a USB USB thing, the USB A or micro USB, you can put it in the wrong way around. So you do. And then when I went to Usb-c, I said, Oh, this is not very good in terms of design. Let's make it universal. So they do. So that's an example of Pokey. I don't need to design it. So you cannot fail. Yeah, there's only one way of doing it. Or you cannot you can't possibly do it wrong in the first place. So this is where we start saying, this is how I really want to do it. So I'm coming to website design. I want to make it so you can make you can't fail. You just do it really easily. Maybe you just type it in and it just automatically navigates you to the right place and you can type it in in any language. So it will just go there, maybe be an air engine on the front of it and it just works it out for you. So you don't even have to think, maybe I can even make it so you can talk to it. I This is making it much easier. Much easier so you can't get it wrong. And obviously if I can design the problem out in the first place, that's the key. So this is what we've tried to look for. When you actually going through your projects and you're coming up with your solutions to problems, how can I make it perfect? That's the key. And but technical excellence is a priority. So the other aspect of it just quickly looking at risk now. So we have technical risk, marketing rates, financial risk. So obviously technical risk, it might go wrong. Marketing risk might not be able to sell it, financial risk. I come up with a really great product and I lose loads of money trying to sell it. Not a good thing. Yeah. So we need to deal with all these kinds of risk. So in waterfall, what we try to do is we try to think of all the possible risks right at the start with a brain the size of a planet and take all of our appropriate actions for it. What we do in our jobs is I say, know it's going to be changeable. So we need to be always looking for risk all the time. Can't do it as a one off thing. Always going to be embracing risk. So sometimes we can do a spike right at the start. Some of you are thinking about doing something like this, so I can just do a little bit of research right at the start of my Agile project to find out what all the risks are and make sure I'm I'm in the right place. We call that a spike. So the conventional way is to go through the process like this. So those are you doing seven for two? We'll know all about this. So I have a full risk workshop. We just don't do this in Agile and Agile. This is what we do. So we have an. So we collect the signals every day. So we have a daily standard. So we collect the signals. We test it with each other to get rid of any noise. If anybody's got similar information, we put it all together, then we can analyse it, compare it with what we're doing at the moment, and we develop a strategy to deal with it as a team and then we respond. That's how it works. Doing this every day. This is how we do it. So we always thinking about risk. So when we get to the end of our sprint, we have our review agenda. So we're talking all about demonstrations. But the key bit we're looking at here is what happens afterwards. So we've we've demonstrated to the customer and now we've just got my team together and we can review our processes. So what risks are there in the processes we're using? These are testing good. Are we coming up with the right tests? I'll be testing them in a good way. How is it that we manage to make this mistake? We didn't deliver this story. Steve was sick. No one stepped in. We didn't deliver it. It was a bit embarrassing on Monday when we couldn't demonstrate anything. Why did that happen? So we do a retrospective of it. Yeah. So typically one way you can measure this. So if you're doing your lessons learned type report, you could do this. You could measure the risk right at the start and you could see how the risk is diminishing over time. So you would on a charter, all has risks, generally has risks on it. So you say, well, this is the level of risk right at the start. But you know what you should anticipate remember from XP last week that as you go through the iterations, you should see the risk coming down because you've tested everything. So the risk comes down. What project would be rock level right till the end. Yeah. So this is one way we can measure it. Yeah. The risk burned chart. As I've mentioned, the retrospective all teams should have this. Particularly if you want to get a good mark, you should be doing a retrospective every every week at the end of it, working and improving your processes to define, eliminate risk. And that's about it. We're not going to I normally have a tutorial, but we won't do the tutorial. We're going to talk to each other instead of back through charter and iteration zero. So hopefully you can get the context as you do your project. She'll understand more about why I did this, this lecture. This is the things you're going to demonstrate, because it's all about testing. It's all about risk management for what you're going to do from now on. Because I'll be amazed if you don't have any issues while you're doing your project Maze. I would fall off my chair. Okay, so anybody got any questions either online or here? It's got a first chat 8 minutes time. So you've got 8 minutes to ask questions. But anything you go back. Oops. Oh. Should the president go this way? Oops. Just do the screen sharing it. Oh, come on. So rather. So I wanted to know about that time for the retrospective. You said that it was. Yes. So typically what happens is so every Monday when we're in here with me, you'll be doing the demonstration bit of it. And if you were doing Agile for real life in the real world, it might not be every week, but you would always be doing a demonstration at the end of each sprint. So the product owner and customers typically come in to see the demonstration and once they've once you've done the demonstration, then got by. And then what the team does is they now review the stories that they didn't do because they say, well, we said a week ago in your case we were going to do these stories. It was in a sprint backlog. We didn't do that. So we weren't able to demonstrate them. We didn't do them. Why did we not do them? Let's review that. What are the reasons we didn't do that? Are these too lazy? You forgot if we've got yet to do it. You were sick. Yet another lesson to do or whatever it is. Okay, so how do we stop that happening next time? Do we just agree to do less work next time just because we agreed to do too much work? That was the problem. Is it because they took on too much work? Is it because we need to have two people maybe working on these things at the same time? Because when somebody gets sick and over the weekend, we don't have time to react to it. What's the problem? So we're doing this review as a team about the processes we're using. Because you could say, Oh yeah, we allocated all the jobs on a monday and we waited, went all the way around and we only talked to each other on a Sunday. So that's when we find out if there's a problem. Let's do like how do we change our process? Or maybe we need to have a stand up during the week, like a virtual send up or whatever, but that sort of thing. So in the retrospective reviewing the process that the team is using to deliver the outputs, so the first of the meeting is customer. What do you think about what we produced the product? Then it's a team. What do we think about the process and what we should normally get? Typically we do get the first week is often a bit of a game changer for students. Often it's a bit of a struggle to get to your first output and then they have a bit of retrospective and then they agree that actually going to start working as a team as opposed to as a group of individuals. And typically in the second week we see the more team like behaviour coming in and that's where it starts to get easier for the teams to deliver stuff. Okay, but the outputs of it is basically you have a team workshop and you'll come up with a list of things that you want to change. And what we typically say is one of those would go into the Sprint backlog for the next week. Yeah. And then once you've done your retrospective, then you can do your sprint planning for next week's and focus on. These are things we're actually going to do and then we've got all the product things we're going to do that goes into our sprint backlog and we're ready for the next week. That's how it works. Any other questions? On the chart. Thanks. How do you quantify risk e.g. for the burn down? So typically we if you think about the old fashioned way of doing it in Waterfall, we have a profile for risk, so we have probability forces impact. And you would give that a so if it was a three by 3b1, two, three, one, two, three. So a highest risk would be a nine. So if it was highly likely to occur and the impact was huge, that would be a nine. So that's how you would measure the risk. So if you thought about when you did your risks for your charter, that's the maximum level of risk at the moment. You would have mitigated that, but you would still have some residual risk. So that's how typically how you would measure it. And if you're doing it in Agile, that's what the team would do. It's all we have talked about these as you're doing your Stand-Up, you identify these things and we'll have a meeting afterwards, not during the Stand-Up to talk about this. We'll go through and we'll just categorise all these risks. This is the level of risk. What are we going to do about it? How are we going to change our stories to adjust to suit this? This is what we're going to do, and then we can measure the risk afterwards. So I know has the likelihood of it reduced, has the impact reduced, that kind of thing? How does that work? Any other questions? No. Okay. So just so just because of you, we're going to panic about next week. So what's happened is next week. Let's do that. You do the lecture as normal. So we get to about this and I'll go and sit down over there and then the teams will come up in random sequence to the front and demonstrate their stuff. So what you need to do is during this week is to practice whatever you're going to do to demonstrate. So obviously you could come up here and have a play with all the gear up here, over here. Look, he should be here as well, so we'll be able to go through and help you with the technical side of things just to get set up and to work. Assuming you want to use that, don't have to use that. It's completely up to you. Most people do, but that's how it works. So basically we'll just give you each a slot, random order. You'll come up here, you'll do your demonstration for 5 minutes, we'll then give you feedback. So everybody has to watch everybody else. So you can ask questions of whoever the team is at the front and ask questions of the team at the front, give them feedback, then they give thanks very much, then it's the next team. So we just do that five times, so should be an hour or so to go through and do that. So we should finish in about two. That will take a bit more longer time. So they might have bought back for that point because I think all you need to say is just as part of your introduction or your our product is is this so you don't need to do a whole, whole long thing. So, so let's remove the product on study what you need to apply. Well, because you're going to demonstrate it. You're going to demonstrate. So you decide. So our product is, say, study body. So how to get around the university and here I'm going to demonstrate the products. Yeah. Because because I don't need to know what you planning to do. Because I'm going to see what you've done. Yeah. Yeah. You all want to know what he was like, first of all, that you planned. I mean, some depending on your product, some students do do that. They will actually get they'll do questionnaires and ask people because they can say, well, I've done my product. So say like a group wanted doing dog treats. So they could say, well, actually, yeah, I've, I'm not going to get feedback on whether dogs are like them probably in this room, but I could during the week say I've got three different recipes and I'll go out and get the feedback and then they'll present them in here to say, this is the external feedback we had on our doggie treats, that kind of thing. So yeah, some people do. Yeah. Okay, everybody happy ish. Don't worry too much about next week. It's not that exciting really. So long as you get something to demonstrate, it's not. Not too embarrassing. Okay. So we have small groups here. It's 1015 for Thor, 1035 group three 1055 Group one 1115 Group five 1135 okay, so it's 1015 now. So if you're not in group to go somewhere else, otherwise group two we are. We all have. Oh. So yeah, I don't really have anything to do with the background of the.

# Week 10

Ministrations in secret for already ready to do this about 830 this morning that was impressive pushing you no bonus points for that this is already. How we doing time? Officially. It should be on now. So. So for those of you who will worry about it, I'll put the order up here. Same thing for decide if they wanted to go first. Because they're masochists inside masochism. And then two, then five, then one, then three. So it should take about 5 minutes for each of you. So I'll do the the lecture for the first hour and then group four will come up here. Normally in this first session, it takes a little bit of time for people just to get used to how all the control panel at the front works. It's not that hard, but it's just unfamiliarity. So we just take a few minutes just to get it all up and working. Come on in. Okay. So the subject for this week is quite apt, responding to change over following a plan. This is one of the agile values or central principles, and this is one of the things that you have to show as you're going through the next phase. It's like this has been one of the iterations, the next three iterations of your exercise of your demonstrations. But just get this to work. So crucial thing is how agile differs from waterfall in dealing with change. Conscious Some of you haven't done waterfall planning, so we'll just talk about that in very brief detail. Hopefully you should all know about this because you've gone through this at least twice. But how plans are adjusted in Agile? How Agile can be used with fixed requirements. And then we start to look at people because projects are all about people and we have to actually adjust our thinking. This is the biggest learning for our job because most people come once because they are agile. So that's why you don't do any planning and you just make it up as you go along and everybody is really happy. It's all happens magically. And then hopefully by the time you come to this kind of level you've realised actually there's quite a lot of planning that goes into it and there's a lot of trying to get people to work together and people have been trained since they were about five to not work together. They've been told that even this university teaches people that you will not collaborate. If you collaborate, you will lose marks, you might get zero, you might be kicked out of the university. Collaboration is a bad thing and then you go to work and sort of that collaboration again. So you get lots of mixed messages around this, so it screws with your brain. So for me, this course tries to, within the limits of the university, teach you as much about collaboration as it's possible to do. So just say you're with the university says you can only assess 30% of a student's mark based on a collaborative project. Quite interesting. So you must be positively anti collaboration. Through because he says, well, how else can we assess people individually? All right, so here are the four values individuals interactions. So remember, the red are more important than the blue. The blue are not unimportant. As you're going through, I think for a few groups, I've suggested to them that they might want to use some processes and tools like Trello. So it's a tool that's very useful to promote it because I think most people have used Miro online. There are there are tools out there to help individuals and interactions. So some of the tools are quite important and it's quite hard to interact like we can see today. We've got people online through Zoom. So if you're trying to do a project where people are physically not in the same place, it's really hard to not use tools. So you wouldn't be the first person who's ever said, Oh, tools are not important. Tools are vital, but the recognition is that individuals and interactions is more important. Now, the one you're going to do today, working product or working software? Yeah, more important and comprehensive documentation. So again, this goes against typical university type standards, but it's all, you know, producing a great presentation, writing it up in 58 pages is really good. Whereas I'm saying that I want a two minute to five minute tops demonstration. Yeah, we all know. What's that all about? Because we're saying actually showing something that works is much more important than telling a good story because people can evaluate things that they can see. A lot of people are visual learners that if you've ever tried this, wherever you work, try and get people to do things by writing it down. Give them a procedure and say, Follow the procedure. It's always good for a laugh. Give a try it. People are asking, Can you take me through it? Because I'll read the words and I don't really understand the words. Reading ideas are not that high, generally in the real world. Yeah, maybe. Maybe eight or so average reading age. I remember when I used to do because I'm a production engineer by by training and I remember writing detailed procedures that were like that many pages. And you go through them and when you wrote them they were really clear. And then we'd always have an audience at the end of the year. So everybody had to go through the procedure and you try and even go through stuff and you couldn't understand it yourself because you just tell what does. I know what I want to do and I can't understand what this says. And you just get a random operator just to go through the procedure and they wouldn't be able to do it. You go, Oh yeah, this we've actually changed it and you do it like this and you do it like that and you change. This is why you find photos. It's so much better videos so much better to try and communicate. And this is where this is really coming from. Documentation is not a good thing when it comes to communicating because you've got lots of visual learners but lots of kinaesthetic learners. So customer collaboration is the thing that you're going to show because we are going to be your customers. So you're collaborating with the customers to get their ideas. So we might disagree with you that you think some feature is really cool and sexy. We might go equally something that you think is a bit boring. You might gloss over really quickly. There's Oh, that's quite a group. Could you just show us like this often happens in real demonstrations and in the last one responding to change so you're going to demonstrate all four of these hopefully maybe not this week, but so next week. So these are the principles member this is how you're going to be assessed overall on your demonstrations and particularly this week, we talked about a lot of these last week we're talking about because this is subject to change, you're going to welcome changing requirements. So when Steve comes up with a really stupid idea that you really hate, you have to smile and say, Oh, thanks for the feedback. Steve One thing I've learnt in my career is when anybody gives you feedback, there's only one word or two words that you can say they are thank you. Even though you hate it, even though you disagree with it violently. Always say thank you for feedback. Thank you for the feedback. Not going to say anything else. Just thank you because you need to go away and lie down and recover. But just say thank you because feedback is good. You might not like it at the time, so businesspeople and developers must work together. Janey throughout the Project Forward had some questions about that. Do we really need to have a daily stand up? No, you don't. Because remember, Agile is a mind set. You cannot do Agile, right? It's a mindset. Key thing is that you must be working together daily throughout the project. It doesn't say you must have a daily meeting, but you must be working together. That's the concept. And you must be getting feedback between people doing the work and whoever's specifying what's going on and key one for change. I want to maximise the amount of work not done, so I don't want to do stuff when I don't want to do stuff. You don't want to do stuff that nobody wants. This is always a really difficult one for me. You get to the nice tweedy bit and you're really into it and you just want to develop this a little bit more, make it even more perfect. Got to get our presentation even better. And this is saying, no, don't do that. That's what we're always looking for. So when you're doing your stuff, you're always looking, I want to do good enough is just enough. I don't want to over embellish it. I don't want to gild the lily. So remember I said a little bit about Waterfall for those of you who don't do waterfall or haven't done waterfall before. So Waterfall typically has four stages. We talked about this really early on, maybe have gotten this. So we have the concept stage where I go from an idea and I produce the thing that you guys produced last week, which is the charter. So it's exactly the same for Agile and Waterfall. And then what waterfall does is has this long planning phase. So 15% of the effort of the project goes into planning and we produce a document thick, which is the plan. And the plan is for the project manager and for the project manager to make sure the team follow it, because this is what was agreed with all the stakeholders and they will follow it. So therefore the project manager does not want change. So now I've documented the plan. I've lined everybody up to follow the plan. They're all going to do it. They're all coming in on particular days. They all know exactly what they're doing and they've got it sussed. Why would I want to change any of that? If I change any of that's going to cost me time, money, effort. And I don't have any because it's been planned down to the last penny, the last century. So as soon as anybody changes anything, I'm overbudget. That's bad. I look bad. I don't want to change anything. If I put any change through, I'm going to have to ask for more money. You know how hard is to get more money? I don't want to do it. So typically project managers resist all the change in waterfall, even if it's a really good idea. Like Net. Yeah, typically things like water view, they said it has to pay back by a factor of three. We will only change something if it gives us three times the benefit. Okay, so this is what real project managers do. They just say no change. But this is a really good idea. It's going to save us loads of money. Don't care. Don't care. We've got to execute the plan. So intense focus on the plan. So that's what. What happens in waterfall. And then, of course, you're going to execution. It's just do it as quickly as possible to produce the deliverable. And then I'm just going to close it out. So we want it in waterfall, come up with the plan and then execute as fast as we possibly can. And that often means the product doesn't come together. So right at the last moment, because that's the most efficient. Right. So nobody's got any clue. So the last time you talked to the customer was here when they looked at the plan and said, yeah, that sounds like a good plan. This is all the work that needs to talk to the customer during this at all until I get right to the end and I've got the deliverable. And I say, There you go, will you sign it off so I can close the project out? So that's it. So this is the waterfall way of doing change, right? No, no. Don't want any change. Fix the plan, execute as fast as possible. Only talk to the customer when I need to. When I need sign off. Because that will, as I said in the plan and I've got all the criteria so I can check all the criteria myself. So what I do is bring the customer in. So I've checked off all the criteria. It's all done. What do you think the customer says? I don't agree. You can't not agree. I'm the project manager. I am. God. So this is how we do waterfall. So the US back in 2002 decided to do a little bit of an experiment and they got someone, this guy, General Paul Van Riper, to pretend to be Iran because the US were pretty convinced. They probably still are, still are they were going to have to invade Iran at some point. I said, we need to test out just how good all our smart bombs and our big computers are and how fast we could completely wipe out the Iranian defence. How quickly could we do that? So they got this call of proven recipes. Not really, not really liked. And they said to him, You can beat the Iranians, so you're going to lose. Can you just, you know, can you try and lose quickly? Right. It was a bit of a I'm a bit of a maverick. And he said, no, I'm going to try and win. What am I going to do to try and win? He said, I am not going to have a plan. I'm not going to have a central plan. I am going to have intent, leadership. We talked about this before. What I want to get tell my team to do is to cause as much mayhem as possible. Just go out there and just destroy everything however you can, whichever way you can, just do it. The way we will communicate is not using mobile phones because they'll intercept them. We're going to have mobile. A bike riders with dispatch notes, old fashioned technology. Yeah, and no one has any bonds. And you got to know the next team along. So if they wipe out any one team, that's it. Yeah. The other teams have got to be self-sufficient, so all the teams just go out and cause mayhem. That's the rule. And you're only ever going to talk to one other team, so they can't wipe us all out. If they take out one team, that's it. Limited. Limited impact. What they did was they took out some very small boats with handheld rocket propelled rockets and they destroyed the fleet because the fleet weren't up. When you weren't expecting this, they said, oh, no, we're going to we've got these clever computers who simulate what they're going to do when we are expecting a central attack. And we just didn't do it. So, no, no. We got all these little boats going out there, people, you know, two or three people and a motor torpedo motorboat with a just a hand-held rocket propelled grenade and they just firing it. And that's taking out the cruisers. Nicholas And when the when the ships are disabled, we can go in that end and just machinegun all the sign is really good. Result was 20,000 US troops killed in a day and the Americans said this is this is not good. So they called right for it and they said, stop what you're doing. You have to have a plan. You have a plan. Then we can we can interrogate it. We can intercepted. We can work out what you're going to do so we can stop you doing it because that's the way we roll. Yeah. And it was just a big thing for the US at this point, the date here. So we're talking 20 years ago. Again, this is major Agile works. Yeah. And this is what you see now in all of the conflicts around the world. No one has a central plan. It's all about the guerrilla warfare just going in there, causing as much disruption as you possibly can. As soon as you have a central plan, you know, the opposition is going to find out about it and destroy it. It's going to be about this with the Americans at the time. They're all about the smart bombs. And you go over there and it's kind of a clinical campaign. You go bomb to where it needs to go and you just kill only the people you're trying to kill. And it is all this kind of, oh, yeah, know, these supercomputers can do wonderful things. And this is a big, big revelation for them saying, actually, it doesn't work. So let me come on to this question, which you guys need to answer, which is what is value? So here's my wonderful downloads of YouTube. So which is more valuable? The diamond or the water depends on the context. This is always the key thing. There is no right answer and this is the thing you have to embrace. With Agile, there is no right answer. I have to ask because the environment is changeable. Because the environment is changeable, the answer changes. So what was right yesterday is not necessarily true today. Oh, I work. So I need to be continually asking. I need to be continually asking for feedback. Even though they told me yesterday what was the best thing? I need to ask the question again today. All right. Jeepers, how could I be efficient? You can't. Well, you can be effective. Okay, so what we're trying to always do is how? Well, even what you might have told me yesterday that this is really important. Is it still really important? This is the role of the product owner. Yeah. Product owner has to relentlessly request from the customer what is the most important thing? So this is what we call grooming, very dangerous world these days. But basically they're always looking at the backlog. So you guys have all all done this for your assignment. You've produced a backlog member, the product owner owns it. Only the product owner can change it. I think some of you have tried, oh, we can give it to a team to do this is not agile. The whole concept of agile nights one person because they can change it rapidly. As soon as you have a group, you see this in the government and we will have a group of people who will have a think tank and they will go away and decide what is the best. This is slow and painful. And you just had the I think it was quite a rapid one, wasn't they? Just investigated the Hail and Gabriella and tried to work out what they should do, but it still took them a month to work out that they need to go in and spend lots of money to clear up all the debris. And you go, really? I think most people in New Zealand could have worked that out pretty much instantly, but they said, no, we've got to have this inclusive process where everybody gets involved and everybody talks. You got, Yeah, that's great. But it's a slow process. Remember, I keep talking about higher order thinking. Is that always the right answer? Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. Just having a standard answer to any problem is not a good look. That's not agile. You've always got to be thinking about what's the best answer. So grooming, fit like reading takes 10% of your time. So it's not a trivial thing. Talk about new things so you can discover new stuff. You're always prioritising and reprioritizing. So what you did in your product roadmap three weeks ago also kind of changed. Suck it up. Yeah, that's it. You just keep quiet. You make up your mind. No, I can't. Because the customer's changing theirs. Yeah. So. So anybody remember, anybody can suggest a change to the product backlog. Only the product owner can say yes, product owner owns it. In waterfall. What do we do? Oh, waterfall member. Product manager. Sorry. Product manager. A project manager doesn't want any change. So the first thing you do is say, Oh, you have to write it down. I have to write it down because that will get rid of most changes because soon as you have to write it out. Oh really? I'm not going to do that. So then I'm going to work out because I'm the project manager, so I'm going to stop doing whatever I was doing and I'm going to work out which tasks need to change. Then I'm going to work out how much it's going to cost. What the cost and benefits I might do might be a different way of doing it. Then I'm going to get really can't really see on this one. But over here then I get a steering group. Steering group is the customer person who owns the spec, the scope and the sponsor, the person who owns the money and sometimes this main supplier. So but typically two or three people have to agree that this change is a good idea. Now, they're not meeting every day, certainly not multiple times a day. They typically meet once a month, maybe once every three months. So any changes that happen during the week aren't even going to get looked at for a month. Ain't that crazy? When we did the bus way, if you're into the bus way. So kind of like with the engineers to the contract on the bus way, there are thousands changes that we had to wade through at the end of the project. I still hadn't been approved, if you like. So stuff that we've kind of done but not done because the process is just so slow. I couldn't couldn't keep up with it. So you need the steering group to approve. Then if they approve it, then you can communicate. Remember said all that stuff where the project manager has to go out and tell people to do different things and you know what? People don't like change. So I really have to do that. Yeah, they won't do it. So we have to actually force people to change and then make sure they've done it right. So it's a whole exercise in its own right. So compare and contrast that with that John Potter and say see a change or reorder it done one person this at least three people have to agree so project manager is making sure it's documented. So all the analysis presents it to 3 to 3 people at a monthly meeting. And if they agree, then it goes through. Then I'll have all this all this communication process. So it's slow. Very, very slow. This is in contrast with got John. So the scope is in the product backlog, product tone to prioritise this, I take out a little lump the Sprint backlog, which is what you guys are going to demonstrate today and that is fixed. Can't change that then if everything else, the team are going to sequence it. And they're going to demonstrate the results. And then if the product's owner likes what happened in the, uh, in the sprint backlog and says yep, that's all good, then we can carry on to what's, what's left in the product backlog. But the product and I say nothing like any of that stuff. Can you do it again? I was talking to a team for they were doing a they're doing a an app and I said no in the this I'm going to say no, no, I prefer cream cakes. Don't want an app. I don't want to get to my lecture on time. I'd rather just sit in this room and eat cream cakes because the product owner could cook up. I'm not the product owner. Right. But that's the reality of it. You could literally after the first week just say, no, I'm not going to do anything else on this whole project. Just stop. Complete waste of time. Do something completely different, please. Wow. This is the power of God know. So that's why it's such a I can just stop it. Do something completely different. That's why it's agile. I didn't. Didn't like what you did to change it completely. So this is going back through again. Remember this dying thing and this slide from week to week three? So dependencies, insurance against risk, value in effort. So you have some mechanism for prioritising. Now as you as you go through and you get more and more feedback, you can change the priority. You don't need to just use time. You can use whatever you whatever you like, right? So we've got the same kind of idea which we had before. So I've got my technical stories and my user stories being prioritised. So the product time is just doing that on a daily, daily basis. So in the meetings, typically I've got the daily scrum member people volunteer. Don't you guys are doing this yet? Because I've heard lots of allocation and assignment words in random conversations. If you are if you have the agile mindset, people volunteer to do work. There is no allocation. There is no assigning. I volunteered to do something because I want to because I want to achieve the goal. That's how agile mindset works. So therefore, on a day to day basis, the team can reprioritize because they agreed what we were going to do for this sprint. But hey, what was what we were going to start with? Actually, I actually now I think this is more important so the team can actually prioritise within that and they can put things that, if you like, at the bottom of the product owner's list, up to the top, still the first tranche of stuff from the product owner, but they can reprioritize with that. So on a daily basis, you can be reprioritizing. So that's the first place that change happens. Yeah. Then when I get to the Sprint Review, like we're going to have today, I'm going to demonstrate my product. So I'm going to get feedback on whether the product's any good. Yeah. And the customers like to say, you know what, that's rubbish. I don't like that. Could you do more of that? Can you do less of that? Can you change this? That's just natural things. Then the team get involved and most most groups do this after we've had the first session. So you do the demonstration twice, then they go away into a little huddle afterwards. Typically that's a bit of a thing. They say, Ooh, how was that for you? Did that work? Well, yeah. Do you know what? I think we should have maybe had a different priority as we were going through and doing stuff. We've got some quite good feedback from this stuff that would be would be much better if maybe we'd had more people who could develop this at the same time. They start to change how they're thinking about doing the work and maybe about some of the some of the stuff that's in the backlog and start changing because remember, anybody on the team can suggest things. Yeah. So in your retrospective, this is where the team starts to challenge itself and then come up with the next plan for the next iteration. So this is where you're starting to do all of this change management. So it's just a dynamic, ongoing process. Member I said to you guys, Scrum is based on a two weekly thing. So when I was working for the COVID response, this was every 4 hours. So we will you have a stand up meeting. We say what we're planning to do. You know, the ministry has just come out with this announcement, stop all of that. We're going to do this instead of to like for us that stuff. Now they've changed all the rules. So interesting environment. And then on top of this, obviously, remember we had the scrum of scrums. So we can still have governance meetings at the top where the governments could say, you know what, I really don't like this anymore. We can just stop the whole thing. So I still got that process as well, which is the waterfall process. So lots and lots of change in Agile. This is why some people don't like it, because, God, how do you know what you're doing? Now the crucial thing is, is the team knows what it's doing. Yeah, if I have good discipline, everybody knows what they're doing because it's in the product backlog. It's not chaotic, it's very structured. They're using tools to make sure it works. That's what we say. If you can't do waterfall, don't even think about trying Agile, because if you can't have a plan, stick to it. Forget it. Because in Agile, you absolutely need to stick to the processes to make sure it works so everybody knows what's going on. Because if you just, oh, I'm just not going to do that anymore. I know I said I was going to do that, but I don't feel like it. Got to got a party tonight. So I know there was a demonstration tomorrow, but I'm just not going to do that. Crazy. Can't do that, actually. Can you do it and what have you done exactly? But you can't do it in Agile because the whole team is expecting you to do that. It's the way it works. Talked about this guy last week, Eric Reese, the Lean Start-Up. So this was the pivot or persevere. So this is where you guys will be at the end of the of this week. You'll do your demonstration and you've got to decide, are you going to carry on doing what you were going to do or are you going to pivot and do a different way? So you were going to do this wonderful thing and they tell you certain really good feedback about this one element into my YouTube thing, really good feedback about this, just the video upload thing. Let's just do that. Let's not do the whole thing. I can change my product. Yeah. This is where you get the marks, right? You don't get the marks for your product. Times I've said this now at least once because I just said it. There are no marks. If there are no marks for how good your product is. There are all the marks for how you adapt and use agile mindset thinking. That's it. So if you discuss risk, go change, listen to feedback, get different people's ideas, swap the product owner, have different themes about how you can develop all that stuff that gets the most having the most perfect app doesn't. If it's perfect, great. You just follow the waterfall plan and you said what you were going to do and you just carried on. Did it great. No marks. Even though it's a perfect app. Even though it's a perfect app because you didn't use any of the agile mindset thinking to produce it, you use waterfall thinking That's it. So you had this slide last week, so I won't bother going through it. So this is typically where people come from. Yeah, everybody else needs to change. I hear all of this, so I'm already perfect because my name is Stephen. I'm by definition perfect. Therefore, do you know Superman where? Steve Pyjamas. They're not into I'm not into it. But so I'm perfect. Therefore, everybody else needs to change. This is what people go into non agile mindset thinking. I need to change because it can be said to be the change. So I need to listen to people. Oh well gosh, that's hard. So I need to ask the customer for feedback even though I don't want it. When they give me feedback and they tell me what will they think I've done for the last week? He's rubbish. I've got to say thank you. I've got to listen to what they say, even though I know they're wrong because I'm the expert. I have to listen to them and take their feedback on board and try and develop it an efficient way. Oh wow. This is quite hard because I was selling them. Just the client just needs to get with the game and just understand that what we're doing is perfect, just doesn't happen that way. So what we're looking for is high performance. And high performance comes from commitment, openness, respect. And that's one of the lean values that we talked about, courage and focus. So in this agile trace, she drew it as in this in this format, if you like, so self-organising committed to team success. So we lose the individual. It's not about me and what I'm doing, which is very much the waterfall thing. I want to have a high performance tree, so the team need to become high performing. So we got to forget what I want. What does the team need? That's the crucial thing. So I can't go to my party tonight. I have to stay in and finish off that thing that I volunteered to do because I said I would. Yeah, we're also going to have disagreements. So remember, this is fundamental to Lindsey only. She's saying we're going to be vulnerable. We're going to say we can't do stuff, we're going to disagree with each other, but we need it to be productive. So what's going to happen? We're going to agree to disagree. We're going to challenge each other. We're not just going to go, yeah, that's great. I want to get out meeting really early, so I'll just agree to everything. That's not going to happen. That's not what high performance is. High performance teams are quite noisy, low performance teams are quite quiet because everyone's just doing what they said they were going to do. Yeah. So now for Lisa, so what we're really looking at is what is that thing, a cultural change. So say this is where we're really going to start off. We change from a technical point of view, but actually agile. How can I change a culture? So. I need the team members to start thinking differently. So therefore, I need to make them act differently. I need to give them the opportunity to fail. So that's why I tried to do on this this course. You get to decide what on earth you do. Lots of courses. You must do this thing. I can choose anything you like. And then you're just in a team and you just got to collaborate to get to the finishing line. So there's lots of ways you can fail. I'm going to allow you to fail and you're going to get feedback and hopefully you learn from the feedback and you get better because that's really how teams work and there's no magic wand that you have to suddenly say, Oh, I'm going to get everybody to talk to each other and to be best of friends just doesn't doesn't work that way. What you start to do is realise that you're making the decisions and taking the risks. So I think Mohammed was just saying he's at the root. I can talk about you as you're just saying, we took a big risk and we've gone from putting our app directly on the phone and it only works on Android at the moment. It's a big risk and if it hadn't worked, you won't be able to demonstrate anything this week. But it did. Yeah. So the team took on the decision and took the risk and it paid paid off. If it if it had failed, it's the team that fails, not just Mohamed. Right. So each of the team members needs to get critical feedback. So you're doing that a little bit through the journals, getting used to getting feedback and asking for feedback. It's not a natural thing, is it, anybody? It's a bit weird giving feedback to fellow students about something that you don't really care about just because you can't. So this is the natural environment for Agile. Get used to giving and receiving feedback. That's why we why we do it. And this word, which is just the first time it's come up this week, emphasise you just aren't empathising with other people. So empathising is feeling with people. So it's not sympathising. Oh, I can respect what your what you're going through. I had something similar. No. Oh, I'm glad you told me about that. I don't know what to tell you right now. But thank you for telling me about it. That is just so terrible. Yeah. So, are you actually trying to list the really listen to people? You have to empathise. You have to kind of understand what they're actually going through rather than saying, just get over it, drink some concrete, and away we go. Yeah, the command and control type behaviour is very different. And when some teams go through this to start to, they start to use different words when they're talking about things. It's all, you know, we, we work collaboratively. Someone has a problem. We work out how we're going to get over it. So they take on the individuals issue, if you like, as a team because they see it as a team issue. It's not like Steve needs to drink some concrete and get on with it. Toughen up. No, no. He's got a real a real problem. How can we make sure the team survives? Yeah. So this is the big change. A few of you have mentioned this in some of your journals, which is quite interesting. Not this lady, Susan Scott, but this thing about needing to have difficult conversations, really easy not to have the difficult conversations. He's not doing what he said he was going to do. I'll do it because then I don't have the conversation. So to Steve, why aren't you doing it? You said you were going to. I'll just do it because that's easier. And you get one person doing everything for the team because that's easier, right? Well, no, because that person is going to expire at some point and everything's down to them. Someone else is just watching you. And this is not this is not high performing team. This is just what one person thinks. So therefore, it's an individual project. Now, we're not getting the benefit of the diversity and the different ideas. So Susan's got said, what I need to have is face to face feedback, So in your stand up meetings, you can have feedback. So what did you do yesterday? Do you know what? I went to the party. All right. Why didn't you tell us you were going to go to the party? Because I could have volunteered to do that job instead. Yeah. If you'd just have mentioned there was a party I wanted to come. We could all have stopped. We could all have come to the party. Right? It was a great party. So Scott said, what you need to do is hire for people's attitude. She called it smarts and heart. Forget skill. Skill is overrated. You can learn skills. You need to have people who like working as part of a team. They will commit to stuff. They're not just individuals looking what's best for them. They're not the super salespeople. Yeah, we want people who are prepared to train other salespeople, that kind of thing, and model accountability. What if I say I was going to do it and I don't do it? That's it. I'm just distraught for being late. I think you guys said, you know, do you normally come here half an hour before? I said, no one ought to come here an hour before. Why? Well, because normally this room is a complete mess and normally the it doesn't work. So someone has to fix it. Whose job is it to fix it? Of mine, right? Cause that's what I do. I'm here to help you learn. You can't learn if there's nowhere to sit. And the it doesn't work that somebody else down the stream has failed. It doesn't matter. My. I'm accountable for you learning at this point in time. So we need to engage with the employees, connect with the customers on this one. Radical transparency. This is a really embarrassing one for lots of people. I'm going to put people's salaries on the wall. How could you do that? Scary stuff. I'm going to put up the results for last week on the wall. How could you do that? Everyone's going to talk about it. That's the idea. Well, if it's fair, people go, well, that's fair. We're good. We're all paid the same. Brilliant. That's fair. Maybe not enough, but at least it's fair. Right. And it's the same. Whereas if someone is paid three times as much as someone. Well, that's not very fair. Who did that? Well, I agree. It's not very fair. We need to sort that out. How can we have a team if people are paid different amounts? How is the bonus? Agreed. Oh well, I get an individual bonus and you get an individual bonus for them. You have a team bonus. All these kinds of questions arise. So radical transparency is a difficult thing. Bosses like to keep things nice and quiet. Decide at the last possible moment, not tell anybody anything. Because then you don't get these disruptions which you signed. Radical transparency thing. So you get these you can read through these yourself on their website as well. So you've got the two different leadership styles. So rather directing and telling whenever whenever anybody to be says, we allocate tasks. That's directing and telling. Yeah. Just for the avoidance of doubt. Whereas if I ask who would like to do this and I have to listen and you get the tumbleweed going across, they ask the question, Who's going to do this? No one wants to volunteer. Okay, well, I'll just wait. I have time. Yeah, it's that kind of thing. So feedback free versus feedback rich environments. So we see it's a complete change. So where we're going from chalk and cheese, this is the waterfall environment in the kind of the worst extreme. And this is the agile environment that we're trying to move towards. So it's a really big change. This is why Agile is hard, because to do Agile properly, you got to change the mindset. Mindsets don't change easy. So this is a way that you can do it to get ready for your feedback conversation. I want to talk to you about going to the party last night rather than doing the work that we agreed you were going to do. Yeah, this is causing me a problem because it means somebody else in the team has to stop whatever they're doing and they have to cover for you. That makes us really sad and frustrated because we thought we could trust everybody on the team to do what they said. If we carry on doing this, we're not going to be able to do the demonstration on Monday and we're all going to look pretty stupid in front of the whole class. It may be that you mentioned this and I didn't hear it or that this is a really important party that you had to go to. So maybe it's my fault I didn't hear what you said or I didn't realise if you did mention it. The impact would be that you wouldn't do the job that we agreed. We need to fix this because we can't have this on an ongoing basis. What are your thoughts? So this is probably the bit that most of us always miss. It may be my fault soon as you say that. Changes the whole dynamic. It may be my fault. Maybe I didn't say it properly. Maybe you didn't volunteer. Maybe I allocated it to you. Maybe you told me you were going to go to the party. And I didn't hear. I didn't listen. I didn't understand. Maybe it's my fault. What we need to do is focus on the result not being right. How can we make sure that whenever somebody volunteers for something, it gets done? Because I said, if you can't do it, don't volunteer, because then at least we know where we're going to be. Yeah. So that's the key thing. So this is the kind of thing that Scott was talking about. So maybe in your groups you can think about that as a template or example. So changing our thinking, we've got to stay out of judgement. Really. There are lots of ways of achieving the end result and this is where the change really is. So different ways of getting to the same place. Yeah. So we're trying to get it right here. Focusing on the result rather than being right in waterfall. Project manager is typically always right. I know because I'm the project manager mainly. So look, here is subsection three, paragraph four. It says you would have done this yesterday and you haven't. You're terrible. Get on and do it. Basically, if they're a contractor or the contract says, you should have done this, have you done it, your users, I'm going to withhold payment. Whereas you could say, hmm, are you having a problem? Did you know that this clause was in there? Have I not transmitted it very well? Did I not communicate very well? I said, Oh, yes, we didn't see them not not disputing that it's there, but we just never read it. I get lots of students doing various assignments for me. They said, Oh yeah, I didn't read that bit. Even though it's they're both in red and I this flashing on the screen in front of you didn't say it. Didn't say it. Oh, okay. How can I make it even more obvious? It's still my problem, right? Because I want the result. It's not about me being right. How can I get the result? How can I make sure that the student. You do understand. So this comes back to a thing called emotional intelligence, which you guys are into into this. Daniel Goleman is probably the people person that you might have seen. You see stuff on the on YouTube and online about it. Emotional intelligence is the ability to change what you do based on what other people are doing. So you can see, like when I look around the room, I can see students falling asleep. So students are falling asleep. I need to change what I'm doing. Do something different. Maybe I need to shout loudly. Wake them up. Maybe we need to play a game. Maybe we need to do something different. But you're actually watching people's other reactions. Now, emotional tension is a bit more sophisticated than that. It's understanding how people feel based on their actions. Then if you're into this a little bit around the room, see lots of people doing this. What does this mean? If you saw someone doing this to you, what do you think that means? Nobody thinks that. So if someone somebody was doing this, if my wife was doing this to me, what would it mean? It's not the question, is it? It means you've done something wrong and you have to guess what it is. I am not going to tell you, but you have to work out what it is that you have done wrong. If she stands there like this, what does it mean? You're about to die. It might be painful when you see this. Oh, sorry. I can fix that. Sorry. I'll put that down. What does it mean if you do this? That my wife very rarely does this. I'll tell you. I've ever seen my wife did this. This is normally the males do this. What does it mean if a male does this? That's not relaxed. It's the opposite of relaxed where are very, very busy. This is if you see Gorillaz doing this, Gorillaz do this like lot. They try and make themselves as big as possible. They're in a room and you put your hands on the backs, the chairs like this because it looks like you're here relaxing, right? It means the exact opposite. I am in charge. I am big. You are small. Shut up. Yeah. That's what it means. Yeah. Yeah. It's the classic alpha male thing. If you ever go into a and if you guys have to go into boardrooms, if you see a boardroom and your one person starts doing it and you'll see the others do exactly the same thing. They're just taking up space. Taking up space, being big. Yeah, because they just try to say, oh, I'm in charge right now. Obviously, all of them have exact same thing. This could just mean, hey, it's blinking cold. Yeah, this could just mean I'm really tired. Yeah. So you've got to interpret. Yeah. It's a really cool guy called Desmond. Maurice. Desmond. Maurice wrote a book called Man Watching All About Communication. I think to remember the numbers now in the when you speak, I think it's 7% of the message is in the words that you use. Now think about this when you're practising your presentations, how much effort do you put into the words? You spend ages, right? You write them, you rewrite them, you make sure you're perfect on them, actually. But most, most of the message is in the tone of your voice. Yeah. And in your body language. So you go, all right. So if I got all these words and I read them like this. Yeah, I'm really nervous. I don't want anyone to listen to me. Even my voice is really small. Whereas if I'm really big and I'm saying it like this. Oh, wow, this must be really important. Really believes it. Hey, I believe what he's saying. Yeah. Oh, right. Now you're exposed to this all the time. Yeah, you maybe maybe don't appreciate it, but you're. You're interpreting this all the time. What's the first thing a baby learns to do if you had children? First thing the baby learns to do, babies smile for a chocolate. First thing a baby learns to do. Smile. Well done. And it's scary, right? They learn how to manipulate. First thing in adult baby learns to do is to manipulate its environment when they get to, to and they learn the word no. It's quite interesting. That's when they the first time I think is when they too they learn the word no. And when they're full they realise they're not. No one else can see inside their brains, so that's when they learn to lie. So this is my experience. So too they become I don't need to do that, not for they can actually fib. And they do like psychological experiments. Experiments put a bunch of sweets on the table and say You're not allowed to eat, sleep up until four. If the kid takes one and you come back in the room and you say, Who took that? They'll go, Oh, I ate it. They're quite happy. Know they'll tell you. I know my IQ four and a half or four and one day, I don't know. I wasn't, it was, there was never that someone came in and took it. Yeah, but we got cameras watching. It's obviously not true, but the kid will lie. You go. All right. So this is the human development. This is what just normally happens inside our brains, isn't it? Scary stuff? So human beings are completely locked into this. So when you're getting messages, the body language is the important thing. Tone of your voice, you know how loud you're talking, how confident you appear. This is the crucial this is the message you're getting. And often it can completely contradict the words that you're using. So you should be really careful. Always practise how you're going to deliver it. But anyway, what Goleman said was the people who are good at this changing their body language, changing the way they speak, thinking about their own behaviour and their own actions to influence others of high emotional intelligence. And you know what? This is the fact that correlates with success. It's not intelligence. It's not like you say, I feel my aftershave. Yeah. So basically what we're saying is if you're really intelligent and you always scored nine out of ten on an intelligence test, you may not be successful. You may not get the high paid job, but if you can smile at people, then maybe you will be. Wow. So just smiling at people. Yeah, because that influences people. You know what? If people smile, they influence others. Yeah, someone's. If someone's looking really angry. You're going across the street to avoid them, right? Someone that's happy and smiling for you. You look really nice. You look really nice person. I'll talk to you. I can be influenced by that. So basically, Goldman said, Yeah, if you're self-aware. So what am I doing right now? Carol would say, You're pointing at the wrong board, Steve. I need to be talking at the right board. Yeah. Self-awareness. So be aware of what you're doing, what you're saying. So when you say to people, Oh, God, can you just get out and do that? Yeah. I mean, that's kind of been quite a directive. You might be not. Don't mean it, but that's what it's getting, getting spoken if you like. So you've got to maybe look down on yourself from above and see this. Then can you change what you're going to do? Can you change your behaviour instead of being dominant and pushing? Can you ask me another thing before I ask and listen? Do you have social skills? Do you have empathy and can you motivate other people? Generally you can't motivate other people, but you can free up the space to allow them to motivate themselves. Yeah, this is the key. So it's going to show you I think we've got 2 minutes. We can just show you the quick video. So crucial to all of this is empathy. So can you understand how your team-mates are feeling by looking at them? Yeah, because if you can, that will promote connection. So you'll become a better team, you'll have better relationships. And Brené Brown has done some really brilliant videos. And this the hopefully this should work. I just need to go out and tap because that control is not going to work and hopefully you should be able to see and hear this online. So what is empathy and why is it very different than sympathy? Empathy fuels connection, sympathy drives disconnection, empathy. It's very interesting. Teresa Wiseman is a nursing scholar who studied professions, very diverse professions, where empathy is relevant and came up with four qualities of empathy perspective, taking the ability to take the perspective of another person or recognise their perspective as their truth. Staying out of judgement. Not easy when you enjoy it as much as most of us do. Recognising emotion in other people and then communicating that empathy is feeling with people. And to me, I always think of empathy as this kind of sacred space when someone's kind of in a deep hole and they shout out from the bottom and they say, I'm stuck. It's dark. I'm overwhelmed. And then we look and we say, Hey, I'm down. I know what it's like down here, and you're not alone. Sympathy is. Oh, it's bad. I mean, I know you want a sandwich. Empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling. Rarely, if ever, does that empathic response begin with at least. I had a Yeah, and we do it all the time because you know what? Someone just share something with us that's incredibly painful and we're trying to silver lining it. And I think that's a verb, but I'm using it as one. We're trying to put the silver lining to rabbit. So I had a miscarriage. At least, you know, you can get pregnant. I think my marriage is falling apart. At least you have a marriage. John's getting kicked out of school. At least Sarah isn't a student. But one of the things we do sometimes in the face of very difficult conversations is we try to make things better. If I share something with you that's very difficult. I'd rather you say I don't even know what to say right now. I'm just so glad you told me. Because the truth is, rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection. Okay. So encourage you to have a look at Renee. Renee Brown and my. It's just too much. So I apologise for those on line and think that should very well. But in the end. So. Well, what you're going to go through over the next three weeks is this kind of process where you're going to stop trusting each other and you're going to not achieve what you think you need to. So this is Lindsay, only to mention this a few times on the course. The way through this is empathy. You need to start trusting each other. So that's the key. So identify that you don't trust each other. Why don't you trust each other? Try and fix that. Because then as soon as you start trusting each other, you can start to actively disagree with each other and come up with better solutions to solve the problem. Then the teams start to commit and they will become accountable. And then you'll start to achieve stuff. So it's a it's a virtuous circle. Work on improving trust members. So that's intimacy, credibility and reliability and no self-interest. More you show self-interest. I want to go to the party. No trust. No trust, no results. And remember, at the end of the whole thing, some of you will still be saying, I'm just going to surf through this. Everyone else will do the work. Remember, right at the end, everybody assesses everybody else. And if you didn't do any work and they will give you a zero, you will get zero. So it will come back to bite you in the back. And you can't do anything about that unless you maybe hold a gun to your fellow team members heads and say, please vote for me, because it's just down to them what they say. Right. And it wouldn't be the first time that we've had students get zero on the project. Yeah. So TEAM-MATES do do that. So carrot and stick. Good to work with your other team members to get good results and good months. If you don't, you might regret it. One thing you can do for you is to see on this one. This is on the right. Where you want to be is that when it comes to conflict, you want to be at that level where you're trying to solve the problem. Yeah. So the team member talked about something or challenged something. So there's a problem and we need to solve it. If you can stay at that level, that's good. That's where you want to be. Now, sometimes this is where I start to think about Donald Trump. You get to the level five, the World War type level, and you see this a lot around, oh, just everything that's in the press at the moment, very vitriolic. People get very entrenched in that particular way of thinking and they want to be right. See a lot of this online and we get to the World War stage where basically no one's talking to anybody else. They've all got their arms folded. They're not listening to anybody else in the whole world. And they just say, I'm right, everybody else needs to listen to me. I'm the only affected minority. So you've got everything between those two levels. So it's good to see what level you're at. Now, if you're the Scrum Master or the Agile coach for your team, when you start talking about stuff, this is what you can kind of pick up on. And I often find myself, which level are we now, guys? And this can be really embarrassing, but we've got all the problem solved. Yeah, but you just said someone the idea was crap. If someone's idea is crap, is that a problem to solve? Is that disagreement? Is it a contest? Is it crusade or is it World War? You don't need to say anything else. And they got him. Yeah, probably fair enough. Fair cop saying someone the idea is no good is probably the world war level saying my idea is the best is probably crusader. So which level that you at? So when we start to look at team behaviours, this is the kind of things we can can use. So use this during your during your sessions. And probably the last thing I'll share with you today is just you need to work at your capability in this area. So if this is whole emotion, intelligence type thing, how do you improve how you do this? And this guy, Chapman Tang, he worked for Google. He wrote this book, Search Inside Yourself, and he was saying they had great success at Google. These have literally breakout sessions for the whole of staff. Can they do them here at the university as well? That meditation and mindfulness. So being able to clear your mind and focus on one thing at a time and not let all the other stuff come in. It's very hard these days. We are bombarded by lots of stuff, so being able to just focus even for the 15 minute stand up is really hard. So therefore you sound to put the phones away. No phones. We're all going to stand up and talk to each other. No other distractions. Yeah, it's that kind of thing. Okay. Any questions on anything we've covered today? Everybody happy to have a five minute break. So let's team for having sort out all their stuff. So let's take 5 minutes. So it's £5.10 oh 1004 by that clock. So packet ten past. Yeah, I got. Yeah. Yeah, I think, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. Can you tell me about what's on the screen? I mean, it's much better with nothing like live. Is that possible? Yeah. Oh, he's right. This is this one. You see this? Yeah. Like like everything else. Can I just. I was just kind of. I was a little bit. She's good. She's going to about six, you know, so that and then. And then you got to say, okay, so I think it will go for him because he's going to lay out, you know, so then guess they will come after it. So yeah, yeah. I just think because not only that, but I think it's just actually, you know, kind of that's why he's not finished doing this. I said, this is great, but like, does it work? I mean, this one, isn't this enough like this? I mean, I, you know, have you ever used this press buttons and stuff? Right. Oh, I can I can go forward. I just want to wait until the day when you see guys if you don't like the second one. Like with all of that. He was a little man who I think is in prison for not just going off screen. I don't reader need to. Yeah. Yeah. It's easy to get caught up with that. I was trying. Yeah. Yeah, I know. That's all I thought about. But you're in the studio right now. I'm not going to make a lot of your free time. I promise I will get some of the money. Some of the reason I. That has got to be kept as we need to get on this one for the ordinary man. Can you just you can give us the camera back. Cameras just can only go that far. She was armed. Elvis is in the Congress just a little bit. This suicidal? Not quite as I'm facing, but I'm basically the controller on the air. You're not listening to me. This is the this is the line. Okay. So that's as far as it that's as far as that will go. That's right. Oh, I'm trying to get it. So it's just there. So this needs to go after it. You can see it on the screen to share with people online so that you can you can move this along to do that and get this done. If I zoom this out, that will mean, you know, there's not I just I can't get it to understand. You don't have to get you won't share that screen for some reason. I don't know. I'm not a problem on this list. