- High Fiber Diet
- Cyclical Keto Diet
- mTOR Stimulation
- Sunlight
- Eat Within 12-Hour Blocks
- Have Space Between Meals
- Zone 2 Cardio (Low BPM)
# Fitness program
After each workout, perform 3 sets of a core exercise of your choice (let me know if you need a list of options!) Two or three times a week, perform 20-40 minutes of low-intensity cardio of your choice after your workout. On one of your two off days perform 30-60 minutes of low-intensity cardio of your choice. Can be in the gym or outside. On the other off day, take a complete rest.
# Day one
Warm Up - 3x30 seconds Battle Ropes, 30 seconds Star Jumps, 30 seconds Push Up Plank
Kneeling Push Ups - 3xAs many reps as possible
Barbell Bench Press - 3x10
Machine or Cable Chest Flies - 3x15

- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 3x12
# Day two
- Warm Up - 3x30 seconds Farmers Walk (Machine or Weights) - 10Kg each side, 30 seconds Burpees, 30 seconds Assault Bike
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row (1-arm) - 3x10 per side - 8Kg
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing the body, holding them shoulder-width apart.
- With a dumbbell in each hand, bend over at about a 45-degree angle (no farther). ...
- Lift the weights straight up, exhaling. ...
- Lower the weights in a controlled manner while inhaling.
- Remain bent over until all repetitions are complete.

Lat Pulldown - 3x10 - 30Kg

Machine Row - 3x12 - 25Kg

Medicine Ball Overhead Slams - 3x15 - 5Kg

# Day three
Warm Up - 3x30 seconds Sled Push, 30 seconds Kettlebell Swings, 30 seconds Step Ups
Sled Push

Kettlebell Swings

Step Ups

Box Goblet Slow Tempo Squats - 3x10 - 7Kg

Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlifts - 3x10 - 10Kg

Walking Lunges - 3x10 per leg

Single Leg Toe Taps - 3x10 per leg

# Day Four
Warm Up - 3x30 seconds Battle Ropes, 30 seconds Shoulder Tap Planks, 30 seconds Star Jumps
Shoulder Tap Planks:

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3x12

Machine Reverse Flies - 3x15

Dumbbell Side Raises - 3x15

Medicine Ball Overhead Wall Throws - 3x20

# Day Five
- Warm Up - 3x30 seconds Arm Bike, 30 seconds Farmers Walk (Machine or Weights), 30 seconds Burpees
Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 3x15

Cable Bicep Curls - 3x15

Cable Tricep Pushdowns - 3x15

Barbell Skullcrushers - 3x15

# Abs routine