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you mean? What is that thing? Oh, the affliction spectrum. I'm lost. Why did that not share that screen? Oh, sorry. Whatever. Oh, it's crazy. We're going to his show, hopefully that you see there's a reflection on on the phone. Hopefully that doesn't make it to democracy. But I'm sorry. We got to go. Yeah, I've got to go length and to be able to do that descriptive venue and then get it out there and it doesn't appear that it's in my head and this is so boring. I mean, once we sort this out once, then we're fine afterwards. So if I can't share that, I should be able to share this, but I can't share that. All right, so. They are not only speaking for all of us, from all the people in the world. This video is there so far to show that. Spotlight for everyone. One issue was the fact that the social shared that this needs to go away. You know what's going on? What am I doing wrong? I'm not I'm just not seeing what it's doing. I had the screen and I said, I mean, it just didn't didn't show. It didn't it didn't share it pretty. Can you come back with that? Yeah. No, that's fine. I will. So there I got to give you a screen. So if I just take it to the wonderful screen in Google Play and that's it. Okay. But we may have an alternative just to sort that up where we can directly connected to the screen that may be yourself to go see this will be installed on a device that is not going to work on my phone or won't on the PC. Yeah, I do want to speak to this one. So there's a certain people on Zoom can see it. This one is actually on the screen here. So. Oh, I don't know if it's a worker's name because only the screen can. We will be directly interfacing this one on the computer. Oh, I can do that. Yeah, I think maybe. I don't know, because they could share with us and what we saw on the screen that you need to have to. So if you use your PC. Yeah. So to get onto the system, you need the HDMI cable from here. Okay. So, I mean, I haven't tried his option, but I'm just trying to see how it works. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I have. So that can stay there if you got it. So it will connect to my phone? Yeah. It will be going to download on my phone as well. Yeah, I almost forgot about justification. All right. So that's the stuff on Google Home. Yeah, Google home. Gastrectomy is fine. And then smart being. Yeah. I think if it was my home then I bluetooth need to be on. If it's open then you should use my and done. And welcome to understand why that's not sharing the screen mechanics allow before you have to go left hand computer here on the dock campaign and then create home. Yeah. Yeah. This will create new home sharing. Yeah. That's working, hasn't it. Yeah. No, that's working as well. Yeah, we just can't use that. Dropcam got to use this and that one. Oh, okay. I guess I can hold it. Yeah, but if I can hold it like this, I mean. Oh, it's and backwards and we just got to unrehearsed the video. Oh I can do that. Yeah. Oh I know. That was a mirror. I see it right. Yeah. I don't think that's a very many. Yeah. This is not the camera over. Well okay. Almost at the moment. Okay. So now you can put you can put this scene anywhere now anyway. Okay. You see, you can just obviously, you just got to you've got to be aware of where it is. But you're not using this anymore. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think this, this, this. It would be good. I think that's working. Yeah. Yes. Right. So this is definitely Zoom. Oh, okay. Hopefully that's clear. Okay. Okay. We're ready to go. All right. Ready? Now, do you want to have this? This is the microphone. I guess so. That would be talking. So, no, but the people on line should be able to hear. I guess it's one of those as it's I mean, we'll be passing it back and forth. Basically, whoever's whoever's doing the talking needs to have the microphone. Oh, okay. Thank you. It is not your fault. It's not so great. You can't focus because I didn't like. Yeah, well, something was wrong as before, but yeah, it's just assuming. It's just the camera itself. Yeah. This is a temporary focus is that it goes out of focus and if I slightly shifted is this something is like this, this is just kept on. So this is the receiver. Yeah. This is like, oh yeah, yeah. But actually this morning maybe, I don't know, the phone is fine. Maybe now I feel really clear that this is the speaker neck a little bit about what are going gonna do it. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. You can just put that over there and you can put them over here. Yes. Oh, got it. Okay. Okay. And it just seemed like it focussed sort of purely because of the zoo wasn't going on there. But, uh, I think, I mean, hopefully that's going to be. Is this okay? That's okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, we'll stick with this then. You know, you got you guys ready? Raymond. Which I think is. I think. Go for it. My. Good morning, everyone. So we as a team are going to present you this application called Study Body. The purpose of this application is to make life easier for students and have them book study spaces across the campus. So as you can see, there are three buttons in here. The first one is the campus map, the study space, and the booking history. So as I'm a free user, then I'm going to click on the campus map. There's going to be an advertisement that shows up. So that's Shakya as it's in the university campus that's going to offer you 25% off on coffees over there. The next part, I'll hand it over to the news. One of the important features that we developed in study body application is location sensing. Location sensing refers to where we are on campus in real time. The second option and the features that we have developed is where the markers are placed on the map and they are placed in yellow and red respectively. Yellow refers to where the stones are located, whereas red indicates to where the faculty buildings are located. In this case, faculty building is Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Business. The third features that we have come up with is Jovian and Zoom Out Option. You can zoom in and jump out of any location to have in-depth view of on the map photobombing the mine. She's right. So can you hold them, like, for me? They just hold up what we think. So the other feature that we've incorporated in this is currently at the moment we're in this lecture room. So let's just say I wanted to go to a study space right after this lecture finishes, and I want to know how to get there. So to do that, I'm going to press this button, which shows me my start marker here. So let's say my starting point is right here where we have our where we are on the lecture. And I have to set my endpoint. So my endpoint is here and let's say I want to go to the engineering building to the study. So I put it there and then I first show me the way and then we'll give me a direction of how I need to get there walking. And in the bottom right corner here, it shows. It will take me 5 minutes to walk that to walk that distance. So I'm going to first home and I'll hand over to the right to talk about starting space. Carlos, I am going to demonstrate the study specialist here in order to sell this business to be glad to have key in the room number what we are looking for. So don't 119. Then you can see the occupied seats here once they sell. The Marquis is now the total suite of eight so not it's not but you can only zero so and then we get into the layup then the follow up I'm counting on. Now. Presumably you are in the room. Here's the door of the room. Here are eight study spaces within the room. The rectangular indicating the see the table and the circles are indicating the sits. So you order to book a sit. You need to pick a number. In this case, I'll choose eight. Nice and easy. And just the next to the door. Just in case you need to run out. In the case of tsunami. Now for how to actually book it. I'm going to hand it over to Abby. In order to book a specific seed into your full name and then choose a start time as well as an end time making sure that the study duration is in 30 minutes increments. Otherwise there will be an error message pop up. Once you get into that clip book now. Seat and facsimile. So once you've booked the seat, you would have seen a prompt message come up saying the timing for the booking. And then you can see that the booking has confirmed you have a receipt showing the details of that booking confirmation, and then you can then press the button down. As you can see, the red colour indicates that that booking is tentatively allocated to you as an end user. And once you click on that button, if I was an alternative user, it would say, I've already had a preliminary booking with this prompt message. So you are then joining a waitlist and that shows that you are currently second and second in queue. No, no, no. That's very good. And moreover, then you can go back to the to the study specialist, and now you can actually see that we have one occupied seat. And if you use it, you see it. How many available seats there are in a study room? Yeah. So after the booking process is done, we have an option to check the booking history. So we are directed to this page where we can see the location of the room and the date and the time for which we have booked the space. I'll hand out, let me get a hold of my phone. And then the very last feature is, let's just say I wanted to cancel my booking due to some unforeseen circumstance. I'm going to go back to the room that I'm going to booking for, and then I first cancel booking up here. And then once we do, I want to confirm it and offers. Yes. And now that seat is no longer read. And if I go back, that gets reflected in occupied seats, which is back to zero. So with all that being said, we welcome your feedback. Please, any questions? To do. You can just remind us. Terrific. So that. Yeah. So. So that pop up that you saw Rowan talk about when we look to see it gives you a reminder of how long from now your booking is. That's basically what your reminder is when I get a notification, I wasn't to try to answer that question. So you our initial backlog there is a of the story about how to get a push notification from the app. While you are not actually in the app to say you'll have 5 minutes remaining, but due to a technical issue, we cannot complete that story. So we decide to link to the site and see what's the feedback on how we're going to employ a reason why we planned. But we didn't get that. Yeah, that little pop up that we showed earlier, that was meant to be a simpler and a replacement for that because of a technicality. So we've got a simplify, simplified further to show on the app itself. Okay. So can I can I have faith? So my always wants to see something. I just did not do it. I still think I just have a favourite song that goes. Right. You sure? Yeah. You sure can. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, certainly. Take that on board. Can I. Can I think it's my coffee and coffee? Oh, yes. I can answer that. Yeah. So technically, the coffee order is there's no correlation. It is just a promotion to showcase that. That's what is most definitely not as good as you mention if they actually have something like that. No, no, it's strictly a promotion. Yeah, it's certainly a promotion, but there's a little bit of rules. Or if you use that for God sake, then probably a 45% discount on a coffee if you saw the details and said it gave you the quotas on it. So that was pretty. Occupational therapy. State of mind. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, we'll look into that. Yeah. Good point. We can we can look into that. But you have to have the rules. So maybe I was in a wheelchair or something like that. Um, currently it doesn't. But what we can incorporate next time is we can highlight which study spaces are more suited for, I guess, students with physical disabilities by having some sort of a icon symbol that tells you if you want to go to this study space, people with physical disabilities can go here, but not there. Yeah, you could say it was a choice of study spaces like this one. I do think that this is. This is. This is the best place to look at what's happening at the moment. That's really they're only going to get to space as part of a support system. We do what we want. We want the employment of not over 80%. So when you say that they're free and booked, you mean how occupied a study spaces? Yes. So yes. So we can see that. Oh, you're correct. Yes. So great. I great. Oh yeah. So a good point. So I guess the way that works is if you click on a study space that you want to go to, it shows what the occupied seats is, but we can make that more obvious next time around. Yeah, and I think you. That's correct. So this is only individual because this is just to prevent one person booking an entire room for themselves. Or if they book for eight people and half the group doesn't show up, for example, then it kind of minimises issues like that. So it's more for like if a group of people want to book together, then each individual person will have to book a seat in that room. Q Could you see why your friend is not currently? No, not at the moment. Like I told you. All the people that. Yeah. Now we can look into that. Yes, sir. Stop saying that. So that message is really popular. Someone knocks it out for a all day of consecutive weeks, but then doesn't actually occupy the seats so that those people will prevent that. Anyone want to take that? That's only allocated for half an hour. Yes. Yes. Yes. And then just to add to that, so we did have a feature that we were planning to incorporate in the future integration where it's report. So we're in a situation where someone has booked a seat and if us as a person walk into that study space and to see that seat is vacant. But then on the app, it shows it's booked and you can kind of report that incident and then that that will kind of feed into us looking into what can we do to improve and minimise the likelihood that we have. What assumption says that we assume every student in the campus is going to use the app. Just to showcase that, you'll have to actually book the study space to go. Otherwise this is. I just. Just want to take a seat. So you have to stop that within 5 minutes. Hmm. That's a good idea, actually. Yes. Is. It looks like it's a realistic poking fun for a time. Some people probably want to sit down. Yeah, like, do you want to? You. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. So on that. Oh yeah. So I have a question because from my. They refused to sign. As per locations designed to cluster. I'd like to do that. Have you seen? Yeah. Okay. Yep. No, good point. Just to answer your question as well. So the 30 minute time frame was more just to demonstrate the feature of booking. So we do plan on actually adding more flexibility around how long you can book for. But just for the purposes of this proof of concept, we just chose 30 minutes as an example. Lots of questions. That's great to see you guys have that feature and see what time. Or do you guys want me to really talk about? You know, if you have anything to add on that one, that's the timing's secondary. You can just put in the situation and then just go for that date. And because they're paying for half an hour. Uh, yeah, yeah, within half an hour. But I know that I, as a user, can see a full day. Which time line? Uh, so not only if you go and select a time slot, it's just going to say that that back part has already been taken, and I'm not sure if that was taking it out of that. But you won't be able to get someone else involved in that time. Would you consider that? Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you. Yes. Download the app. That the other things I was just talking about. How difficult is. Students want to be involved. So when you say verification, can you elaborate more on that? What do you mean by that? To know what kind of information. That's one of the questions and that's the way we develop the. So it gives you the confirmation that in that particular location, you have made the call and saved you, that if there were two users that ended up using that and clicked on the same seed, then they would then be able to be in a cube. So that there's no doubt is more about how anyone. I think we would like to make this sort of move up in step with university credentials and they will be given. So you mean in terms of security? We. Showing that. Student. I even gave us the idea. Credentials. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Especially the examples from the application only student who are having the idea that they get money for it. So it is dedicated to using that beginning in the beginning. Anyway, it's up to the product manager. It works very well. Great feedback. Thank you. One more. So you have like a booking history about that? Yeah. So if you made a booking, is it? Yeah. Because you should like how to see you booking. You went through this complicated process of, like, searching the same room and gained and everything. Yeah. Like, people would be easier if you just see, like, Michael Kings and see, like, you can use that. Because I don't know if you could do a room for, like, a later. Okay. Yeah. So. So. So what? The booking history. So at the moment, it's set up such that only you can only book for one seat and you can't like at a time. But I saying in terms of ease, if you want to book the same seat again, you just you want to have better accessibility. We're just going to history. Want you to book and it'll rebooked for you. Is that what you mean? History shows upcoming bookings are only looking at you. Oh, yeah. So. So it's more. So it does show upcoming what's kind but it's also it'll permanently stay that if say, well, if you would have one if you want to figure out what your study habits are and like where you study the most and I guess which studies you would see suits your needs most. And you kind of look at your whole list and see like what? Like what your study turns up. So it's basically both. So this is showing you what you have, what booking is upcoming, but also even after your booking is done, this will stay that we have. Perfect. Yeah, I like the question, but I just think you should use in the group to. Thank you. Yeah. They might see it on the other. So you're saying, look, we can see right down here if you just if it's kind of you reflect on the. I can take mine. No, it's fine. Just leave. It is perfect. Just the most, you know. Goddamn. All summer was here like this thing. So you can see on the screen. Shall I? I don't want to say it should appear on the screen. Microsoft, let me stay here. You're on this the screen now. So if you want to if you join, you need to join Zoom and then you can share your screen here. So you mentioned it. Oh, yes, you can. You don't see. So I just go. Yes, this is. Yeah, I think Canvas has done. Right. Because I think without that kind of and because I didn't open the door yet, you know, I don't know. So what did you think of the press release? I think one of the things that we have seen and I think you're right, I must say that this is just too old already. I think a lot. I think it's true. Oh, what do you mean? You just when you say 731, I'm going to be I'm going down. And what has never been. And then we have opportunity. It goes in details. Oh, cool. Because I always did it. Just click on the link. You can enter the. You know, she just said you should come in. My commerce was broken, but, I mean, it shouldn't impact, you know, screens. I'm just literally going to go and how, you know. So I got some feedback from Chris because I those. Because I did. It means like opening the meeting and I think just the wrong one because I don't open it. He opened it already, right? Like I know it normally pops up automatically about video cuts. Yeah. It's nothing great. It's just a shame was screen for me to get in because my daughter is not going to be used for the afternoon without the audio. Right? I don't need an audio because it will be too much. That's right. But we do it like this. So you just need to share. Yeah. Could just kill the sound you were saying to show your skill set or so. Since the decision this spring. The choice. I feel I'm going to be very cool. I just need a month. I think I'll probably to take it. So that's cool. That's what people are saying. I think we could hear you happiness again. And to come back in a little bit, yeah, she's going to give us the microphone so people can hear what you say. Just kick it off you or you can talk to him. Just hope you can talk to this one if you're going to talk here or you can use that. We're going to be. Thank you. Okay. So we get to those guys. You can just plug in. Is you like. This is all about you know that. So I'll make sure that you know how I think it's going to be. I think this is about 46 minutes, which hopefully it works because a lot of it is not touching your face. You said sorry. You said something strange. Oh, I just need to go to the Google Drive. I'll just use the Google Drive. Okay. So, yeah, I just need to be able to open the Google drive is just going to just look at this. What does this want to see this law school days? I mean, how often is. Yes, how could this be? When I read something like, yeah, yeah, you guys, you're ready? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so the sorry, but it's like double our team adult Evan just wants to present us milestone I our shaved ice milo food drink whatever whole you call it so I was just grandmaster this week Twitter wants to peel and all the rest of the development team. So I just start with our Google Drive. We made it like available for everyone that everyone can see what everyone is doing all the time. So we have like all these folders here that you can see. You just need to turn. Yeah, but I think I did it because it's, it's switched off. So just to understand what's going to deter. Yep. This should kill. Yeah. No, it's all that I think. It's just not. Should be so minus for sure. That's me. This is me too. Because I see you. Sorry. That's better. Yep. This better. Okay. But I hope that the people online can see. Very. Because at minus I don't know what this person can hear his voice, but this is just. This sounds good to them because it's like, okay, this is fine. This story and this. All right. So we have, like, this folder structure here so everyone can see on what things people are working. So like this. And then. Yeah. Okay. So we have one shared mirror board for all. Well, we already put in. I'm sorry. It's very slow. I think it's dying. So we have like the lessons learned that you can see here every Monday after the election. After each sprint, we put in the lessons learned that everyone just things off. I'm so sorry. You know, I don't know what to think. You can go to the next room. No, it's working. And we just calculated every day the effort of the group. So we had all the effort points that we made that we had from the people planning for our spring. So that was 56. And then we calculated every day how much effort all the team members invested in all the stories. So in the end it was like a short of 18 at first glance that you can see here. But that was due to the fact that we thought the stories would be much bigger than they have been. But on the other hand, we didn't consider the amount of collaboration and communication that we will invest. So it was about 30 effort points for an exact duration cycle. We have to consider that. So in the end, we had about 80 to 90 points all together. So it was not more than 100% that we had available for all the teams. And we also included the Scrum Master to people just to have an overview of how much time was invested in total. The next thing we made was this Agile Trello board. So all the stories that we had for each sprint were put in here in the current sprint and everyone was working on it. Put his initials in the story. So that it was easy for all the team members and also for me as the Scrum Master to see who's working on which story. Is it in progress? Is it done? Is it on hold with all the efforts, points and whatever someone had to say? So we only have some stories on hold still because we just figured out that, for example, the feedback won from Harrison. We still have to wait for today because we will also ask you all for your feedback. That's why, for example, he's not done yet and so on. And we also figured out that there are some stories that we have to take to the not a sprint, for example, buying products again from the same brand, which we couldn't do yet because it was the first time we purchased this product. It's this one. So. Okay. I don't know. I guess I'll be very, very fast. The main thing is a development team. So I was the pilot this week for iteration one, and main focus for us is the minimum viable product, which we would demonstrate for the second iteration. We're going to look at more the quality focussed and the third one will be the minimal marketable product. This is basically the sprint that we followed for the first one. A lot of production as you can see and it go straight to a speed. We also prioritise as well with added new user stories. That's basically all I'm going to talk about and I love Bring It to Health and Cool. So one of our stories or a couple of our stories was to get feedback. So we conducted the survey on some people, some students that already exist, not not yourselves, and got some preliminary feedback and it sort of faded into some of our development for iteration two. So today you don't have to try the product, but we'd love it if you were to scan the QR code and feed fill out the feedback form. That'd be really useful. Those that do try to get to try the product, please try the product first and do the survey. Awesome. Handing over to you guys to demonstrate. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Can you go to the Facebook page? Morning, guys. Certainly as a team, we want to present you the other product, which is shaved ice cream. So basically we want you to, uh, we have a four flavours, so we want you to select the menu so we will prepare and so we do you so that you can taste. And so what feedback can you go down? Sorry. And. You just need. Yeah. We have, um. Um. Of food toppings like the grass, milo cereal, almond nuts, banana and strawberry. Um. So we'll the process start with the crushed ice. Um. So the aim is to provide the services within 4 minutes so that customers need not wait for more time to. In. People. I'm sorry that the zoom of people participating can't see the process, but they are blending the ice and they're cutting the bananas right now and we're using hand sanitation. So there's only at the moment we only have 2 to 3 people actually helping making the product. We do have a scope of work where we have a procedures and training assembled which we can go through. But I don't always know time and that is to make sure that the product is made the similar way every single time. The difficult life. I'm sorry. Just letting everyone know that our aim is by third iteration is to make the shaved ice smaller within 4 minutes if we can. And then we have other ways of actually putting the ice ice itself in a freezer and make a high quantity so we don't have to blend this process. But at the moment, we're just aiming for the minimal viable product and keeping our shaved ice in a chilli bean melts faster. So we've tried those as well, just in case there's a lot of the feedback that you have. So preserving and maintaining and contain the ice was one of the biggest challenges that we found. So on the spot blending is just a bit more effective for today's presentation or demonstration maybe, but iteration two and three will find a better way of storing ice. And if you have better ideas, we're all for it. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully. Yeah. Yeah. So you can give it to the state? Yeah. Whoever wants to give it a try, put your hands up so that maybe we're only making three, by the way, so we can use disposable spoons and take one scoop each. So it's hygienic. Oh, you can come to the front. This is a breakdown of the ingredients between this area. Yes, it's still very strawberries. Strawberries and Milo. Milo. Cream, cereal and chocolate. Chuckle. So we have a powder, chocolate, cocoa powder. And a good point, though, things people have become more and more aggressively to suit different needs. If you've got and we haven't got an allergy for. Yeah. Sorry. Oh yeah. Oh, thank you. I think the comment is that everything sounds okay. Yeah. Who's already upset? Yeah, I think, you know. Yeah. I mean, yeah, we. We are looking for dairy free alternatives. Well, I don't know that I can when I look say we only have three bulb. Yeah, but I need to have an expert on another thing. And we, we think we use all biodegradable packaging and coffee and so and we also aim to offer more so we don't use your whole life so we can save some forms of more for people to try it. But I just thought you should know that I this is one of the things we're just trying to put it all together. Over. It's not a meal. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't actually make a south of the shop, but we can make it easier for the. Yeah, I think we're taking more time because we're focusing on quality. If you can see Sun is really specifically making sure it's well is the same as the other and I guess people will get feedback if you go on to it. Oh yeah. That's kind of yeah we can. Oh yes, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Why I said okay. Wait. But I didn't like. All right? Yes, I think maybe I would have. I think this would be a mistake. I think that's the finishing of our presentation. Please answer with more questions with time. Be a bit more time conscious. So ask away. So the question is why did you decide on the size and the force of the force inside this place? I just think we we have done a few tests and we've talked. We have for shelf life of 200 grams of ice. And then we had the deer portion and we thought it was a bit too much. So we did that two tests until we found the optimal portion size that was making us like satisfied enough supply of the fuel. And then we dropped 200 grams of ice portion and we went adjusting. We adjust the order portions like the big Fresh Tomatoes CEO and the chocolate sauce to get to a better flavour as well. That was agreed on between all of us and you see the size. But. We thought this portion size and the pricing might reflect on each other and the fact that it's a biodegradable. We're trying to get more eco sourced and eco friendly products coming through as well, and we'll be adding that to the ingredients list or where they're getting sourced from. So iteration one, we're looking at more of the biodegradable eco sustainability purchasing, the spoons that you're having and the plate itself. And we also are trying to get bananas and other local produce. So we actually we were part of one of the many user stories. So we're supporting the economy and I guess it'll be after iteration two. We are going to focus on actually finding sourcing, where things are coming from and giving those information to the product, the customers coming in so they know where it's coming from. So because of all those things, the size and how we are sourcing the materials and finding that transparency with the customer, hopefully that understand that they're getting something they can eat without too much guilt. So I think he was asking, how did you decide on the size of the ice chunks? We've got a specialist there. Go yellow. I mean, how do we try to shave it as like as small as small as possible? But I and the current plan that we have is the NUTRIBULLET. That's the only best option we have at the moment, if that's possible. Any advice from you? Well, I was like, I love personal feedback. Just the sperm, the transfer, a large system like get a good mix of. Really? It's like the ones who got you here. Thank you. Thanks for the feedback. Can I help you? So just for commercial use, they use a special machine to produce the course snowflake ice. So it's quite small. Uses it well, but we probably don't have the phone to repair a machine like that, so we use that to prepare our product. But if we have the phone, we can purchase that snowflake and we can produce better ice quality. If that also your prospects build a feedback question. For me, that was a mistake. Yes. So what are the grounds you're competing against? Is it the same ice cream sector? I think you're interesting. And I will tell you. I will just go. I did. I did. I won't I won't call in market research, but there's only five or six other places around the area selling shaped ice. So if you think of what in general is still in the ice cream category, buys more of a niche thing because you don't have much choice in the in the CBD open. And to answer Steve's previous question the same ICE products selling in that range from eight bucks to 12. So we that's why we set the price to eight, which is the of the video of it. And we also developing discount program per different scenario like loyalty customers special discount for student. And if you bring your own container you're supporting eco friendly. So we give you another discount because we don't have to buy packaging at all. So we are actually developing different discount program for the next iteration to a more affordable for like student and different group of customer. Also one more thing with the pricing we're sorry is that Harrison created a feedback which has followed the QR code to do the survey. And from that feedback the question is how much would you think this is worth? And from with the with what? And the whole production team calculating how much the cost benefit was. We put that in the survey and that's where we kind of go to getting that price as well. So that was one way of getting the price around. Excuse me, but. Huge. Always see. That. Yeah, that's true. Oh, it's good to be back. We were going to get to see it. You had to go through the questionnaire. No question about that. So I. Maybe five. You know. Yeah. I think you need to set of. Like smallness by size or you. Okay. Yeah. And and the reason why it was that because the eyes was sitting here for maybe or maybe 5 minutes or 2 minutes, you become soggy. So the the best of the best the best thing is we will shape it immediately by hand, come out from the chilly bay and will serve you. You will have the best quality of the eyes and you have to have ordered something that you would taste the best. But we will consider you. Picking up is the ratio that takes you, takes your feedback. We will try to make it keep it fresh next time. You may be considered labour in the eyes. And then we we did a good idea. Any thoughts? That was something. We got feedback from our first iteration. Yes. Asking about the. As part of the. Yeah. Yes. Well, we had a four year high. Yeah, we we we, we did get, we did get a lot of feedback about, you know, strawberry or chocolate, you know, Bob and Milo based on it. But for the first iteration, we're just focusing on get a minimal viable product with the ice and everything and with the feedback. We've added those sections in there so we can actually and maybe every, every weekly try and get the top three special or new experience flavours or toppings so the ice might change or the toppings might change like dragon fruit or something more specialised for the for that weekly special discount. Thank you. Any any more questions about this? So. That's the A there's a duration three. It was I actually was caught this spring, but we figured out that the equipment would not be like if you say, well, so that will be like for at least in iteration two or three that we are feasible to do it like even just 4 minutes that we can serve enough portions within one hour for per person. Yeah. So that the queue will not be more so will serve it as quickly as possible. I think that's quite a long time. Okay. Yeah. Thanks for the feedback. We are aiming to make it as we can. Yes, it's. Yeah. You just have to change your philosophy. And I understand that. And most people have been tested. So I would rather, you know, we did keep a sanitation station, so going to sanitise it there and make sure that only two or three people were making it and no one else was touching it and they wash their hands. But that's good to know, because in our scope of practice, we are trying to develop the health and safety part of it as well. But thank you. Good point. Yeah, I think he's talking about one or two people outside his classroom and. I have a Facebook page at the moment. At the moment. At the moment, you only have access to the Facebook page to get the orders. The second iteration is more looking more at the recipe, refinement, quality and is got look into that accessibility to location and booking. So that is something we have got to face of having the face to face social media presence. But we are good about take and maybe we can work with you and do that. Thank you. Location if that's a lot for the pop up page I think if can put that you can give us some of that let's just say is the summer season right. And I want to have one of those on the goal site, pick it up, crush off some in the second, 30 minute drive. I guess bullets survive within 30 minutes of a song and I wouldn't know for sure. It would matter the way it goes if we're going to copy it straight away. There's a way, but it's very costly. So I just think about how I think our own course loving. But we try to survive for middle school student at this stage. So if you want to take away, I went out to find a place near you you know, so it's more of we try to serve people in the CBD and near the comfort zone. But other shape I store, they do have a special packaging they can keep the eyes for like pretty frozen and cold for like about 20 minutes. But more than that, it will be liquid. But I think making more focus on packaging now will be the next request. At first, the first aim was to have something biodegradable, to compare prices in the market which are like affordable and not to put I what 500 paid packages like we don't know. It was like the first one, but for sure we want to come up with new packages because like the less surface you have, the less it will melt. So for example, we could consider in the future to have like the longer ones or as you see here, these bottles, I have also one that is insulated. So you can bring that one, for example, where you put normal your coffee and it also keeps cool. So I mean, you have already like a cheaper price for it. We don't have to buy like this packaging and it would for sure last for 15, 20 minutes. So yeah, so there's a container aspect of it, but I guess we can be more specific with it. So this week. Question of the last question. Something to consider as feedback. The survey for some of the questions felt felt a little bit restrictive in terms of what responses I could get as a user. I feel like people seem might benefit. Morgan. You could have the option to. In response to the problem. It affects its meaning, but like quality of replies that you have, like you can put whatever you want to write open. Like any other question. There were three options or three names. Yeah. Maybe there's another thing that I have. The other option. So you can write something down in there. But Harrison's got that. So which one? The thing with that is, is that you get a title for how long it takes to do this. Would you mind if it would select last point five? Okay. We were looking into that particular question, but that's just. Can I ask about that? So, Steve Fine. Thank you, guys. How are you guys going to do the presentation? Demonstration? Yes. I have love for Petro. Like I'm going to throw a change in the bathroom. If you're going to share your screen, you need to be on Zoom. I was looking to be on Zoom. Be able to. Do you want to you're going to share it through this. What you want to share through Zoom? I was like, Oh, I'm going to share from this. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know that we're going to hear from you too, but I am going to share one in my. So you're going to get through Zoom. You don't need to you don't need the cable. So what is this? What's the difference between U.S. and U.K. when asked if you're going to join Zoom? Yeah, I'm going to share my story on Zoom. So you can do that for so you century, which is just, you know, this is what you're sharing. So you just share the screen. So. Okay. So we need to share the screen. I see. He's doing so great. So here is what I'm sharing. Screencast. So I just asked you, can you share your skin here? Don't think there's no need for me to share a screen now. Just an introduction. So if we have one screen shared for the demonstration, that would be the best way to go. Then I'm getting something else. I can. You can come here and. I want to get you in something. Hello? Did they get any better at figuring out? You know, I just. I don't know. Right. People. As you can hear us cheering you. Can you hear us here? Yep. We just can't hear you. Oh, yes. They want to speak on their own doing it. If I turn by turn. Listen, he told not caring for all. Hello, Tess. I should be going straight. I can hear you. It there. So is it able to hear you? Like I can hear you. And this is just some you know, it is just not taking it. Once again, Steve, I'm just going to do that in their tiny segment introduction as some house in the room is able to do that. And that's okay if you make it as you take away the technical issues. Okay. So is there much we just don't like in front of my screen? Isn't this right? No, not the hand-held one. Hilda here. I think Kieran should be able to come here and then you want to just share the screen space or something. This one? Yes. It's been looking pretty good, right? So we just hold down here in the have over here and I guess it's pretty easy just someone testing, testing, testing. So should he just talk here? Sorry. Yeah, it's a serious echo there. And I don't know if, of course, anybody else can hear that. I can hear a muscle that goes off is nice. Too hot for me. You can turn this off. Just Steve. It's easier for your things. I'm happy to hand over to somebody else in the group just to do a brief introduction and move on as the schedules just aren't the same. Okay. There's just. There's absolutely no filter on this. I think it produced an intangible for the other second grader. So how do they interact with you again? So you. You don't think that this will keep it out of the correctional facility? Okay, guys, it's go time. So I think. Okay. I'm lucky because of that piece. Okay. Our product is a recipe planner. Kind of help me out because I a person that's supposed to be introducing our team, which is our product owner, and he's the one that actually understands all of the products. We, the development team, are the people that are trying to to make sure that we deliver what we think the product owner wants from us. So what it is for us, what we had a look at initially was we sort of looked backward and got to and did a mock-up of what we think the customer will be looking at when he goes with that person, goes through our products. So. So we thought we did a mock up on a simple Excel sheet so that we can we just use simple vertical hyperlinks to walk us through the journey that the customer might be going through to give us an idea of what gaps that we were trying to fill and what, you know, the whole idea of the product that we were trying to do and our journey stacks that this forms the architecture of all the workflow that we were going to do as a team for our product. The journey starts at the landing page, the categories to search from seasonal and main readings. We like the main categories from our previous initial or original stories, and if you go to seasonal, it should take you to the seasons. If you go to summer, it should take you to the recipes available in summer. And if you click on the recipes, it should give you a list of ingredients and the cooking instructions. Now our initial stories are starting to be this is kind of like the basic skeleton. But we were trying to build on the idea of having been able to choose from whatever is seasonal, being able to filter and be able to get prices from whatever is waiting for. This character on special ed at the places where you buy you buy from. And so from here, I'm having the skeleton. And we went back to the customer, which and you might be able to every time we went back to the customer with a questionnaire similar to what the other team just did just now, to trying to get their preferences so that we can tailor our categorisation to tailor our functions to be able to, to meet. And then from there on we realised that a lot of what we are needing to do is to do with political philosophy, which is why we Christians here would be going through a sort of like that. Database database approach so that we can better provide our customers with the ability to filter and find what they want because the company's just not doesn't have the functionality to be able to filter. Them take them because she would do a demonstration of the. But it's. Of. Thank you, Soledad. Well, based on our product folder, we have a prototype looking at the priorities. And for the first frames, we have selected some stories to develop a database and interface of our planet of technical stories. And beyond that was the cable. So we are planning to do the mark-up from where we get the details from the customer. So in the bloodstream to what we see the question and what we ask, what the customer wants to get the details. And the second thing, we will be putting the data in with the system so that you can see the number of recipes with the ingredients, the background, yellow spring. One will projecting and we look at in the days and we give the timeline and we have a collaborative like platform that allows us to review the stories and whatever we plan in the spring. One do individual action in one section. As you can see now, the good symbol of the venue, the database in the business. All right. So after the mock up, we'd, like, migrated the data into a more dynamic database approach platform which would emulate the user experience, the same access database that was not what could actually be put on like website and app, but it's like functionality demonstration. So, so the idea is that the user has these different builds are being sold on for ingredients and then types of plan. And actually they work together and they work independently. So say that you are a vegetarian, you start sorting and the recipes update and then say you only want recipes that are in season and all of you right now go through them together. And once you have. All right. You can choose a recipe and the prices and ingredients up here. And it is. All right. There is a political debate in here and that did that right before I came up here. But it's just just instructions on how to do the speech. Um, and then also you can do the ingredient search. So say you have the bacon in your fridge. You can ask what kind of good with that bacon can make muffins and you can use multiple filters. So you have salt. It's very common. And apple, you can do bacon. That's the functionality. I think one. But I know you to. Yep. So that's where we got to in the first sprint. Thanks for being with us. Just like what else? The speaker says that. Just need to demonstrate. That. And they just. They certainly let me put out. Just so that we can better tailor whatever it is that we're trying to do to suit here in one place. I think. Video. I would like to sit down. Yes, I need some kind of budget. Okay. It's kind of if I was doing a lot of duty for people, you know. So we've got some stories that we're still collecting data because we have to build up the database. We've got stories where we have to find Regan and all these options from our previous survey. Yes, there was quite a lot of people that didn't put up with the recent series of shootings and that. So, yes, we are going to try and raise the idea here. But I think what I want. Gives me a shopping list. What is it like being a like. It should have both options. So if you have something that's there that you might want to use, you might be able to like what you just showed. You might just pop in there, something that you've got in the pantry might give you a recipe, and then you can use those. It's perfect for. We didn't know what was going. You know. It does that, right? That's it right now. Yeah. So if you pick a recipe or some like to pick salt which is in the fruit and apples and gave a recipe that has. Yeah. And then if you click on whatever the recipe, whichever one that you like is it, we're still doing the stories of collecting recipes so that we have other functions. So it might show more than just one recipe. And to click on that recipe, it should give you the instructions. I mean, and then you'll be able to put some whatever's in your pantry in a spring. But we just limited our recipes. We've just uploaded a few recipes, like not just one. I'll try to actually write something. But as I said, they were they were together and they were independent. Yeah, if I have my business. So you want something? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to be. We want to do. Yeah. You have in this. It can be a function that we can maybe explore and we can make real progress on our favourite recipe more than I actually think we have that we should us to it. So we going to. Would be helpful for the survey. That's how we get fuelled by the news and by internet through an injury to the stomach cancer and being buried in that organisation again. So. And at this point. Yeah. But here for this particular session equally. Yeah. So I got that. So my first question is for the customer. If there's someone know what they want, but they need it because they will know what they want so they won't just go shopping. I don't really see that. People decide to do something if someone know what they want, because that is the world. But if you are going to give them instruction and just kind of gave them the recipe, you. How are you going to compete with Hellofresh? Because it's also a much cheaper overall service. And I haven't seen a weekly option for some of the ingredients like garlic. And you have to sort of use it in the week. But I can't you can't just all only one piece of garlic and just beautiful one meal be the week. Another thing is, have you guys test the recipe yourself? No. Because you don't know what happens. Yeah. I think I think a video tutorial would be a good option because you can you can choose whether to finish. Well, for me, the cool thing is that this is what we have been responsible for during the last meeting. So yeah, maximum people are demanding videos and images is far easier for me to watch on video when you play like that. I love outbreaks there. You can see the happy. Yeah, yeah. It's an option that for me it's cool my life. You need to define your own group. Yes. Yeah. So initially what we were doing, we had a look at example Caribbean. Campari has a list of ingredients. It also has recipes. When you take a recipe and gives you the well baby names and you can pop that into their their hearts and give you a price. What was missing from here is that it'll just bring down, say, for example, whatever you use to make that recipe. But it does not have an option where you actually can utilise the one for the online specials specials. So I feel like that is one of the reasons why, but that the functionalities that we are trying to look across all the time on this. Yes, we're running out of time. So thanks. Thanks very much. She wants to. So we only have the room till 12. So you've got to clear out by 12. So you just need to come up and start doing that. Yeah, that's great. I just had one question is how are you going to share it? Yeah. Yeah, I think you're going to like it or you're going to do everything like this. I think there is a line in the video. I just thinking in case it doesn't work. So she just needs to choose the chance to share the screen. I think this is where you want to go. Checklist. Yeah. No success should be able to show this group. How many people are actually opponents? And a few metres. When you do this, when you do, it's clear. You just need to share the sound of new video. After that video you made it clear use. Okay. There you go. My zoom was crashing. I think we can hear you. Can you hear me now? Yeah. I'm on my way. I think. Like you guys can keep the noise down. Okay. You're free to go. So, yeah, I think we can hear you, so. Yeah, you just. You ready to go? Anything else you need to know? I think we should just stop sharing. You having issues with the same, you know, media [INAUDIBLE]? Yeah. Please. Share screen. Share screen again. Okay. Okay. Okay. Before you started, I would say a small in trouble. Okay. Sweet. So our project is called The Dog Show. Our vision all made dog trees. So we are a dog tree company that provides products that enable dog owners to feel good about giving their dogs healthy and nutritious treats. So our premise is that we provide a range of homemade novelty shrimp, dog biscuits and frozen treats. Um, yeah. We use real and natural ingredients, and our treats are available as biscuits and frozen options. So this is our first iteration for our blueberry yoghurt treat. And this is our banana rolled oats and peanut butter and treats. Okay. Okay. Just before we go ahead, we have a video of our testing highlights. And Karen's going to play that now. Yeah. Just because we couldn't bring a bunch of dogs into the class to give them treats, we. Okay. So tell us why game is looking great. Okay. Why do you approvingly stay awake? Yeah. Eating the whole thing. What do you think? I'll eat your mom. I think that's the 13 years. Excellent. Yeah. Oh, you did drop that entire weighing. But I thought it was actually. That phone video and the reason why we have a baby at the end of the show, that whole premise is that it's good enough for humans to have two apps for the healthy dog owner with their, you know, their dogs best interests at heart. It I know. And Josh, did you want to talk about the survey results, which will to call today? Yeah, sure. I will just quickly go through the survey result for the cost consumers, the customers and also for the dollars. So generally speaking, the overall performance is quite good. Like the consumers and dogs, they all like it. Um, for the consumer, they, uh, they like the quality of the, our dog treats and the size and the portion are pretty, pretty good as well. And also they are giving feedback about the shelf life. They are thinking about like at least two weeks to four weeks for the shelf life. And also like the the price rent will be like $10 to $15 package of the dog food item number will show you that of about our packaging. So for the dogs, we define the the criteria as about just liking the being wagging tail as they being counting, uh, and just be the doctor as quickly. And I see you've just seen in the video they really liked it. Yeah, that's about the, the survey. I'll just add in there that a lot of the dog, I think like two thirds of the dogs that we tested on were described as fussy eaters, but they all ate them straight away. So that's promising. I'm going to hand over this to a part of the design, all the packaging, all of that. And you can see it is a paper based dog treats bag. And I think it is a nice address for our office. And this one is the front of our target. Design. I always use a paper. We use a paper bag for it's because it is environmentally friendly and. Uh, you can see the, you can see the title of all of our food and doggie chat, um, as it's called over. At the back of our program, we posted some videos of our countries on it. And this one, this is the one that's designed for the frozen boxes, like something I grew up with or I learned with three. So these are the folks all over. Okay. So we are going to get. But please feel free to give us some feedback and. Yeah. Thanks very much for stopping. So you you're focusing on just the blue dress not going for the frozen treats here. So that's it. Oh, we've got both, like the visitors and the frozen. And of course, the the cold chain. Is that to manage. Yeah. Some of the frozen foods I'm not already. So we so I think that's the question is how are you planning to sell these all the way we just discussed that that we are going to focus on the basics from the segment. And. Okay. Get rid of that. So that will be next time. We'll see how you're going to sell them. So at the moment, you're just focusing on the product. So we plan to sell it online. We're not going to do that. Keep going with Frozen Street. Yeah. No, no, I appreciate that. You see, you're not going to have the frozen one at all. No. But next. Next time, we'll see how you buy the foil. Can do more. Still no recipe for the biscuits. So which which recipe was the favourite recipes from all your feedback? Which one was the best? Oh, we we only had one recipe for each in each of the each of the biscuits and we only did one for each one recipe for each of the. We were just doing proof of concept for the recipes. Right. Okay. So how many recipes will we see next week? So I've got a very, very fussy dog at home. So good to see you've got fussy dogs as well, hoping for at least another one or two. Okay. I also have three cats at home. So how do cats relate to these traits? The safe for kids if the kids want to try them. Do you. Do you have any volunteers to try to make? Like, if you gave me some, I could try my cats at home. I don't mind doing a video I know for the doggie she is, but maybe we'll branch out on it. Well, I just wondering, could it be the dog and cat chef? What? Why would you limit it to just dogs? Because they've got sort of different requirements in terms of treats. Okay. So you don't think cats are as important as dogs? Thank you. Thank you. I'll come back to you. Thank you. For you. Oh, no, I won't. So just say both the Frozen and Biscuit were favourites from all of our consumers. If we were going to try the Frozen Treat again, we would play around with our recipe a little bit because that might help us in the cold chain process. We may need a bit more yoghurt than water. We're figuring it out. Yeah. What about the. The pack size? It's 102 to 200 grams. So are you going to do, like, a large version? Like my cat to take a plastic tub that's a kilogram or something. Would you have a lot? A large version for the dogs? That depends on shelf life. I think people were sort of trying to. They want us to get through it. So as their treats, they're not supposed to be eaten in huge quantities. So you typically buy a smaller pick. All right. We take your feedback. Thank you for your vision. I think one of the things you showed us in the video is a toddler being a subject to the eating those biscuits. Just wanting to know, can we try some of these biscuits? Steve would love to eat one of them. Desperate. I'm going to try. You can try that. We will bring food. Brings them to class next. That would be great. And they meet all criteria for regulatory requirement. And and it is dog biscuits here rather than dog treats. So I presume I mean, I'm just interested to know where it sits on the scale. Could you give a whole lot of these biscuits as a meal to a dog, but by chance, or does that have injuries on the packaging? We do have a recommendation of how much you can give your dog. So it's usually 1 to 2 policies. And as for treat based activities for reward or yeah, just good behaviour. So, so for nutritionally savvy buyers, they would. Is there something they have for like nutrition, like some sort of nutrition table at the moment. Well, not yet. Okay. Yeah, I would think that would be quite useful. Thank you. Are you going to have different coloured bags when you are selling these? How would you quickly choose the right flavour for your dog? Because you're going to have different flavours. Would you have different colours or just different photos on the front? What's the plan? Yeah. We had the plan for that. You just got the one. Okay. And maybe also different sized biscuits, I presume smaller dogs would prefer smaller size compared to, you know, a German shepherd. On our scope for the second. Okay. Not very good to add up to 77. Some folks have wondered if we just had good feedback on it from effort. I think you might actually have two questions. One in the package because he said it's paper, right? I was wondering because I think it's like biscuits. So as we all know, it's super humid in this country. Is it like only paper or do you consider that it's like often laminated with plastic or something that it's humid humidity cannot get in because that will affect hugely, massively the date of consumption. And the second one is it's only 200 gram and $10. Oh, did I get it wrong? Because $210 I have no dog, but I think that would be too expensive for me. Okay. Because you're 203 oh 200 grams. $15 is kind of a bargain compared to some of the treats that you see in the city. Sorry. Wow. It's actually quite. Well, we didn't have to talk to you by trade. Yeah, that's true. Okay. Thank you very much, guys. So we just started talking about server. Three. How many? Steal your get in this fight. Oh, there is. Perfect. And our shared information, information, information is you should be able to share the good or if it gets better, because we're looking for people to find that we're getting problems. Oh, okay, cool. It's it's easy incentives for this one. Gotcha. So microphone you should or wherever the country could go. Yeah. That you could scat. Yeah. Great. So they are I wanted to introduce our team so we have all this iteration and this one has a smile on the situation. The rest is going to be better than team. So we have created a website to that user to find the residents in New Zealand. I'll get Peter to start off with talking about features and take take with the first thing we have that a user is going to see. It's going to be this page where they can look up a New Zealand address. For instance. The user could say, Oh, I want to. I've heard about this really cool house called like the Custom House. It was somewhere in Auckland. I'm going to look for it. Oh, what do we have. Oh, we have a number of houses. Is ours in this list. Oh, thank goodness. That absolutely is. All right, cool. And we can go here and then we can see the actual address where it is on the map and number of reviews that people who have been at this address before have left. And on this page, we have like four number of the reviews which with all five star ratings, we can go through the first one here, like it could have the address of the house and the feedback and review from the customer by go. We can see from this review is absolutely a five star rating like us to when the other customer and like this is for the website I want to go through. And while he read this, I'll take and check this review before they make their like choice. And the second review is like a short one. Maybe sometimes it's they going to like reply with the automated reply and maybe that's what we got for the website, like for the automatic feedback from the customer. And let's so opposite so we can write our own review like some information that agent told your department, like how some neighbours of the city this area. They can tell you. I mean, that's too much noise in night. Yeah. Only the tenant. No. So we can write our own review. So here you can put your rates. How many stars and the wording. Like how the landlord holds the neighbours. And if you want to write, it can sort of go back to a last page. If you do one right. If this is a good place, we give it a five star and they would write your warning here or This property is good. Then you'll submit your review. Then you can tell your you reveal being submitted. Then you can come. So back to the last page that we give it to you. We know. You know, it's a lot of springs, but so I would just emphasise here that we create around 20 user case to 80 user stories and all of it was discussed and prioritised with the whole group, almost all of them. It's done, as you can see here in the third column. Some of them is is in progress and some of them are to be done. Um, we. Sorry. In my. And so this is the systems that we are working with. We categorise all the stories in the platform. User engagement. Just to clarify, what is the core activity that we should tackle first and then go for the next steps? We can shorten this week. And if you would like to leave a review of this website, we have a QR code that you. That is, I believe, as one of the pieces of future functionality that we have yet to have. For now, with both of us talking to somebody, I love having such a nice. Rachel Eizenstat Foreign policy. But the idea. It's nice to be getting something that's not a functionality that we had planned, but that is genuinely something that uses linear function and that's something that we can put in the forefront because for now people use the treadmill. So I didn't didn't find a place, but once they found this place, this location, they want to know more information. Then they come to us. They already know the price, but they don't know the information behind the agents. Tells them they might be able to. We are thinking about a cruise like the stars, like Surfside. It feels other ways, like a different location, different like a rental price and different rating for the property on them. And as for being the index back. Google has no relation to where Russia is. Not at the moment. But maybe something we can. They sound like. I see where my friends live. That's not that Florida isn't part of this culture. Not really, no. But anyways, it's a very good idea. Or you could consider for me to feel confident. So by the time tenants of the financial future tenants or any other users that wanted to. They get reviews from other serious tenants. A question regarding the market research Thursday. So you have a lot of questions there in all three of them and end well my age. What about you? Whatever. So, first of all, I don't understand why you never set about what you should consider to make sure that what I see there on page five, Too much time to just put in this data, which I think is not valuable, but maybe. That's probably going to be a going to try to get this terrible information which I can shoot for as well. Mr. President, thank you. May I just make a comment? I do understand that surveys are created to understand what is the customer experience, but also your is your chance of collecting information of your customer so they have some collecting information of you that is going to be interesting to offer your service in the future. So as a service to our 20 years old, it might be slightly different for from the fifties. So it's nice when you have this kind of information to create personas in the future and address the proper product for the proper person. Next question. How do you assess the data? How do you stay there? And how do they actually as he said so we were not taking this data is prior fee for the this project for the scope that we have right now. But I'm just adding the information that these could be useful for us in the future, that we could create proper services or specific service for specific people. So we obviously have different types of friendly places. No single person. And I kind of like, go. There are a lot of filters that we're hoping to add in, like we could add in reviews that have like I mean, we get added a filter that says we're only looking for places with an average of like four, four star reviews and above. We could also filter out price range. We can also filter on pet friendliness. So yeah, in terms of having some people just we just have. Hey, is this just fantasy? Well, if it's a good idea, we can have that bad boy. He said as he read that you would prefer that your search ability is already tailored to your profile profile? Or would you? Three. You can see the price range. Sedition comes out, right? Situations like this. I don't like that. I. How do you make sure that you're ready for the. And a temper with the. Raids across them. So at the moment, that functionality has been demonstrated in the ability to. To. One. Yeah. Vox Pop two. I would. So there was in all the. No be. A lot of people, including homeless people. I think that becomes an issue for part time students. So we did sort of that. You know, I just I think. And you also talk about signs. So just for next time, if you can, just when you come to the front, just be ready with all your staff member. I don't need to know that I know about me. I don't need to know anything. You just need to see a demonstration. I'll make him an ex-cop. And that's it. See you next week. Make sure you take the stuff. You can get a list of things which you to demonstrate in the oils. And then I guess there's something that needs to be early because it's going to be the opposite of that next week, obviously. So we're so busy. So next week you'll be seeing three events in London to five teams in and football. Yeah, I'm getting. What have you guys.

# Week 11

Dr. Is that the president on the line from office, the person who is going to be the talk about the policy later. Stay with us. Okay. So week 11, application of Agile. Hopefully that's something you're actually doing now. So you have some real experience of doing it. So that's why we talk about it in this latest lecture. So what we find with Agile. It's a very, very simple concept, very hard to actually do because you've got so many years of being told there's only one right answer and you have to get that right answer. So to unlearn all of that stuff is the hard bit. Learning a new bit's easy. But then what you have to do is change your behaviour to adopt this new way of working. And that's difficult. All right, so easy concept. Hard to do. That's what this course is all about. So that's why you're trying to do it. So before we get into that, let's give you some feedback on the Learning Journal. Much better. Overall, I think you're getting it now. So we seem to have very good structure for most people, and most people are now talking about actual events in them and relating it to their life, as opposed to just talking about this course, which you won't remember this time next year. Yeah. So less diary, more event related. So the way the human brain works is it works on events. You remember events, you don't remember stuff. If you ever want to remember anything, make it into an event. So cut your finger. You'll remember when you cut your finger what you were doing When you cut your finger. I will remember what I was doing when Elvis died. When I heard Elvis died. I remember when they. When they crashed into the Twin Towers. I remember this stuff. Right. So everything is event related. That's how we've. So you have more personal revelations because this is what it's all about, this course here. You, Simon, you haven't done yet the summary journal. It's all about how your thinking has changed. What have you learned from the course? So how has your behaviour been affected? The way that you think you might still say? I'm still right in everything I always did. But at least I'm now aware of this alternative way of thinking. Yeah, that's the key. So therefore, you have to reflect on what you do yourself. So structure was good mentioned already. So full of this summative. Summative is a little bit different to your learning journals. So I've mentioned this several times. Obviously, this is the last time I will talk to you guys. So next week, I will be talking to you guys. You will be talking to me. So this is the last time or next time we bring cake. And so for the summative, you must talk about personal experiences. Do not talk about the course. If you talk about the course in the summative, you will fail. Okay. Do not talk about the course. Talk about your experiences. What experiences? The ones in your learning journals. So you will refer to your learning journals as sources. In my learning journal one I tripped up in the class and this may be reflect on even I can make mistakes. I've never really thought of this before that I could make mistakes. I thought I was perfect. So when I came up with a plan, it must be perfect by definition. Therefore I would never need to ask anybody. But I tripped up. Hmm. Maybe I tripped up when I planned I because I never asked anybody. I therefore never realised that it could have been wrong because I never asked. The evidence says that if I were to ask lots of people and have a diverse input into my planning, it would be better. Steve told us in the first week that Agile projects are more likely to succeed. Why is this? Because all projects are risky and agile. Projects have broad, diverse inputs and they replan more regularly. Therefore, they all reduce the risk of planning failure. Wow. Okay. That's what a summative would look like, huh? So you kind of mentioned the course, but you've mentioned things that happened in your learning journey. Yeah, personal experiences relate to theories. I just said that's so agile. More successful than waterfall. Why? Cause you've got the evidence. Yeah. The chaos studies report four times more likely to succeed. Why? Well, that was your first assignment. Why are projects more likely to succeed? Because they have more diverse input. Because they. Because they plan more. They take account of customer feedback. And success is defined by the customer. So if the customer changes their mind, we need to change the plan. We don't rely on the contract to an agile. So where possible. And that's just a few of you are starting to reference my lectures. My lectures reference lots of materials. So just go to the original stuff. If it is something I said and it wasn't is not backed up. Try and try to find the original material. So like trust is coming from Grenier. Credibility. Reliability. Intimacy. Divided by self-interest. Find the original source makes your paper much stronger. Whereas if you just had Steve said this and Steve said that. Okay. I can't this. Does it make it right that we need to have things that have been tested. Yeah. And to explain how you were able to evaluate different ways of behaving now compared to the start, of course. This is the higher level of Bloom's taxonomy evaluative thinking. So it doesn't necessarily say you mean that. Well, I agree with everything that was on the course. No, no. I'm just now aware there's an alternative way of thinking. I would still need to decide which was the best for any given situation, because waterfall might still be the best command and control might still be the best. I'm sure that in the Ukraine they have a bit of agile thinking, but they also have a waterfall thinking. I've got a new recruit out there. Yeah, I have. Wander around. Look at where you think the places are. They're a safe. Let me go. No, no. Getting that trench. Keep your head down. That's kind of command and control type stuff. So depending on the situation, you need to have the right approach for you as master students. I need to be able to evaluate. So I'm aware of a different way of thinking where would I use this? That's the key, right? So what you're looking for is one aim to explain different approaches to the same situation lead to different, basically improved outcomes. So this is what it's all about. How can we improve success on project? So that's what this whole course is about. And I am postulating that in many situations, agile mindset is a really good way to improve the likelihood of success, even if it's just as simple as employing contractors when we're doing the design. We call it early contractor involvement because I'm getting the customer to give me direct feedback as I'm doing the work. That kind of thing doesn't necessarily mean I have to adopt Scrum everywhere. Yeah, it's the mindset. Remember, that's what we tried to stress. But the next bit. So that's from me to you. Anybody got any thoughts about the last questions on the Learning Journal? It's your last chance to ask any questions as a group talking about. To talk about the one topic, but also this for the learning journey. I saw one or two says in the instructions one or two. So certainly I think it says certainly not three. So you choose a theme from all of your learning journals to talk about. So whatever you think they could be making mistakes. We just talked about trust could be teamwork. It could be planning. You choose the topic, anything you like, all the things you would talk to, certainly talk to several of your own in terms of what you would do, as you would say, here's my topic and you can see it's referenced in all of these learning journeys. So I've got learning journal one is reference one and Journal two is reference to Learning Journal three is three and I refer to them as I go. And we also have the project experience. So you're doing that, so you would refer to them. So I'm just chosen this theme at random. I've chosen it from my learning journeys, not just yet, but you would typically in the summative, you would only talk about one, one thing because you don't have time to talk about lots of things. And you talk about one thing really well. You mentioned you should have not spoken out because get us talking about making agile, thinking decent on both sides of the divide. So talking about agile thinking is fine. But if you set the course. But if yeah. But if you said on today's Steve talked about agile in practice that's not good. Right. So the concepts, of course. You like assignments? That's right. If you said in assignment to Libya, what? This is a summative journal. So closing the time to really summative journal. So it's summative of the learning journals. So you should be referring to your learning journals and summarising them and choosing one thought process out of all of those. So therefore, it can't be like a diary. On week one, we did this so you could choose. Oh yeah. Summative thing would be agile. Week one we did this week two we did this week three we did this week four. That would get zero. Yeah. Yeah. Because it would be a summative journal of all the courses. The reason I say this is because people have done this in the past. They said, Oh, here's a summary of the course. You've got a very round number for that. So yeah, yeah. So ideally you would go through any references because you'd be talking say you were talking about like me making mistakes so you could say, oh, I'm going to talk about the caller. And what he talked about was successful. And he talked about empowering the team and making sure they're in a safe place so they can think about things. So making mistakes is actually okay, whereas in most projects not making mistake, you would not tell anybody at all about it. So anybody here know about the mistake that TWC made in Australia not been reported in in New Zealand. Quite interesting, you know, terrible breach of trust. So if you were talking about trust, you could tell it's a really good example of how to breach trust and the impact. It has a really high level. So you can use all this kind of stuff. It doesn't have to be just books. It can be articles that are just out there in the real world. Because you could just I got my theme of trust. What does breaching trust do? Why is trust important? If I have a group like here and one person doesn't turn up, promises to do something and then doesn't do it? What does that do to the team itself? Peter, you think doing it? Yeah. Breaching trust with the Government of Australia. Right? Wow. That's serious. And I find people in from all over the world to try and resurrect the relationship and to limit the fallout that you could be the end of. P.W. Wow. Serious stuff. What did they do? They lied. I just lied. Yeah. So anything that you've. Anything that's changed the way you think. Yeah. So you may. It may have reinforced your thinking, but about any aspect at all. So you think about the big thing. So I remember the two big things that are. That are agile. Yeah. Respect. Continuous improvement. What does that really mean? DPW c show any respect to the Australian government. Know how is that impacted their commercial relationship? So that would just be an example of something that's happened, what, five days ago. Highly relevant. If you were talking about trust. Yeah. So you could say, well, I'm going to talk about what I've learnt on this course is the importance of trust in a command and control environment. Is is trust important? Because I get told what to do. Someone chases me to do it. And when I've done it, they, they tell me that I've done it okay too. They need to trust me. Not really. I'm just a pair of hands, you know. I'm treated like an FTE. And in combat version six, they actually called it resource management. People are resources to be managed. So what do you do? You tell them what to do. You make sure they do it and you check. They've done it right at the end. Brilliant. They leave their brains in a bucket by the door when they come in and you just tell them what to do. How does that work for you? Waterfall projects four times more likely to fail. Why is that? Well, because people are told not to think. If there's a problem, the project manager will sort it. It's not your problem. You do what it said on the tin. Yeah. Just execute whatever it said. If it's failing, don't worry about it. I look for TWC. Don't be a whistle blower. Stick to your kit yet. Then stick to the agenda. No, they're lying to the government. It's not important. It's not my problem. It's not my problem. Wow. Serious stuff. To your question, you're happy? Yeah. Any other questions? Okay, so now I have a question for you. Swine flu still running out there. So the sex evaluation starts today. So this is where you can give us your feedback. So typically we get about 30% of people who can be bothered to do this, which is really sad from my perspective. Appreciate. You're all really busy. See if we can buck that trend. Okay. So despite that last year, they gave us some feedback. So this is the team of I know, 40 or whatever. So they said we used to have five assignments. So you guys have benefited this year because you've only had four assignments. So if you think that was a good thing, you could feedback, say, yeah, quite like having four or no, I'd much prefer to have five. Well we are. We should have six. Tell me whatever you think. Right. You want 12? Yeah, we want 12 assignments. So you could feed that back. People said it was difficult to get in touch with group members still. So that's why we created assignment one and we said you will get in touch with them for a mock. Yeah. Did that work better or worse? Right. Then they said early assignments are weighted too heavily. We haven't had time to learn. So we said, okay, we'll make the first summit. Only 10%. Was that a good idea? You might say no, that's a rubbish idea. I don't like having all these heavy weighted. Not so much at the end. So much. Sure. I want to know if anybody wants any feedback on this summative or learning jumps that just fit in. Just not like the day before. Right day before is a bit of a challenge because you have to make some kind of adjustment. So yeah where we got to so early assignments. So we d wait at the first assignment. So now you have lots of high weighted assignments at the end because it's got to have 100% right. So is that a good idea? Is a bad idea and is it too much documentation in the team assignment? So we've taken all of that out. So you used to have to write a review of your project in the final week, laid out. All you have to do now is your summative John. And so I used to do a learning journal in the final week. They do a summative, so we've taken that whole thing out. So those are the changes based on last year's feedback. So if you don't give us any feedback, we won't change the course effectively. You're saying it's perfect. I find that really hard to believe because I believe in continuous improvement. So any suggestions at all? Right, everybody clicks. So should get an email from the university to say feedback is opening. You just going come to school, you just click on set and it takes about 5 minutes to select. Please do so anyway will make things better. And any questions on the set how that works? Hopefully most people think you should get it from all your university courses if they think more than ten people. So we get on to this week. So all about Agile. In practice, Agile is not the solution to all known problems, but if you have people who are dysfunctional and then you make them into an agile type, agile team, they don't miraculously overnight become functional. Yeah. That's called chaos. So you can't just. Oh, yeah, you guys, you're now agile. That's it. Perfect. Know, you have to work at it, right? And agile only. Only works if you have discipline as a team. If you don't have any discipline to get it. You're much better off trying to do wonderful, because therefore you have imposed discipline from the project manager whose assessment you haven't done that if you're in detention. Yeah, because school teaches a project manager, you're in detention. You didn't do what you're supposed to. You can stay behind later until you finished it. And so when you're a kid, you have your vegetables. You stay there until you've eaten vegetables, but you get discipline. Yeah. So there are other environments that create it. But once your team does have self-discipline, then they can become agile and there are benefits from it. So we talk about how to implement Agile. Some examples. We talked about some of these before we just go through. So the course can you remember this right back at the start? It's always good practice when you get to the end of a project to say what on earth would be trying to achieve. Yeah. So you should be doing this for your projects. If you're the product owner. What did we say in our proposal? Now, I've done this on some projects, like I've got. I don't don't remember writing that. It was only like six weeks ago. I can't remember it done all this other stuff, but we haven't. Alright, I need to go do that thing. I need to take it off because I'm going to get paid for doing that or not doing it. Okay. So what you should be able to do is explain the origins. That's not the subject to this this lecture. Hopefully you can do that. What we're talking about here is fundamental principles. Yeah. Can you apply them? So that's what you're doing in your project right now. You're applying the principles and you're in a complex or ambiguous environment because I'm making it one, or I keep giving you interesting feedback about what you might do instead. So I'm making it complex and chaotic. And so you've already done this critical evaluation of the fundamental principles. If I'm wrong here, you're going to critically evaluate your own and others ability to apply Lean in Agile. So this is what you're going to do when you do your retrospectives on your projects, because you will look at your reviewing how the process is working. Are you achieving what you're trying to do? So this is what we're going to look at in this lecture. How do we do this? What can we learn from anything that's going on? And obviously you're doing this at the moment, applying tools and techniques to communicate and present project documentation. That's what you do at the start of each of these three lectures. So this is what we're trying to do. So hopefully when you do your set review particularly actually achieve that, do you feel that's what we achieved or not? So you remember right back at the start you talked about the community model from Snowden. Yeah. You said this is the waterfall stuff and this is the Agile stuff. Now you can use Agile here problem. So for chocolate, what's the problem with doing this? What's the problem with using Agile in a audit environment? Less efficient and less efficient because waterfall, by definition, should be the most efficient. We use less planning. So I can use Agile. It's just going to cost me more. So what we're saying is that if I'm over here, I'm in the disordered area and ordered. This is where I really need to do my job because if I have a water food plant here, I'm going to be lucky if it works. I really need to be probing and working out what's working or if it's chaotic, like if it's an earthquake response or something. I just need to do stuff and then see if it works and then change what I do in response to it. A different way of working. Having the plan probably isn't going to work. That's not to say that having a plan is a bad thing. I think one of the quotes we have is planning is always good, but so before disaster happens, it's good to have a plan. But as soon as the disaster happens, the plan is irrelevant because you don't know what the real situation is. So doing the planning was good to have resources available. I used to used to be with Rotary and for the islands. What they do there is like they get tubs that are about as big as this desk and rotary. Fill them up with all the resources you would need if there was a serious event like a cyclone or an earthquake. And we would get groups of people like you guys to fill the boxes with stuff like shovels, food, clothes, you name it, all the things that you would think if you just lost your house. And then what we did is we shipped them to the islands waiting for a disaster to happen. Now, whether they have the right shape and flavour. Who knows? They're our best guess. So planning was a good thing. But actually when you when the actual disaster happened. So that plan is not quite perfect, we need to adjust it. Maybe we need to send some extra stuff over there as well. But it was good to have had the plan. So planning is always good, but the plan itself is always a bit late because no plan survives first, first encounter with the enemy, because it's always different the way things are supposed to work. Not so much. Remember the other fundamental thing about I mentioned this already. This is twice in one lecture country, but respect for people and continuous improvement. So you can choose any of these things to talk about during your summative. This is the real crucial bit. So someone asked me about I was on this course, on a different course, and I was saying, Oh, why don't we talk so much about Canada? Because Canada is fundamental to this kind of way of working when you when you look at me. So Kanban accounts for about 6% of all use of Agile in the I.T. world at the moment. Based on the latest surveys, Scrum accounts for about two thirds, 66%. There's an intermediate which you call scrum band whereby you don't have a fixed cycle, you just plan on demand. So I do all the things that I would do in the scrum, but I just don't do it every, say, two weeks. And no, no, I'm going to do a plan. And then when I run out of stuff that I've already planned, then I'll do some more. That's it. So whereas Kanban, this is what we do. We have fixed process and every time we get a new thing come in. If the space we'll put in, if there isn't, we won't leave it at the start. And then when there's a space it will come in and then we'll work on it and we'll go through. So we're fixing the amount of stuff. So these are all based on the same principles, you know, respect for people don't want to overload them, only want them to work on stuff that's valuable. So I want to limit the amount of stuff they're working on at any time and continuous improvement. If I don't have too much stuff in there, I'm going to learn from each job as it goes through the planning. So it's all based on the same principles. So the crucial thing is there's no one way of doing this. What we try to do on the course is talk about the most likely methodologies you're going to come across. But Agile is not Scrum. Yeah. Scrum is a way of doing it, who just happens to be one of the first ways of being popularised in the industry and is quite suited to the way that it works. But you can have any other way that you like. Crucial thing is it's recognising that it's changing the way your brain works. So you can't still have functional silos. You still can't have managers directing, people telling people what to do. You can't blame people for failure because if you do all those things, you are not in an agile environment. You want people to push the boat. You want them to take risks. You want them to accept the challenge. You actually want them to fail and learn and improve because that's the only way you learn. If you never try anything different, you're going backwards to. Earlier on, you know, what new things have you tried this week? Positively encouraging you to try different things because it doesn't matter if your project that you're doing for this fails, it's almost a good thing. We try to do this and you know it didn't work. Okay, that's great. Why didn't it work? What can you learn from the failure? I think you just succeed. I always get high. What do you learn? How to get an. Okay, now here's a complex, chaotic situation. How are you going to get by? I don't know. Right. So what did you actually learn? I had to get in. That's the process with some of the teaching processes we have. We teach students how to pass exams. What we want to do is teach you how to think. Or at least to me, to evaluate your own thinking so you can improve your own processes. So what we're saying is for an agile environment, you're going to have customer focus. Yeah, we focus on processes rather than experts, and we're going to share information. So what we said universally, positively says, you can't do that on this course, but I know you can within limits to 30%. But when you get out into the real world, it's all about sharing information. So common mistakes. Quite like this photo from. This was not me. It was not me. I've never had a conversation that did under Rick Collins. But so what we said right at the start, again, of this lecture is I Charles, really simple. You can learn literally agile in probably 5 minutes. Yeah. Ask everybody's opinion. Reach a consensus. Go do it when you've done it. Show them. Change it. That's it. That's agile. Can I go do it? It's really hard to do because people stop you. I'm used to telling people what to do. I'm used to having a gunshot. I'm used to being able to plan three weeks and had to know what I'm doing. I want to decide what I'm doing, what I want to do with the best bits. I want to do all the marketing stuff. I want to do all the techie bits. Can't do it combat because I've got it's a cultural change. Yeah. I'm going to have people who are multi-skilled. They are going to change their minds as they go along. I'm going to redo stuff. Oh, God. Really? Yeah, really. So that's why it's going to be hard, because you're dealing with people. But hopefully you recognise that it's actually worth the challenge because it gets to be four times better at the end. So I'm starting from where I am if I want to be four times better. I've got to go through this journey. To try different ways of working, if not quite happy with succeeding. Well, 30% of the time I carry on doing what you do. That's it. So we can't tell the team what to do. We have to, as you say, go for it. Try. You might be right. Yeah. We don't have this. Often we see this. You have people say, Oh, yeah, we're agile. Now the test team leader will just get people reporting to them on a daily basis. Yeah, if you have a weakness, you know, we have a Daily Stand-Up 50 minutes where they tell me what they did yesterday. But it's not a daily Stand-Up. That's expediting on a daily basis. That's what. So what we're doing is saying we want the team to be thinking about what they're doing, telling us what they did yesterday. And what they're doing is they're sharing it with the other members of the team so that everybody in the team knows what's going on in the whole team, because then the team can decide what the team does next. If they don't know what everyone else is doing, they have no idea. So the whole point of stand up is for the team to get back together again, to be able to collaborate. Yeah, it's kind of all we talk about what we've done, but only on the basis of, well, did you succeed? Yeah, well done then. What are you going to do next? Well, I've decided to choose this next move. Were you sure about that fridge doing that? Is that a good idea? Did you know they just changed it? You know, this is. This has happened over here. Oh. No, I didn't. Brilliant. Thanks. Maybe I'll choose this one. Yeah, that's a that's a good, safe choice. Was everyone else there? Yeah. That kind of conversation. We focus on the results. Yeah. As a project manager, you've got to not try to represent the whole team. This is where it becomes difficult for people like me who used to do this. She's got another. I've got to ask the team. So what is a key? Key thing if you talk to any agile coaches? Key thing? I'll ask the team. Someone asked you a question. I'd ask the team. Just force yourself to do the same. I said You can only change your actions to change your behaviour. You can't think your way to know my. But I would never ask anybody. Answer your question. I'll ask team. Just your standard reply. I'll ask the team. Yeah. We'll have a stand up meeting tomorrow morning. After that, I'll ask the team what their opinion is. Oh, okay. So you can't you cannot support that because I'm the coach. I'm not the leader. Yeah, I'm fine. My role, if you like, as leader, is to coach them. So they're the experts and not me. Yeah. As popular as you don't stand in for the customer, that's what you do in order for the product owner to do that. I know as a agile coach I need to challenge the team always to move forward. So if you're still doing what you were doing last week, you're probably going backwards. Did you change anything this week? If you didn't change anything this week? You're probably doing waterfall. You just executing your plan. You're being highly efficient. You're minimising the amount of effort you're putting in trouble is you're not learning anything. So if we were here to deliver whatever your product is, that would be good. But we're not. We're here to learn. And typically what we're looking for is not allowing burnout. So what we typically look for in Agile teams is they just work 9 to 5. They don't work crazy, ridiculous hours. When you're in waterfall, what you typically find these people amble along, doing it next to very little till right at the end. And then college students syndrome. If you're into this, it's no offence, but it's what it's called and right at the end, because all of the deadlines say, Now I need to work like crazy to do it. So we need to work 24 by seven to get the answer. Absolute classic for waterfall. Whereas I tell you no, because we've been delivering every single day, we're taking everything off. You know, we're okay. We don't need to cram in the last bit. Whereas waterfall because it all comes together. Well, we don't. We only deliver everything. When we deliver everything, it all comes together literally right at the end. So we can't actually finish anything until we finish everything. Oh, that's serious. So that's where you get the all nighters. I've done those four in the morning type sessions. That's not a good look. So successful change. So this is from the these guys below 1000. This is from an academic kind of standpoint. Insane, right. So think about this. If you were trying to introduce Agile, what do you need to do? What you're saying is, well, you need a vision. You need the team to have the skills. They need to be incentives to do it. You need the resources and you need an action plan. So the vision is we're going to be four times more successful. We're going to be talking to each other. We're going to have diverse teams. We're not going to have anyone who's in charge. We're going to have a coach. It's going to be a completely different. So that's the vision, right? What skills do I need to have that will I need to come on a course like this just to find out how you do that stuff, what the techniques are, what's the incentive? Just said you're only going to work 9 to 5. You're going to have input into what you do every day. You're going to volunteer for tasks. You get to choose. What resources will you need access to on a Trello. You need mirror. You need to have a space, you need to have a whiteboard, you need to have a clock on the wall, whatever resources you need, an action plan, what's going to be in it. If you have those things, then you can change. If you don't have those things, you're going to get one of these depending on which one you meet. So that's the idea of the Blue Square. If you don't have a vision, but you have skills, incentive resources and an action plan, you just get confusion because no one knows where you're going to like, just talk your stuff but don't have the skills. I just get anxious because I know what I'm trying to get to, but I don't have to do anything but don't have any incentives. Why should I? What's in it for me? If I don't have the resources? I'm frustrated. I know what I want to do. I know how to do it, but I haven't got access to it. Right? So I'm going to get frustrated if I don't have an action plan. Well, how are we doing? Am I getting it? How do I do it? So from your guy's point of view, as project managers need to have this. Like if I was going to introduce Agile at my place of work, you need to have all of these things. I'll probably say, you know, commitment from above as well as quite a key thing, but that's really comes out in the resource line. Often you find senior managers like the idea, but okay. So remember the 12 principles of Agile. This is what we're doing. So if you are doing Agile, you will be able to start taking these off as you're going through. So it's a good practice when you do your retrospectives, have the 12 up on the wall. Tick, tick, tick, tick. Am I doing these? So if you're doing all 12 occasions, you sit in the back where you quietly don't know. He's going to say, Oh, I'm going to get the maximum amount of Steve to sign it up, because that's what it's all about. The 12th principle is if you're doing the 12 principles, you're doing Agile. If you're not, you're probably not. So remember, this is when I referred to Standish 2016. So this is kind of, well, why do you want to do it? Because it's four times more successful. It's got to be better. So I think even on particularly for the small projects, you know, even Waterfall gets up a little bit to the 44, but Agile is still better even on small projects. But when you get into the large projects, you can just see Agile is just so much better. This is where we're talking about safe and less and things like that. Mostly so for small projects. So you can kind of you can kind of shoehorn in, but actually for the bigger projects, which is what we're really trying to do. So when you do your retrospectives, it's like a wedge going up the hill. So you're doing some, you have a plan, you have your two week plan, your sprint backlog, you did your doing. Then you check with the review last week. Then you hopefully you've had your retrospective decided whether it was good, bad or indifferent. And then if you want to change some things, this is why you move the the wedge up the slope. So you're locking in those changes. You're getting better and better at doing the work. That's what you should be finding. And when we we talked about this a couple of lectures ago, this is where we measure the velocity. So it's a number of stories that you complete per sprint call velocity and you should see the velocity increase. So you saw you actually as we're coming together, we're doing more and more stuff, getting better and better results to really change it. We just got used to working with each other, so we honed down some of our working principles. So this is really what Agile is about. So it's not about this isn't titled the Scrum Blueprint. Am I getting closer and closer to perfection and am I improving in Agile? So am I doing those 12 principles? I'm getting better and better at doing those 12 principles, and I might be going away from Scrum. So as an example of that, so Spotify, I think most of you chose this because I think most people know Spotify even I have a subscription to Spotify if you can believe that. So created in 2006, getting old notes, 70 years old. So they launched their product in 2000. That's a two years of kind of bumming around. And then in 2015 that there they were 2 billion and then 2018 did their IPO. Yeah, I think I did this year or so ago it was throw us believe it's probably more than that now. Yeah point was in 2006 I started with scrum my point so really successful and they basically they've done their own thing I don't really follow any any thoughts you can see this on their website. There's some really, really good videos that you can go through all this stuff, but this is really the key. So what they figured, they said, we want to be here. This is our vision. So the bossman, all they're doing is saying, yeah, we're going to be the music company, the team, figure out how we're going to be the go to you, what music you're going to come to Spotify. That's it. How are you going to do it? So on the first question, so as well, does that mean we're going to go through the Web pieces from mobiles tonight? What do we have to do? We have to make a bet. So Spotify have bet or did they bet on mobile back in 2006? Any of you can remember 2006? Yeah. I was just a little bit less old than I am now, but for some of you, you're probably quite young in 2006. So I got my first phone, mobile phone in 98, 98, 99. So mobile technology was, what, eight years old? Then someone said one, we're going to bet on mobile. Wow. Big, big, cool, Batman. You sell well, obviously, but it's not obvious at all that you use telephones for making telephone calls. That was pretty brilliant to be able to give a Wall Street property here in Wall Street. Brings out his mobile phone. And his mobile phone is probably about as big as this. Shot those two together. His mobile phones about that big. It's in his car. And that's what he's talking about. And that was that was in the late nineties. Huge things like a break lasted for about 20 minutes, could make a call. Yeah, very different. So when these guys are making these calls, because that's what they battle. So how they how they do it, their philosophy is, well, I need data. If I look at data, it gives me insights. Based on those insights, I can then have beliefs. So I believe that mobile is going to be the future. Then I can make a bet on it. What's that about? This is product ownership in action. Because of all the things we could do, we could do this many things. I'm going to choose this one. Was I going to give me focus? We're going to focus on this one. Are we going to be right? Yeah. So all those other things I'm not going to do. That's one of those agile principles. So I maximise the amount of things I'm not doing focusing on this one. That's what I'm going to do. So then I prioritise with with that better. So mobile apps will be the dominant form of music consumption rather than desktops. That was huge. But then. Now again. So what but what you guys have done with your product owner role and you do it on a daily basis or weekly basis. When I look at this backlog, should that story be there or should it be there? So this whole concept of prioritising what you're going to do comes in rather than trying to do everything. And a lot of corporations do that. They try to be all things to all people. So Spotify continually improving, been at scale since 2012. They have squat 5 to 9 and then they have groups for squats, which you don't really see many other places. And they call it a try. Like try to keep it to less than 100 people and then they have people going across the way in chapters. So this is my tribe. And then I have a guy go across the way because what I want to do is to share knowledge because they appreciate that this is all about learning, because I'm trying to improve processes and I'm trying to be the best. If one squat or scrum as we would have it learn something, how does that get to the others? Because it's about process improvement, right? Is it better to use Trello than an Excel spreadsheet? Yeah, we found it's better. Yeah. Should I use JIRA? No, nobody can tell. But should I use Microsoft? No, no. I've done like Microsoft. We think 12. Why do they all need to find the same things out? So I need to share it across the place. So I have these chapters. So you guys could have this in this class, you could say, Oh, yeah, we need to have a chapter going across the piece. His chest. They're all. They're selling like hotcakes now. And then I can have groups of tribes and this this kind of thing. So what they're looking at is, how can I I want this, if you like, speed of execution and autonomy within the squads. But I want to share the information because sharing information is a good thing. And having these agile teams able to do things at speed is a good thing. So how can I have these two things which typically conflict? Because when I try to share information, I get very bureaucratic type organisation. So you can't do anything until you've briefed everybody. Oh, now we have to wait until next month when we have our briefing session and once we've briefed everybody and it's gone through the budgeting process and everyone signed it all off, then we can do it and the whole organisation just goes, okay, we have to wait till next year to do this. How agile is that? Not very, she said. Well, I want some of that. I want the benefits of that. I want the learning and the experience that people are getting, but I don't want to slow it all down to happen. So this was their approach and worked quite well. Okay. So. Well, you can read this for yourself. So the squads can use whatever technique they like, which is interesting to me. So they don't even say everyone has to use Scrum. Everyone has to use cannabis. Whatever works for you guys because it's the mindset that's important. What you're trying to do is to maximise the amount of stuff we don't do, maximise the effectiveness of the value add of your team. So whichever technique works best for you. So common scrum, ban, scrum, XP, whatever works, do it. So we'll judge you by the results. Right. Is the customer happy with me? The answer. And obviously they have the product for us. So just some details there. And you can read things on your on your site, on the site, but they have similar to Google, they have to have those because they're trying to engage people with. I said, oh, yeah. Tim said at the time, just do whatever you feel like and you don't have to do normal work. So Google has like a four day week and then every day, one day a week you can do your own thing. And they reckon that's how they became so innovative, developed so many different things because people could just go away and just do whatever they felt like. So four days a week they would work for Google, one day week they work for themselves, or they could work in teams and develop stuff where they could work on what they were doing. For Google, it's up to them to starts to build that interest in what you're actually doing. So they have access to Agile coaches and they only really do this kind of squats on demand because they said, we don't really want this hierarchical thing, we want the individual squads to own an area and to become experts in that thing. And they're just liaising with the other people so that they're doing that through the tribes, in the chapters, whenever they whenever they want to. So it's up to them. Yeah. And come to work. So overall you've got this, this company which is, if you like, learning as it goes. So that's what I want you to get from this. So, so I started off here with Scrum and I said, I will try this for you. That works. We'll do that. We'll do this book that works. We'll do that so that we're not following any kind of blueprint to perfection. They just say, no, we're going to go through, with this respect, continuous improvement. That's it. And we'll keep improving as we go there at least. But then $30 billion company. So just some other things on this slide. If you're a student of Agile, obviously we have the lean approach to Agile and they have the they said what we really need is an entrepreneurial roll guiding. So an entrepreneur is like the product owner deciding what we do. Yeah. And then I need the professor role which decides how we do it and the entrepreneur has to be kind of in charge. What is it? Where are we going to? What are we trying to achieve? But I do need this technical role. So this is how I go through the chapters and the guilds, because I've got these excellence centres, if you like, and I can have our chief architects and things like this. We're going to advise people on what's the best way of achieving something rather than the individual teams having to make up their their ideas. So this is kind of how it goes because obviously if we've just got just got one team, they're deciding everything. But when you have lots of teams, how do we keep it together? And so what we talked about and a couple of lectures ago. So you often find we have this kind of chief architect role. And so we had the released train engineer when we talked about safety and things like that. So you have this kind of person who's technical expert with the technical side. Things comes together so we don't duplicate because we don't want different technology being used by different teams on the same project. So we do need to have some kind of coordination. So I just go into some other walks of life. So the British army, I talked about this before. When they got to the Falklands, they find soldiers that were really successful, the British in the Falklands and what they found, the problem was they would win the battle and then just stand around waiting for the next instruction so the Argentinians would come in and kill them. Wasn't a good look. They said, Well, the problem is have been too successful and they don't know what to do next because it's command and control and they're doing what they've been told to do, which is to wait for command. So it's not a good not a good look. What do we do? Well, we need to replace that with mission command and give them the intent. We want to disrupt as much as possible. So this is what you're seeing in the Ukraine now? Yeah. You need to just disrupt as much as possible. If you're going to get cut off from the Central Command, just destroy as many Russians as you possibly can, cut off their lines of supply, make sure the logistics don't work, use whatever we can to do it. And you're seen a Ukrainian president now going around saying, I'm just getting resources for my team. He's not is not the kind of the Winston Churchill type guys. So no, no, I'm just getting resources. I want F-16s because my team are telling me that's what we need. So I just go get it. It's my job. Whatever resources I need, I'm going to go get them for them. Yeah, they're the experts. They're going to work out. He's a he's a comedian, isn't he? He's a comedian becoming a really good president. He gets the job from yeah. On the couch, whatever resources member. One of those things when those five things need the resources what resources they need have six things. I'll go again. Okay. So what the British army did multidisciplinary team. So we don't have the engineers versus the the infantry versus the cavalry anymore and we want to put everything together as much as we can. And we see this increasingly across all of all walks of life now, multi-talented teams, diverse teams coming together because they can achieve far more. So we don't have the absolute specialists. We want to have some flexibility, some resilience within the teams, more than one person that can do the same job. We'd say, That's inefficient. You go true, but it's more effective. So risk is much less if I've got two people that can do the same job. Less efficient. Absolutely. But customer value is improved and so my revenue goes up. And when things do go wrong, like someone leaves the team, I don't see the impact on revenue as a result. So the whole organisation is more resilient. So actually it's a better strategy. I actually saw from their case report the Leinster more success. More success. So not human resources, they are human beings. The key thing. So leaders are allowed to fail without blame. If you think about where you are now, those of you who work, you actually fail. Does your boss say well done or did I tell you off? It's interesting. I just think about it because of what that really means. The boss should say, Well done for taking a risk. What did you learn? That's what they should say. Why did you do that? Yeah. Yeah. That's scary, right? Scary. Would your boss tell you to go home if you didn't improve for a whole year? Yeah, I remember one of my early career experiences. I was talking to my boss then and I said to him, Ah, I really don't. Don't do the 9 to 5 thing. I just. I achieve whatever the result is. That's how I work. I said, it's good to hear that. I said I used to be in a drawing offices. Said he was a designer in a drawing office. And he said, Oh yeah. One year I achieved absolutely everything that I've been asked to do. Perfect designs, won awards for everything. Yeah. And I had my yearly review because they. I need to hear the reviews back then. This is in the late eighties and nineties. And he said, Ah. My boss said to me, Yeah, you come in at like 902903 and I've seen sometimes you go home with like for 45 minutes to be here, 9 to 5. So I said the next year I came in exactly 9:00 and I left exactly at 5:00 and didn't do anything. I got a good response at the end of the year, so I left the following year. He said it was absolutely stupid because the boss was more and more worried about his own ego and making sure that it looked good than they actually achieved stuff. So he said, I would make mistakes and you know, and I'd also I would succeed because I was just always trying to achieve the result. Just I just can't do what you're doing. So I've always taken that as being I would always do that for the rest of my life. So it's always about did I achieve what the objective was? And if anyone coming to me says, Well, we have no objective as our government. It's like getting in a taxi and I will just take you somewhere, you know, put you always got an objective when you get in the taxi. I want to get to this place by this time. So for me, the Agile way is always very, very focussed on what the objectives are, not so much on how you get quite got to have the principles and I've got to get to the destination. That's the key. How I do it. Now, as serious as a manager, you try to enforce the you know, the what and the how. Yeah, you've now got people who are just automatons, so they're going to do exactly what you think. So to the extent that you're right, that will be good. The 94 and all that pressure on one person and are they going to be right? What they find in business, if you take a really successful leader and you recruit, so say you're in h.r. And you say we just lost our ceo, we need to recruit the next ceo. Logically, what you do is it's all about all the best ceos and whoever the best one is, i'll put them in my place and they'll do a really good job. You would think that would be true with. Then you go back to the Spotify way of doing it. Look at the data. It's say, you know actually what? You're better off statistically to choose someone who's failed in their previous role and put them into place. And they will be a better CEO statistically because they have learnt because what they were, they were successful. So whatever they did, it just succeeded. So they weren't actually learning, they were just doing whatever they did, whereas the person who failed learnt what not to do. So when they come to us they're going to change, right? They're going to look at the situation, to my view that they should know that the company would make another treatment. Same mistake says now. Yeah, but if you. So the point was, if you think all businesses run the same, that would work. Right? But they're not. They're in a complex, chaotic environment. So what you need a leaders who are prepared to take risks and challenges status quo to succeed. If you'll see I was just left most companies probably they failed. So the natural thing is I need to go and get the best possible CEO to come in. They nice. It's funny but all I am saying is when you look at the data so that's the key look at the data and is your assumption valid because you've just always got to be true. Got really brilliant. Lead it. I got to be good here. Yeah. No, their style may have been suited to that company, that environment, the really good people I study Collins on the level five leaders. And he said, Oh yeah, there's something about level five leaders where they can be successful over many, many campaigns, different organisations, and they can adapt to it because you got to go through a couple of business cycles, business cycle, typically ten years. So you've got to have been successful across a couple of business cycles and just be consistent. So that's why I came up with these level five leadership. This is not a course on leadership, so you've got to allow your leaders to fail. That was a bit of training, so got to have internal development. So you've got to develop people. So you've got to allow them to fail and they've got to reach. Them for as long as you can. So another example, Ericsson looking at mobile networks. So they had a transformation group that led the way for external coaches. And what they did was they just implemented it a little bit, learn from their mistakes or successes and then rolled it out further. Yeah. So two months later, two more teams. So they had a like evolving way of doing it and they went to less so large scale. And so insurance industry, they went more. More big bank took nine months to go from like waterfall type thinking to fully agile. So you can do it quickly if you if you want to. You can read through the details later on. Education, which is interesting to me. So one of my students at this time is looking at how the University of Auckland uses agile techniques in education. And this particularly was a thing called edu scrum whereby the basically do into flick classes. So basically they said to students, hey guys, this is the these are the assignments you need to pass. Here's the curriculum. Go for it. I'm the teacher front. Come ask me any questions you want to just read the materials to understand it. Come ask me any questions you like. And you could do it in that kind of environment because the kids were there every day. So it's a writing every day. Kids can read the subject matter. For instance, I go to class I love or you can just get it. Great. So if you can pass the assignment, great, just do it. So I'm doing something for one of the polytechnics at the moment you saw the concept is, well, if you can pass the assignment, do you need to do all the learning? Why do you need to cover all the motors? Why do you need to come to all 12 lectures? If you could just pass this on and right to start to meet you? There were a lot of pictures. It's a valid point, right? Very successful. So crucial thing about implementation is what we try to do in this course. Teach the principals because you don't know what the right answer is going to be. Then start off with one project crucial thing get a product because this gives you the agility to flex. And they're going to set up priorities. So you go to someone who is prepared to make mistakes, prepared to make a call, and is very customer focussed. Then cross-functional teams are typically what we do. When we first start this. We choose people who are quite experienced. We don't bring new people into us. They got some cross-functional experience. Then they can work together a bit more mature and you can bring in younger people later on. But just to get that expertise across the line, get them to know each other, then you start looking at the coach and that can start working. Yeah. So prioritisation from the product owner. If we're going to do iterations, most people would start with Scrum need to have visual display. So this is where you guys encourage you to use Miro or Trello so you can actually see what's going up. And obviously if you guys daily catch ups maybe once or twice a week is pretty sensible for you guys to make up every day. Then you've just run the iteration, you've just gone through the review process and the reward team performance. Told you all your reward fatigue performance next week, get any questions because that's it for me for this lecture series so we can do so next week. I won't be here at the front store. I'll be on location in my feet, up at the back, just watching what you do. And that's why this is my last. I finished my contract. It got to be good. So this is the last chance you get to ask me any questions about anything to do with Agile. Otherwise, we're just going to do your demos again and then you do another demo next week. Any questions on anything? Questions on Wednesday. You know, what was the percentage of the successful? It is now most waterfall. Why? I just maybe this is a very real question, but I just want to know why. Why is your husband such a high? Well, hopefully you've learned that from the course, but essentially it's because all projects are risky. And if you adopt, someone's joining Z, all projects are risky. So if you adopt an agile philosophy where you're planning more frequently, they're more likely to be able to adapt and respond to change. So that's fundamentally it. And then because Agile doesn't have command and control, you have a diverse team, you have much more input into the planning process rather than one person and typically senior people. Typically in a waterfall project, it's the senior people decide what you're going to do and it's one or two of them who make the call or is an Agile. Then it's the team down here. People are actually doing the work, you're making the product turn it with the team because the team can contribute stories, so they're deciding how to do it based on the input of the intended result. So that's really why Agile is more successful, because its environments are complex and chaotic. And so you need to have this adaptive adaptation type of process built in which Agile has, whereas waterfall, we want to try and keep the plan the same. So to the extent we got the plan right and start, it's going to succeed. And what we're saying is that's probably 6% of cases. That's true. So it's hard to guess what's going to happen for the next three months when you're doing planning. This is a good question. What's the evidence is agile is more successful. So that's why you'll hear starting as a why is it for all of the reasons that we do sort of follow those 12 principles? Any other questions that you it stems from? Yes. Yeah. Trust us. This is just to show the waterfall is water. Yeah. So yeah. What he was basically what he was what Snowden was saying was waterfall seems to work quite well in simple projects because you're doing it in like two weeks. So we can come up with a plan and we've done it before and we don't need to do anything particularly clever. Whereas I've got this, you know, earthquake relief where just having a plan before the earthquake and then trying to implement it just doesn't doesn't work. So he was trying to, like, come up out of the weeds and say, does this give us any clues as to what would work wherever? And so somebody, to the extent that you can predict the output before given an import, this is what the output will be. The more predictable it is, you go to audit, it's more likely to be waterfall. So therefore, when you're doing your plan, you're much more likely to get the right answer. But then you go into the real world and you say, okay, well, so we're doing a course for students. How are like vicious students to last your students? Are you all kind of the same people? We just different faces or you all individuals learn in completely different ways. Oh yeah. So actually what we're doing when I've got a cohort, I probably want to adapt the course to suit the cohort. It's good to have a plan, but I need to make it dynamic in some way and it would be more because then we could look at the results. So what do we get better results if we adapt the course to suit them or we just have the same thing over and over again? And depending on the subject that you were teaching part one, you get a different answer. So what Snowden was trying to do the say, yeah, in these situations where it's predictable if you like waterfalls, but mostly I could give you a better result, but overall I will always give you a better result. So I think that's the. Right now in real life. In real life, we seem to be in the chaotic and. Even if you do. I used. In the meantime, there is there is no entirely predictable environment. So if it becomes a situation and say, actually, if you think about the agile mindset, we need to employ the agile mindset real time. The guy who even defined Waterfall said, I can't imagine that you would do less than two iterations. So I think, guys, I can't believe you do less than two iterations. So he was actually saying you're going to do Agile in a waterfall environment. And so when you're thinking about your waterfall projects, you would still be, well, I need to have some kind of synchronisation point more than once. Yeah. During the rollout. Just to make sure it's still on track. So it's still kind of waterfall in. I have a plan, but I need to build in this adaptability. And that's why we talked about last planning type processes because even though I know what I'm going to build, but I could change the sequence. What can I change? The sentences still get the same result, but a different visible sign about that. My boss. Well, you've got to get the result. That's the focus. So lock in how you're going to do it. That might be a stupid way of doing it. Just change it makes it more sensible. Anything else? People. People are going to be like Lamborghinis. Yeah. To this point, it would seem that because these guys are still looking for some overseas countries. And we just feel more comfortable in terms of getting success and giving people what we had few successes, but the success was a high magnitude in terms of the budget is important to us. But from organisational perspective, what was the tipping point for the budget? Should it be ongoing? Because that was a big company, but it wasn't any kind of tipping point to such a sensitive issue with a lot of these big projects, is there. They're designed by politicians rather than by engineers. So that when, that, when the budget is set, it's kind of theoretical. Whereas if you got the engineers to come in and say, well, this is a realistic budget and actually we wouldn't run it this way, we do it this way. I mean, this too. I was reading something over the weekend about the level of indebtedness of some countries to China, because China come in with a budget and they're built like airports in the backyard of the prime minister, that kind of thing, which is in a completely the wrong place because the whole project is conceived in the wrong way. It doesn't show any respect for the people. So in terms of the budget, you can apply Agile on any, any scale. The crucial thing is the environment. That's the crucial point. If the environment is unstable and politically unstable, I therefore can. Well, actually, what I need to do is to plan out what they did in the UK because they come up with a philosophy called Prince and they said What you're going to do is you're going to have a business case, but only for a short period of time. And then when you succeed to that, then you do it again. So again, that was what they were trying to do that they were trying to stop project runaways. So it's kind of an early way of doing. The whole thing became quite bureaucratic, but I was like, No, we need to break it up in two iterations so you don't get the whole budget right at the start. You just get to do a little bit and when you succeed, then you get the next little bit, then you get the next little bit to try and control it. So you get these all. So you think about the mindset. What I really do is break it down into iterations rather than give you a big budget. And I need to make sure I've got a diverse bunch of people thinking about the scope all the time and what you're trying to do. And just one of so I need to focus on this long term vision and focus on the short term stuff as well. But I would say you can use Agile in any, any kind of project. And typically what happens is the waterfall thing comes in. The more you have, people believe that having an overall plan will control things better. And it's it's an estimate to try and control things. And what often it's a kind of a proxy for discipline. What you really need is a disciplined team. I mean, the sentiment is there is a really good example. If you look at that in the notes is the FBI that they failed twice to do it and multi billion and certainly hundreds of million dollar project trying to improve the response against terrorism failed twice doing it in a waterfall process and they vastly reduced the number of people and succeeded when they made it, put it all in house and they respected the the knowledge of the individuals to do it and they succeeded in just over a year. And you start it's just like it's a really good case study to understand the difference. Footnotes. That's what I wanted to be. There is worth your margin for. What? What, when? I don't think it's going to for you. But if you cannot feel like, for instance, you cannot fail to deliver your reports, then that is still not seen as. Like. That's why I don't understand why you need a skill that can influence and allow for you to fail and then learn from it. But the mistakes that. Sure. But like so for waterview. Right. They failed on points of view because they pulled the wrong concrete. Yes. They also failed on the southern section because they got the information wrong. So the two really big failures of process. So on the northern section, they were they were using last planner and they were able to still complete three months early. So despite making a an individual success, they achieved the overall. So it's coming from this. We're not allowed to make a mistake to we need to succeed overall. And what they're trying to what we're trying to do is with with the waterfall approach, try and say no. We want to try and do as much planning upfront so we have no failures ever. Well, let me get to the result, which is practically it's like some of these got the inundation wrong, so they had to redo it. Oh, okay. So even though we did this beautiful plan, it could still be wrong. Whereas if you just accept that upfront and say, okay, we might get it wrong, what would we do if we if we made it wrong, what we would do? How could we test it beforehand? And this is the crucial is how you adopt the agile mindset, because we might be wrong. How can I tested more? How can I build that in? So that's the. But you can't you can't fail overall. But that said, some projects will just fail anyway, even if you use Agile because projects are risky. Right. So they might never I never win. They would need to get on with our and any of the burning questions. Otherwise we need to get on with our first demonstration. Everybody ready? So if we just take 5 minutes gap and then team three. We see this? For example. You know, you should be making a clear sense to him because somehow we were facing this situation and I don't know whether to come up with this exact information of what people do or do you just as long as when using it. I mean, I. In a few minutes and there's going to be a little window over for us. By the looks of it. And so I guess a lot of you're talking about and the alteration of what we are trying to clear the on the windows for most of the. Yeah. I wasn't really sure I was extra hundred say. That's right. Yeah. Really? Yeah. I think the company is critical for me as a social good. Do you even know? Was coming yesterday. Do you feel good working on his work versus Stevens? Yeah, I'm okay. Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't too bad, huh? Yeah. Yeah. I think you made me too close this year, but, you know, I mean, you know, it was like, yeah, that's the problem, is that I can't see the top bar. That's the problem. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like. I think I look. I did not know who he was. That doesn't work for the day. Yeah. Yeah. You can check on it. I think the button is, like, hard thing, actually. Yeah. You've got the next to go when you type this. We can also try to be more into a healthy them just like you before. Whatever you decide is better than like QR codes. Yeah, it's better than hitting. It's just the last one, Pierce. Remember? That's the one to prevent. I like to think I am, you know, resignation. I don't know. Like, all I can do is show the QR code, and so I need to make something very important for me. All right. Are you ready? Yes. I wasn't here for the message function without you. Message? Yeah. I'm also going to do same something here. Yeah. And also also there's the map launcher which we can use to find like individual properties, which I also have which I could go over if you wanted to do some of the really have like. So it's not like necessarily just have to have an image of the Prime Minister like last week, they may say like 10 minutes worth. Yeah, that's really like an important thing. Yeah. I got to have like the that's man the and the presidential buttons because it's 40 minutes and it's always a group of four is like crazy like 10 minutes. Yes. She's as a whole. Are we going to say like, let me like the five minute is like maximum for the thing for the father, right? Yeah. You know what? I don't finish. Don't think that we just like overtime. Just make it for. There's like around like 50, 58 pages, which is totally pages. It seems very pretty. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, in my view, there's a QR code, hopefully in front of you. There's some side show options. I think for people online as well. So there is a QR code in front of the people in the classroom. It's double sided. If you have a device with you and wish to provide customer feedback, that would be greatly appreciated. Anyone online, if you can post your UPI in the chat and then I'll be able to send the QR codes to you so you can respond as well. And I'll hand over to Bruce to start off. First I'm going to talk about the father thing, about the chief for the people to find a property they rent and we call it kind of the Reserve Bank so people can find different categories even if they also fairly like a property and they can find all the details. We go like this much of the categories for now and we can add more maybe from us. So we offer on the customer needs. And on this page, for example, I want to find a property with two bedrooms and that's friendly and it's have one garage and it's accessibility and the price here I want to find like a low price or just below $250. And of course I want to find a five star rating homes and the location is here in the nostril. And I want to find the they see this thing house which is like a maybe like new for the for me small better and I click enter here I can find like everything is selected and I go search on this map here or we can find like five or six the results. And I want to, we can go through to see the property details on this by clicking on the red button here. And we can see the details like with the keywords. And actually when a property owner upload their property to page, they can set some keywords to make the people who want to rent their house be easier to find their property. And then we can also see the review here and how if you choose that we. Right. We'll just go back to. Do you just. Today. We'll talk about the message review. Well, you can dysfunction day but you can message a review and talk to. For example. Here you go, Kelvin James. After typing your message you can. You can click submit coming. James have a couple of reviews not just at particular address. So you can look at the summary of his review in this Web page. We'll just go back to the the main what site besides the search field. So you have another function where you can find property on maps. And this is the news element where you can zoom in. But of course it's kind of tiny, so I just want to double click that. So when you zoom further to Oakland, there's a couple of properties listed here, then you zoom further in. The game will specifically look at Union Street and this is 11 Union Street. When you click on this particular website, particular address, 11 Union Street, it will bring you to a couple of reviews from different user. And on the right site function, you have the right view at view photos. I mean, I'll go through them individually. So for instance, if you don't come to this page using the map, you can always go back to view a map to see where this property is located. Just go back to the the overall reviews from different user. This is the average score for point tree of like ten user. So I'll just go through to how you write a review. So you click on the write review button and you write you will be review in this text box and you say it is an excellent property live and you can click the top to quick to rate how many stars. For instance, this example is five stars submit review and this to review, submit it at the bottom and you hit cancer to go back to the main page. Also user can add a few photos just click on this. This uses Stephen's thing so they he has some photos to submit to this website so you click photos to submit a sample and we hit the back button and maintain records. It's more like for the user to know whether this particular property has regular maintenance. So the staff as written like just regular pest control maintenance in April, that's a date at the right corner. So the stop itself will add more new records if there's any maintain is being done here just hit the button here. I'll just pass it on to the. Yeah. Okay. So, uh, so you can see, like, for what, poverty? Like, I think when people give their comments and they give their stars. So you can actually say this, people who give the all comments, like when you say this information, you want to know if you follow polls, how you wanna know these people is trustable. And also like you can say, oh, it's a review. And for the current James, he give you different properties. And so if you think he's a good guy, you can send a message to him. So ask him this all of this poverty. So we got some information like. That the Google map phone tells you. So once you've done that, you can go back to Jim. Jim's another reveal or you can just back to the home page. Yeah. And to do the. And one of the other new functionality pieces we've added is what if we want to write our own reviews or for the purpose of messaging other people? We're going to need to create our own profile, which we can do very easily from anywhere on the website. With the cool icon up here, you can hit, sign up and then put in our name. We're all Stephen Briggs, so we're on the inside and we can sign up and put in our password and create a profile and. But we're not done yet. Oh, no, we still got to add a location because we just we might just want places that are nearby. So for us, we're in Auckland and we're in more close to Auckland Central than anywhere else. So we hit Auckland Central. It submits and our location is updated. Auckland Central. Hooray. But what if we want to get more specific than just location? What if we want to add preferences for our different the different properties that we might want? Do we want a free furnished, no preference yard size? Who cares? We only care about price range for the purposes of this presentation. And what if we we got all these cool different price ranges? You know what we're feeling? 800 to 1200 is going to be a good price range for us. That'll be that'll be acceptable for our budget or budgetary constraints. We selected that. And you know what? That's all we really care about. We might only really just want price range and would we like email updates when a property matching these preferences becomes available. You know what we would we would we've Steve Briggs that's our that's what I imagine Stephen Briggs email to me and there we go you can add or email some of these preferences and our preferences have now been updated and we have a more or less super cool fleshed out user profile for us to use. And what this has been a pretty good experience. It's been this has been really nice. We can even take a survey if we want to give us some feedback about how this entire process went. Yes, we create successfully five stars. Only problem is more more cats. We just need more cat pictures. That's really, really about it. And we consider our survey surveys done and all good. And what if but what if we've already had this website and we've already I mean, this profile and we've already written some reviews for them, for some other properties. We can look at the reviews that we've written ourselves. We can go in and say, Hey, this, this was a good review, but oh no, something happened with the owners very frequently, very recently. I rented this property three years ago, but I don't know. They just discharged me for stealing the cat because he was a good boy and he deserved better. And so, you know what? He that really, really just ruined the whole experience. So you can go in, you can edit the reviews and some of these reviews, the date for that review changes and excellent that is that review changed. And that is more or less everything for a profile, except you can also go in and of need to close reviews first. And you can also go in and look at the different messages you have from all the other different users. We got this cool guy who messaged just about health that we might have posted about and that bathroom. And that's what we've got for everything on the profile for our website. Thank you. So that. Yeah. Oh, you can look at look at the map and zoom in to find all the different properties that you might want to be looking at. And then from that on, that one. Absolutely true. Okay. Thank you for the feedback. That would be very good to add your thought. Hmm. Do we have any? There is not currently functionality we have added to. There is plan functionality for the owner of the property to be able to go through and check that the reviews submitted are legit. And with that, we may also be able to add in another feature that prevents people associated with the owner professionally or. Yeah. No. Nepotism is the correct word. I don't know. There was person. Hmm. You do need to log in to review anonymous anonymous reviews. If anyone could post just anywhere about anything that could lead to a massive influx of reviews that may not be accurate or may not be traceable to someone who actually like has a connection to the property or anything. And yeah, so we wanted to keep only posting reviews to people who actually have accounts so that we might be able to increase the reliability of those reviews. Just. 19. That is a good point. That is functionality. I believe we have not had it in years. I think we do have a use a story on the backlog to mention like or verify what your history with property is. Do you think we can get on? Maybe you got some kind of. I need to be able to do three things. I was trying to. I've got my. Just being my friend. Most people. Well, I saw. Okay. So you'd like functionality to go into your profile and then immediately search for a property would help streamline the process. The person can. So as on the. Okay. I do not know if we have a user story currently. We do have time to check on these. The questions that you wish to. But on the other side. So I guess it doesn't make any sense. Mm. Oh, adding a cross functionality with different runs, with different reviewing websites that might be that might be interesting. It might be a little bit outside of the scope of this project to do in Cross. Thing. Yeah. Cross reviewing between different websites, but depending that may be something we could look into. I just mean. Like, if someone wants. Mm hmm. They. That is functionality we've not added in yet, but we do have user stories in the work for it to be able to log in. As a property owner. I just wanted, I don't think using. Who? Be. We do not have that Pinterest like functionality yet. That is also an incredibly good idea and we also do have a user story for that. So thank you. That you've written. Okay. Of these reviews or on your the ones that are on the profile. Okay. Normally we just go through the whole thing again. Signing up. Oh, good. Probably your preference is. Is. This is all planned out very well. You can tell. No, no, no. It's good. Yeah, we're here to answer questions. Excellent. Yeah. These are. Can you say that again, please? I. Yeah, it does. Yeah, we just got it real quick. But there is a problem said if you want to be in the. But. I usually see some websites that I use. Would you consider you? There is. I promise you rather than like you. Validation of who is writing the reviews. Just. But it's a good weekend. Uh, the so one, the people who create their accounts. So maybe they can just dig into their Google account and Google account link to their review. Yeah, that's good. If you see what they should do, you. Well, obviously what this means for. Have policy. You talk about reviews like about the conflict review, but in the case of the website. I understand that. I'm not sure about that. But the website is I think the reviews based on different. Months from the Bluebird one show the youth from the users around the company. Then you can not take them. Either you or I do. You have a view. And this is in case the company's providing a service. And here we are today with the to. The of the this makes sense to you. I'm just trying to understand what is the motivation that you were referring to? Because it has also like, well, you cannot validate the reason that comes into Google. You get what you are allowed to do the review from the company one time and maybe make it about the budget day by adding to the question. I think what happens is that they have a policy forum. I do that by posting any change on the production side based on the. Let's change the. The White. Got him. I'm right handed. Yeah. Well, we're done. So. Yeah. Cool. Little. It was completely pointless. And. Like in New Zealand? Yeah, I think we're putting in scenarios to see if I can get this market. You have to think. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I know if you want to share your screen so that they'll still look out for each other for whatever reason. I know. This is just. So it's a scheme that's necessary. I'm running over here and you'll thing that I'm will be able to see which. What are you trying to show? Maybe. But first of all, how do you ever use them? They. They'll have in front of them. Yeah. What do you want to show on the screen? Clear. Clear video. Yeah. Yeah. No video. There's. It's a little bit delusional. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. It is true that we do have a lot of trust in the children, and so I think that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What? What do you want to know? You introduce me and then I can introduce later. Okay? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. What's the one thing they think? Oh, okay. So we start over. Okay. Good morning. All this was introduced last week. Our project is on a doctorate and we are a company that produces a product that enables the dog owner to feel good about giving the dog a healthy and nutritious treat. Okay. You know, a retrospective meeting lasted for Sprint one, and we decided to incorporate some of the feedback from the presentation last week. And, um, we decided to produce another two more products which are the apple carrot thread and uh, cheese to strength. Okay. With this, we now have three products altogether peanut butter, apple carrot and the cheese drink. There you have him. Okay. So I'm just going to highlight two statistics to help interpret our results. The first is about 70% of dogs show signs of enthusiasm. And that's looking, asking for more. And coming back to the tree. And then our second statistic is about 85% of owners strongly liked our ingredients or packaging, but the proof is in the pudding. So let's play the video. Okay. Yes. So based on the previous reviews, we got two new flavours, this time in the dog treats. The two new flavours are applecart and tasty. And we have also made different packaging for the different flavours. This is one of the prototype. This is for the banana peanut butter flavour. And we do have like if you can show the photo that we do the packaging photo, we do either two or three types of packaging photo with the different colours so that customers will be able to differentiate these. These are the ones and we also tested it for the water and air leakage. This is just a prototype, but the actual package, this comes with an airstrip where we can close it completely and it avoids the leakage of aeronautics. Yeah, maybe I showed that video. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Okay. Many. Yeah. It's a tough one, Mark. So don't like our biscuits. Don't pass. Okay? Yeah. Well, in order to help people to buy our dog treats on the way, we create a simple website, and then there's two pages there. Mm hmm. The of our doctors. And what is our objective? And the features of the biscuits. And this is the main pages for people to choose which one they want, they want to buy. And if they want they want to buy in one of them, they can collect this one and they can see the detailed full photos on their. And yeah. And after that they can track their address to write on their home address or the address they wanted. But because we didn't, we didn't find the special occasion. So maybe we cannot we cannot order online at the moment. Yeah. And here is our information up our local and delivery and delivery hours. Yeah. We also have a Facebook page to help people to buy our cheap online. You know, we have created a Facebook page for each of you also use for advertising. If someone will give us online order and message us and also do a, uh. Yeah. Uh. Yeah. Kind of all of that. And we also received the order by message. About the prize. We have fun. This is one of the better sailor talk. It killed the prize with more than $20. And they say our product, the prize. So sell prize. It only happened to it happened five. So we have better quality and a lower price. Yeah. I think. Yeah. Yeah, I think. Quentin. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. We do have nutritional information on the back of. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. You have the cure for those things which adults don't do that particular trait. No. I think the colour distinction is just for the easiness of the owner to know which language flavoured pizza you're interested. You said good stuff like. Sorry. You said that you don't like the truth. Yeah, but we chop the three trees in the of might have to choose one of the three strawberries and you don't have to go choose one of the three so you see some kind of sample. Yeah. So it's just we need a, like a trial just to see which, which of the flavours are the most popular because you've not given me choice. So I need to decide which one to buy. I think we do have a survey results based upon like through the survey results we can know like which other flavour which is most dogs. Right. And I think Claire can talk about. Yeah she's she's got two already. Good. Yes. 85% of dogs really favoured the banana. So the banana one. Yep. That was the favourite one. So I if I'm going to buy I should buy the banana one more. And then the second favourite 65% was the cheese flavour, you know, banana and peanut butter. Right. That's it. So that's the, that's the favourite one. So could I get some to try with my dog at home safely. He recommends them. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's that one is it. Okay. Now party on. You need one just to try it because obviously I know the quiche is very keen to try one as well. So go figure. Send in the questions. I got a big Super Bowl for a few minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like you want. You want to travel. Are you human? I think I think you guys want peanut butter and cheese. That's peanut butter and banana. Peanut butter and banana. Do you want to get the camera to see the facial reaction? We have to two people who are trying to not have a question for you. This has all been very much to. I'm just worried. I thought my dad's going to be okay. You know, not too much of my life. I'll take that. It was nice. He wouldn't give me any trouble. Thank you. Have you thought of the person being face to face versus your buddy? I think we haven't done that. I think they really consider that to compare. Yeah, I think that I think a lot of countries, they actually have different categories per age group. Like if you go 16 weeks, a thousand could be I don't know if it's even adults. I think a lot of parts of the world, trees that actually have that as an adult and is that much higher place on that property and more and more trees. What would that be? That a nice one. The privately held classes for different age groups, but also for younger girls. So when you have a puppy, treat these question for a 15 year old girl. Yeah. So like my dog's 12 years old, so I'll be trying it on the geriatric and see if it will get the geriatric. Folks think some of those dogs are a bit young. Okay, so that was just any other feedback? Actually a lot of people say I would be foolish to block the for that. Maybe you don't feel well for a week, but I'll close people for a month so you get really upset at me and. So to have think that that's kind of like you would get a lot of. The main problem for the. Because it's natural. So I think we need one of your dogs to have undergoing a significant testing program for a whole week. Two at least two drinks a day for a week to see if they develop a skin. If you said that dogs like you don't like that any research or feedback. That's really no doubt your first choice for this person. And in. And this is. This. The meet face to face versus your face. I think I haven't done that. Another thing is, like you, you compare your product with one of your competitors. Product, 20,000 plus. Have you got a past? It's like a dog chews dope on that and the other one and see how the dog reacts. Because so far I can see if you can have your own products, but you have a compare with your competitors or other ingredients. So I think that that would be a great comparison to see if it's at all actually prefer your. Oh, it is. They got no choice. Yeah, that's true. I think we'll do that, you know, next spring there. Thank you for that. Yeah, that's a good idea. Just one thing. I was a part of something, and I wanted to take these trips with me. I don't know. Do you have some sort of like mini pack or something like that that you can just put into your pocket and then you just go and give the dog treats while they're at the park kind of thing, rather than having that kind of big packaging, which maybe just kind of stays at home. I presume that's possible. We haven't planned like any such kind of mini packs. Maybe we could do it in the next day. Okay. But I think that's at that time, just watching the time. Team said Group five. This awful walking. I was connected for one year going to Canada. Issues should be under. Well, you need to plug in and start anything else. And you've got to use this. If you got newspapers for the column and it's really good, you've got. You need this. You got that? Yeah. Yeah. I would just explain the process for a while. Thank you. Beautiful laptop game. This feeling of you're on your own going through the answers. No. The people that we asked whether our product was a just for you to go into zoom and shave screen or was useful. You can switch it over to here if you like, with a visual. You're on your own. So people in 97% of them just interesting to you to go to Zoom so this I don't have a link right now to log in but it will have is rotating so I'm going to go back to the screens that just that we just finished. So I had to go back to look at the details and I wonder why it was why people felt that it was a useful product, but they wouldn't use it for people. Yeah, it was three things from the details of the survey. So to say that people were going on my website was useless. We had a database. Johnson, of course, website. One of those priority areas and then had to prioritise for this speech was to show of face improved so that the customer would be easier to navigate and through. I think the other feature on the other scale is 1.5, I think what were the most valuable features? And that's to say that we did see that the likes of the previous feature was that for that they wanted to see more of is more options. The types of recipes, the type of lifestyle. So I use hearing frequencies recording according to your children. Yeah. So that certain preferences. There was presented here as well. Right. So one of the areas that was for me as well that, that I didn't try to see or to concentrate on is to make sure that we put out the stories that had a lot to do with recipes that had something to do with the cuisine. Yeah. With all of that. And then all of that was in the script that was given to the development team, which then had to come up. Answers. So in our last demonstration, you've seen our work, our product with the help of Microsoft Access, but we have successfully developed a website right now based on all the feedback that we received from the people, and the majority of responses were more focussed on the user, user interface and being interactive. So we have developed the first homepage which you can see we are a meal planning service to give you types of ideas on what you can explore for the recipes. And then you go to our recipe page and I. Okay. So this is our recipe page here. You can see our collections of recipe with beautiful pictures. Yeah. So in each recipe you can see many kinds of information like the season and the type of cuisine, the dietary preference, the type of the dish itself, the cooking time, and also the writing of the recipe. And at the top of the page, you're going to see our filtering function. And shall we try our filtering function now? Okay. So, my friend Alvaro, I heard that you want to cook something delicious today, so we'll give you a suggestion for it. Yeah, well, we have four. Maybe we can try. Okay. Are you a non vegetarian? Are any okay. And do you have other dietary option like gluten free or halal? Maybe, but maybe we can choose either. Happy anniversary. All right. All right. And what type of cuisine Bill would like to cook? Kind of Italian. Italian cuisine. Oh, good. Okay. It was in what season was this? The autumn, summer's spring or winter? That's what we do. Let's try winter. Okay. Oh, you can cook spaghetti with wolves and red with garlic butter today. Yeah, actually. Yeah. And actually, you can also search the ingredients here, like let's try to get this show up here. You can just click on the recipe. Yeah. Okay. Well, last session we received some feedback in relation to what like, uh, the different, a different Atari. Atari option we got this time we had a vegan or vegan or vegan guitar and we actually a our, our feedback, a request asked to give you to show this day by the statement how we can be better. Their recipe, we add these featuring these three but also we add the order features such as show date type of focusing of the recipe show day, cook time, the number of serving that uh, for the recipe and also the this season, the year for the recipe. Oh. Do. It's just. Know, this is just this book and take a look at it. Yeah. And actually, we have the great functionality recipe. Yeah. These are the things we are doing in our security reasons. As further postscript to the high gas times. So that's us. Second, we welcome your questions as soon as complete greetings and so can to see my country. I'll go now. What? I need to get done. Can you prepare for the wedding? So because we had, like, enough time to plan. So, yeah. Yeah, that was the plan. And again, addition of the member log ins and everything will be done in the next iteration, you know, but it's just, it's very, very, very good. House You got to choose the season pretty much just cause I keep going to last time. So you just focus on the current seasons. And then one day we. In the southern hemisphere. So singing of existing gun shop can easily find recipes required by doctors. What's current and what's my feelings for this thing? It's not automatic. This is a thing that government sees as well. Now, if you just selected people, you are going to choose. But for the location of the outdoor pool, like our changes we can do for getting to see the beauty that is going out for the location. So my like my idea we could the team and I say when you come back this is a lot of time. So yeah. So there's a second. Yeah. That was just actually so nice to have now. Thank you. You know, that's a great position to consider. And I think, quote, for for this story from last time, I think the the period I kind of went to the from the feedback last time, the ability of it to actually choose the ingredients, we took that. So for example, pocket shift is something that you can use to make you say in the pad, you find something and it gives you it gives you ideas of what you can do. What is your what are the things that I took from from from the animals that if you're driving by the road, you stand on the side of the road and it's selling some sort of produce and you can just type it in and see what kind of things they think of it. So the database that we did last year didn't do that. What we've done with this one as well is that you're trying to do an interface that is also good, but those features come through of the database is something that we're still trying to. Consider how matters. Colombia. Let me say. She says. I like to think that I'm based on the inside as long as. So we know she must be. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So would you tell us a little bit more about that? You make you laugh. Nice to have you back in the Southern Hemisphere. You can talk about how you like these things. It also happened as well with. If you have like a dual option of what you to be in that environment. And that seems like that. Maybe. So we'll be yeah. Based on region we can add that but in the future link. Yeah. So if I was talking. So I presume I can still see that. Ready to. I didn't get the question. That was part of the idea. This iteration still trying to understand kind of how. What if I just write for the website to try and. You did a great job of it. The question I had just watching this on gives me I'm losing my nerves in reverse. I start off with the ice cream, so I choose to stand up on the side. And it doesn't seem to be much of a focus on the desserts. Other people are happy to be listening to you as I sit across the table. I think if we have to put a clock because yeah, because the main thing to the local supermarket you can bring the cost out as well. Yeah, we don't have a cost calculator. It would be great functionality. Another thing is, let's say do I have limited budget for my size? But within that we have a budget, as you know. We have we have we have some story that got a little bit like this range as so. This is. Like the calorie counter or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. I need that energy because the objective is to get through something like something eco friendly. I think we've done a lot more than twice. Is it just. That rule is is that we probably would you. Thank you. Do you want to give them a hand? Because it's and she's okay. She's doing the presentation. Okay. She says she's setting it up all you like. Is it just you driving easily to join the team this year or is it just. Yeah. So this is driving guests. Yes, we started another one fuses out, which is you sharing the screen and that your. Yeah. You need to be sharing screen volumes by your. Just replicating. It's not picking. So just try this. Yeah, just right. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. You know, I would say. Now that this is working and so sorry that you've been given it here and now you're replicating it here. Yeah. And and, you know, it's the microphone is running through some of these next year or anything like that. I think I think I always like to make as many people talking it. Do you want me to do it? What do you want to do? Do you want to do the presentation or. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Thank you, Steve. Sorry. Yeah, I've just opened the whole thing. So this is the Facebook page here. If you can jump to the ingredients as we do. Yeah, that's jumping. Yeah. A little bit farther to the. So you just. You have to show whatever showing the strings. Okay. Okay. What we did. Hope you didn't want to be ready because you have your sister. Yeah, I was going to go right ahead. Okay. Sorry. I was worried about if you just saw me and I couldn't. So you can just scroll down and I'll get to the video and you can just show it really quickly. And I should come over and go through the health and safety stuff. So you ready to start? Yeah. Sorry. What's up? So we have a Facebook page for our audience, so. Yeah, and we have posted some photos of our production. Yeah. And we have a sort of what if we just click this bottom and that leads to our online order form. Yeah, if you want. Because right now we have like three recipes for every product. If you just click this screws and they and we have like two size of options, that's just add up to the if you want to have like optional toppings, you can also add some Kiwis, Milo, Syria sprinkles and stuff. And after that after that I'm just. Andrew your name and email and and also if you wanted to enter your pick up time here if you want to do like I want to pick it up like an hour later this wicked and after summation you would get notification of email saying that we have taken your order. Yeah. You can go home. Yeah. And we have some potatoes for a room in your. And we live in Savannah. So we were dealing also with the public safety. So people first of all, people want to for the food also with a checklist that they can take all the things they want to see going out within 2 hours with a checklist of what it can take, what you have to do before operating during operation after operation. We also made just about ups are picture just following this a and did the video for the personnel that they have kind of the guidance. We also invested in all the health and safety stuff and we also will have posters that say how to wash your hands properly, what to wear, sort of personal, is always aware of all these things. Furthermore, in this iteration also we focussed on the recipe. So now, as you can see, we have three different kinds of chef. I smile. Maybe you can project that. So here you can see the three different ones. Maybe Sunny, maybe you want to say something about it because you would focus on the recipe. Yes. So that the reason we develop two recipes, the first one is kind of letting off steam. And if something goes right, you can incorporate basically a coffee flavour of the building and provide it with little pineapple. Inject fruit and then. To make. We did try try to try to follow the story and feedback on trying different ice flavours as well. So we tried to milk with water, just a basic ice shaving base and they melted really fast. And we also did orange as well and it didn't go too well because it was really there's a high amount of citric acid they just came through. So it didn't taste nice at all. It was quite tangy. So maybe the next iteration, we might try 20% apple juice or mix it up. And with the. We also tried different method of putting it into a container so that we could be free, frozen faster and did shave really well, but melts really, really fast. So it wasn't as good as the handling and it wasn't quite effective as what we have right now, though, we find a bit more efficient and it's easier to store the ice as well and make it fresh on the spot as well, compared to other methods that we tried as well. And we followed other Korean and other Asian style methods that they normally do. And such are benders. But at the moment, it didn't seem like it was possible. So we'll be looking into that in the third iteration as well. Or some of the other feedback we received from the last name is reducing the preparation time. So I think this time we prefer less than 4 minutes. So we'll try to improve it next time. The coffee is quite small. Oh, thank you. Is it okay? How much coffee would you prefer? This is the morning awakening one. We take this problem as it is to keep you up in our presentation. I think we're just moderate, also focussed on different sizes. So we will have like a small size and a normal size. We have different prices and we gonna encourage people to bring their own cup or bottle or whatever. It's a small size and this is a small size business. Okay. We go because we like and again biodegradable environmental friendly hold because like now our cause for like all these three recipes are all under $1. So we just set initially set the price to $3, maybe, maybe the third iteration. We can try making more for the whole class, but at the moment we'll just stick with the, with the monkeys. And if the share around is the okay and if you could go in to this and give us a bit more feedback, it'll be amazing. Thank you, guys. Thank you. How are you intending to do that? So when I feel like I need to choose, it would be almost like a concern for, you know, you know, we won't use this for this demonstration for what we use, but that's the way we are. We're going to use this in biodegradable cups. It's probably the most expensive cost in the market right now. So, yes, my question was, how am I going to know? You know, so it's like if I saw that, I would think if you were going to live with it. Right. Or something like that. Yes. You know, so I was definitely not the only one for it. We got a story and question from the is Steve like what kind of because of the size where you so you the the the size of the product so what kind of packaging would you like to see would you would have you see I think it's just something that I think, you know, recyclable is really good compostable for you. But then you also need some kind of medicine like take it from the spoon and it will not make sure it's not so easy for to contribute to this off of the spoon and that's good for us will be something like some curious whether it's in the water on the side of. I think these boots are quite huge about this kind of life, which is just something that's useful. But we know it's not. I truly appreciate that the feedback that you see in the vision work to be honest with them. But what are you going to do next time to go to bed at the moment? Because that was a really massive discussion. I used to work in the kitchen and I can see the pride to work in the kitchen with that. But honestly, to ask you, if you go for it, getting a coffee, no one would work. Yeah, right. So I don't know if we can really figure out if the customer in general really wants a piece of the pie before the massive discussion is already here. And if you're still up to that, we should be preventing all the benefits of being a crisis as a part of your administration. Thanks for that. Thank you. Thank you. I think the view with the type of hair back it was the was the was the yes. That we kind of decided that. So then we showed. The topic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You've got these topics. Get this. Something like that. I don't know. I just. I don't know. It's just. To me, it's like. Kind of have to look. I want to be and which doesn't really make sense. Once, one said. And then. So you must be. You just look different. Would you prefer like three slices of kiwi and most go? Are you meaning? I'm not sure what I want. The quantity for the texture and portion size. Everything you know is a picture and put inside for this particular thing. They can even feel kind of the same. You are? Yeah. Yeah. Good. You go to New York City for that? Very specific. Why are you asking for the e-mail? Oh, for the notification and the promotion. I just feel that maybe this isn't. Information for us. Okay. But I think so either. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe we can't if almost like a phone number, but we can say emails are optional. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and I wonder, would it be helpful if we have, like, a customer walk in, check out the check out, take check out ordering online that don't require any information to check and pay, just like McDonald's. All I can say would be I've got a book on the wall here. We would get the idea. You want this to? I'm not sure how you can use register. The disappointing thing is, if, you know, we'll take that into consideration, thank goodness, in terms of the feedback of your product, if you can help people to keep you product and you're competitive on your product at the same time and see how it is going to be a pretty beneficial just like our product created, that's going to get a great flavour and we'll get it even this time. Yeah, yeah. And let's see what directions. But you would have to think about it. His name was. He was just telling me about this one. Before being able the computer code on the said how many miles you have to run everything. That's a different thing. Yeah. I assume you guys don't offer a delivery service. No, not yet. We haven't done that. I like to see how this little boy. But it means that we need to pay them. Yeah. So we will pay the shipping costs in Dover? Yeah. Just the money. Yeah, well, think about it. $3. Any other suggestions or feedback or. Good stuff. Nice work. That was awesome. But. That's all we're doing. Okay. Let's turn. I think that this really speaks to me saying that I'm here at meetings that we can minimise and I think we should get off the bed and the table. What happened to New York? How do you feel about the meeting? Yeah, it's. It was a world away for. Mean you just get the excitement and just try to get it to go away. You can't get to what does that top park estate and something like that that you are trying to prevent on that basis as well in making sure that those that are willing to take these away. What do you mean by that? And that's going to happen because it's that green border is what that's what's been shown. SULLIVAN And I didn't know that. I know that's one of the cases. That's your camera or the other camera. Listen, we don't really get a camera. I guess that moment just just put this film because it was difficult, because I don't know what it was like, what she was doing here. And is this the the mike? Yes, it is. Yeah. So you got Mike. There were Mike. Okay. Because we put in perspective on that. Okay. All right. Anything? No, I think so. I mean, if I didn't even know that stuff, it would be pretty much it was going to be in place before the first set of media. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we. We ready? You ready? Yeah. All right. Cool. Yeah. So, um. Good morning. So, to start things off, one of the feedback that we got for our app last week was to ensure that those who actually use our booking system are university students. So if you were to open the app, you get prompted to enter your username and password here. So I'll just give it a go and do it like this 100, that's a UPI and then your password is, which all of you can see is agile and excellent, and that's the only way. Now there's two things I want everyone to remember at this point in time. One is that this checkbox here is ticked. If you have a physical disability, just remember that. And the other thing I want you to remember is when you cross the campus of a currently chosen at which group to we've wanted us to advertise. So here it is. But just remember that currently an ad is showing. Okay, so with that being said, I'll pass on to Emily duration. We have developed an option for students that wants to purchase a premium subscription so they can access the secret option. The price is $10 per month. Starting from today into your name. You will cut numbers and all the other details as well. This is not the actual credit card just to claim it. And then once all the details have been filtered in, there will be a message box popping up showing that you have now surprised subscribers to the payment option. Now it will cost banks some money. So if you now click the done function, it will show that you are subscribed. And if you go on to the campus map button, you can see that there is no ads. If you toggle back to the main subscription function, click that and press cancel. Go back to the campus map. You can see that the ad features that. I'll now pass it on to the right so you can see us. That is basically so we got to have the additional features to react to before getting to the study space. So first, we have seen that the white blob since available, let's look at it. And so we could see the silence of space so you don't have to set of the space at all preferable in addition to the class, based on the feedback we can see from last week that physical disabilities did but we thought to do with before to select the look is that we do have a that's loading symbolism. So before we start hitting the road, we have to have a line on the rating, which is a higher rating. Then we can just tell that look, but only we do have the monitor options available so we can able to edit the monitor before we get into the space. So a buffer to. Oh thanks. Alright. So currently as we can see that we have two rooms here and for that we have several options as well. So if we have more than two rooms and if we need to know which room has what we can just select, for example, if I select white board in this case, so it's going to show that it's going to show a list of rooms which has white boards availability. Similarly, if if you select on, say, jet friendly, that is going to say that again, it's going to pop up some list of rooms which where you can have a good chat and you don't need to be silent and pass it on to you for not. Perfect. We also made a feedback feature where you can give feedback in rate study space. So if somebody left a lot of ice to milestone cups in the study space, you can give it a better rating. You'll be able to see the rating up here as well. And we also added a feature of help function. So if you press the question mark, you'll be able to see work like a walk through of the page. And that will help you in your in your booking. Yeah. Do you think, Stephen, this is one of the important features that we have incorporated as part of our iteration, one speed. But if you could go back to Chequebooks, that moment was telling earlier that unless you click that box, you cannot select the physically disabled seats. Consider as you as if you were a normal student, you can not select the two seats, seven and eight, which is indicating in sky blue colour. Likewise, the charges for the seat number three and four is not available. Over to Ashley who is online. Thank you, Brodie. So all these places have specified opening hours in order to demonstrate the start, date and definition. Yeah. So we'll have to enter the stuff down. Yeah. So. Yes. So I'm sorry. Yes. So [INAUDIBLE] be received. There's that. There's an end of your time and a 60 minute, which was before 30 minutes in the previous entries. Okay. Now, last but not the least, getting feedback from our last demonstration that we created the science functions through our home page. So please go back to the home page. Now we've got a booking, so we need to verify our booking where we are physically located in the storage space. So you scan to sign in. I'm just pretend the on the desk there is a QR code on my desk. Well, keep it on the list, Keeping Them Honest. And this year they will get. And you'll see a lovely page. Say you're booked, but your booking has now been verified. So study body, your personal study assistance. Please remember to use us. Any questions? Very good. That. Yep. Yep. That's out. That's on the cards. Absolutely. Yep. So we'll add a list option for that. Yeah. I was just just overall thinking that could I if I don't like blue and white, can I have different colour schemes when say blue and white, you mean like round or. So if I wanted to change the background, if I want to have a freaky background, um, you know, we can, so we haven't put that on as part of our user stories. But yeah, we can make it more, we can customise it to me basically can be a like a suits your needs right colour preferences. Yeah, blue is my favourite colour so it's kind of kind of a blue background as opposed to white. Got it. Yeah. Thanks for that. Yes. Same state of mind like it's very functional. In. And I think this was I think you long that as a statement and then when you went to the bottom of the state to get to the stadium. Oh, right. Yeah. So I mean. Correct. I mean, I could have used the actual person as a student name is going to jail. I guess I could have done that, but I added his name for comedic effect for the symbol of the U.S. I'm funny. Yes. 545 if I can. Just like a slight inconvenience. That. Right, right. Yep, yep, yep. That's a good point. So we'll take a look next time that you shouldn't have to enter your name if you're already locked in. Yep, yep. No good idea. Yes, you best. When you want to choose the study space, you can see if the seats occupied, right? Yes. Can you see in what time space is occupied? Like if I don't want to go now, I want to go in 2 hours and see if it's available in 2 hours. Yep. So that will actually go hand in hand when we incorporate Steve's feedback around a list showing what times rather than taking the time so we can filter it, we can set something up with a filter where if you want to book at a certain time, it'll show what the state of that layout is and what up. So we can incorporate that when it's a good idea to ask for the answer that there was a feature that came up that set the continuous 12 minutes or not. So there is some sort of overlap to your point, which is something stated over the period that you suggest. The thing we had was the group thing. Are you planning to do that so I can when I log on is or agile. Yeah. Yeah. So can I can I say who my buddies are who are also logged on so I can see. That's a good point. So in terms of booking, if I was to go back to the room that I just booked, right, so we can't do a group booking. One student can only book at a time. But if I want to know who's booked so you can see us in the seat, number three is booked. If I click on it, it says this is currently booked by Agile WI, so you can actually see who booked that seat and then whoever the friend is, they will put the seat next. So could it be a different colour if it was one of my friends group? Well, so I just know I guess that would apply like the set up of another account which we have. But if I, if I said these are my friends and then when we're not, when I go to that screen, it would just cut them pink or something because they're all my friend. Yeah. Because you know that it's fragile then. Okay, we'll take that on board for next week. So in the booking history, are you able to kind of use the booking history to get do another booking that wasn't in our priority for this week, but what we would think of considering that for the next iteration. So at the moment, no, it just shows you the time they booked it at the moment. So right now there's no way of accessing your favourites. No, not right now. Not yet. Kind of second grade maybe. And the second thing was the subscription. I just wanted to clarify what's the purpose of the subscription? Right. Okay. So the purpose of the system, so so the app as a whole, we've shown the booking system and everything, right, as a proof of concept, but ultimately we need to make money out of this. So if you want to actually book your very own seats, you have to be subscribed. Otherwise you can do everything else that we've shown you in the app except for booking seats. So you can see, you know, which seats are available or which seats are not available, which study spaces are there, how to get there on campus, etc. But the only thing you can't do unless you're subscribed. So if you are a free user, you can actually book your own seat. That's kind of like a bonus feature, which we're kind of saying, Well, you know, that's ultimately our way of making a profit or making making money out of us to go to make further improvements the as we get more and more feedback. So if someone was just sitting in that seat, new book Time, what would happen is you report them to security. But what if they haven't paid for the app? So you're saying all students would have to pay for the. Yeah. If they want to book their own seats. Yes. If they actually wanted this, otherwise you could go and kick them out of their seat and you get security to serve. Man Oh, that's one of our assumptions. We said last year that we assume every student who wants to use a seat have to book. So that's the assumption that everyone is have good integrity and will not attempt to steal other people's seats. Yeah, I was just thinking, you know, you could just say so to the point if you were if you a university log on just to show the university who's paying for it. Yeah, I mean that would be the deal. He said that's fair. He's not saying you just say students, you have to book a seat. You can't just rack up tenure. Yeah. If you go back to the selection page layout. Yeah. Yeah. So the options to the features, I'll go back. Yeah. So it's just that I can select one space and it has the accessibility for people. Yep. If you could signal here, oh, we can't be all right the other day having a multiple choice option and be right one thing at a time. CheckBox option. So if you find more than one to be, there should be a system. Okay. So the purpose of the features for this is just to highlight that this is the features that the study space has. So if you wanted to go to a flight study space, this particular study space is a quiet room. Yes. Well, what if I want to see which room has more than one region? So like you said, if I want to select flight space, that would show me the room. Yeah, but. So what if I want to check if it's quite accessible? Oh, okay. So, so you're saying like select multiple features. Okay. So, so there's no user feedback at the moment, right? Because it's like, suppose that I'm at a seat and I realise that this seat is right next to the entry door. We a whole lot of students pilot and I feel like it's really noisy. So I go and put in feedback saying, Hey, if you're going to choose a C, just know that it's really noisy and you won't be able to concentrate or something. Can you do that assuming like provide written feedback about like so so so. So we showed the rating system. We can rate a study space so mean have an option to give certain people a year like the particular seats next next level down. Yeah. So like for example, so V two would be able to put a review about that particular seat. And then the second thing is that if I was to book that seat, actually see the ratings about that maybe in a summarised format or actually be able to scroll down and see those reviews about that. Okay. So so you're saying that if I'm booking, so if we book a particular seat when we select it, it'll have an option to look at reviews and ratings would also have like a rating plus any reviews explicit about that seat? Is that what you mean on that page itself? Like this is right next to a rubbish bin. It smells nice again. So if you have that, you have a loyal customer who has a scheduled time like my. Yeah, and I usually book the same seat. Is there a repeat function like it didn't seem to register that same day. Yeah. So that ties in with loquacious feedback where he so he asks about the booking history if that has it as a favourites option where if I book something and it's in my history, if I can press it, so that'll go hand in hand with location where we can add a favourites option or favourite seat and that'll I feel like actually like that one. So we're going to look into incorporating that before for the next iteration. Thank you. Okay. I think we have one last question. You have 2 minutes. We need to be out of this room in 5 seconds. As a ghost in space? Yes. The space that you and I and. The Sex and the City. Yeah. What is the thesis to be? Any other university. That's right, yes. I think I see what you mean. So you have to go for it. You're going to be in. Oh, I don't think we are hiring any university, Daniel. This is just as we said, we have an assumption that every student wants to study, feel particularly space on campus. Got to use the app. And the only reason they've got that to look for two buildings here is because we are only doing that for a proof of concept. So we will. If this is really going to be launched, we are going to do a full list of everything, every building on every 21. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think I think that's that's time now we need to get out of here. So thanks for your help and everybody. See you next. See you next time. So next time we'll start at 9:00. And what's the order? So I'll tell you later on. Okay, good. So I will draw it randomly. Okay. So not say 9:00 prompts next week, guys, because we'll start at nine.